Ottawa Sharpshooters lets try this again


Registered User
Jul 16, 2010
I dont want to derail a topic about the Sharpshooters but why the constant doubt that the U18 league will produce CCHL players? Most teams had U18s play games for them this year and I'd guess that each CCHL team has like 3-4 guys make the jump from U18 this year

Such a strange thing to continue to doubt.

Bad guess ! There is no way every CCHL team will have 3 or 4 U-18 players from last season. Teams like Glouc (for example only ) who do little recruiting and is also a place no one wants to play, might have 3 or 4 of their U18 team. Teams that recruit might have 1 or 2 at most, and they will not see allot of ice time. Not only that, but they will likely be sent to JR B at cut down date. Even Kanata with their new staff will be heavy into recruiting I suspect. Even though they had the best U18 team I doubt more than 2 will play CCHL. In the past most CCHL teams would not even use their 2 sixteen yr old cards. I don't know why you think it will be different. Most teams in CCHL want to go to FPC and the only way to do that is with imports. I am not saying that is right but that is the way it is.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2014

Hi Clarke you know it is me who is running the team, why are you saying the Almonte team is being run by an american. Just curious. as for being suspended after September 31,(date keeps switching) it is about development,life skills not about taking kids from hockey Canada.
sorry I am posting here but not allowed to post on the thread I started( a little ironic if you think about it) as for the team's success, I think we are half way there. The players have their own locker room, a great community, a beautiful emerging town. great rink, Already enjoying it , local players. Working, going to school, if you were talking about the money, it will work itself out. Just trying to have fun along with the kids. Plus an entertaining Junior A hockey program down the road in Carleton Place for players to go watch and see what it takes to reach that level.

Duke Guy

Registered User
Sep 10, 2013
Angelo: How long was that league suspension you received when you were with Blind River?
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"I like hockey" in Spanish
Apr 29, 2011
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Registered User
Aug 29, 2014
You should find out the truth will set you free

Angelo: How long was that league suspension you received when you were with Blind River?
Hi Duke guy, I have nothing to hide since you bring it up, let me try explaining what really happened.
First you have to understand what was going on behind the scenes. this is a good example of where hockey politics come to play.
I was trying to restructure the organization so they could move forward in the future. because I was far from home and new I could not stay there forever.

After a humiliating loss in front of our crowd, I went into the locker room and asked them if they wanted to run to show they gave a crap about the people in the town that believed in them. optional not all players participated. So they ran for about 10 minutes, in their gear inside the rink. and then we spent ten minutes talking in the stands.

But while this was going on we had (will not mention names) had league officials trying to facilitate the sale of the team and I believe they saw me as a threat. The team was doing better and I brought better players in, but I was not really being cooperative with a certain family advisor that was close to the league who wanted to purchase the team. Because I really believe the town could run their own team and make it a success.
I have nothing to hide you can ask the president at the time, also local players that were on the team, and Parents. What was really curious, was that I was suspended with no hearing. Not even my side of the story. Makes you wonder. HuH then you see other teams are doing a lot worse when team returns from long road trip and so on and they are getting away with it.

I cannot even tell you how long my suspension was because every time I contacted the commish about it, he blew me off. To this day I do not even know if the suspension is over with. But its funny how things work out, shortly after my suspension was announced, a story broke about that family advisor having some convictions. and the sale was never going to go through anymore. Karma is a crazy thing.
it is also funny how their is starting to be an uproar regarding costs for teams to operate in that league
P.S I hope because you used my name you are not stopped from posting.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2014
example #2

Before you bring it up.
Lets talk about the suspension I got while I was coaching the 96 titans, that one is pretty good too, one of my players gets suspended for one game.
so the following game takes place at cardinal arena so we show up to the game and when we get there we find out we are going to win by forfeit because the cyclones had a flu or something to that effect epidemic. So we sign off on the game sheet, we ask ref about our suspended player and they tell us to mark down, the suspended player on the game has has having served 1 of 1 game suspension.
So after that game, I thought he served his suspension because the game counted. So I am put him in the line up, in the game following that one, and the next thing I know, I got suspended. I still do not get that one, but I played along nice. Later to find out, that, at that time someone had a problem with the titan organisation. Politics you gotta love it.
P.s Duke guy part three is coming up.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2014
third one's a charm

Now this one I do not even know if I got suspended or not but this one is the best example of hockey politics.
I volunteered a few years back with an organization and I was head coach for an atom team and an assistant for a rep Bantam Team.
Both my Parents died during that season so I warned my parents that I would not be able to always be there during that time.Dealing with the funerals and other issues regarding those events. But my problems began happening when I would not back down from taking a female on my team, before the season even started and also when I started getting these weird emails from the parent who also complained about the female player. He was also on that organizations committee, because they felt their child was the best player on that team (atom) and that they felt that specific player should be getting more ice time than the others. Now I want you to understand the person doing this, away from hockey was a great person. But hockey did something to him that made them act extremely different. So one time, a game that I could not be there for, one of my assistants that was there did not have his level 1 yet. So they tried to get me on that one. Oh and did I also mention I was starting to question why we were paying for outside services regarding development that our in house coaches could perform for free, and that the outside services involved people that were related to people on the committee.
I swear I could write A book.
Now I want you to understand when I first moved back I truly did not know the landscape well enough to understand what had happened. Where hockey was just not hockey anymore.
So I take a great deal of blame for what has happened in the past to me.
Because I let my Ideals of what i think hockey should be about and I get stubborn like an old Italian man, and I just cannot accept in my little brain of what hockey has become. A Machine of a few people trying to push the cattle in the direction they want.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2014
moral of the story

You should always keep a journal of what happens to you in hockey, because:
A\ it helps you formulate your life and reminds you that this cannot be made up. it also helps you find better solutions to situations that might arise later.
B:\If people cannot attack you on merit, they will always try to find a way to attack you no matter what.
c\what makes hockey great is all the different characters good or bad.
Duke guy please feel free to question my development skills,
Everyone has skeletons, just some of us choose to talk about them because we strongly feel real communication is happening.
Bernard Shaw once said
"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place"
And thank you for reminding me of why I do this.

Duke Guy

Registered User
Sep 10, 2013
Thanks Angelo. You have pretty well summoned up your suspensions. I didn't know about two of them so thanks again. Good luck in your future endeavours.

Bobby Clarke

Registered User
Sep 11, 2014
Before you bring it up.
Lets talk about the suspension I got while I was coaching the 96 titans, that one is pretty good too, one of my players gets suspended for one game.
so the following game takes place at cardinal arena so we show up to the game and when we get there we find out we are going to win by forfeit because the cyclones had a flu or something to that effect epidemic. So we sign off on the game sheet, we ask ref about our suspended player and they tell us to mark down, the suspended player on the game has has having served 1 of 1 game suspension.
So after that game, I thought he served his suspension because the game counted. So I am put him in the line up, in the game following that one, and the next thing I know, I got suspended. I still do not get that one, but I played along nice. Later to find out, that, at that time someone had a problem with the titan organisation. Politics you gotta love it.
P.s Duke guy part three is coming up.

Is that the Titan team that had won the league prior years and you came in and changed a bunch of players and didn't make the playoffs and had some major issues on and off the ice?


Registered User
Aug 29, 2014
that's the team

that is also the team that all the new players added except for 1, got drafted to the O, that is also the team that had many players that parents had involvement with the board. I will leave it at that. if you look at just the players who had parents on the board ask yourself how many of those kids are still playing.
that will be all you need to know, it is sad to take over and have all that talent and no one for many years was willing to teach them the game. both sides of the ice not only one side. Sometimes winning needs to happen away from the scoreboard. eventually if children are left to take the easy road, just as long they win. they soon reach another part of the road that is much tougher, and they are not just ready to deal with it.

Thanks for reminding me of that another good reason to have started my own organisation.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2014
wrong about the play offs

We made playoffs, lost in finals, came back to tie series but lost in last game of finals,
I think you are thinking about the wrong team, I think that happened to the 95 birth year..


Registered User
Aug 29, 2014

I am responding here because I have been disallowed from posting to the cpjhl topic.
I want to make it clear that the
The Ottawa Sharpshooters/Almonte Jr Sharpshooters hockey Program has never and will not ever use facebook to contact kids that are under age, without their parents being present or knowing about it for the purpose of recruiting. We have to much respect for children and our program.
thank you


Registered User
Aug 29, 2014
Local Players

Hi Easternfan, just answering your observation about how many local players we intend to have if you check our website, you will notice that all of our players will be from Ottawa, gatineau, almonte, Mississippi Mills, and surrounding areas. I just have not announced all of them yet, should be some surprises. If you cannot help local players might as well not do it at all.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2016
Hi Easternfan, just answering your observation about how many local players we intend to have if you check our website, you will notice that all of our players will be from Ottawa, gatineau, almonte, Mississippi Mills, and surrounding areas. I just have not announced all of them yet, should be some surprises. If you cannot help local players might as well not do it at all.

Thanks Angelo, I know you will be trying to fill with local kids but it is the three teams East(O-town, Maxville and Awkwesasne) that I was referring to because there are not that many players in the area.

Bobby Clarke

Registered User
Sep 11, 2014
We made playoffs, lost in finals, came back to tie series but lost in last game of finals,
I think you are thinking about the wrong team, I think that happened to the 95 birth year..

You should look back and see you lost in the first round of the playoffs. Every kid that played on that team that was drafted into the O played the year before. So not very accurate statement by you at all.


Registered User
Oct 26, 2007
Before you bring it up.
Lets talk about the suspension I got while I was coaching the 96 titans, that one is pretty good too, one of my players gets suspended for one game.
so the following game takes place at cardinal arena so we show up to the game and when we get there we find out we are going to win by forfeit because the cyclones had a flu or something to that effect epidemic. So we sign off on the game sheet, we ask ref about our suspended player and they tell us to mark down, the suspended player on the game has has having served 1 of 1 game suspension.
So after that game, I thought he served his suspension because the game counted. So I am put him in the line up, in the game following that one, and the next thing I know, I got suspended. I still do not get that one, but I played along nice. Later to find out, that, at that time someone had a problem with the titan organisation. Politics you gotta love it.
P.s Duke guy part three is coming up.

Suspended because of politics? Really?

Try the regulations where it states "forfeit games are not considered a meaningful game" and therefore cannot be used for serving a suspension.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2014
you should check

Suspended because of politics? Really?

Try the regulations where it states "forfeit games are not considered a meaningful game" and therefore cannot be used for serving a suspension.

You should check when that was put in, before my case that was not in the rule books all it said was next scheduled game or something to that effect.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2014
You should look back and see you lost in the first round of the playoffs. Every kid that played on that team that was drafted into the O played the year before. So not very accurate statement by you at all.

My mistake that season seemed so long that it felt like the finals. I convinced Dallas to try out the following year. My point was which one of those players is still playing and which ones are not.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2014
I totally agree with you, parents should do their homework.

let me state how I am a little different.
1\ I do not do this to take advantage of kids, never have and never will. you will notice by the price I will be charging. 8k is extremely far from what I will be charging
2:\besides us being in the Cpjhl we will be in 2-3 American junior hockey showcases
3:\ I have a track record with my minor hockey programs.
4:\the cpjhl is built on cost effective rules, we do not want to see happen, what is happening everywhere else, whith outrageous league fees, and money just going to the top, having nothing to do with the efficient running of the league.
5:\equipment package, will be directly done by the players, through the sherwood website. you will see that equipement package price is below what other leagues are charging.
6:\As for it becoming a business, I do not disagree with you, but I am trying to do everything I can to slow it down from becoming a cuthroat business.

7:/I always protect my family, in the event something HAPPENS like what happened in the CIHL, I have made arrangementS to be in more showcases,
I chose this one because the numbers make sense and the talks I have had with CJPHL STAFF, have reinforced my belief that we can build something special.
8:\this will be a drug free environment,
because you do not know me, I understand your heed of caution, but only time will tell, if I am A liar or not.
thank you

Two 16 year-olds were approached, last weekend, by a team in the CPJHL, and $8000 was the exact amount mentioned to them. They were told that they would be showcased for CHL, CIS, and NCAA scouts/recruiters.


Registered User
Dec 13, 2009
I totally agree with you, parents should do their homework.

let me state how I am a little different.
1\ I do not do this to take advantage of kids, never have and never will. you will notice by the price I will be charging. 8k is extremely far from what I will be charging
2:\besides us being in the Cpjhl we will be in 2-3 American junior hockey showcases
3:\ I have a track record with my minor hockey programs.
4:\the cpjhl is built on cost effective rules, we do not want to see happen, what is happening everywhere else, whith outrageous league fees, and money just going to the top, having nothing to do with the efficient running of the league.
5:\equipment package, will be directly done by the players, through the sherwood website. you will see that equipement package price is below what other leagues are charging.
6:\As for it becoming a business, I do not disagree with you, but I am trying to do everything I can to slow it down from becoming a cuthroat business.

7:/I always protect my family, in the event something HAPPENS like what happened in the CIHL, I have made arrangementS to be in more showcases,
I chose this one because the numbers make sense and the talks I have had with CJPHL STAFF, have reinforced my belief that we can build something special.
8:\this will be a drug free environment,
because you do not know me, I understand your heed of caution, but only time will tell, if I am A liar or not.
thank you

Two 16 year-olds were approached, last weekend, by a team in the CPJHL, and $8000 was the exact amount mentioned to them. They were told that they would be showcased for CHL, CIS, and NCAA scouts/recruiters.

Let them know that the CHL scouts isn't going to happen, they are bared from scouting outlaw leagues. Its just a dishonest statement.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2014
Let them know that the CHL scouts isn't going to happen, they are bared from scouting outlaw leagues. Its just a dishonest statement.
The one said no from the beginning, so they offered him a 50% cut in fees. He has already turned that offer down as well. The second one also has no interest, once his father found out he had been on the ice with them in the first place, with no parent there, and no permission to skate.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2014
for my own education

Let them know that the CHL scouts isn't going to happen, they are bared from scouting outlaw leagues. Its just a dishonest statement.
Hi Tigers quick question are ohl teams and so on, are they part of HOckey Canada or are they in a partnership, just curious.
thank you


Registered User
Aug 29, 2014
Are you talking about me

The one said no from the beginning, so they offered him a 50% cut in fees. He has already turned that offer down as well. The second one also has no interest, once his father found out he had been on the ice with them in the first place, with no parent there, and no permission to skate.

Hi Diggerd are you talking about the sharpshooters program, just curious.
thank you


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