I'm wondering how many people on here hate Roman Reigns and why


Registered User
Sep 17, 2013
Cole couldn't put it better imo.

Every god damn thing in the last like what, 3 years of the company has been aimed at getting Roman over. Not just "oh whatever" moments either. Like legitimately big deals. The royal rumble, Undertaker's retirement, using Cena to "pass the torch," having him likely beat Lesnar at Mania next year.

No star in the history of the business sans Hogan got such a nice walk in the park to the top.

Big Poppa Puck

HF's Villain
Dec 8, 2009
D-Boss' Dungeon
Rocketed to the top too soon and forced down our throats with super-Cena booking over people more deserving. And besides that he just doesn't entertain me. Sad thing is he might actually be a good heel but they refuse to go that route.
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Registered User
Nov 23, 2011
The Arctic
I can call a Roman Reigns match with my eyes closed. His move set is beyond awful... you can count on your hand how many moves he uses during the run of a match. The superman punch spamming is ridiculous.

I do agree that the booking is to blame for 80% of it, though. I think last Sunday was my final straw with him and will turn me away from the product. The fact that he kicked out of 4 AA's is garbage. Absolute garbage.... Like how do you beat Reigns? 50 AA's? 35 F-5's? That was some bogus shit.


Registered User
Dec 9, 2011
Edmonton, Alberta
Hate the placement and priority of the character amongst the rest of the roster, so yeah, I hate the booking. I just don’t think he’s as great as Vince likes to think he is and the WWE’s insistence on crowning him as the next “it guy” is just baffling to me. I also feel like Reigns has been given plenty of opportunities to change people’s minds and can’t figure out how to do it. It’s like if Rock stayed in the Rocky Maivia character for 4 years and blamed the “smarks” for not accepting it. Rock completely changed his persona and made people view him differently whereas Roman still rocks the Shield theme and flak jacket trying to play off the only time he was actually completely over with the crowd.

They’re still trying to figure out how to hammer a square peg into a round hole when it seems they’re too scared to consider that he just might not be the guy they want him to be.
There's a difference between the two IMO. Rock at the time was a mid-card act. He was afforded the ability to be himself creatively because he wasn't positioned as "the guy" for WWF at the time. The risk of him failing wasn't nearly as high as the reward of him succeeding.

With Reigns, yeah it sucks how he is so forced and hasn't changed who he is for the better part of 4 years but in WWE's eyes, the risk in changing his character probably outweighs the potential reward at this point, at least in Vince's eyes even though we know this not to be true. They want him to be Cena 2.0, that's exactly what he is. There is no turning back now. We are in for another 5+ years of Roman dominance at the very least.


Registered User
Apr 20, 2007
Boston, MA
Reigns should be a mid card act. He's only a main-eventer because Vince keeps putting him in that position. I would say trying something new is very low risk because they have so many talented guys on the roster right now that could easily take his spot and that is actually part of the reason he gets so much hate.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2016
It was fun at first to hear him get booed out of the building, I actually really enjoyed it. I also liked that he was somewhat embracing his heel side with stealing "My Yard" and a bit of the Strowman and Cena feuds.

But enough is enough. The fans don't like this guy and he is not a face. If they turned him heel I wouldn't have a problem with him, its the constant trying to make him face thats the issue. After the Cena feud they could of turned him heel by just not accepting Cena's "respect".

Instead they put him against Miz becuase Miz is the best heel in the business and they figure thats the way he will get cheers. But its going to blow up in their face and Miz will get way more cheers. Next step is to reunite the shield and have them beat down Miz and his jobbers. But fans will still not get behind Roman.

And lastly he just leaves a bad taste to end events. Him beating Cena after kicking out of 100 F5's ruined No Mercy which was shaping up to be a great PPV. Him winning the Rumble a few years ago ruined the Rumble. Him ME'ing WM ruins WM. He will win the Rumble again and everyone will say the Rumble will be crap. No one is going to care to see face Roman get Lesnars respect and become the new Beast/Conqueror.

Just turn him heel and run with it and I don't think anyone would have an issue with Reigns. He is not bad in the ring and has good matches. Pair him with heel Uso's and you have a kick ass stable. Have him team with Ambrose/Dean, only to turn on them and help the Uso's win the tag titles. Guranteed magma level heat.

But nope Vince will continue to try and make Reigns a thing. I don't think he cares how bad business gets or how many boos there are for some insane reason he wants Reigns. He isn't even some big muscle guy like Vince loves so I don't get the infatuation at all.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2016
I think this post is very underrated in some of the recent anger and just flat out lack of care for the product. The Shield reunion has nothing to do with The Shield, Ambrose, or Rollins. It has nothing to do with being needed. It has nothing to do with storyline. It's legit just a way to try to get cheers for Reigns. It's insane. :laugh:

Reuniting the Shield to beat Miz and his 2 jobbers sounds pretty stupid.

What will happen is Ambrose/Rollins will get cheered and Reings will get booed out the building once he is tagged in.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2016
Cole couldn't put it better imo.

Every god damn thing in the last like what, 3 years of the company has been aimed at getting Roman over. Not just "oh whatever" moments either. Like legitimately big deals. The royal rumble, Undertaker's retirement, using Cena to "pass the torch," having him likely beat Lesnar at Mania next year.

No star in the history of the business sans Hogan got such a nice walk in the park to the top.

And Hogan deserved his walk in the park and repaid VKM in spades with the money he drew.

This is more like WM9 and WCW 1994/95 Hogan where fans were rejecting him but he still wanted and hogged the spotlight.

Reigns needs is hollywood Hogan/NWO moment and turn heel already.


Registered User
Apr 20, 2007
Boston, MA
But nope Vince will continue to try and make Reigns a thing. I don't think he cares how bad business gets or how many boos there are for some insane reason he wants Reigns. He isn't even some big muscle guy like Vince loves so I don't get the infatuation at all.

This is why Vince needs serious competition. Hopefully NJPW gets there or even ROH but neither are even close right now. If not, he's allowed to do whatever he wants without having to worry too much. If this was the Monday Night Wars and Roman wasn't getting over how he liked, he'd be forced to switch gears because WCW was right on his ass stealing his ratings. Also no way Jinder becomes champion with real competition.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2016
This is why Vince needs serious competition. Hopefully NJPW gets there or even ROH but neither are even close right now. If not, he's allowed to do whatever he wants without having to worry too much. If this was the Monday Night Wars and Roman wasn't getting over how he liked, he'd be forced to switch gears because WCW was right on his ass stealing his ratings. Also no way Jinder becomes champion with real competition.

I agree, but there will never be competition again like WCW. The network has guaranteed that. No other org can make enough money of PPV to challenge VKM due to how he devalued PPV to 9.99 from 49.99. If you can get WM for 10 bucks how can you sell anyother PPV?

I have already written of the WWE for this year. Roman v Lesnar and Jinder v Cena to me is a lock. Roman/Cena are winning the rumble, one or both. Whatever happens now till then doesn't matter. Only hope is that Reigns gets injured and Cena lands a big Hollywood movie.

If they would simply turn Reigns heel it would be bearable. Everyone wants to boo the guy so let them. But here we are Shield reunion to get Reigns over. TLC you know Reigns will take 10 finishers of a 900 foot ladder and kick out and then hit 1 spear on the BAR and Miz and pin all 3 of them.

Then Ambrose/Rollins will cut a promo talking about how much they respect Reigns and he is the greatest LOL.

Peter Sidorkiewicz

Devils Army
Oct 22, 2002
Reigns should be a mid card act. He's only a main-eventer because Vince keeps putting him in that position. I would say trying something new is very low risk because they have so many talented guys on the roster right now that could easily take his spot and that is actually part of the reason he gets so much hate.
I don't think he is even good enough for the mid card.

His move set is so limited and his cardio is so poor. It seems every single match there is spots where Roman is out trying to catch his wind.

I think his future should be a tag team specialist. Nothing more. The only thing he does well is the hot tag.


Dec 1, 2005
He's a good worker for a guy his size. Poor promo. Has gotten real smug legit about people booing him. He should have turned heel, especially the night after Mania. He could have been THE guy someday, on his own, but probably not now. Instead he'll be Vince's chosen one, and that's it.
Oct 18, 2011
My interest in WWE has gone in the toilet since his force feeding. Not saying he has no talent he just overacts way to much, the rest of the roster exists for him to be better than.

Superman punch is garbage and what makes it worse is WWE shills go out of their way to talk about how great he is to suck up to the company. Just stop, let him be great on his own.

Seriously no guy has not been more protected or propped up since Hogan.


Krejci Fight Club
Sep 17, 2007
He's perfectly cromulent in-ring, fairly agile for a guy his size. He looks plausible in there against other big guys. If he wakes up one day and decides "screw these scripted promos, I'll do it myself" he will be much better for it.

All that said: I hate hate hate the Superman punch. God, how I hate that move.


Registered User
Apr 27, 2010
He's perfectly cromulent in-ring, fairly agile for a guy his size. He looks plausible in there against other big guys. If he wakes up one day and decides "screw these scripted promos, I'll do it myself" he will be much better for it.

All that said: I hate hate hate the Superman punch. God, how I hate that move.

Say that if you must, but you must admit that Reigns' noble spirit embiggens the whole main event scene.
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Belie Dat!
Jul 15, 2011
Don't have a problem with anything but the way he is presented. If they let Heyman book this guy he could be a star but the classic WWE mega babyface booking is killing him. Scripted promos are bad for him as well.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2011
The Arctic
But he literally doesn't. He has consistently good to great matches all of the time... It's not even a subjective thing. It would be like some Bret Hart hater in 1994 saying Bret had rubbish matches, its just a bonkers thing to say.
He doesn't. He's bad. He was carried by Jason f***ing Jordan a few weeks ago. The guy has a smaller move set than Kelly Kelly...

I can call a Reigns match with my eyes closed.
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Paris in Flames

Registered User
Feb 4, 2009
But he literally doesn't. He has consistently good to great matches all of the time... It's not even a subjective thing. It would be like some Bret Hart hater in 1994 saying Bret had rubbish matches, its just a bonkers thing to say.

So you just compared Roman Reigns to Bret Hart in the ring eh....

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
He doesn't. He's bad. He was carried by Jason ****ing Jordan a few weeks ago. The guy has a smaller move set than Kelly Kelly...

I can call a Reigns match with my eyes closed.
Bad wrestlers don't have as many top matches as he's had in his career.

The problem with Reigns is booking. That's pretty much what it comes down to.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2016
Reigns isn't bad in the ring, but his match layouts suck. TAke a beating for half the match, suck wind for the rest, kickout of every finisher and one spear and win.

Biggest problem with Reigns is it seems like he can't stand up for himself. I get he is in a good position and doesn't want to shake that. But he needs to tell someone his face stuff isn't working and he should be heel and that his match layouts aren't working either.


Registered User
Apr 27, 2010
But he literally doesn't. He has consistently good to great matches all of the time... It's not even a subjective thing. It would be like some Bret Hart hater in 1994 saying Bret had rubbish matches, its just a bonkers thing to say.

Kayfabe? because in terms of ability, Reigns is worlds below 1994 Bret Hart. Maybe he is around 1984 Bret Hart.


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