I'm wondering how many people on here hate Roman Reigns and why


Registered User
Aug 15, 2013
Sylvan Lake, Alberta
Basically yes. He has all of Cena's weaknesses but without his strengths (charisma and mic work). His selling isn't as goofy is the only edge I would give him, but it isn't good. I would be very hard pressed to pick between Reigns and the British Bulldog.
I wouldn't. Bulldog all the way. He had his faults, but in his prime he was a far superior in ring worker to Roman.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2011
The Arctic
I will do what I always do, order a pizza, watch Wrestlemania, and hate myself for getting duped for the billionth time. I should just use the network and watch some Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair main events or something.
Going to a Mania is extremely fun... I was at WM 33 and despite it being pretty MEH on TV, it was damn fun to be there live. The NXT on Saturday was fantastic and the RAW and SD after was loads of fun.

The destruction of Roman Reigns at the opening of RAW was absolutely hilarious in person. Guy's were legit heated in my section, haha.


Registered User
Apr 27, 2010
I wouldn't. Bulldog all the way. He had his faults, but in his prime he was a far superior in ring worker to Roman.

It's hard to say. Youngish Bulldog could go pretty well in his younger years. I also like him because I met him at a signing at Blockbuster and he was pretty cool. I will never have the pleasure of meeting Reigns in a Blockbuster, so that's a negative. Both are guys who can be carried to a good match but couldn't lead someone else to one and you wouldn't want either with a mic in hand. Both probably better off in a tag team.


Registered User
Aug 15, 2013
Sylvan Lake, Alberta
It's hard to say. Youngish Bulldog could go pretty well in his younger years. I also like him because I met him at a signing at Blockbuster and he was pretty cool. I will never have the pleasure of meeting Reigns in a Blockbuster, so that's a negative. Both are guys who can be carried to a good match but couldn't lead someone else to one and you wouldn't want either with a mic in hand. Both probably better off in a tag team.
See, I disagree to an extent, probably mostly due to nostalgia, ha ha. Sure, Bulldog was carried in his greatest matches, but all but the best are, and he had a number of really good matches that I don't think you can say that he was being carried in. His feud with Curt Hennig was amazing and highly underrated, and even though Curt is one of the greatest ever I don't think you can discount Davey's role in that feud. His first WCW run was pretty good too, he had some good matches there. He even drug The Warlord to a few passable powerhouse matches, probably the only singles matches Warlord had that weren't 100% trash. He could go up until he blew his back out in WCW on that stupid Warrior trap door. For a long time he was probably in the top 5-10 in ring performers WWF/E had.

His biggest issues were outside the ring - steroids, his back injury, which led to drug addiction. If he wasn't a roid hound he had a legitimate shot of being a main event player - he's certainly a case of unreached potential in my mind because of that. His lack of mic skills weren't as big of an issue back then because WWE were more likely to use manager's.

One thing that not many know is how good he was at chirping the crowd at house shows. He wouldn't do it on TV often to stay with the storylines, but I saw him as a heel at a number of shows and he would yap with fans while Owen was in the ring all the time, and it was hilarious. Certainly added a new dimension to the shows at the time.


Registered User
Apr 27, 2010
See, I disagree to an extent, probably mostly due to nostalgia, ha ha. Sure, Bulldog was carried in his greatest matches, but all but the best are, and he had a number of really good matches that I don't think you can say that he was being carried in. His feud with Curt Hennig was amazing and highly underrated, and even though Curt is one of the greatest ever I don't think you can discount Davey's role in that feud. His first WCW run was pretty good too, he had some good matches there. He even drug The Warlord to a few passable powerhouse matches, probably the only singles matches Warlord had that weren't 100% trash. He could go up until he blew his back out in WCW on that stupid Warrior trap door. For a long time he was probably in the top 5-10 in ring performers WWF/E had.

His biggest issues were outside the ring - steroids, his back injury, which led to drug addiction. If he wasn't a roid hound he had a legitimate shot of being a main event player - he's certainly a case of unreached potential in my mind because of that. His lack of mic skills weren't as big of an issue back then because WWE were more likely to use manager's.

One thing that not many know is how good he was at chirping the crowd at house shows. He wouldn't do it on TV often to stay with the storylines, but I saw him as a heel at a number of shows and he would yap with fans while Owen was in the ring all the time, and it was hilarious. Certainly added a new dimension to the shows at the time.

I may be underrating Bulldog, I certainly haven't revisited his stuff in quite some time. I see many similarities with Reigns with the main difference being that in the 90s Vince was willing to accept when his pet projects failed, not that Bulldog was Vince's project to the extent that Luger was. I should probably look at some early 90s Bulldog in the next few days.


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