Doughty Hit on Carrier (UPD: Suspended One Game)


Registered User
Oct 2, 2017
I think he gets a fine, I think it was a bit mistimed, wasn't malicious, not even sure I would call it reckless, it looks like it was mis-timed, or he had the angle slightly off, I don't see them sitting him a game, I do see a fine though if anything

I don't see this as a suspension. Sure he went a little high, but there was shoulder contact, and have we all become this sensitive? It's a contact sport, and I am not saying let head shots go, but this exact example is very minor.

Maybe some charging a tad, but overall a fine, and yes if he keeps doing it, suspend him.


Registered User
Apr 21, 2007
I'm not holding my breath. But if this was some no name player hitting Doughty where all they did was pick the head, they would be getting at least a game. I hope the NHL is going to hold DD to the same standard.

Exactly this.


All aboard the Lane train! WooWoo
Mar 10, 2017
London, ON
I don't see this as a suspension. Sure he went a little high, but there was shoulder contact, and have we all become this sensitive? It's a contact sport, and I am not saying let head shots go, but this exact example is very minor.

Maybe some charging a tad, but overall a fine, and yes if he keeps doing it, suspend him.
Ok, you say this, until that hit is done to one of your teams star players and takes them out of the series. Carrier isn't a high end impact player so he won't have as many people defending him and his health.

Why is wanting head hits/injuries minimized or taken out of the game considered "sensitive" or soft? Doughty had many other options to separate Carrier from the puck in that situation, he just so happened to choose the one that had a chance of head contact.


Registered User
Feb 19, 2015
Keith got a game for purposely highsticking Carter and drawing blood a few years ago. No way in hell is that a two in the playoffs.

I'm guessing he gets a fine.

Completely off topic, but I am always completely amazed that Keith somehow managed to get away with that same bullshit move twice using that lame" it was an accident" excuse. Anyone saying star players do not get special treatment with regards to suspensions can always point to these incidents lol
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Registered User
Oct 2, 2017
Ok, you say this, until that hit is done to one of your teams star players and takes them out of the series. Carrier isn't a high end impact player so he won't have as many people defending him and his health.

Why is wanting head hits/injuries minimized or taken out of the game considered "sensitive" or soft? Doughty had many other options to separate Carrier from the puck in that situation, he just so happened to choose the one that had a chance of head contact.

Listen I want head shots out, but we are sometimes overly "sensitive" to hitting and hockey in general. Yes, predatory hits are not good, and yes if you literally take out a star (like Savard) or any player in general with intention, you should be gone.

However, it's also a fast game, hitting and fighting is legal, and thats not counting other variables such as gear size and player vs player size in many instances. I don't want to see the game watered down so much that you cannot even fart without a suspension. Hell you can't even throw a beautiful open ice hit with having to fight after (which you could break a hand) and an inquiry... it's too much at times.

If this is the case, why not just remove hitting and fighting, that way player safety is 100 percent protected. It's a rough sport, mistakes also happen, we are not playing soccer here.

Tell me this, how many times are you watching a game, and you think "just hit the guy, stop trying to tiptoe around him and get the damn puck"

I also highly doubt most players throwing that hit are thinking "I cannot wait to end this guys career, I hope I break his neck" like give me a break. If we have players doing that, or thinking that, yes we need to remove them forever, and I mean for good. I am pretty sure Drew was not thinking "I can't wait to angle this hit enough so that the principle contact is exactly on a specific side of his head" I played for 17 years and you have a second to react.

We literally complain after so many hits, but two grown men get into a fight and punch each other directly in the face, and many times fall on the ice head first.... but that's ok because somebody else threw a body check that glanced off the shoulder and made contact with the head. Not saying you should be happy with a headshot, but we are ok with face punching a player until he is unconscious.
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serenity now

Registered User
Dec 12, 2009
Lower California
This hit is somewhere between a fine and 1 game max. Reg season: a game or 2 for sure. The fact that Carrier is hurt has me thinking it is one game. Won't be surprised by either.


Registered User
Mar 4, 2010
If the league is serious about the head safety, this is it. Send a message to everybody. The rules shouldn't change just because it's playoffs from the regular season. If he is suspended from amount of games in regular season should get the same in the playoffs. You must be accountable for everything you play on the ice whether it be regular season or the playoffs. If this is 2 games in the regular season, should get 2 games in the playoffs. The league should send a memo that anything from the regular season should be same in the playoffs so everybody should be even more careful and respectful to their opponent because physical play ramped up.


Make space for The Papa
Feb 13, 2012
Regular Season: 1 game
Playoffs: Fine

Doughty proved my point though that I mentioned to my fiancee before the game. “If they hit Doughty enough, he’ll do something stupid”


All aboard the Lane train! WooWoo
Mar 10, 2017
London, ON
Listen I want head shots out, but we are sometimes overly "sensitive" to hitting and hockey in general. Yes, predatory hits are not good, and yes if you literally take out a star (like Savard) or any player in general with intention, you should be gone.
My opinion is that when there is no intent but the head is clearly hit when it could very well be avoided that's the fine or 1 or 2 games suspension (obviously changes by case), when there is clear intent that's when the league should throw the rule book at them (Savard's case)

However, it's also a fast game, hitting and fighting is legal, and thats not counting other variables such as gear size and player vs player size in many instances. I don't want to see the game watered down so much that you cannot even fart without a suspension. Hell you can't even throw a beautiful open ice hit with having to fight after (which you could break a hand) and an inquiry... it's too much at times.
I'm not advocating for big hits to be taken out of the game, or unavoidable hits to the head, hitting is one of the fundamental components of hockey. I'm also against fights after hits, so I agree with you there.

If this is the case, why not just remove hitting and fighting, that way player safety is 100 percent protected. It's a rough sport, mistakes also happen, we are not playing soccer here.

Tell me this, how many times are you watching a game, and you think "just hit the guy, stop trying to tiptoe around him and get the damn puck"
This is hyperbole, never did I once say that I wanted hitting taken out of the game, I get that they are professionals and know what they are getting into. I just want the league to be consistent with head shots. My opinion is that this hit would be an easy suspension during the season, but for some reason it's generally allowed in the playoffs.

I also highly doubt most players throwing that hit are thinking "I cannot wait to end this guys career, I hope I break his neck" like give me a break. If we have players doing that, or thinking that, yes we need to remove them forever, and I mean for good. I am pretty sure Drew was not thinking "I can't wait to angle this hit enough so that the principle contact is exactly on a specific side of his head" I played for 17 years and you have a second to react.
If you read my earlier post, I don't think Doughty did it maliciously, but it was reckless. I understand that 99.9% of players don't think like Torres. Doughty has been playing hockey at an elite level for long enough that he knows exactly what he is doing.

As for you playing hockey for 17 years, I'd assume many of us here have played for 10+ years as well. Cheers.


aka Zippo
Aug 17, 2012
New Jersey
I think this may get a game simply because the NHL might think it's retaliation for all the hits Doughty had on Carrier.

The hit alone I think is in that grey area between fine and suspension. Add intent/retaliation in there and I think you could up it to a suspension.

I'd also add these are the types of hits where there will always be controversy. If Carrier skates that puck into the corner like Eriksson Ek did, this is a clean hard body check like that hit. Instead, he tries to cut to the middle as Doughty committed to the hit. In some hits, the hitters are essentially at the mercy of their opponent. One quick movement and all the sudden it's head contact and people are up in arms.


Registered User
Apr 15, 2007
He knew exactly what he was doing and what the result would be on that play (hit to the head). He is an NHL golden boy, no suspension, sells too many tickets.


System Poster
Mar 12, 2007
-incomplete post-

Sick of the NHL's manipulative bull.

They only suspended Doughty because they want Vegas to succeed.

They didn't suspend Doughty because they're afraid of missing the playoff revenue he'll bring in.

-note- Will edit post after the respective result comes out to make sure I'm raging about the correct conspiracy.

member 88115

He knew exactly what he was doing and what the result would be on that play (hit to the head). He is an NHL golden boy, no suspension, sells too many tickets.
Oh please, Carrier at the last moment changed his direction and that sudden change cause the hit to the head (but first hit his shoulder). Doughty was committed to the hit and was thinking Carrier was going to go parallel to the boards. Then Carrier changes direction a second before the hit towards the net. If not for the change in direction, it would of been a simple rub out against to the boards.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2014
Oh please, Carrier at the last moment changed his direction and that sudden change cause the hit to the head (but first hit his shoulder). Doughty was committed to the hit and was thinking Carrier was going to go parallel to the boards. Then Carrier changes direction a second before the hit towards the net. If not for the change in direction, it would of been a simple rub out against to the boards.

No, not a simple rub out, he would have been blown up shoulder to shoulder, and I thought Carrier moved last minute as well, but he did not.


Registered User
May 16, 2013
Insert McJesus for Doughty. Does McJesus get suspended?
I dont think a suspension is coming down


Registered User
Jul 4, 2009
So anyone have any idea when the hearing/decision is supposed to happen? NHL.COM just said Thursday, maybe a couple of the NHL CHQ boys want to take a trip to Vegas, to do a face to face. :)


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