Blackhawks Avatars (Official 2014 Playoff Avatars)


Fantasy Canadian Hockey League Commissioner
Jul 28, 2005
London, Ontario
Hey, was wondering if someone could give me some advice with an avatar I'm trying to make. I spent a while on it last night (mostly reacquainting myself with Photoshop), went to save it, and even uploaded it to TinyPic, but when I try to use it as my avatar, the animation doesn't work.

This is the avatar:


I'm assuming it's too big. So, I suppose my question is, what can I do to it so that it will actually animate?

I'm more of a still image guy... but always "Save For Web" ctrl-shift-alt s in photoshop. It makes the file alot smaller.

I'll be doing these requests tonight most likely. Got my radio show Tue night so might not be up until Wednesday night. We'll see


Fantasy Canadian Hockey League Commissioner
Jul 28, 2005
London, Ontario
I'll be doing a huge run of these sometime this week. Including Stanley Cup and Draft ones. Post any pic you want made into an avy. Your fav shot from playoffs? parade? celebration? Get them in now!


Registered User
Jul 10, 2009
Finally fixed the issue and the site is live and updated again! Requests should be found on the site, if not. Shoot me a pm, and I'll send you the direct link. Really tried to get it up before gametime last night, but ftp/server issues stopped that.


When I "save picture as ...", it has size of 125x125 pixels - is there a way to shrink it to 90x90 or even 60x60?

member 151739

I don't know about you guys, but "flip the switch" makes me want to turn the players into Super Saiyans for the avatars.

member 151739

I have my playoff avatar ready to go, I just need a slide featuring the flip the switch. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.


Fantasy Canadian Hockey League Commissioner
Jul 28, 2005
London, Ontario
Well its that time of the year, I poke my head back out and see what people need.

Turning every player into a super saiyans might not work with my time restraints (one full time job, two part time, radio show, dj'ing and schooling) unless I can get a day before playoffs to hammer some out. Hasnt soomeone used DBZ as a playoff theme before?

But if we can agree on a theme asap I can do my best.

I like the flip switch idea. But are we just gonna be all rocking a simple straight to the point avy? Switch in the indian head outline? I like unity

member 151739

Turning every player into a super saiyans might not work with my time restraints (one full time job, two part time, radio show, dj'ing and schooling) unless I can get a day before playoffs to hammer some out. Hasnt soomeone used DBZ as a playoff theme before?

I like the flip switch idea. But are we just gonna be all rocking a simple straight to the point avy? Switch in the indian head outline? I like unity

The Super Saiyan picture is just for my avatar of flip the switch, and I already got it. :) Personally, I just need the theme picture.


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