GDT: 4/1/2013 - Blues@Wild - 7:00 PM CST - FS-N, FS-WI‎


The Very Weedcat
Jun 2, 2011
A place.
Why is Brodin so impotent offensively?

I mean, it's great that he focuses on defence his first year in the NHL, but he should get more points on his outlet passes alone.

Considering how solid he is on defense, I'm not going to get even a little upset about a lack of offense. He's been shooting more lately, so I think it will come in time.

We really do need to play more physical. Last night the blues were taking liberties with Brodin and we did nothing to get them to stop. Someone should have ran Backes to send a message that our rookies are off limits, but we never have anyone willing to do that. I think the end of the Dallas game on friday when we got chippy was the first time in a long while I think the team has shown that they'd had enough. I was really hoping at least that part of it would continue going forward.


Registered User
May 22, 2012
nearest bar MN
bigT, right now teams are not on the same schedule, in the playoffs they will be (at least for the series). we travel 31k miles which is more than any other team in the nhl . your sayn that makes no diff?


Reluctant Optimist. Permanently Déclassé.
May 29, 2008
running backes is easier said than done.
it can be done, but you might just bounce off him.


Registered User
Dec 6, 2006
whether you or the players or anyone else wants to ignore it or not it's still a physical fact that the body will be broken down more after more activity in a short period of time. I like the high and mighty fight through adversity rah-rah stuff, but do you remember PT in basic? my scores went through the roof after a few days rest between the end and my in-processing at the turtle farm. Just like they said they would. Recovery is helpful. Rested, we're able to match the physicality of the bigger teams or counter it with speed/shiftiness. I really don't know what people are expecting out of this team I guess.

We could have still been in it had our PP worked at all, tired and listless as we looked. I blathered on a lot about ES being more important than PP (still think that) but tonight the PP definitely cost us the game.

Oh you're 100% right about that dude, but if that is the case then you REST the players. Once again, it isn't like we don't have any depth on this team. Cullen and Heater need a break? Call up Granlund and Larsson. Gilbert wants more time to skate? Dress Prosser (ugh that hurt to type). And of course I remember Basic :biglaugh:

I'm not expecting a 15 game winning streak if that is what you're asking. But if they don't want to be physical, if they don't want to forecheck, and they don't want to play hard at home then there should be a red flag somewhere going up for a distress call.

And PP def was the X-factor. Refs missed the double-minor, the trip, and the goalie interference...but we still went 0-5 and you just can't do that. And if it wasn't for the one PP, we probably wouldn't have scored any goals. Thankfully we weren't shutout.

If they could completely scrap the umbrella and run a different system that would be much better. They were getting some lucky goals that made the PP look a lot better than it was.

They need to try something. STL had a dominating answer for everything they tried.

Spurgeon has success because he can actually get the one-T off properly. Koivu cannot, so he has to pass it to Parise or Suter. I like him down low, not trying to make plays. That's not natural for him.

Thing is about Koivu (and one thing I'll agree with Tom Reid on from last night) is teams are anticipating the pass to him and collapse quick on him so he can't get an accurate tape-2-tape pass.

Butch at the point is a disaster. Want to talk about losing the puck there? Yikes. Why they don't put Heatley, who has a bomb of a shot, there is beyond me.



Registered User
Dec 6, 2006
bigT, right now teams are not on the same schedule, in the playoffs they will be (at least for the series). we travel 31k miles which is more than any other team in the nhl . your sayn that makes no diff?

We are not the only team that has to travel. The players don't use that excuse, and neither am I. They are professional athletes that know what it is like to deal with the rigors of the schedule. We have the most miles this year, but we certainly are not the only team bouncing around. The last 2 weeks have been in Central Timezone at least. Do I agree with the league making us play a back-2-back night games away/home with Dallas and LA? I question it, but it isn't like no other team hasn't had to do it at some point this season in this conference.

As I said earlier, if players are tired I'm pretty sure Yeo isn't going to pitch a fit if they want a night to rest if it means they are more prepared for another game 2 days from now. We claim we have depth, prove it. As a fan...I'm not getting upset if even Parise said "you know I need a night off to let my legs get back under me." I have realistic expectations that they are humans and they are going to get tired, hell my legs still haven't recovered from a leg day on Saturday. But that is why we have blue-chip prospects in Houston. To be called up when we need it.


Registered User
Dec 6, 2006
refs were ****in terrible last night. HORRENDOUS.

It was Ian Walsh that was the big problem. He was the one who kept no-calling us (was the closest ref to Koivu when he was high sticked too IIRC) and the one who gave Suter his 2 minute unsportsmanlike penalty. Called 1 penalty against STL the entire game while he was on my side of the ice. And I was watching that hobbit looking ref all game to see what he was doing.


The Very Weedcat
Jun 2, 2011
A place.
Also, how in God's name did the linesman call offsides when Coyle had his foot in the neutral zone?

Same way the refs called Suter for unsportsmanlike after blatantly (maybe even willfully) missing the high stick that sent Koivu off for a bit.


Oct 1, 2011
Chi-Town, Il
Considering all the yapping many players do, and how quickly that call was made on Suter, I hope it was really bad.

I'm not trying to make excuses, but that game, yet again, was horribly horribly called.

It wouldn't be so bad if it had been just one game, but it's been what, four in a row now? And it really does seem like that one ref, I don't know his name, has a personal vendetta against Koivu.

I mean, how are these professionally trained refs constantly missing really blatant calls against our guys?! While in the spirit of trying to stay objective, it really does seem that the refs are not really missing many calls for the other team either, or catching us in really weak calls. For instance, that weak hooking call on Suter a couple games ago, the one where all he did was shoulder a guy, and they called him for hooking, even though his stick never even touched the guy.

I just don't get it...


Registered User
Apr 2, 2013
Yay my first comment ever! :)
I didnt see the game and dont know where to watch it so could u guys tell how did KOivu play? :) Hes been playing well lately and getting some points so I was just wondering did he still play good or why didnt he get any points and stuff.. Sorry my english isnt the best:D


Doing Nothing
My count is three poorly officiated games in a row. All three they missed a four-minute high stick and a lot of 50-50 calls went against the Wild. It's not an excuse, but it's pretty ridiculous.

I'm with Suter, I think that there needs to be better accountability from the referees.

Still, as terrible as the Wild's PP has been this year and lately, it might be a blessing in disguise.


Doing Nothing
Yay my first comment ever! :)
I didnt see the game and dont know where to watch it so could u guys tell how did KOivu play? :) Hes been playing well lately and getting some points so I was just wondering did he still play good or why didnt he get any points and stuff.. Sorry my english isnt the best:D


Koivu has been one of the best players over the last month and during the last week or so especially. He's been more willing to shoot the puck and is getting more goals. His game seems to have elevated from the start of the year quite a bit. I thought he might have been the best forward last night, but hockey is pretty dependent on luck, so you might be awesome one night but things don't go your way and you get no points.


Jul 4, 2011
My count is three poorly officiated games in a row. All three they missed a four-minute high stick and a lot of 50-50 calls went against the Wild. It's not an excuse, but it's pretty ridiculous.

Yep, it's the reason. Of course the team gets demoralized when they can be ****ing ran over without officials doing anything to stop it. If you take the rules out of a hockey game, it just becomes a ****ing street fight on skates.


Registered User
May 22, 2012
nearest bar MN
since suter wears a A he should be able to talk with a ref about a call or non call. that was pure bs. the "no excuses" battlecry sounds wonderful but its not reality. injuries , fatigue etc... factor in.


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