Injury Report: 3/25 Couture


Registered User
Jan 26, 2012
Well at least when he has his teeth replaced he will be more respected in the room


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Man, i'd love to see Pavelski Centerting a line. We aint winning games when we're down a centermen and Tierney is playing 3C when it counts. In a pinch. Sure but not over the coarse of a series. Pete ... I know you're smart. Lead the way. Split up the nuclear power spread it out and the goals will start trickling in. Put Pavs in the #1 spot. Thornton #2. Marleau #3 or throw him in LW with Hertl Centering, and grab Ryan Carpenter cuz hes a hardworkin dood on the #4 and Tierny got the flu today or somethin.

It's not like im saying Tierney aint good enough, but we got the Depth where we got players that we dont need him to be #3 See what im saying, we need everybody. Cuz who makes the goals in the playoffs its the guys who aren't being tied up. We KNOW THiS!!! Make it happn pete put Pavelski on that #1C spot hes the Captain.

I honestly just dont think in these type of situations bulking up the 1st and 2nd line and leaving our 4th line completly sparce is gonna work. Maybe in a regular season while cooch is out a few games but come on this is where u try these type of scenarios dude!!


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
I dont have a problem with Marleau playing #2 just not when we got our centers all squishd up and then they have all the prssure to make the magic happen. They been doing tht for like 10 YEARS. And Honestly, if we put our centers as centers, that will open up the hunger to play together on THE PP. See what im saying?? If they always playing together they cant tell the difference between 5 on 5 or a 5 on 4.

Edit: And one last thing, The REASON, the WHOLE reason, why we need to play our centers on their own line is, Petes philosophy is bout rolling 4 lines, they all play the same time. This is why!!! We have the experience n players to be 4 Great lines with all their own idenittiy. BE IT!


Sep 1, 2011
I'd love to have Pavelski center his own line but I'm kind of dubious of his ability to do so. He hasn't centered his own line in like 6 years and I have trouble separating what he can do from what Thornton does.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Man, ok.. I remember this i heard him say last year, with Hertl playing with em. Since they all Center, it doesnt matter. They interchange taking the face off. So he's been playing center off and on already for years!

And i am only advocating this because what are u gona do, when youre down 2 games and the Joe thornton Pavelski line isn't going And they dont need each other!! To get the job done. Yea, they look good on the wall.

These are old guys, they dont need the mentality of playing on the "first line" to be good. Give that idea up. Its not that Pavelski has to be thornton, I just know Pavelski is the type of player to make the magic happen from the THIRD line Center, remember? Those playoff goals. He's just gonna be tied up as much as Thornton if they're playing on one line... Thats what im saying. Spread it out. Let them be their own good players.

I dont know if petes listening, but he's gotta make the hard decision and have 4 capable lines not 1 or 2 that "should" be. It would be great Pavs at Center. And Thorntons gona be a #2 or #3 anyway take the pressure off him and his game will open up again.

U gota spread it out!! Cant keep makin that ultimate one line. Its just gona get tied up at the end of the day.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Add to the fact, that we have amazing players. We have the PLAYERS!!! to Fill the LW and RW. And i think everybodys game will open up if the centers have their own lines.

Once our forward lines start having some dynamics, that leaves Brent Burns ALL BUT forgotten!! Where he can move up and have an open net. Hes a big piece but we can't be a 1 guy team and then leave it to Jones to hold it down.

And i only say this because i am trying to solve the problem of our game being too predictable and solveable. block brent burns shot for the odd man rush, tie up Thornton. Ya understand me

Edit: make it happen

Boedker Pavelski Donskoi
Marleau Couture Ward
Labanc Thornton Meier
Hansen Hertl Karlson

Save the power for the actual Power play thats why its called a power play! There are many many many ways before we should be desperate enough to have Tierney at 3C
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Outro: Divina Comedia
Dec 21, 2009
Bay Area
I'd love to have Pavelski center his own line but I'm kind of dubious of his ability to do so. He hasn't centered his own line in like 6 years and I have trouble separating what he can do from what Thornton does.

Wrong! :laugh: He centered Team USA's top line in the 2014 Olympics and IIRC was no bueno. Didn't he center at the WC last September too?


Mar 12, 2009
San Francisco
Wrong! :laugh: He centered Team USA's top line in the 2014 Olympics and IIRC was no bueno. Didn't he center at the WC last September too?

I thought his line looked good in the Olympics, the team just sucked? At least based on the 1-game I rewatched on NHL Network a few weeks ago.

Rusanowsky on NHL Network: we are now in the double secret probation period of the season when little information is given about injuries.

Couture out indefinitely

If it's something like a maxilla fracture, at least his hands and legs won't be rusty. After super extensive jaw surgeries (at least for civilians with bigger-than-fracture surgeries without the top-tier medical facilities), they can't really eat solids for 4-8 weeks though so he might be pretty weak.
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Registered User
Apr 9, 2015
After researching the various methodologies of dental bone repair - it sounds like they gave him a rigid fixation (ie plates and screws versus wiring his jaw shut) and likely would have utilized an rhBMP-2(Bone Morphogenic Protein 2) to decrease recovery time. Wikipedia indicates that such a treatment without BMP would likely result in 80% bone strength after 3 weeks, 90% after 4. Studies have shown that BMP administration can increasing healing rates substantially - increasing bone fracture strength by 33% after 2 weeks and 70+% after 4. Additionally, the administration of testosterone and a synthetic deriviative 19-nortestosterone, have both been shown to reduce fracture healing time by over 25% in rodents. Another testosterone derivative, oxandrolone, has shown been shown to result in dramatically increased synthesis of bone, collagen, matrix, and epidermis in oral cavity wounds. In vitro testing on human fibroblast culture has demonstrated a 10-fold increase in the messenger RNA for collagen synthesis. It is speculated that additional supplementation of rHGH or IGF-3 would additionally result in a decreased healing time, however real-world results have been inconclusive. Real-world testing has not demonstrated that either compound plays an important role in the repair of bone fractures.

Based on the above - I think we'll see him with a cage (ie 80-90% strength) in roughly 10-15 days assuming sufficient nutritional intake and mineral supplementation is undertaken.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I literally did this research because I was bored. But hey, now I can pretend to be a dentist.


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