OT: 2014 REDSKINS Thread Part I (0 - 1 - 0)

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Yay hockey!
May 25, 2011
Fairfax, VA
Don't feel bad. In one league I took Lacy 4th overall and then Doug Martin in the 3rd round. Both knocked out of the game Week 1, cost me a precious win in a money league, and who knows whether they'll hold up all year now.

I have Lacy as my #1 RB, and gambled on Ray Rice in the late rounds as my 4th RB. We start 2 RBs.


At least there was 2018.
Feb 18, 2012
District of Champions
I of course am an idiot and homer reached on drafting Reed on my fantasy team to snag him before my fellow Skin fanatics could draft him. Injured on his first catch. Not unlike me reaching on Garcon in 2012, and his TD in his first game vs New Orleans, got injured and it lingered all year.

Do I cut my losses, or hold an injured player like I have in years past that killed my team?

I also took Reed. I just traded Bernard Pierce for Martellus Bennett. I think I'll be OK.

Also, in what is hopefully the sleeper move of the century I picked up Josh Gordon off waivers today. If his suspension is cut in half, I've got a great pick up for the play-off run.


Pull my finger
Mar 13, 2009
The 1 league I am in we drafted online on the CBS site. They "upgraded" it from last year and I couldn't get into the draft room and the computer picked Charles from KC for me who did dick week 1. Andy Reid said it was unacceptable that Charles got so little touches, but the guy after me took McCoy from PHI. I was pissed.


Keep truckin'
Nov 3, 2006
I don't think CBS Fantasy allows for putting players on IR. If they do, the player must first be placed on IR officially with the team. I don't think Reed has been placed on IR. I will do that if I can, though. I'll probably hold him for 6 games, he'll come back, and likely get injured on his first tackle.

The new CBS FF interface sucks and is buggy. Old news is priority over old when looking at players, X to close player has crashed on me. The draft room froze. The Android App is not much better.

After week 1, I had 8 cold players. I got crushed.

I guessed on Moreno needing a back and saw it was a coinflip if he would start. i went heavy WR early after taking Jammal Do nothing week 1 Charles 3rd overall. Someone on draft chat said wow you have a lot of WRs and I asked, arent we a PPR league?? There was a predictable run on WRs after that freeing me up to take other losers.
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Registered User
Mar 18, 2009
Washington down to 28th in ESPN's power rankings: http://espn.go.com/nfl/powerrankings/_/year/2014/week/2

The blurb illustrated just how useless all those RG3 completions were on Sunday:

38% of his pass attempts didn't even cross the line of scrimmage!

Is that on RGIII? I think not. That is by design and that was the game plan going in.

I can see why Gruden did it. He knows his O line blows and the Texans have one of the best if not the best Dlines in the league. It didn't work out in the end thanks to 2 fumbles inside the 10 and another epic fail by special teams.

Looking back if we tried to drop back and run some deeper routes they would have had 10 sacks. Polumbus, Lich and Chester got abused in comical fashion.


33% more deke
Aug 6, 2009
Boston, MA
Is that on RGIII? I think not. That is by design and that was the game plan going in.

I can see why Gruden did it. He knows his O line blows and the Texans have one of the best if not the best Dlines in the league. It didn't work out in the end thanks to 2 fumbles inside the 10 and another epic fail by special teams.

Looking back if we tried to drop back and run some deeper routes they would have had 10 sacks. Polumbus, Lich and Chester got abused in comical fashion.

Which begs the question: Why spend 3 first round draft picks on a guy that your organization isn't capable of protecting, or utilizing to the fullest?

One more cap-friendly year after this one, and then it's going to get even harder to assemble a team around him.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2009
Which begs the question: Why spend 3 first round draft picks on a guy that your organization isn't capable of protecting, or utilizing to the fullest?

One more cap-friendly year after this one, and then it's going to get even harder to assemble a team around him.

Well you have to understand its the whole changing coaches constantly thing.

It took Shanahan 3 or 4 years to assemble HIS type of Oline. Smaller faster guys who can better execute the ZBS.

Now Gruden comes in and there will be a transition period as you can't overhaul the entire line in one year.

One of the Redskins problems is impatience and lack of stability. I was hoping that was addressed by Shanahan but clearly something happened last year to brutally derail that.


Keep truckin'
Nov 3, 2006
I didn't know anyone still pulled out QBR stats. :laugh:

He turns a blind eye to our lame duck pass protection, and what is asked of Robert, which is to stand in the "pocket" and learn feet to the fire. It is tough sledding, as the word is out to just attack every down, just like last year. I am bummed we kept Mike's OL yet expect RG3 to thrive standing behind it.

We need to run the ball a lot more, to make play action work, which will buy that extra half second for a pocket to be free to step into a throw to a guy downfield. Our OL needs play action more than RG3 does.
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Registered User
Mar 18, 2009
I see. I was not aware...

But yes totally agree. Dissappointing we didn't make more changes on the Oline as with the big coaching change thats where we should have focused.

That said they did sign someone and use 2 of their picks on Oline. I guess they weren't trying to revamp that over one off season.

If there is criticism to be laid on a single player on this team tho it should be Orakpo. He needs to be better and has all the talent in the world to do so but hasn't put it all together yet. One problem is that I don't believe he is a good 3-4 outside LB. He's a DE in a 4-3 thats a fish out of water.


Keep truckin'
Nov 3, 2006
True or False

Orakpo was dropping into pass coverage as often as he was rushing the passer on Sunday

I think it was about a 50 50 split. While I liked our D, I wonder why we paid him top dollar to be a coverage guy.

Hmmmm, sand bagging his sack stats so we can resign on the cheap.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2009
True or False

Orakpo was dropping into pass coverage as often as he was rushing the passer on Sunday

I think it was about a 50 50 split. While I liked our D, I wonder why we paid him top dollar to be a coverage guy.

Hmmmm, sand bagging his sack stats so we can resign on the cheap.

Good point.

Watch the Hopkins touchdown again. At the line I cringed right away when the Orkapo was on that slot reciever (Hopkins) and dropped into zone.

From that point Hopkins just went clear across the field with no one on him. If he stayed in the flat did the Skins really expect Orakpo to keep up with a receiver??? Because it sure seemed that was his zone responsibility.


33% more deke
Aug 6, 2009
Boston, MA
I didn't know anyone still pulled out QBR stats. :laugh:

He turns a blind eye to our lame duck pass protection, and what is asked of Robert, which is to stand in the "pocket" and learn feet to the fire. It is tough sledding, as the word is out to just attack every down, just like last year. I am bummed we kept Mike's OL yet expect RG3 to thrive standing behind it.

We need to run the ball a lot more, to make play action work, which will buy that extra half second for a pocket to be free to step into a throw to a guy downfield. Our OL needs play action more than RG3 does.

I actually think spending 3 first rounders and 1 second rounder on a quarterback when no other part of the offense was ready to protect or utilize him was a franchise-crippling mistake. The lack of talent on the offensive line can be directly linked to the lack of high draft picks, and once the cost-controlled years of RG3's contract are over, he will continue to be the reason that a team can't be assembled around him.


Pull my finger
Mar 13, 2009
The O'line is in transition. Williams is a starting LT for any team in this league, Lauvao is a Gruden pickup, Lichy is a fine center, but Chester and Polumbus are Shanny hold overs. Long and Moses were drafted to replace them. I think Long might take Chesters spot by the seasons end and possibly same for Moses at RT, but they are rookies. They need time to develop.

In the mean time why not do what the O'line does well, especially the right side. Run the ball.

Having said that, the big knock on Gruden the OC was he didn't run the ball enough in Cincy. Bengal fans said the same when he was hired by the Skins. Hopefully Gruden the HC will learn like Gibbs did way back when. More hoping though for us Skins fans. Getting tired of hoping.


Pull my finger
Mar 13, 2009
True or False

Orakpo was dropping into pass coverage as often as he was rushing the passer on Sunday

I think it was about a 50 50 split. While I liked our D, I wonder why we paid him top dollar to be a coverage guy.

Hmmmm, sand bagging his sack stats so we can resign on the cheap.

John Keim was just on 980 and he said HOU was dictating what Orakpo did based on the personnel HOU used a lot that forced Orakpo in coverage. Keim also said he brought up that question to Haslet during training camp, "what do you do when the other team forces to only rush 4 players, what do you do with Orakpo?", Keim said he never got an answer from Haslet.

Regardless, Keim also said Orakpo was going on and on in the locker room when asked about his HOU performance saying "I can only do what they tell me to, I won't *****, blah blah blah". Yeah, nothing to prove at all.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2009

This just goes to show a big factor as to why we lost the game on Sunday. We were thoroughly outcoached on both sides of the ball sprinkled in with terribad Special Teams mistakes, turnovers etc.

The special teams mistakes and turnovers are errors by the players.

The scheme and gameplan was not good IMO. But then again hindsight is 20/20 and if we don't make those mistakes/turnovers and win then we'd probably all be applauding the coaching.

Frustrating loss.


Keep truckin'
Nov 3, 2006
I am not sold on Kory. Isn't it just wee bit premature to call him a fine center? He has one game under his belt. In that game:

  • We lost, and couldn't form a pocket to get a guy downfield.
  • He refused to snap the ball on the first series, and then snapped it after we called timeout.
  • There was a fumbled exchange / not sure whose fault.
  • He also had a low shotgun snap, IIRC.
  • Our first first down of the year, RG3 was only able to step up because Kory ran by him at full speed trying to keep up with a defender.
  • Is he in charge of blitz pickups, like Monty was? Crennel had guys coming free almost every time he blitzed.
  • On the famous RG3 fumble, Kory got pitchforked back. Gruden blamed RG3 for not getting out of the way. If true I blame Gruden for expecting him to avoid our OL getting blown up on every snap.

He is an undersized center with exactly one game of starting C experience. Jury is out. He was lucky they didn't line up Watt on him.

Lauvao had a shaky game as well. His fancy stats before coming here, weren't so fancy.

Jury is out but all signs point to our OL only able to run block again this year. Trent our lock had a sack and a holding call, and missed another sack because of a def holding call.

The most hated guy on the OL here Tyler, actually exceeded my expectations on Watt. Watt DESTROYED Chester and Lauvao in that first series, and then stayed on Tyler most of the day.


Keep truckin'
Nov 3, 2006
John Keim was just on 980 and he said HOU was dictating what Orakpo ...

Very interesting. I think that was their head coaches first game and he did well.

They stuck to the run, mixed in the pass well, and we could barely get a hand on Fitzgerald.

Rak was a non factor. Outside of Kerrigan's strip, he was largely invisible as well.

I question the 3-4 if it's that easy to stick Rak assumed our best PR into pass coverage duty.


Pull my finger
Mar 13, 2009
Sorry, let me clarify. Being a fine center is different from being a good to great center. Keim said today on 980 that Lichty went against Coefield all training camp and Lichty more than held his own. Coefield is a pretty good interior D'lineman.

In regards to who is calling the blitz pick up, Cory or Griffin, I believe Keim said today Griffin is in charge of that, but he was talking on a phone during his interview and it was hard to hear Keim at times. That makes no sense to me. Griffin appears to have enough to worry about as far as his progressions and reads, Lichty should be calling line assignments.

Lets also keep in mind this was the O'lines first real game in a new passing offense, just like Griffin. Add into it a new left guard and a new center and the O'line needs some time to gel with real bullets flying. The O'line is 5 players working together as one unit against a defensive line twisting/stunting and blitzing all over the place. And HOU's front 7, even without Clowney, is and has been good for a couple years now.

With all that said the key to success against Jacksonville is running the ball. Run, run and then run some more. Will take pressure off Griffin and will really take pressure off the O'line until they get in sync together and get a handle on their new passing game blocking assignments.


Pull my finger
Mar 13, 2009
Very interesting. I think that was their head coaches first game and he did well.

They stuck to the run, mixed in the pass well, and we could barely get a hand on Fitzgerald.

Rak was a non factor. Outside of Kerrigan's strip, he was largely invisible as well.

I question the 3-4 if it's that easy to stick Rak assumed our best PR into pass coverage duty.

I question the 3-4, period. Kerrigan would be better served as a 4-3 end, and with Orakpo's strong showing the last couple years against the run, maybe put Orakpo as a 4-3 end. Coefield does well as a 3-4 nose, but he made his bones as a 4-3 DT and Baker and Jenkins would be nice 4-3 DT's or have Jenkins as the run stuffing left DE. Move Perry to Sam OLB, leave Robinson at MLB and have Orakpo as a Will OLB.

Not going to happen though.


At least there was 2018.
Feb 18, 2012
District of Champions
For what it's worth, Keim said in his film study Kory was fantastic. One game sample size, I know, but still encouraging.

We need Long and Moses to pan out, and maybe LeRibeye actually does something. What a waste of a pick that looks like. Next year in the draft we need Landon Collins (S, Alabama) then BPA on the lines.


Keep truckin'
Nov 3, 2006
I wonder if the Jerrah Jones sexual assault allegation has legs



Pull my finger
Mar 13, 2009
For what it's worth, Keim said in his film study Kory was fantastic. One game sample size, I know, but still encouraging.

We need Long and Moses to pan out, and maybe LeRibeye actually does something. What a waste of a pick that looks like. Next year in the draft we need Landon Collins (S, Alabama) then BPA on the lines.

Center is Lichty's natural position. He would be more than adequate if he was covered on both sides by large, physical, guards. Would allow Lichty to chip on a double team and get into the 2nd level on a consistent basis. He might have that on one side with Lauvao, but he doesn't have it on the other with Chester. Long and/or LeRiebus could develop into that physical guard to replace Chester, but neither are ready, and LeRiebus might never be.
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