Your worst hockey injury


Registered User
Jan 13, 2014
Fractured 5th metatarsal in my right foot a few years ago, blocking a clapper as I headed up to cover the point. I did the thing you are NOT suppose to do, I lifted my foot to avoid the shot, which put it directly in harms way. :(


No. 5 in your programs, No. 1 in your hearts
Jul 2, 2015
Pulled/torn my groin pretty badly playing goalie for my intramural hockey team in college. I was stretching out almost full splits to make a pad save and felt something pull in my groin. I stayed in the game despite the discomfort and we ended up winning (semifinals playoff game). I knew something was wrong but wasn't sure exactly what. In the locker room post game I was taking off my gear and noticed this pretty gruesome bruise on my inner thigh. Never got it looked at by a doctor or MRI'd because college, so I am not sure how bad the injury really was. My groin wasn't fully healed for probably more than a year tho.

FWIW I decided to tough it out and played in the championship game (tho obviously my mobility was not great). Took a long time to fully recover, but hey, we won the championship!
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Registered User
Jun 13, 2014
I used to play goalie as a young lad.

I was playing street hockey with some friends and for whatever reason, I didnt have my jock in my bag .. you see where this is going right?

Even with one of those orange plastic street balls .......................

I dont play goalie anymore.

Alexander the Gr8

Registered User
May 2, 2013
Concussion when I was 14 years old. Some dude elbowed me on the side of the head. My head then hit the glass and finally the back of my head hit the ice. I don't remember how it unfolded, I just know because my teammates told me.

Was carried to the dressing room where I got up and appeared fine. The symptoms kicked in when I got home, I was dizzy for 10 days, I felt like throwing up all the time.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Chicago, IL
Pulled/torn my groin pretty badly playing goalie for my intramural hockey team in college. I was stretching out almost full splits to make a pad save and felt something pull in my groin. I stayed in the game despite the discomfort and we ended up winning (semifinals playoff game). I knew something was wrong but wasn't sure exactly what. In the locker room post game I was taking off my gear and noticed this pretty gruesome bruise on my inner thigh. Never got it looked at by a doctor or MRI'd because college, so I am not sure how bad the injury really was. My groin wasn't fully healed for probably more than a year tho.

FWIW I decided to tough it out and played in the championship game (tho obviously my mobility was not great). Took a long time to fully recover, but hey, we won the championship!

If you had a bruise, that was a pretty good tear. I've tweaked/pulled my groin quite a few times and it has never been noticeably bruised, even when it was nearly impossible to skate on. I have no idea how you played goalie like that.


Dr. Hook
Aug 12, 2002
- Separated shoulder from a bodycheck when I was 16

- My worst though was getting very bad whiplash from being cross-checked across the chin which sent my head backwards. Severe, severe headaches for days. In and out of emergency, CT scans, etc...

- Have also had MCL partial tears in both knees. These both didn't hurt "that" bad when they happened but man do they screw you up for months....


Apr 29, 2012
Nova Scotia
One handed reach for a loose puck, got checked. Broke my collarbone. Was playing on a team coached by my dad at the time who thought I was faking an injury for some reason. Had to finish the game. Get to the hospital, they do an x-ray and take me to another room and they think it's a dislocated shoulder. They try to give me a numbing needle, miss 3 times before getting it. They then get the xray back and realize it's a broken collarbone so that was all for nothing.

Was great.

second would be getting tripped playing a game of pickup, landing on the side of my knee cap and dislocating it. Didn't really hurt as much as I would have thought, but I still have problems from it.


Registered User
May 3, 2006
My best friend and I at "AAA" tryouts...he was recovering from a broken collar bone. We were on diff teams and I caught him behind the net to break it yet again. Lol poor guy :laugh:


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Currently dealing with a separated shoulder. I stretch before every game, and then I'll go games with no issue. Til that one guy who's a foot bigger and 100lbs more pushes me into the boards and it'll sepperate. Leaves me stiff for a few days and then I'm fine.


What do we want!? Unfair!
Sep 8, 2008
Lacerated spleen my very last game of highschool (and the last game our team would play).

Separated shoulder in college.

Played through both injuries when I probably should not have. :laugh:

Charlie Conway

Oxford Comma
Nov 2, 2013
I didn't do too bad despite how stupid I was. Interesting to read some of these responses and realize how lucky I was.

I was 12 and blocked shots on defense pretty regularly. Head, chest, injuries, thankfully. I would get banged up just from skating hard to beat people to the puck at the boards and slamming into them. Stopping wasn't my forte. :laugh:

We had a goalie who took a shot off the groin. Even with the cup, he went down pretty hard. Next week, I said "Hey, Jay, how's it going?" and he was stuffing towels down his pants.

My brother slid to block a shot and took a puck off the inside of the thigh. No one really wore the actually pads that cover the thighs--most favored the mesh pants over a pair of sweatpants or shorts. Ended up going to get it checked out to make sure there were no clots. He had a skittles-colored bruise for a few weeks.

Only real "injury" I had was taking a hard wrist shot off of the shin during a pick-up game. Looked like I was smuggling a golf ball under my skin for 3 weeks.


Registered User
Nov 12, 2005
Long Island, NY
Roller hockey, of all things - against another school. So no shoulder pads or hockey pants. Got cross-checked in my left hip area while coming around with the puck. It felt a bit weird the rest of the game, not real pain but a bothersome nagging pain that wouldn't let me stand up straight. It was a doubleheader but I couldn't stay for game 2 due to the "pain". While driving myself back to the dorm I started getting the sweats real bad. As I was nearing the final turn home I felt myself starting to black out. I completed the turn.

Then I felt myself peeing my pants - I realize I'm in the middle of the road and I've been blacked out, yet was able to put the car in park beforehand. Pissing myself was some kind of miracle response by my body at that point.

I got back to my room and tried to sleep it off. Since I couldn't, I called the school nurse, who basically saved my life. She said anything having to do with the abdomen I must go get it checked out. A friend drove me to the hospital where I blacked out again as soon as I walked in. I woke on the trauma table shivering uncontrollably. Man that catheter hurt so bad. A scan showed I had ruptured my spleen and it's bleeding internally. They said surgery was necessary and I remember worrying about not waking up from it at all. They had me count backwards from 10 and I was out like a light at maybe 8.

I supposedly woke up after surgery thrashing around so they had to put on restraints, which was the first thing I remember after waking consciously. Some people don't take sedation well. Abdominal surgery is no joke - every time you move you need your stomach muscles. It hurt like hell moving even the slightest. The staples, 6-inch vertically down my stomach didn't look all that great either. I also had intense stomach pains that felt like gas that could not escape throughout the next few days. I also fainted once while in the bathroom and they rushed people in to help me again.

After being discharged, I spent the next 3 weeks sleeping in my gf's dorm room while she cared for me. Meanwhile my teammate wrote a scathing letter to the other team's captain about the crosscheck - it wasn't very well received. :D This scar remains pretty prominent some 16 years later... the doc lied about it fading. It was a freak accident and I went back to play a few months later. If I were smart, I would've just started with ice a long time ago and none of that would've happened - I love it so much more now.
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Registered User
Nov 12, 2005
Long Island, NY
My best friend and I at "AAA" tryouts...he was recovering from a broken collar bone. We were on diff teams and I caught him behind the net to break it yet again. Lol poor guy :laugh:

At least that happened before the season started and he had to pay the full tuition. :D I've always wondered what happens with that... pay $3-4k and you get hurt mid-way, can't play the rest of the season.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2008

Mid December (almost 2 months ago now) took a slapshot off the outside of my right skate. Instant pain, difficult to put any weight on it, and it didn't let up. Took 1-2 more shifts with no change, so decided to skip the 3rd period.

Applied ice, ibuprofen/acetaminophen, and rest. Limped for about a month afterwards. Took 2.5 weeks off then tried skating again. Increased soreness following the game, so haven't skated since (Jan 8th).

Saw a MD 3 weeks ago ... assumed hairline fracture and wrote for an X-ray. Finally got the X-ray today ... still waiting on MD to read it, but I saw it and it looked good to me.

Other than possible damage to the fibula (hairline fracture), what else could it be? Ligament/tendon damage?


Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Chicago, IL
How old are you? A deep bone bruise can take MONTHS to heal. I don't see how you can get ligament/tendon damage from an impact injury.


Registered User
Apr 15, 2007
I stepped on a stick and fell awkwardly, my skate lacerated my inner thigh, didn't realize i was even cut until i got the bench and looked down, my sock was sliced and there was a huge open gash in my leg, luckily my game was right after a junior game and their medic helped me out before going to the hospital for stitches


Registered User
Jun 17, 2008
How old are you? A deep bone bruise can take MONTHS to heal. I don't see how you can get ligament/tendon damage from an impact injury.

I know, I'm not sure how ligaments/tendons could be damaged either, but I just know the X-ray didn't look like there was any bone damage (again, not an expert though).

How would they diagnose a bone bruise?


Registered User
Mar 18, 2010
Chicago, IL
I know, I'm not sure how ligaments/tendons could be damaged either, but I just know the X-ray didn't look like there was any bone damage (again, not an expert though).

How would they diagnose a bone bruise?

The bone is really tender to the touch, in my experience. Can also be a raised bump or swelling on the bone.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2008
The bone is really tender to the touch, in my experience. Can also be a raised bump or swelling on the bone.

Yeah, this really only aches when I rotate or move my ankle around ... it doesn't hurt to the touch.

I'm in contact with my MD now. XR negative on the ankle, so there's that. Maybe a bruised bone ... which I assume wouldn't be negatively affected by starting to skate again.


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
When I was 14, I broke my left thumb during practice

During my early 20's, I used to get tripped at least once a game and it seemed like I would always land on my left hip in the same spot every time. Long story short, some kind of yellow mass formed in the scar tissue that I elected to have surgically removed. The mass was the size of a baked bean. There's still quite a bit of scar tissue in my hip from all the trauma it incurred

In my mid 20's I was reaching for a puck as I crossed the blueline and wound up getting accidentally clipped by the defender (think Naslund vs Moore) and my cage ended up slicing my chin open. It was late in the game and we were down a goal, so I put my helmet back on and finished the shift. After the game I went to the hospital and it took 6 stitches to close the gash
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