Post-Game Talk: Worst Leafs performance I’ve seen in 25 years as a fan

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Registered User
Dec 28, 2011
New Zealand
Does anyone feel better yet?

I live thousands of miles away from most leaf nation fans. Probably the only fan this close to Antarctica.
Kiwi is a filthy North Islander, so I am sure I can claim that.
No. I dont feel better. My wife asks nearly every day if the leafs played and how they did. I can just give her a look lately, and she wont press for anymore details.
Shes secretly thinking and probably hoping I wont be spending a heap of coin going to watch them play next October while I am there with work.
I might try and cheer myself up by cleaning up some giant dogshit on our huge lawn.

The Podium

Registered User
Feb 19, 2010
I swore last night, and my 4 yr old granddaughter was 3 feet from me. I'm ashamed that this team who most players don't give a shit about have that kind of effect on me. I'm not doing that again (I hope).

Cabana Boy now living in Woodbridge, I bet I can guess what street you grew up on :laugh:
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Registered User
Sep 28, 2017
It be Murphy's law that Leafs wait 50+ years between Cups and then have the squeak into the playoffs on a tie-breaker and win it all and forever and ever it would be tossed in Leafs Nation face that they need Zamboni driver assistance to end a 50 year drought..

Personally, despite the Leafs players and management having some short term egg on their faces for embarrassingly losing to a Zamboni driver the end will justify the means of a clean playoff appearance and playoff run unassisted by 42 year old Zamboni drivers. IMO

Short term pain for long term gain if you prefer and I can live with that fact.. .If the Leafs don't make the playoffs then this will be one game that won't sit well when the dust settles but if you can't win this game then realistically you're not really a strong Cup contender and would need a Cinderella season anyways.

Embarrassment is great motivation.

Boston blew a 3-0 series lead to Philly and a 3-0 lead in game 7. They came back and won the cup the very next year. All the interviews going around on the Boston players was the same thing - they never wanted to experience that horrible moment again.

57 Years No Cup

New and Improved Username!
Nov 12, 2007
I threw things last night, I usually dont throw things
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Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
Leafs Home Board
I admire your optimism however,
It sounds good but from what they’ve shown the will squeak into the playoffs and quickly shown the door.
Next replacing Ceci/Barrie with Ren and Stimpy. Still can’t understand where the problems are coming from. Wash repeat.

Our Leafs in a heated playoff race in front of our starting goalie gave up 6 against the Hurricane's in this one.. The fact that many are bemoaning the fact that Leafs didn't score 6 goals against a 42 year old Zamboni driver in 25 minutes of time to win 7-6 might in fact be burying the lead here, and missing the big picture problem as to what that was wrong with this game.

The Zamboni driver wasn't the #1 issue here (as that was an anomaly), it was the poor effort and play by the Leafs that surrendered 6 as opposed to scoring 7 or more to win. IMO

Leafs have much bigger problems and fish to fry then lack of offense at times.


Donec nunc annum
Jul 8, 2011
Are you say that Leafs should run and take out the other teams two goalies each game, and then fill the net when the Zamboni driver, Accountant or Hair dresser takes the net? :wg:

Whatever it takes to win?

I felt bad for Dave Ayres when he was forced into the net and let in his first 2 shots as I felt a beating coming on, and then I felt bad for the Leafs players after the loss.. Perhaps it is hormonal or perhaps I'm just sensitive that way. :)

Oh come was 4-3 going into the third.

If it was that easy to score on the guy, and they didn't want to humiliate him, then....
  • then shut the door defensively
  • put a few muffins on net he can save
  • tie it up around the 12 minute mark
  • a few more muffins
  • then put couple past him with 7 and 5 minutes to go.
Simple.....he saves face, we get 2 points.

But the reality is, they couldn't shut the door (no surprise) and they couldn't muster up shots when the needed to (again, no surprise)

As a result, they manage to become the lead story by losing on the day Ovie pots number 700.

It’s actually how many pro athletes think.
Not ones that win things


Donec nunc annum
Jul 8, 2011
Embarrassment is great motivation.

Boston blew a 3-0 series lead to Philly and a 3-0 lead in game 7. They came back and won the cup the very next year. All the interviews going around on the Boston players was the same thing - they never wanted to experience that horrible moment again.
Wasn't that the story on Tuesday morning?
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Registered User
Mar 5, 2016
The Naki
Embarrassment is great motivation.

Boston blew a 3-0 series lead to Philly and a 3-0 lead in game 7. They came back and won the cup the very next year. All the interviews going around on the Boston players was the same thing - they never wanted to experience that horrible moment again.

The problem is that embarrassment seems to be the only way to motivate this team to give an effort

Good one day, bad the next with zero consistency as the season progresses and what seems like an inability to confront the reasons this is happening from one game to the next

There doesn't seem to be any professional pride or willingness to take ownership of the teams situation from anybody in the core

I just don't know where we go from here
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Registered User
Feb 26, 2017
Embarrassment is short lived and so is a sold effort with this group. They always revert back to laziness, avoiding the difficult areas, and selfish play. That's their default character unfortunately. It's in their DNA.


Registered User
Sep 16, 2009
They absolutely have to bench players after this debacle.

Mitch should be watching the next game from a press box.
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Registered User
Mar 31, 2019
I think we all need to face facts: this team is horribly flawed and some big decisions/changes need to happen.

I can’t add anything that already hasn’t been said.
My biggest hope is that Dubas doesn’t make trades to try and save his job, and end up crippling this team even more than they already are.

Please MLSE, do the right thing and show Dubas and Shanahan the door at season’s end! We the fans deserve the right to see competent individuals run this team. We have suffered far too long! It’s not okay to be perennial losers on the ice, but be making money from because you have fans in practically every other market which helps with jersey sales and so on.
We are the ones who pay the outrageous ticket and concession prices that you charge, only to time and time again see this so-called “team” fold like a cheap tent.

Haven’t we suffered long enough? Don’t we deserve to live long enough to see this team win a championship? Please listen to a quote from Albert Einstein and heed his advice: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. Dubas and Shanahan are not the right people for this job. I have to admit I’m surprised with Shanahan. If he had built this team the way he played, I believe we would be serious contenders for the Cup. But for whatever reason, he has been led to believe that Dubas knows how to do this, which seems to be apparent to everyone but this entire management team, that he has no clue!

This team is not built right. You must see that major changes need to happen. Please do this for us!
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