Windsor Spitfires 2020 Offseason Thread (Part 3)

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Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
I remember being told, you don’t know what your talking about, when I passed along info I was getting. Branch should be held fully accountable for his lack of leadership and outright lies. No he didn’t create this mess but he sure as hell didn’t help it!! Sponsors, families, players, billets, fans and team staff are not pleased! Imho this hurts the entire league for some time. Loss of revenue may cripple small market teams. The lure of other leagues likely further hurts the talent pool... Like I suggested early on, the season should have been canceled, all effort should have been directed toward next season. Phone calls directly to those affected should have been made so a clear picture was available. Graduating players should have had assurances they won’t be forgotten and teams told to have ceremony’s for those guys. Draft eligible players should have had tourneys set up to at least have some way to show where they stand. Many things could have been done, yet here we are holding empty bags!!

The smart money was there not being a season. If there was going to be any games played in should have happened between Sept-Oct. After the spike in mid late Nov through Dec and a stay at home order through Feb the writing was on the wall. Does anyone really believe there was an acceptable return to play format 2 days before the other shoe dropped a week ago?? If you believe that I have some ocean front property in Wheatley for you. Branch deserves a lot of heat for this but you have the owners who are still good with him and this is where you have the leadership issue. I still get the idea the owners didn't have much interest in there being a season at all. It was fine kicking the can down the road dropping hints or whatever of their interest but at the end of the day it didn't matter if they played or not.
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Registered User
Jan 6, 2018
I agree. Good luck to the grads! Hope for a season in the fall! Very interested in how this team drafts. Does the coaching staff get rehired?!?! .Do the owners find a buyers? Extremely disappointed in the OHL staff from Branch on down!!! Imho Branch should resign or be let go! Truly hope this doesn’t affect the O in the future but my gut says it will.
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Registered User
Nov 18, 2008
behind lens, Ontario
I agree. Good luck to the grads! Hope for a season in the fall! Very interested in how this team drafts. Does the coaching staff get rehired?!?! .Do the owners find a buyers? Extremely disappointed in the OHL staff from Branch on down!!! Imho Branch should resign or be let go! Truly hope this doesn’t affect the O in the future but my gut says it will.

This brings up a good question - in all seriousness, if the Cypher Systems Group has a chance to get out this summer, would they?


Registered User
Apr 15, 2012
South Detroit
This brings up a good question - in all seriousness, if the Cypher Systems Group has a chance to get out this summer, would they?

If I were the owners I’d certainly be looking for something that would give me a chance to make some money on my investment. As PT. Barnum said there’s a sucker born every day.
However, you and I aren’t the Spitfires accountants. The Spits surely must be tax write-offs. My guess is the owners will hold the line in hopes that things improve enough in the future that a close to break even sale is possible.
If that is the case you can expect the team will cut costs wherever possible. Less coaching, and newer less expensive coaches. The big question facing the Spits will be the fan base. Will the season ticket sales plummet? Will the walk ups fall off because of price or product? Tough sledding for the league in the future.


Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
If I were the owners I’d certainly be looking for something that would give me a chance to make some money on my investment. As PT. Barnum said there’s a sucker born every day.
However, you and I aren’t the Spitfires accountants. The Spits surely must be tax write-offs. My guess is the owners will hold the line in hopes that things improve enough in the future that a close to break even sale is possible.
If that is the case you can expect the team will cut costs wherever possible. Less coaching, and newer less expensive coaches. The big question facing the Spits will be the fan base. Will the season ticket sales plummet? Will the walk ups fall off because of price or product? Tough sledding for the league in the future.

They must be stay extremely cheap to keep their head above possible a drowning product.

member 71782

I still think this ownership group, the majority owners at least have any clue on what it takes to run a sports franchise. I'll bet they probably bought pretty high and figured the it would be all gravy for a couple of years until they could sell. As we saw they tried to sell after year one when it was probably at the high end, that went well. Now they're stuck and I doubt they're willing to take a loss so they'll continue to run it like a traditional business, cut costs until there's nothing left to cut in the hopes they make up some revenue from the lower costs and sell a bare bones operation for a bit more than it's worth if normal expenditures remained in place. My guess, three more years of this group. They may finally realize that in order to gain value from a franchise you need to have a franchise that has value. This draft will go poorly, they'll start moving out bodies to finally gain some assets and continue to do so for the next two seasons and when they have a team that has the assets to build with they'll sell based on future projections of success to a group that has some name recognition to attract the talent with those assets.

We've seen a lot of mediocre hockey most of the last ten years or so and the next two seasons we'll likely be wishing we could see that level of hockey the next two years.

Get ready for a bare bones operation that likely sees this team amongst the bottom six the next two seasons.

Cut costs to save money, watch the team tank, sell off the top talent for future owners to do what they want with. Letowski and Smith for at least two more seasons and if the bare bones budget allows it a third coach behind the bench with Bowler doing as he's told. The pandemic will give them all the excuses they need to justify not investing in the team and many will accept that. I'm sure there'll be a price increase across the board on anything they can get away with increasing prices on as well.

The best time to invest is coming out of a bad situation but with traditional business approaches it's the best time to cut back on everything you need to be successful.

No pity for extremely well off people who are simply looking to cash in instead of building an actual product. Hope they're gone soon but it won't be soon enough. I've kept a portion of cable just to watch the games but if it appears to be heading in the direction I think, cable will be gone and I'll be done as long as this group remains in control.


Registered User
Apr 15, 2012
South Detroit
I still think this ownership group, the majority owners at least have any clue on what it takes to run a sports franchise. I'll bet they probably bought pretty high and figured the it would be all gravy for a couple of years until they could sell. As we saw they tried to sell after year one when it was probably at the high end, that went well. Now they're stuck and I doubt they're willing to take a loss so they'll continue to run it like a traditional business, cut costs until there's nothing left to cut in the hopes they make up some revenue from the lower costs and sell a bare bones operation for a bit more than it's worth if normal expenditures remained in place. My guess, three more years of this group. They may finally realize that in order to gain value from a franchise you need to have a franchise that has value. This draft will go poorly, they'll start moving out bodies to finally gain some assets and continue to do so for the next two seasons and when they have a team that has the assets to build with they'll sell based on future projections of success to a group that has some name recognition to attract the talent with those assets.

We've seen a lot of mediocre hockey most of the last ten years or so and the next two seasons we'll likely be wishing we could see that level of hockey the next two years.

Get ready for a bare bones operation that likely sees this team amongst the bottom six the next two seasons.

Cut costs to save money, watch the team tank, sell off the top talent for future owners to do what they want with. Letowski and Smith for at least two more seasons and if the bare bones budget allows it a third coach behind the bench with Bowler doing as he's told. The pandemic will give them all the excuses they need to justify not investing in the team and many will accept that. I'm sure there'll be a price increase across the board on anything they can get away with increasing prices on as well.

The best time to invest is coming out of a bad situation but with traditional business approaches it's the best time to cut back on everything you need to be successful.

No pity for extremely well off people who are simply looking to cash in instead of building an actual product. Hope they're gone soon but it won't be soon enough. I've kept a portion of cable just to watch the games but if it appears to be heading in the direction I think, cable will be gone and I'll be done as long as this group remains in control.
Agree with much you have said. Differ on the coaching. Not sure how much Letowski & Smith are paid or if they are still under contract but if they are I’d presume they are well paid due to experience and that’s an area where costs may get cut. Top players, I agree will get moved in hopes that the cupboards will be re-filled. Unfortunately the league may be smaller as others may be worse off than us.Glad it’s not my money...


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
I still think this ownership group, the majority owners at least have any clue on what it takes to run a sports franchise. I'll bet they probably bought pretty high and figured the it would be all gravy for a couple of years until they could sell. As we saw they tried to sell after year one when it was probably at the high end, that went well. Now they're stuck and I doubt they're willing to take a loss so they'll continue to run it like a traditional business, cut costs until there's nothing left to cut in the hopes they make up some revenue from the lower costs and sell a bare bones operation for a bit more than it's worth if normal expenditures remained in place. My guess, three more years of this group. They may finally realize that in order to gain value from a franchise you need to have a franchise that has value. This draft will go poorly, they'll start moving out bodies to finally gain some assets and continue to do so for the next two seasons and when they have a team that has the assets to build with they'll sell based on future projections of success to a group that has some name recognition to attract the talent with those assets.

We've seen a lot of mediocre hockey most of the last ten years or so and the next two seasons we'll likely be wishing we could see that level of hockey the next two years.

Get ready for a bare bones operation that likely sees this team amongst the bottom six the next two seasons.

Cut costs to save money, watch the team tank, sell off the top talent for future owners to do what they want with. Letowski and Smith for at least two more seasons and if the bare bones budget allows it a third coach behind the bench with Bowler doing as he's told. The pandemic will give them all the excuses they need to justify not investing in the team and many will accept that. I'm sure there'll be a price increase across the board on anything they can get away with increasing prices on as well.

The best time to invest is coming out of a bad situation but with traditional business approaches it's the best time to cut back on everything you need to be successful.

No pity for extremely well off people who are simply looking to cash in instead of building an actual product. Hope they're gone soon but it won't be soon enough. I've kept a portion of cable just to watch the games but if it appears to be heading in the direction I think, cable will be gone and I'll be done as long as this group remains in control.

Very well said. Savage x 2/Schwab are terrific business people but that doesn't mean they are great owners for the hockey team. If you want another example look across the river to Chris Ilitch who's watching things rot before his eyes, of course his eyes only see $$$ from another casino deal.

I would agree we are mostly stuck with this group for another 2 years maybe a bit more. The idea someone would buy the franchise after an OHL team hasn't played a game in 18 months is crazy. We were told 3 or 4 times the owners and league were serious about playing this year. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Most likely there will be some sort of season coming up, doubtful on full arenas for some time. Right then the new owner wouldn't be able to maximize profits. The current owners would have to take less than what they most likely paid and I doubt they want to do that. I can't see Letowski and Smith moving at all their contracts will most likely roll over for another year. They still never replaced Weber will be interesting if they want to make the investment on another coach.

We haven't even looked at the question marks going into this upcoming year. Does the OHL bite it and take it a huge hit in their next transfer agreement eg.. Cuylle signed maybe he plays in the AHL this upcoming year, Foudy hasn't signed so maybe he's returned, Egor won't return as an OA. Most likely the best situation for this franchise to be viable for the long term is to tank the next 2 years. It shouldn't be that hard in this upcoming year and then they won't have enough in year 2. Maybe Johnston is terrific, has a good under 18 and becomes a big piece for the Spits and they can leverage him and in the future it will be the 2020 draft, 2021 draft, 2022 draft that are the building blocks for long term stability.

I find it ironic we are talking about this right now when there were some that were deathly afraid of the dentist owner and meanwhile the current ownership hasn't proven anything and they have been around for awhile now. I think the one thing we have to remember is if you have owners that are business owners it doesn't mean they can run a hockey franchise. It's up to them to hire the smart hockey people and leave them alone to run the show.
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Purple Phart

Registered User
Apr 4, 2016
There are two divergent mindsets that can govern one's actions, when looking to sell an asset. There's one ideology that looks at any money spent, as an expense, and with that train of thought , all expenses are kept to a minimum. The other theory is that money spent is regarded as an opposed to an expense. In that 2nd scenario, effort is made to IMPROVE the saleable asset, so that profit can be maximized. That involves improving the on-ice product to a level where the team is CONSISTENTLY competitive. That requires improvement in scouting, coaching, marketing, and attracting top-level talent.

It's not much different than buying, and flipping real estate. One can acquire a "fixer-upper" at minimal cost, make cosmetic upgrades, and resell quickly to maximize profit. The Spitfire franchise just may have been acquired at it's peak value, and has since depreciated. The ownership group, should it elect to make those necessary improvements, might only get back to the level, at which they bought in. Perhaps they see other opportunities, whereby investing the same
amount of money, they get a better return on investment. Meanwhile, they sit on a depreciating asset, with the only possibility of recouping their initial investment, is finding an investor who sees future possibilities, when investment in the correct areas, will provide some
significant appreciation.


Registered User
Apr 15, 2012
South Detroit
From Twitter….Expect the OHL to announce plans for their lottery and draft as early as today. Lottery takes place May 5 with all teams equally weighted.
Draft format - Rounds 1-3 to go Friday June 4th and rounds 4 - 15 June 5th. Snake format after the first round.
Snake format means that if you pick last in 1st round (20th) your next pick is #21. Conversely if you pick #1 in the first round you pick #40 in the 2nd round.


Registered User
Apr 15, 2012
South Detroit
Spit Draft picks for 2021 draft...
Windsor Spitfires
2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7 89 10 11 12 1314 15
2021BAR 2nd---4th
FLNT 4th
ER 5th6th
SSM 6th
7th8th9th10th11th12th13th14thBAR 15th
OTT 15th*
2022OTT 2nd
OSH 2nd
WSR 3rdER 4th5th6th
KGN 6th
2023OTT 2ndKIT 3rd
KGN 3rd
HAM 3rd*
------6th7th8th9th10th11th12th13th14thNIA 15th*
2024KGN 2ndBAR 3rd4th5th
HAM 5th*
2025KGN 2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th13th14th15th


Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
From Twitter….Expect the OHL to announce plans for their lottery and draft as early as today. Lottery takes place May 5 with all teams equally weighted.
Draft format - Rounds 1-3 to go Friday June 4th and rounds 4 - 15 June 5th. Snake format after the first round.
Snake format means that if you pick last in 1st round (20th) your next pick is #21. Conversely if you pick #1 in the first round you pick #40 in the 2nd round.

So London gets 1st overall pick? Lol
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Registered User
Apr 15, 2012
South Detroit
Anyone have any idea if the OHL trade window is open? Or if trading will be allowed during rounds 2-15. Some teams will be decimated as they head into this draft, so much so that they probably might want to trade for extra future picks.


Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
Anyone have any idea if the OHL trade window is open? Or if trading will be allowed during rounds 2-15. Some teams will be decimated as they head into this draft, so much so that they probably might want to trade for extra future picks.

Windsor gm though.....


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
At least we know two things... a) lots of competition at camp next Fall... and b) the rookies will get playing time lol

We don't know if A is actually true. It depends on a couple things eg. if Cuylle/Foudy are back.

D'Amico (OA)
Henault (OA)



That's 16 roster players right there with players actually signed. You will probably get another import pick bringing it to 17, and a couple guys from the 2021 draft. Unless they choose to make roster changes of eligible returning guys the roster is pretty much decided except for maybe a couple 4th line spots.


Registered User
Apr 15, 2012
South Detroit
Think Grayson Ladd is an O/A this year, if it makes a difference. It would be nice to pick up a 3rd rounder to fill things out but unless they can trade during the draft it will be difficult making trades . You could be trading up to get a 3rd not knowing where that 3rd will be …near the top or bottom. There are a couple players that very well may be moving on to greener pastures. We shall see soon enough.


Registered User
Jan 4, 2019
We don't know if A is actually true. It depends on a couple things eg. if Cuylle/Foudy are back.

D'Amico (OA)
Henault (OA)



That's 16 roster players right there with players actually signed. You will probably get another import pick bringing it to 17, and a couple guys from the 2021 draft. Unless they choose to make roster changes of eligible returning guys the roster is pretty much decided except for maybe a couple 4th line spots.
If we are lucky enough to get them all back, looks like a promising roster to start with.


Registered User
Nov 18, 2008
behind lens, Ontario
If Cuylle/Foudy both return, that's eight forwards, including Abraham. Assume one taken at the Import Draft and one within the first two-rounds of upcoming OHL draft... still three spots open, assuming you carry 13/7/2. It's a good spot to be in; the youth will be eager to show what they've got. However, I don't think the spots are cemented just yet.
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