What would peak Ovechkin look like in the 80's?


Registered User
Jun 24, 2014
Maybe score as many or slightly more goals than Gretzky, but have less points.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2009
He would look something like this


Ovechkin would demolish the league of the 80s, even more than Crosby would. Ovi's talent alone would make him do great in the 80s, adding on his size makes him even better. I wouldn't be surprised if 07-08 Ovi would have broken Gretzky's goal scoring record if you would have put him in the 80s.

The Cheat

Habitual Linestepper
Prime Ovechkin with modern day training transported into the 80's? Like 300+ points...

People assume the skill of the teammates to get him the puck, and to not be on the PK all game from fighting and stupid penalties. Bonus: 2 line passing?

I'd say he would be right about the Mark Messier level of points but he would be fighting a lot from clowns like Probert, Grimson, etc.

Think Hartford would have let him set up that onetimer over and over? Grimson would have gone over the 2nd time and cross checked him in the teeth. Or Rob Ray, Tony Twist, Marty McSorley, Dave Smenko


Bob: "Oh, hey Alex, how's the weather over there? That's nice, I'm gonna punch you right in the meat hole the next time you touch the puck."
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Registered User
Sep 30, 2011
Comparable goal scoring to Gretzky, fewer assists obviously.

The idea of increased physicality is a two-way street. He'd have more liberty to dish it out than he does today, and he's larger than the majority of players from that era.


What would peak Ovechkin look like in the 80's stats wise in the height of the oilers days (without Gretzky)?

Keep in mind he would be playing close to 30mintues a game with double the amount of powerplays. Interested in hearing stats and reasoning behind it please - Thank You!

He'd look and be the same as he now a failure that cant win when it matters and counts most.

sr edler

gold is not reality
Mar 20, 2010
This is so hypothetical. The game was much more rougher and dirtier back then. Ovechkin liked to hit a lot when he first came into the league. If he did that in the 80s, or even in the DPE, I think there's a big risk he would have run into much more injuries. See Cam Neely or Lindros.

Another thing with the 80s is that the star game was more focused on individual creativity. Ovechkin's good at rushing the puck, but he's never been the most creative or unpredictable guy with the puck.

He would have scored a lot of goals, and he probably would have been near the top of the scoring charts, but some of the suggestions in this thread is a bit off, I think.


Registered User
May 5, 2009
His knees would be destroyed if he played his style in the 80s. Knee surgeries were practically in dark ages back then with much longer recovery times.
Defensemen where killers back then ,Ovie trying to bull rush Scott stevens .... yeah that wouldnt work out so well :laugh:


Registered User
Mar 24, 2006
You guys realise there was a red-line back then?

Head shots were also legal.

He would also have to skate with the old skates, and use a heavy full wooden stick (his shot would top out at 80-85mph).

I'm inclined to believe it would follow era adjusted totals.
His best season league scoring was around 5.9gpg, and 1984 was around 7.9gpg

His best season:
82GP 65G 47A 112Pts.

Adjusted Season
80GP 84G 64A 148Pts.

Pretty close to what I expected. He would be comparable to Mario Lemieux / Steve Yzerman.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2007
Arklay Mansion
Honestly, I think playing in the 80s would diminish Ovie's greatest asset, which is that he skates with the momentum and force of a middle linebacker. He has size, speed, strength and a rocket shot which fit perfectly in this era of hockey. It's almost impossible to legally defend against Ovechkin today, but the 80s 'physical hockey' was far less about next-level athleticism and more about the ability to withstand cheap shots and stickwork, especially in the playoffs. I don't think Ovechkin's combination of size and speed would be as necessary and wouldn't benefit him anymore in the 80s than today.

I imagine if he had trained in that era, he'd be playing more like Kharlamov and less like Esposito.


Registered User
Mar 10, 2011
People are really overrating the physical demands of the 80's. I know Ovechkin would have to answer the bell few times if he ran around hitting like he did few years back. But that's it.

Jari Kurri, Mike Bossy and many more were much smaller and weaker than Ovechkin. Yet these guys fared just fine.


Registered User
Jul 26, 2006
If any of today's first year physics students would be taken to 14th century then nobody would ever have heard of Newton or Gauss.


Blue-Line Dekes
Jul 8, 2011
With that size and shot,how wouldn't he be a monster?

His shot wouldn't be remotely the same with a wooden stick. Not that he couldn't be a good shooter with one, but it's likely he hasn't used one since he was a kid and the technique is different. Size also isn't as important in wide open neutral zone 80's-style play as it is now.

He's an elite goalscorer. If you want to explore hypotheticals, he'd be an elite goalscorer in any era, but you can't say if he'd outscore someone else from that era.


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 29, 2008
Since we have stat adjustments to see how prior era scorers translate to now, couldn't we just do a reverse stat adjustment to project his numbers?

some people though are missing the point, this wouldn't be about him growing up in that area or anything. I think OP is saying if we magically transport current Ovechkin to that era and all else remains status quo (his health and fitness and equipment etc...) Then how would he do?


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