Post-Game Talk (GBU): We're at the depression stage

Doug Prishpreed

Registered User
May 1, 2013
How do you fix the choking? Need to trade Risto. There was a TBN article at the end of last season about how he was the poster child for the player that expects to lose. I agreed with it then, and I still agree with it.

The only problem with that plan is that no one wants him. There have been rumors of JB shopping him since before ROR was traded. I think he’d be gone if there was a deal there.

Not Sure

Registered User
Feb 8, 2016
I don't know, they didn't give up. It's like we're replaying the same game over and over.
Try not to let a bad mood fester, y'all.

They did give up, for four minutes at the end of the second trying to just get out of the period. That's all it took. Housley should have been standing on the bench screaming and had guys packing their bags during intermission. Instead he just chews his gum and tells them to keep up the effort. If that 4 minute stretch happened in Columbus or Carolina guys would be benched and possibly waived before the end of the game. The coach should have laid out exactly whose fault it was and a direction in which it wouldn't be happening again, either through line changes, scratching, or outright trades


HFBoards Sponsor
Mar 10, 2012
The Good: No more Uniyts commercials about Nalia.

The Bad:
Still too many Russ Salvatore commercials

The Ugly:
The actual on ice product.

Hope Nalia is doing well, love Russ. The last entry is not to be funny...
You don't get commercials on center ice just "we are on a commercial break"
Maybe it would be better to show just the commercials for the Sabres homefeed and else just "we are on an on-ice product break"


Registered User
May 6, 2016
I thought we had the game made in the shade, But the team disagreed. Oilers did not play better or smarter. Sabres are just that bad


Mar 17, 2013
I feel really bad for whoever is in charge of the Sabres twitter account.

The way he/she tweets whenever the Sabres melt down/concede right after scoring gives the vibe of 'well, it happened again, like expected...'


Registered User
Jan 7, 2015
I can't imagine owning this team and watching this.I don't know how the owners contain themselves and not clean house.This is unbelievable.

Right, right. You would think that. But, in this case, the owners are under the impression that their teams are losing because they don't have enough guys who are all the same religion. So guess what: this is not going to get better any time soon. In fact, it's probably going to get worse. Like, "Get me Adam McQuaid at all costs!" is the offseason directive. They are not headed in the right direction, and its likely to get worse before it gets better.

Lets all just hope that Dahlin is still on the team when the f***ing dust clears.


Jan 12, 2019
They did give up, for four minutes at the end of the second trying to just get out of the period. That's all it took. Housley should have been standing on the bench screaming and had guys packing their bags during intermission. Instead he just chews his gum and tells them to keep up the effort. If that 4 minute stretch happened in Columbus or Carolina guys would be benched and possibly waived before the end of the game. The coach should have laid out exactly whose fault it was and a direction in which it wouldn't be happening again, either through line changes, scratching, or outright trades
Right, no one here's happy with Housley's coaching so far. The team (and Ullmark, unfortunately) isn't good enough on it's own to ever let up. No news here.

Not gonna stew on here, though. 'Night


Give 'em Enough Rope
Feb 28, 2002
It's spring here in Florida. I have mid-terms and papers and audits oh my. I'll be working on my resume, getting a job, and not paying attention to this pile of shit hockey team for a while.
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Friend To All Giraffes And Lindy Ruff
Aug 30, 2010
Brewster, NY
Cheers to another hockey season done. I Will be focusing my attention into baseball now. Let’s hope that season goes better than this one.

Cheers all


COME ON METROOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Registered User
Jun 19, 2006
Oilers changed the way they play. Dump it in with wingers on the move. Heavy forecheck, Cycle. It was the big boys playing keep away from the little kids. I sat and watched at the game and just did a not very slow burn. Our wingers could not check a bag never mind one of the Oilers' wingers and our Men looked like a flea on a elephant when trying to defend on the wall. This was a team's weaknesses exposed not breakdown by a couple players nor a lack of effort.
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Royal Thunder

Frolunda Mode
Feb 21, 2012
Dahlin is pretty much the only thing keeping my flame from burning out as a fan. Having him and Jack has to pay off at some point, right?

This shit sucks. It is like we are cursed, no matter what happens the team still has the same general loser vibe it has had pretty much since the co captains left. Forever mediocre at best, forever a punching bag for the rest of the league, forever a team without any positive surprises. I just want a team that we can legitimately feel good about again. I hope it's next year because as frustrating as this is, I know most of us will be back and ready for more come September. f***ing figure your shit out, Sabres.
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Registered User
Feb 2, 2011
At least we aren’t the blue jackets, who have no draft picks and are currently out of the playoffs.

Royal Thunder

Frolunda Mode
Feb 21, 2012
Oilers changed the way they play. Dump it in with wingers on the move. Heavy forecheck, Cycle. It was the big boys playing keep away from the little kids. I sat and watched at the game and just did a not very slow burn. Our wingers could not check a bag never mind one of the Oilers' wingers and our Men looked like a flea on a elephant when trying to defend on the wall. This was a team's weaknesses exposed not breakdown by a couple players nor a lack of effort.
I literally can't remember one game all season where Phil has made a noticeable adjustment like that to counter another team's gameplan.


Registered User
Sep 30, 2018
stomach of giant parasitic worm
Fire Phil,

They absolutely quit on him.
He has weird ticks behind the bench like he is uncomfortable.. This blows have no idea what the lockeroom is but: It certainly looks like they dont respond to him. They were happy self satisfied kids up 3 1 , our coach fails to warn them if thw onvioys impending collapse and ...
...we drop a little in effort and we are late competing for pucks and as we all see it happen they score.. Then they smell blood because phil hasnt demanded this team step on thir necks and finish them.

.. the past 7 to 8 games have exploded a minor problem losing battles after we score.. I ( and all of you agead of me) can only point to coaching , these kids and vets either cant maintain their effort and it drops after they "score" or it isnt physical (most likely) and they are still celebrating their greatness and dont notice the fist to the face on the way..Coaching!
I excused this as willful youth before but its systemic and Phil has failed at comunicating this and implementing change or is unwilling to create a culture of accountabilty and responsibility to their team by relaxing or whatever.

This is on the coach... He needed to act outside of his personality put anyone on notice and we have no idea what goes on so ,We have too little info to make judgements about specifics but someone needs to motivate these players to play diciplined and attentive , detailed their positional assignments..
Tonight was the last disgrace among many we have recently winessed after dominating with good play.

What a bummer. fooled again. I wonder If our six guys chased another coach out and lost a key player to our future or Botts is great with drafting but bad with confrontation and ac outabilty picking coaches to fit his players.

What truly sucks is we look so good sometimes and seemingly have talent to compete but. what?
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Registered User
Sep 30, 2018
stomach of giant parasitic worm
Well i watched interviews .. jack and our coach were quite genuinely frustrated with many last night or just the fact they must talk about what is obvious. Either way I liked what they said..
Makes me think an agreement waa made to let the team develop knowing they werent good enough in order to build properly.. OK said it weeks ago the team swings emotionally and it cost them with another lapse. Hopefully Im wrong and Skinner is in on this next year lets see if they develop understanding with botteril , phil etc ..

We have a talented motivated group ... flawed veterans with bad habits along side mistake ridden kids that show real promise...if they competed haed to go up 4 1 . while checking hard and being defensivelt responsible.. , As both Jack and Phil repeated without calling out individuals..

I truly hope we dont have to start over with a coach as Jack and company seemed to agree with phil.. My hot take of firing everyone after a week of well played 50 minutes disgraced by a chasing lazy 10 may not be realistic or prudent.. Although watching and waiting to see the daily bubble pop has made me schizophrenic.. Recycled Insanity...
Is this learning?
Is this to be expected to put a winner on the ice next year?
Will strength and understanding cauae leaps over the summer? Over two years ?

Would another coach speed decelopement ? Phils system that seems to work but breaks down defensively chasing puck in their own end and irresponsibly gives odd man rushes when they get cocky or cute..
Is this on coaching or players. The interviews certainly cauae these questions.
..and is Skinner on board with all this "learning" ...
I wasnt a fan of being forced to stay tuned to this bat channel.... My curiosity is murdering my sanity..
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Registered User
Mar 7, 2012
We need another top 10 pick and we need to hit on it

We need a hell of a lot more than that.

Pominville should get the next start in goal.

LOL. Good one. That one was weird. Never quite seen that before.

We need a new coach and management, and we need to hit on it.

This is more like it.

I can't imagine owning this team and watching this.I don't know how the owners contain themselves and not clean house.This is unbelievable.

Pegula has no clue what he's watching, if it's good or bad, or how he should feel about it.

I most certainly just want them to tank and lose every single game so we can get Housley outta here .

He is as good as gone at this point . On Monday of last week Dorion said Boucher was safe until the end of the season and fired him 4 days later .

Botterill said Housley was safe not long ago because he wasn’t going to publicly sabotage him and say “Yeah we are going to fire Phil”. I see no way or how Housley comes back next season with this collapse . If he my support for Botterill will he gone .

On the bright side in this game I’m happy Middlestadt finally reaches double digits with his 10th goal of the season

Totally disagree with you. I think Housley starts next season as the coach. I think Botterill will make a statement to the players, including Eichel, that he decides who the HC is and not the players. They chased Bylsma out of town but it's not going to happen on Botterill's watch.

That's my gut feel; I hope I'm wrong.


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