OT: Valour FC: Winnipeg's new professional soccer team


HFBoards Sponsor
Feb 26, 2016
Yes, Sammy overcharges for his product. Probably one of the primary reasons crowds have dropped from 5,000 or more per game a decade ago to a little over 3,000 per game now. That, plus the declining quality of the product with another independent league or two popping up over the past decade or decade and a half resulting in increased competition (I seem to remember back in the 90s, the Goldeyes were thought of as closer to AA quality of baseball) and Boomers aging out from attending games and not being replaced.
I have to say I went to the home opener for the Fish last weekend and I was pretty disappointed with the pitch clock. I know that’s an MLB strategy to reduce the length of games, and maybe it’s necessary in the majors (I’ve never followed pro baseball enough to know) but it hurt the experience in indie ball IMO. The whole game felt rushed. I like baseball, but I attend Goldeyes games mainly for the atmosphere — spending a cool, summer evening at Shaw Park and getting some food and drinks. I felt much more rushed with the pitch clock plowing us through innings and just …. I wasn’t a fan. It also hurt that concession lines were nuts because it was such a good crowd haha. You miss too much action now waiting in line since the game goes by so fast.

Probably not ideal for the Goldeyes either, losing potential concession revenue because fans aren’t there as long. I wonder if the AA will ever change away from the pitch clock?

Sorry off-topic I know but the Goldeyes thread is dead here and I love following the team/attending games.
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nobody imp0rtant

Registered pessimist
May 23, 2018
I have to say I went to the home opener for the Fish last weekend and I was pretty disappointed with the pitch clock. I know that’s an MLB strategy to reduce the length of games, and maybe it’s necessary in the majors (I’ve never followed pro baseball enough to know) but it hurt the experience in indie ball IMO. The whole game felt rushed. I like baseball, but I attend Goldeyes games mainly for the atmosphere — spending a cool, summer evening at Shaw Park and getting some food and drinks. I felt much more rushed with the pitch clock plowing us through innings and just …. I wasn’t a fan. It also hurt that concession lines were nuts because it was such a good crowd haha. You miss too much action now waiting in line since the game goes by so fast.

Probably not ideal for the Goldeyes either, losing potential concession revenue because fans aren’t there as long. I wonder if the AA will ever change away from the pitch clock?

Sorry off-topic I know but the Goldeyes thread is dead here and I love following the team/attending games.
Hell, yeah. Baseball is supposed to be relaxed, not rushed. There's no time clock, it takes as long as it takes. Best games have lots of pitches, lots of hits and runs and go into extra innings. More beer, more brats. Urp. Over officiating will ruin baseball the way it's ruining curling. Hell, before you know it they'll take a page out of the golf playbook and allow viewers to call in to report a player missing a base or not tagging up. The onus should not be on the umps to catch every single, little infraction of the rules. Cheating affects all of us, so all of us should be able to report cheating, right?

Maybe the mods could change the thread title to be more inclusive. Call it Winnipeg's Other Teams so we can talk about the Goldeyes and the Sea Bears. Speaking of the latter, I don't mean to go off on a rant but...

Why the hell wasn't there any outcry to bring back the Thunder name, like there was for the Jets? The Sea Bears? Jesus H, sounds like a Scientology funded team. And don't even get me started on the logo. Too late...


The Thunder logo was epic. That was a bear you didn't mess with. The Sea Bear looks like some cute little teddy you could walk up to and pat on the head, fer Chrissake.

I dunno, maybe "mean" logos are passé. Maybe they're too traumatic for younger fans. Nashville, Florida time you got some itty-bitty kitty cats on your jerseys. And San Jose, what are you thinking? You're just playing to the stereotype that all sharks are vicious killers. There are hundreds of shark species and only a dozen are likely to have you for lunch. You should hit the ice with something like this...


Look Mommy, it's Sharky!

Gag me.



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