Post-Game Talk: The Reim Minister and Philly the kid show! Tor 4:0 Edm

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Registered User
Jun 21, 2012
Look at this instead:


If someone changed Phaneuf to JVR, this would be perfect. :laugh:


I'm glad the Oilers were shut out after all the **** their fans were talking yesterday. And LOL at them claiming they outplayed us even though we won 4-0 :biglaugh:

McTavish is a total fool. When the Canucks demanded an overpayment for Schneider last year at the draft he should have just coughed it up, given them whatever they wanted.


It would have been a huge overpayment, since the Leafs gave Lombardi a chance to get him out of the conference.

But they will not be able to sign high profile free agents and players with no trade clauses will not agree to go there. The reality is that maybe they have to overpay now to help the team even if they don't want to.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2010
You guys beat us badly, but c'mon. We outshot you guys badly and if not for superb goaltending by Reimer this is a completely different game.

You guys are good, but relax..your goaltending has kept you in most games this season.

you don't really believe that do you?

The shots were pretty even up until the 4th goal. Then Kessel's line barely saw the ice, and we just shut it down, played defensive and rested for the Calgary game.

19 of your shots came in the 3rd when the game was already over.

Reimer did play well, and the game would have been different without him but I'd hardly say we were outplayed. imo we outplayed you guys slightly and capalized on our chances

Kyle Doobas*

You guys beat us badly, but c'mon. We outshot you guys badly and if not for superb goaltending by Reimer this is a completely different game.
IIRC the quality scoring chances were at best even, if not favouring the Leafs. As Canada4Gold pointed out, most of the Oilers' shots came towards the end of the game when the Leafs were more or less just sitting back and clogging up the middle of the ice. But even if that weren't the case, it's not like having a good goalie is some cheap way of winning games, any more than having good scoring or defense is. That's like the Ducks beating the Coyotes 5-0 and someone saying, "If not for that hat-trick by Perry, this is a completely different game." No ****, but he did get a hat trick, just like Reimer did have a superb game last night, as did JVR/Kadri/Kessel. Phaneuf was also a rock once again, as he has been all season.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2013
Not sure if this was posted, but we can clearly see that Reilly shot was going wide.



Registered User
Nov 16, 2010
Eakins and Ference don't seem to agree with the Oilers play in the 2nd period.

“I don’t know if I’ve seen our team glide more than we did in the second,” said Ference.
“Did he think we stunk in the second?” the coach asked after the Oilers went from losing 1-0 to 3-0.

“I don’t think there was a massive dip. I do agree that the individuals have a consistency and one of a very high level. We got a good taste of that when we played L.A. the other night. It was every shift. Tonight, it was who finishes chances and who doesn’t,” said Eakins.

Eakins sure is making up a lot of excuses.


What we do in hockey echoes in eternity...
Oct 10, 2010
Edmonton is absolutely brutal, and their prospects are overrated.

Props to Reimer and the first line, but it will take a more complete effort to beat Calgary and Vancouver.


Registered User
Jul 4, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
What am I supposed to be looking at there? Looks like Edmonton still had more solid chances in the slot not to mention a whole bunch more from the tops of the circles etc.

@cellardweller How quick we are to forget our not so distant pasts. Like I said before the stats tell us you guys are riding some extremely hot goalies and would be in a far different situation had they been playing average or even above average. Not bashing you guys as a fanbase, just saying you're not as good as your record indicates. I'm not sure how you could disagree with that.
The disparity wassn't 2:1, though. Their opportunities at goal was right within the realm of the Leafs.
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What we do in hockey echoes in eternity...
Oct 10, 2010
For those concerned with the Leafs being outshot last night, here is a comment from an Oilers fan in their PGT that sums it up...

We honestly only had one decent scoring chance this game I think. Just terrible. Yak played alright tho

Penalty Kill Icing*

You guys beat us badly, but c'mon. We outshot you guys badly and if not for superb goaltending by Reimer this is a completely different game.

You guys are good, but relax..your goaltending has kept you in most games this season.

Welcome to the club of every fan of every team that loses to the Leafs. Stand in the line right over there...

I'll give you one thing. Oilers got more quality chances last night than most teams get against Leafs. With that being said, they didn't have a single chance like the Leafs had on their goals.


Guys. Standard hockey cliche's are not unique to this team. Every player that plays in north america from juniors up, are coached to act and speak a certain way. 98% of players who play in north america embrace this philosophy and method of speaking the public. Hockey is a game that teaches its players to put the group ahead of the individual. None of this is exclusive to Toronto. Kadri wanting to give his goal to the rook is not anything 98% of the players in the league wouldn't have done.

Leafs are good and seem to have chemistry. But this is standard hockey behaviour.


Apr 8, 2007
The biggest delusion comes from Oilers fans thinking a decent goaltender will fix all their problems. Truth is their D is horrendous. Lead by J Schultz who is a train wreck in his own end.

Tyler Biggs*

This game is proof that shots are deceiving. Both teams were very close in shots after 2 periods. Game is basically over in the 3rd when the Leafs get badly outshot by a team desperate for a goal, when they themselves don't need offense. The game sheet says the Leafs were badly outshot, but really they only were once the game was over.

Kessel +4 and 4 points in only 2 periods of play. Riding the bench for the 3rd all the way, after 1 short shift and another assist. Sequin -2 and 0 points. Sure ain't Boston is it Tyler?. Thank you, Thank you and Thank you again, Dud'y Hamilton, Tyler Sequin and the other ECHL guy picked up.
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