Online Series: The Haunting of Hill House


Super Elite, Passing ALL Tests since 2002
Aug 19, 2002

There is profanity (several F-bombs are dropped). As an aside, there are a couple of cute scenes with profanity involving the Crain kids, one of which has Dad doing a particularly lame job of masking his swearing (one of my favorite moments). The profanity isn't overdone and is usually in keeping with the situation, but it's there. No nudity, but doses of sexuality. The horror elements would be too scary for a child.

Adults only.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2008
FYI: the novel differs pretty significantly from Flanagan's Netflix series. The original film, "The Haunting" (1963), is a more faithful adaptation. An additional FYI: I've never read the book, so there's that....

I'm okay with the series finale, even though I understand people taking issue with the ending.
Had the house consumed the entire family, it might have been more impactful and in keeping with its punishing nature, but I welcomed an infusion of hope. Nell getting a somewhat happy ending after a lifetime of torment felt better than the gut punch I was maybe(?) anticipating. I'm a bit torn on this one.

I'm also not sure how I would have have felt about an "all in Steven's head" finale. This could have worked well with the black mold story being more fleshed out. The Red Room was especially filled with mold, so it would have added weight to explaining the family's shared psychoses outside of their paranormal experiences.

Season one wrapped up with a bow. I wonder if a potential second season would introduce new occupants to Hill House or find new ways to antagonize the Crains? I'm open to more installments if they're as well made as the first, but the series ended with a sense of closure for the Crains. Not sure I'd want to mess with that.

When I read the wiki last night, I think I remember it saying something about a poll of authors. Apparently 3 of the 12 authors polled stated The Haunting of Hill House was the scariest book they have read. I'm not sure if they gave that answer on their own or was it chosen from a list. Regardless that's a fairly decent reason for me to get the book.
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Something in the water
Feb 20, 2006
Episodes 1-9: 9/10

But what the hell was with the finale. No issue with going more drama than spooky. But what the hell is with the decision to slow the pacing to barely a crawl. There was no tension. No drama. Just a bunch of crap monologues that don't really amount to anything.


the squared circle

Registered User
Aug 3, 2005
Maple Leaf Gardens
Well I guess as always I am in the minority. I thought this was ok at best. Definitely not a horror. Maybe a thriller? And someone sent me newslinks about reports of people vomiting and fainting while watching this (which got me excited). HOW??
I thought the child actors were much better than the adults.
Timothy Hutton though has always been a fave of mine going back to Ordinary People and Falcon and the Snowman.
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McEnroe: The older I get, the better I used to be.
Jun 14, 2006
Like A Quiet Place earlier this year and Iran's Under the Shadow last year, The Haunting of Hill House shows how effective horror can be when grounded in a believable and sympathetic reality,


Registered User
Aug 18, 2006
I just finished it this morning

Though it was great, i started it yesterday and just couldnt stop.

Definitely one of the best haunted house stories i've seen, ending is a little meh but i don't care i've gotten what i wanted out of it.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2017
I have one episode left. I really like this series, and I particularly like that they dont resort to the cheap scares very much.

I hope the last episode does a good job of tying loose ends.

By the way, adult Steve totally reminds me of fandango for any wrestling fans out there.

The Night King

Registered User
Mar 25, 2014
Was browsing Netflix and came across this show. Since it's Halloween season I thought I'd give it a shot. Didn't expect it to be this good. I especially loved episode 5 (Nell's story).

Btw, there were ghosts hidden in the background in almost every episode. You have to have been paying close attention to see most of them, but they were always lurking in the shadows.


Registered User
Jul 16, 2007
This was fantastic. Definitely not as scary as some have suggested, more of a thriller than a horror. But personally I like that. Certainly plenty of scenes that make you jump and give you chills, but I don't need that every five minutes. There was a lot of both plot and character development which seems to be missing these days. The ending wasn't an all-timer, but it was more than adequate. They did a very good job of covering pretty much everything a viewer would have had questions about throughout the show.
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Go Habs Go
Mar 21, 2002
just finished it, thought it was excellent, one of the best things i've seen on netflix. I don't usually watch horror as I just end up laughing at it most of the time so I didn't want to watch but kept hearing how good it was so I thought I'd give it a shot. So well done, I could see them getting a 2nd season but with a different family.


Global Moderator
Dec 2, 2008
Just finished it after starting like in October. Kept scaring the wife and she didn't want to watch it for a while between episodes. Wasn't that bad imo.

Very good show. I also thought the end was... unexpected.

The Night King

Registered User
Mar 25, 2014
New season next year. Anthology, so new story and new characters.

Would be weird if it become an American Horror Story-esque anthology. I've been watching Mike Flanagan's films and he tends to use the same actors quite a bit. I counted 7 actors in The Haunting who've been in at least one of Flannigan's other projects.


Go Habs Go
Mar 21, 2002
I didn't see the thread for the 2nd one, the haunting of bly manor. I just finished it last night (I watch a lot of shows then cancel for a few months, then get it again, rinse, repeat) it wasn't bad. It had the 2 leads from the first series but they had small parts this time. It kind of dragged on but was ok imo.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House


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