Confirmed with Link: TEUVO TIME!!!!!: Turbo signs 5 year extension


Recovering Future Considerations Truther
Feb 23, 2014
No, three UFA years. After this season he will have 5 Accrued Seasons. Two more and he's UFA by 7 Accrued Seasons in July 1st, 2021.

No, scratch that. Needs to be 40 Regular season games. The 34 RS + 18 playoff games of 2014-15 won't do. Two UFA years. I lock the answer.


Canes Sharks Boy
Dec 14, 2015
The management has gone from being **** to being the ****.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2003
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I’m torn. I’m just not the biggest fan of the guy. Some thought he was going to be drastically overpaid, I’m glad he only got what he was worth at face value. This wasn’t a bargain, it’s what we owe his offensive stats.

I think we’re seeing the best of what he has, I don’t see a higher level so we’re paying him to maintain what he is. I’m glad it’s only five, if there’s one thing I would fight for in the next cba it would be for five year limits on term.

We needed to keep the remaining skill we have so much of the downside I feel for this is attached to the previous moves that made this a necessity. I just hope he continues to show a desire to be a better player and fights for his ice time. I don’t want Aho having a lesser linemate than he could’ve because the only way we could get value out of TT was playing him with Aho.

I liked the nice play he made last night, but TT to me has been a professional passenger. I’m glad he’s signed and that part is over. I’m really curious to see how this all plays out, it will be an interesting month.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2017
An Oblate Spheroid
TT certainly has some deficiencies to his game and I worry about his production if he is ever away from Aho for an extended period, but it's hard to argue someone with his production/age deserves less than what he just got. I certainly thought he could ask for 500k to a million more per year and/or more years on his deal while having a pretty good chance at getting it so it's hard to criticize this deal.


Registered User
Sep 8, 2013
Anyone catch the Ferland tidbit in Luke’s TT tweet:

For my money, Luke seems like the only Canes reporter with legit inside sources. I wonder if this truly does set the bar for Ferland. I think you could easily make an argument that there’s no way Ferland should make more than TT. I wonder if the braintrust has offered a comparable deal to Ferland.


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