News Article: TBN: Another beauty from Harrington


Oct 4, 2005
Cressona/Reading, PA
The lack of a year end presser bothers me. The "the sabres can do no wrong" crowd also bothers me. There are a lot of legitimate points to be made.

I'm genuinely curious why it bothers you.

I don't give a rip either way....Murray/Black aren't likely to say anything noteworthy (see the above mock presser and you pretty much have it)....and it's not like we're entitled to a presser or anything.


I'm genuinely curious why it bothers you.

Because it's his gimmick. He plays the contrarian to every single possible thing. He went from needing to draft top 2 all year when it was in doubt to immediately starting threads about how much better McDavid would be when we clinched it. This is what he does.


Registered User
Jun 30, 2008
Charleston, SC
I'm genuinely curious why it bothers you.

I don't give a rip either way....Murray/Black aren't likely to say anything noteworthy (see the above mock presser and you pretty much have it)....and it's not like we're entitled to a presser or anything.

Because they are supposed to be transparent and accountable to their customers and fans. They just finished one of the worst seasons in league history, Ted Black and Tim Murray ought to man up and face the questions that this season brought about. It's a duty and an obligation, and honestly, I can't believe people don't want to hold them accountable for it. Even Darcy never pulled this stunt.


Registered User
Sep 4, 2002
Because they are supposed to be transparent and accountable to their customers and fans. They just finished one of the worst seasons in league history, Ted Black and Tim Murray ought to man up and face the questions that this season brought about. It's a duty and an obligation, and honestly, I can't believe people don't want to hold them accountable for it. Even Darcy never pulled this stunt.

Duty? Obligation?


Registered User
Jul 9, 2003
Visit site
The lack of a year end presser bothers me. The "the sabres can do no wrong" crowd also bothers me. There are a lot of legitimate points to be made.

Amateurish operations have become the norm in that organization. This season was a walk in the park compared to last year's fiasco. I think at this point they're choosing to error on the side of saying nothing as opposed to the typical foot-in-mouth routine...right or wrong. But make no mistake, they've alienated a ton of fans over the years. You're only seeing a snapshot of the interwebs "fans" who typically excuse everything.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2015
Because they are supposed to be transparent and accountable to their customers and fans. They just finished one of the worst seasons in league history, Ted Black and Tim Murray ought to man up and face the questions that this season brought about. It's a duty and an obligation, and honestly, I can't believe people don't want to hold them accountable for it. Even Darcy never pulled this stunt.

Give me a break. It's not a duty or obligation. Don't buy a ticket that's your choice. They owe you zip. You don't have to support them and they don't have to report to you, me or the Buffalo News. I'm sick of both reporters and fans who think they own the team. Again it's not required you support them but you also don't have a right to require they answer to you.


Registered User
Jun 30, 2008
Charleston, SC
Give me a break. It's not a duty or obligation. Don't buy a ticket that's your choice. They owe you zip. You don't have to support them and they don't have to report to you, me or the Buffalo News. I'm sick of both reporters and fans who think they own the team. Again it's not required you support them but you also don't have a right to require they answer to you.

They may technically be a private business, but the reality is that they are a public entity that represents the city of Buffalo, and as representative of the city, they do have an obligation to those people.


Registered User
Sep 4, 2002
They may technically be a private business, but the reality is that they are a public entity that represents the city of Buffalo, and as representative of the city, they do have an obligation to those people.

You're just making up nonsense at this point


Registered User
Jan 9, 2011
They may technically be a private business, but the reality is that they are a public entity that represents the city of Buffalo, and as representative of the city, they do have an obligation to those people.

End of the year press conferences though aren't an obligation. They're not going to say anything groundbreaking, or arguably meaningful. So really there is nothing to be said that hasn't already been said. They don't owe anybody anything.


Registered User
Jan 30, 2015
Amateurish operations have become the norm in that organization. This season was a walk in the park compared to last year's fiasco. I think at this point they're choosing to error on the side of saying nothing as opposed to the typical foot-in-mouth routine...right or wrong. But make no mistake, they've alienated a ton of fans over the years. You're only seeing a snapshot of the interwebs "fans" who typically excuse everything.

All the "alienated" fans will be right back on board when we're good again. You call them alienated, I call them bandwagon.


Balso Par Big John S
Sep 17, 2013
Amateurish operations have become the norm in that organization.
Between the Sabres and TBN, who really deserves the moniker "amateurish"?

This season was a walk in the park compared to last year's fiasco. I think at this point they're choosing to error on the side of saying nothing as opposed to the typical foot-in-mouth routine...right or wrong.
Or ... they have no legitimate news to report so they're waiting till they do. Not having to sit through the s**t show put on by TBN "reporters" is just an added bonus.

But make no mistake, they've alienated a ton of fans over the years.
Ah, the "silent majority" - wonder why we never saw them protesting the past two years like in EDM, NYI or TOR? Maybe they don't exist? Or maybe they were never actual committed fans in the first place.

You're only seeing a snapshot of the interwebs "fans" who typically excuse everything.
Cast aspersions on HF fans as much as you like - it takes a special sort of dedication and love for a team to give enough of a crap to spend time reading pages of anonymous critiques and rumors - not to mention petty arguments :sarcasm:

EDIT: And it's "err on the side of caution" not "error" (sorry - grammar nazi)
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Chili that wants to be here
Feb 28, 2002
Will fix everything
Since Evidently Mike is in here and reading this, I have a open message to you. Feel free to respond to me in PM

Fans crave good content. Really. We love the Sabres. We can't get enough. I've been spending the last 2 weeks since the playoffs have ended throwing nearly every name against the wall trying to figure out fixes for the roster, both short term and long term. It's fun, it creates discussion, and it kills time until the draft.

You have an huge amount of access. You can contacts within the front office, you have access to the players, you probably have a rolodex of scouts contact info. Please, for the love of god, use it. Get your hands dirty, make lots of phone calls, plan out some good offseason content and keep fans enticed.

There's a time and place for criticism of the org. But, TBN, has decided that rather than to generate content that fans will find interesting and engaging, to attempt to create controversy where there isn't any. The "Where's Terry" schtick from 3 years ago was embarrassing. Complaining about a lack of a post season presser? How about talking about the Sabres prospects in the Erie/Sault St Marie series (both of whom already scored FYI)? Instead of calling the organization an "embarrassment" for putting out a sub par product 2 years straight, why not an insightful article comparing the Sabres to other teams recent rebuilds and where the Sabres could avoid missteps of other teams. Nobody is saying TBN should bow the knee and kiss the ring, but it would be nice if Buffalo's flagship paper strived to be a thought leader amongst Sabres fans rather than #1 bile spewer.

Finally, on a more personal note: Stop belittling people on twitter. Engage the fan base? Absolutely. Mock and talk down to? C'mon. TBN could really be a great resource for fans and generate a tons of traffic. But rather you guys seem to resort to click bait style articles to drive traffic and sell papers. It's unbecoming and has turned a huge portion of fans off to even clicking on a link to your site, let alone reading an article.


202* Stanley Cup Champions
Jul 13, 2003
Rochester, NY
Amateurish operations have become the norm in that organization. This season was a walk in the park compared to last year's fiasco. I think at this point they're choosing to error on the side of saying nothing as opposed to the typical foot-in-mouth routine...right or wrong. But make no mistake, they've alienated a ton of fans over the years. You're only seeing a snapshot of the interwebs "fans" who typically excuse everything.

So everyone on here only runs into Sabres fans on the internet except for you? Of course fans get alienated by a team that hasn't made the playoffs in years. You're overselling it big time.


Registered User
Jun 3, 2009
I would prefer that they did one, and I simply do not believe that anyone, if given the choice, would prefer that they did not do one. We'd derive some utility from it, especially with Tim "Diarrhea of the Mouth" Murray at the helm. (Before one of his fanboys jumps on me for saying something that could be construed as negative, I'm merely pointing out that he's very [overly?] transparent when he speaks to the media, and he would give us more than a few nuggets. Darcy had mastered the art of Saying Much Without Saying Anything, so I could take or leave any of his pressers.) But Harrington's crusade is a bit much. I do, however, wonder if the reaction would be the same if Vogl penned the article. The messenger, more than the message, is the reason for such emotional responses.


Registered User
Jan 30, 2015
I think it's ironic that everybody is riled up over Takeo, putting all their energy into proving him wrong, despite knowing he's a well know ***** stirrer. He only needed to write like 2 sentences to get everybody going (me included).

At the same time we're in here riled up over Harrington for pretty much the same exact reason.

When will we just admit that Harrington is a great journalist. Not because he has any good content, but because he brings attention and clicks to the TBN website, and that's what makes somebody great these days. Him and Sullivan are going to be employed for a loooooooonnnnnnngggggg time.

5 Minute Major

Sabres Fan
Dec 4, 2010
Vestal, NY
I have my opinion that probably not many will share.

What we are seeing with TBN is nothing different than what we are seeing with cable news networks in general. You have some that lean left and some that lean right. The news doesn't get reported anymore....everything seems to be slanted to fit a networks agenda.

You Have some rags, like the NY Post, that lean right. It seems to stay out of their sports section.

You have TBN that, IMO, has always leaned left. However, sports seemed to be untouched and just reported.

Since the day Terry Pegula came to town, with his billions being made from a contoversial profession in the political arena, it seems like the sports "journalist" have had a hard on for the man.

I am not turning this into a political battle. Whether you lean right or left, we all know news gets slanted these days.

I really believe this is what it's all about. The TBN wants the Pegula family to fail.....and fail miserably.


Registered User
Sep 17, 2006
I have my opinion that probably not many will share.

What we are seeing with TBN is nothing different than what we are seeing with cable news networks in general. You have some that lean left and some that lean right. The news doesn't get reported anymore....everything seems to be slanted to fit a networks agenda.

You Have some rags, like the NY Post, that lean right. It seems to stay out of their sports section.

You have TBN that, IMO, has always leaned left. However, sports seemed to be untouched and just reported.

Since the day Terry Pegula came to town, with his billions being made from a contoversial profession in the political arena, it seems like the sports "journalist" have had a hard on for the man.

I am not turning this into a political battle. Whether you lean right or left, we all know news gets slanted these days.

I really believe this is what it's all about. The TBN wants the Pegula family to fail.....and fail miserably.

I think it's got more to do with when Pegula told the News he thought they were too hard on the team and asked them to lighten up on them. The news has been very critical of Pegula, but as far as I can remember his family's business has not been one of things that has come up -- even during his recent purchase of the Bills.


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