Proposal: Summer Deal Lucic for Eberle??


Caron - Legit SNIPER
Jul 9, 2004
Toronto, Ont
If we trade Lucic....our entire teams foundation changes. While the guy is struggling and it's pi$$ing everyone off, it would make us such a softer team to play against and it would effect other lines as well.

When you think of what it means to be a think of Looch. We have to stick with him...he'll get his game turned around.

IMO...the dude is out of shape. Short season, no rest...he's getting tired. If I'm CJ, I'd sit him to rest up.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2006
Victoria BC
If we trade Lucic....our entire teams foundation changes. While the guy is struggling and it's pi$$ing everyone off, it would make us such a softer team to play against and it would effect other lines as well.

When you think of what it means to be a think of Looch. We have to stick with him...he'll get his game turned around.

Don`t be ridiculous, I`m tossing him under the bus at every turn I get, move his arse.:sarcasm:


Registered User
Jan 13, 2011
Me and my 30+ years of being a Bruin fan is now considered "pink hat"??? Hmm, interesting

There`s about a half dozen teams or more who`d happily pay Looch 6 mill, gotta go, being fitted for a new hat

My intention was not to imply you are a pink hat. You only put that together to guilt me.

My intention was to say screw the guy who doesn't really understand what's going on.

An analogy. The sox moved nomar and were the better for it. Could this be the case with the bruins?


Registered User
Apr 26, 2002
Seacoast, NH
I am not interested. Lucic has a package of skills that is so hard to find. I want them to find a way to light a fire under him and get him back to the Lucic of 2 years ago.

Doesn't matter if he doesn't use them. Without being physical he is an average player at best. his whole game is predicated on creating room for himself and his linemates. Where has that been this year?
He has 6 million reasons to light that fire himself. He's a prima donna and not and elite talent. If his facial surgery that he got to fix his nose and septum means he's never going to fight again, than he is useless to us. The rest of his skills float just above and below average.

The Looch love IS pink hat-ism at it's loudest!

I grew up on the Big Bad Bruins. The whole deal about him, when he was drafted, was that he stood for the same things. Out of shape!! by now he should be in shape. Unless there is some injury that we don't know about, there is no excuse.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2006
Victoria BC
My intention was not to imply you are a pink hat. You only put that together to guilt me.

My intention was to say screw the guy who doesn't really understand what's going on.

An analogy. The sox moved nomar and were the better for it. Could this be the case with the bruins?

Could have been had they moved Horty at the deadline.............truth is, who wanted him. Not a chance Looch is going anywhere. Again, he`s hurt and the "I don`t buy it" crowd I would wager have called in sick to work for less

I need not put anything together to guilt anyone


The Bergeron of HF
Feb 27, 2002
Lucic will be fine, can't believe the animosity to this guy.:laugh: I'll keep him, I need to see him next year which I would be my Joe Thornton bobble head will be a great year. If he's traded I just hope somehow he ends up back in our division on Toronto or Montreal- man would that be fun to watch


Registered User
Jan 13, 2011
If we trade Lucic....our entire teams foundation changes. While the guy is struggling and it's pi$$ing everyone off, it would make us such a softer team to play against and it would effect other lines as well.

When you think of what it means to be a think of Looch. We have to stick with him...he'll get his game turned around.

IMO...the dude is out of shape. Short season, no rest...he's getting tired. If I'm CJ, I'd sit him to rest up.

No. I think if Bergeron. Marchand. Seguin. Chara. Rask. Lucic is not top 5 and hasn't been for a long time.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2010
Eberle is great but you can't trade Lucic. I wonder if the personal problem that caused him to miss a game earlier this year hasn't been resolved and is still on his mind.


The Bergeron of HF
Feb 27, 2002
If we trade Lucic....our entire teams foundation changes. While the guy is struggling and it's pi$$ing everyone off, it would make us such a softer team to play against and it would effect other lines as well.

When you think of what it means to be a think of Looch. We have to stick with him...he'll get his game turned around.

IMO...the dude is out of shape. Short season, no rest...he's getting tired. If I'm CJ, I'd sit him to rest up.

:handclap: married, baby, pressing with contract....lot of reasons, lot of excuses, but I'm bang on with you.


Registered User
Feb 12, 2009
Dead on assessment I think. Those of us with kids know how tough that first year/first baby can be (think it's irrelevant that he has money). Especially if there are any health issues. Both my kids needed ear tubes (not even the biggest deal in the world) but I was a basketcase during the first go-around with it. And the lack of sleep, etc.
You can see he's trying out there, and there are flashes. I just don't think he has the reserves right now to play his full style.

I agree he'll bounce back next year. Hoping he finds another gear in the playoffs too.

Want to explain his ROAD performance when he isn't sleeping at home.

I raised several children and went through horrible experiences when my oldest spent 6 weeks in Boston Children's with TWO CHEST tubes in her for six weeks. We almost got burned out of our
house kn that period also. I went to work every weekday in that 6 week period. Stop making excused for this guy. He needs either to be Sst out or start delvering.


Registered User
Dec 30, 2003
Visit site
If we trade Lucic....our entire teams foundation changes. While the guy is struggling and it's pi$$ing everyone off, it would make us such a softer team to play against and it would effect other lines as well.

When you think of what it means to be a think of Looch. We have to stick with him...he'll get his game turned around.

IMO...the dude is out of shape. Short season, no rest...he's getting tired. If I'm CJ, I'd sit him to rest up.

This logic only holds if you believe he'll return to his old play, in which case you wouldn't trade him in the first place, right?

I say this because right now, having him doesn't make us a harder team to play against. He's not intimidating anyone, he's not engaging anyone, he's not causing turnovers with physical play, he's not getting many chances, and the ones he gets, he's not finishing (obviously). Right now, the only effect he has on the lines is that whichever one he's on is without an effective left winger.

Lastly, I can not believe we are "defending" him with the notion that he's "out of shape". Since when was that an excuse rather than an indictment? If he's out of shape he should be ashamed of himself.


Registered User
Feb 12, 2009
If we trade Lucic....our entire teams foundation changes. While the guy is struggling and it's pi$$ing everyone off, it would make us such a softer team to play against and it would effect other lines as well.

When you think of what it means to be a think of Looch. We have to stick with him...he'll get his game turned around.

IMO...the dude is out of shape. Short season, no rest...he's getting tired. If I'm CJ, I'd sit him to rest up.

Out of shape? The season began 3 months ago. You people are so lame. The guy is a bum.


Ne pas plonger!
Nov 12, 2007
There has one or more of the following problems.

1. Big time personal problems
2. An injury
3. Out of Shape
4. Satisifed as an athlete.

I'm thinking he has 1 and 3 right now. He will be fine next year.

1 and 4.

Wondering what the future brings.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2008
I'd do this trade. Then flip Eberle + Boychuk + Koko for Chris Stewart and Shattenkirk. We would be even tougher to play than we are now and better defensively.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2011
Could have been had they moved Horty at the deadline.............truth is, who wanted him. Not a chance Looch is going anywhere. Again, he`s hurt and the "I don`t buy it" crowd I would wager have called in sick to work for less

I need not put anything together to guilt anyone

You certainly made an attempt.

Moving Horton at the deadline would have been terrific. I think we could hav seen an enhanced Lucic for the playoffs. Too bad that didn't happen

The magnitude of the pleb to call out pales in comparison to the guy who makes a large multiple of what we make in a condensed time.

Lets be honest. You probably aren't the lone perfect worker either.

You seem to harp on this injury with him. Do you honestly think this summer he heals and magically next year he's healthy forever. Seems like a lot of risk to me.


This position is certainly defensible and very possibly wise. That said, doesn't it at least give you concern that this is not the first time we've seen him go through such a "patch"?

I subscribe to the notion that this guy brings a unique package. I want to find reasons to support him. But I've reached a point now where I don't want to hear any more excuses. This team needs what he brings and he's not bringing it. Professionals need to be accountable for their work, plain and simple. How much more often do we have to find excuses and fall back on his unique skillset to defend his play?

Not really, and my reasoning for saying that is two fold.

1) I don't think that type of play is consistently sustainable. When Lucic takes over games he is banging, fighting, and taking a ton of punishment. When he isn't I think the perception is "but he can do more so he should do more". Were that expectation not there I think the perception would be more in line with "he's playing decently but just not producing" (obviously not this year, this year he's out and out struggling).

2) Lucic is a very young player, and at times players (especially budding power forwards) take time to develop. Lucic has always struck me as a player that was learning to control his emotions and learning when best to use them to his advantage. During his lulls he's always tended to look like he's working on other aspects of his game (again, not so much this season). I think we were spoiled by Lucic's ability to absolutely humble opponents and produce at the same time, but if you step back and look at other premier power forwards in the game (lets say David Backes for instance) he seems to be right on track or on an even better one. Lucic attained a level of offensive play at the age of 22 a guy like Backes wasn't really able to reach until he was 26, and attained a physical aspect to his game that is unattainable by just about any other top 6 forward in the league (Clowe is the only one close imo).

This year is concerning no doubt, but judging by what we know the only conclusion I can come to is that something else is going on with him and that he'll get through it. That may not be the case, but the only evidence we really have tends to point to it.


Registered User
Feb 12, 2009
If you raised several kids, you should know the answer to this question without asking it.

Just more excusemongering. You would have heard by now if there was an ongoing serious health issue with his child. That stuff doesn't stay hidden in today's media environment.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2005
1) Lucic is performing well below expectations. The team, fans, HF people, and probably Lucic himself are frustrated with the situation. That's where things stand. There is no sugar coating of it at this point.

2) When he's on his game, he's a unique player and one that all 30 teams desperately crave. That does not change the realities of #1 or stop the questions about whether he can get back to the peaks we have seen. But let's not ignore how special he is when things are going well.

3) I leave it this way for now: #1 is true. #2 is true. And wouldn't it be nice if Lucic could get past this slump and return to form? And maybe that's just worth waiting on awhile longer, as much as it can be trying. Let's see him next year. If the slump persists and the questions and concerns become more chronic, more persistent, make your decisions. Maybe it makes him harder to deal down the road but there WILL be takers even with another 10 months of sub-par Lucic, and the team will have other tools such as next summer's compliance buy out if things really go badly.

By all means, complain and be frustrated by Lucic. He has earned that. But there could be some real upside to being patient with this situation. If his upside comes to fruition, it will have been worth the patience. There are deals out there that I would absolutely make for Lucic, he's not "untouchable." But I would not deal him out of pure frustration and without giving this more time or at least waiting for the perfect deal. Ask Colorado how they feel about dealing Stewart and Shattenkirk right now. Ask older Bruins fans how it felt watching Al Secord score 50 goals in Chicago (not that Lucic can do that).

The Bruins surely know a lot more about the situation with Lucic, his state of affairs, healthy, mental state right now than we do. Hopefully whatever happens is what * should * happen and is not another Joe Thornton fit of pique trade. That does not seem to be Chiarelli's MO at all, which is good news in this case. If some team wants to come around and pry him away and that deal makes sense, so be it. But I don't want Chiarelli to pick up the phone after Lucic loses a face off to John Madden that leads to a game winning goal in a meaningless regular season game. If that rings any bells - I just don't want something like that to happen again - and I'm pretty sure it won't.

With all that said, Edmonton would be one team to at least talk to, about trades in general, given their stockpile of young talent and their apparent interest in making some noise before next season. That does not have anything to do with Lucic really, but that is one team I'd be chatting to. They match up with Boston well in terms of inverse payrolls, inverse experience levels, and proven versus potential talent, of many of the teams' respective assets.


Caron - Legit SNIPER
Jul 9, 2004
Toronto, Ont
This logic only holds if you believe he'll return to his old play, in which case you wouldn't trade him in the first place, right?

I say this because right now, having him doesn't make us a harder team to play against. He's not intimidating anyone, he's not engaging anyone, he's not causing turnovers with physical play, he's not getting many chances, and the ones he gets, he's not finishing (obviously). Right now, the only effect he has on the lines is that whichever one he's on is without an effective left winger.

Lastly, I can not believe we are "defending" him with the notion that he's "out of shape". Since when was that an excuse rather than an indictment? If he's out of shape he should be ashamed of himself.

Correct....I do not want to trade him. Especially for someone like Eberle.

If he is out of shape...he should be ashamed of himself...I would be too. But in a short season it does take it's toll on you. That's why I think if we trade him now, when he's struggling we'd regret it.

And yes, he's not helping the team...but like Julien said, if Milan steps up his game...he could be the missing piece this team is missing.

Players like Lucic don't come around that want him on your team ALWAYS


Registered User
Mar 6, 2008
Just more excusemongering. You would have heard by now if there was an ongoing serious health issue with his child. That stuff doesn't stay hidden in today's media environment.

How bout it? Eck gets traded to the Sox. His wife tells him that she's staying in Cleveland with his best friend Rick Manning. Eck proceeds to throw 20 wins on the back of his card that year.


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