Movies: Star Wars VIII The Last Jedi, for those who have seen it! (SPOILERS)

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Registered User
Jul 18, 2011
Killarney, MB
The Last Jedi is reactionary corporate trash that's filled with studio mandated check list items.

It's not highbrow, intellectual or artistic. It's not deep or thoughtful. It's not "indie". Perceptions of it aren't going to improve over time. The movie just sucks.

Lmao I have not seen a star wars film that checks any of these boxes is in my opinion.
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Throw More Waffles

Unprecedented Dramatic Overpayments
Oct 9, 2015
The way I see it...

TLJ was a decent Star Wars movie littered behind unctuous social commentary.

Some people love it anyways despite the patronizing social commentary. Others can't get past how 'on the nose' it is.

And a lot are like me. Frustrated by the condescending social commentary, but appreciative of the movie otherwise.

Let's give it this... it got people talking. Here we are all these months later, and this thread is getting more traction than the latest Star Wars movie that came out 2 weeks ago.

Cole Caulifield

Registered User
Apr 22, 2004
The movie was good.

Almost everything about this movie is wrong/bad. The humor is way more miss than hit (your mama jokes, chrome dome, you were always scum, rebel scum), the scenario is dumb, it doesn't properly follow in the footsteps of what the first one attempted to do or logically follow the original trilogy, and badly sets up any sequels. It gets the details wrong (hyper spacing into other ships, outer space bombers, outer space chase) and it has a 30 minute pointless story line.

It's one redeeming quality is that it has a high budget and is well made as a result. That's such a low bar... that's the one thing you absolutely knew for sure you were getting. But even then, the Phasma scene has so many things wrong with it. Phasma and her troops are next to Finn, then explosion, then they are somehow hundreds of meters away unscathed, what? Like if the explosion threw everyone away, why is everyone unscathed ? This scene is a huge mess like the rest of the movie.

How can this be a good movie ?

Cole Caulifield

Registered User
Apr 22, 2004
The way I see it...

TLJ was a decent Star Wars movie littered behind unctuous social commentary.

Some people love it anyways despite the patronizing social commentary. Others can't get past how 'on the nose' it is.

And a lot are like me. Frustrated by the condescending social commentary, but appreciative of the movie otherwise.

Let's give it this... it got people talking. Here we are all these months later, and this thread is getting more traction than the latest Star Wars movie that came out 2 weeks ago.

I can get past the dumb social commentary. I can ignore it if the rest of the movie is good. But it wasn't. It was really bad. Name a scene and I can tell you at least 2-3 things that suck about it. It's really that bad. If it were a random sci-fi movie, I would have stopped talking about it a long time ago but it's a star wars movie and not just any star wars movie, the main story line that spawned 8 movies so far. That's why people are pissed and talk about it so much. Rogue One and Solo weren't going to get talked about as much... not because of their inherent quality or lack of, but because they aren't part of the main trilogy. They're just meat around the bone, it's fire and forget. It adds to the world building if it's good, and can just be forgotten if it's not. But the main trilogy, you can't get that wrong.
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What do we want!? Unfair!
Sep 8, 2008
I can get past the dumb social commentary. I can ignore it if the rest of the movie is good. But it wasn't. It was really bad. Name a scene and I can tell you at least 2-3 things that suck about it. It's really that bad. If it were a random sci-fi movie, I would have stopped talking about it a long time ago but it's a star wars movie and not just any star wars movie, the main story line that spawned 8 movies so far. That's why people are pissed and talk about it so much. Rogue One and Solo weren't going to get talked about as much... not because of their inherent quality or lack of, but because they aren't part of the main trilogy. They're just meat around the bone, it's fire and forget. It adds to the world building if it's good, and can just be forgotten if it's not. But the main trilogy, you can't get that wrong.
People shouldn't get "pissed" about not liking a movie.


Pseudo Intellectual
Aug 2, 2005
Lmao I have not seen a star wars film that checks any of these boxes is in my opinion.
Neither have I.

There's seems to be an implication out there from some of the movie's defenders that TLJ is smart and those who don't like it just don't get it. I was responding to that.
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What do we want!? Unfair!
Sep 8, 2008
But people should defend this movie tooth and nail as if it were their first born child though, right? I guess neither of us decides what people should want to do, and that's a good thing !
There is a difference between talking about the movie a lot and getting emotionally upset about it.

I do think it is weird that people have to rehash the same issues they have with the movie unprompted, but that isn't specifically what I am talking about, here.

Cole Caulifield

Registered User
Apr 22, 2004
There is a difference between talking about the movie a lot and getting emotionally upset about it.

I do think it is weird that people have to rehash the same issues they have with the movie unprompted, but that isn't specifically what I am talking about, here.

Do you also think it's "weird" that people get joy out of watching a movie, and like discussing about it later ? Because that's another emotion that human beings can feel sometimes.

I think your real issue is that people don't like a movie you liked.


Show Me What You Got!
Apr 13, 2010
New Jersey, Exit 16E
And that is not the whole fan base anyway. To claim the entire star wars fan base is toxic as a result is silly. The internet is toxic, always has been. Famous people face a lot of abuse on the internet. Women even more so. I find it interesting that it's released in the medias and there's a response around it. Typically, women just ignore the trolls on the internet otherwise all famous women would take down their twitter and instragram accounts.

Are you really round about victim blaming now?

She should have just “ignored” it?
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What do we want!? Unfair!
Sep 8, 2008
Do you also think it's "weird" that people get joy out of watching a movie, and like discussing about it later ? Because that's another emotion that human beings can feel sometimes.

I think your real issue is that people don't like a movie you liked.
Well that's not what I was saying, but alright.

Cole Caulifield

Registered User
Apr 22, 2004
Are you really round about victim blaming now?

She should have just “ignored” it?

Not too long ago there was a documentary about women sports reporters. They shared some of the absolutely horrible tweets and personal messages they get - sometimes even from players. Some of them even get threatened of rape to the point where they have to report it to the police because they are afraid for their well being. We only heard about this because there was a special report on Women's day. If these women were to actually remove their twitter/instagram accounts every time someone acted like a piece of shit on the internet, none of them would have any presence on the web left. If these women stopped living their life because the internet is an awful place full of trolls and horrible people who feel like they can say whatever they want without fear of consequences, they would basically just let them win. This shit happens regularly, more often than you can imagine. They don't talk about it, yes they ignore it.

All this to say yes, she should have ignored the bigoted racist comments... like every other famous people ignore trolls whether their message is bigoted, racist, xenophobic or trollish. I remember when we won a game in Boston and Subban got bombarded with racist messages on the web. Did he make a big deal about it ? No, because he knows that there are people like this in the world, and you don't listen to them, you don't remove your accounts from the web because they exist...

Which is why I find this whole thing really odd. In the grand scheme of things... it's really tame compared to what happens all the time out there. Almost feels like a marketing thing. A bit like what paramount (or whichever studio it was) did with Ghostbusters when they tried to market the movie around the misogynist reaction to it. It's really lame.
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Effortless sexy.
Jul 13, 2006
I like the characters but the movie was terrible.

It was okay but Rose Tico was like...infantilized. And if I were in Finn's shoes I just would have left the ship, or shot her, or both, instead of wasting time talking and going on that hugely unnecessary side trip to Casino Planet.
Don't get me started on that...they literally could have had the code-breaker on a spaceship somewhere, cut 35 minutes off the movie and moved on. I don't know if I'll see IX. Solo dead, Carrie dead, Luke dead...meh? Maybe if Rey, Finn, Rose or Poe or people start going darkside and just throw everything into chaos, that might be fun. Oh yeah, hopefully Kylo Ren grows a pair and commits some genocide or something.

Man, I miss the old Empire. It was easy to dislike. Paint by numbers easy, at times, but you knew they were evil.
To borrow a line from Austin Powers, First Order? The margarine of evil.

Do Make Say Think

& Yet & Yet
Jun 26, 2007
Neither have I.

There's seems to be an implication out there from some of the movie's defenders that TLJ is smart and those who don't like it just don't get it. I was responding to that.

I just said it was an indie movie. You decided that I meant "smart".

It's a Ryan Johnson movie. It's what he does.


It's a wolf v2.0
Jul 29, 2003
Visit site
The way I see it...

TLJ was a decent Star Wars movie littered behind unctuous social commentary.

Some people love it anyways despite the patronizing social commentary. Others can't get past how 'on the nose' it is.

And a lot are like me. Frustrated by the condescending social commentary, but appreciative of the movie otherwise.

Let's give it this... it got people talking. Here we are all these months later, and this thread is getting more traction than the latest Star Wars movie that came out 2 weeks ago.

I actually don't think that's really a good thing. The aim of a Star Wars movie shouldn't be to have people talking about it's social commentary months after the film, rather it should be inspiring years worth of additional content: books, video games, comics, TV series, etc etc.

By itself I enjoyed the movie but overall I have to think Rian Johnson just doesn't fundamentally get something here, as his movie shrinks the universe and leaves practically no room for expanded content. If this was say am HBO series it would be fine, but for a Star Wars movie trilogy it's a big mess.

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
The movie was good.



Its divisiveness is interesting in a pop-culture sense though. Half the people loved it/thought it was ok, the other half absolutely hated it, and both halves think the other half is absolutely insane for their opinion.

I thought the movie was trash with almost zero redeeming qualities.


Pseudo Intellectual
Aug 2, 2005
The Blu Ray sales figures are out for TLJ. In it's first week it only sold 1.9M units. That's nearly a 50% drop from TFA's first week sales. Pretty big slide.
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Registered User
Feb 8, 2012
This is the First Star Wars movie I will never own or see again.

I will say I liked Solo (saw it twice) and will buy it on Blue Ray when it comes out. The Last Jedi was TRASH. I won't go and see the last movie in the trilogy until some of the people I trust see it and give me a proper review.

Anyways, much more excited for a Kenobi movie or a Fett movie than the trash that is now third trilogy. Ugh.


What do we want!? Unfair!
Sep 8, 2008


Its divisiveness is interesting in a pop-culture sense though. Half the people loved it/thought it was ok, the other half absolutely hated it, and both halves think the other half is absolutely insane for their opinion.

I thought the movie was trash with almost zero redeeming qualities.
I don't think it is insane not to like it. We all have our own opinion about movies, after all. I do think it is strange to think it has zero redeeming qualities, though.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
As mediocre as this sequel trilogy has been so far, it might've actually been worse if Lucas hadn't sold his company, believe it or not.
IndieWire said:
"[The next three ‘Star Wars’ films] were going to get into a microbiotic world,” [George Lucas] told Cameron. “There’s this world of creatures that operate differently than we do. I call them the Whills. And the Whills are the ones who actually control the universe. They feed off the Force.”

Elsewhere in the conversation, Lucas admitted, “Everybody hated it in ‘Phantom Menace’ [when] we started talking about midi-chlorians.” In terms of his storytelling, Lucas regarded individuals as “vehicles for the Whills to travel around in…And the conduit is the midi-chlorians. The midi-chlorians are the ones that communicate with the Whills. The Whills, in a general sense, they are the Force.”

‘Star Wars’: George Lucas Would Have Set Third Trilogy in ‘Microbiotic World’ Linked to Midi-Chlorians

I like how Lucas acknowledges that everyone hated his introduction of midichlorians and, yet, he was going to double down on them, anyways. The guy simply doesn't care what the fans want.


Registered User
Jan 30, 2012
It came out on Netflix like two days ago so that is why I am discussing it again.

And the Poe thing isn't a "plot hole", its just an example of how poorly defined Poe's character arc was. Is he a reckless flyboy in need of discipline? General Leia's most trusted confidante? A disloyal Mutineer? The rightful second in command for the entire rebel fleet?
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