News Article: Price Enters NHL/NHLPA Players Assistance Program (Mod warning in post #1)


Registered User
Feb 19, 2008

  1. Im glad Price is taking care of himself and hope he gets well.

    However, I think we are okay. Price is more of a playoff goalie anyway. Tbh him being on LTIR until the playoffs would be ideal for the team. Jake Allen is a good season goalie.

Not when he's the go to guy, traditionally he works well in a tandem.

flying v 604

Registered User
Sep 4, 2014
I Don’t understand I’m empathizing with his struggle dafuq u talking about?
Don't you know by now that unless you parrot only the opinions of the masses or say something that might trigger someone (even tho what you said was 100% correct and not insensitive at all) the woke people who feel by pretending they are part of someonee whos famous inner circle , you will be attacked with pitchforks?
But if the same person let's in a bad goal those same people will attack them mercilessly.


What a goal Mann!
Jul 15, 2009
Get well soon Carey.

While Price and Weber didn’t have a great regular season last year, this is still very bad news. I believe in Allen, but not as a long-term starter. Let’s hope we can go Oilers/Leafs mode with our offense and win games 6-5.
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Prendan Brust

Registered User
Jul 31, 2003
It remains that it's kind of weird to make it about Bergevin. I hope he leaves but how this situation would affect him never crossed my mind.
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Registered User
Jun 23, 2018
Well that's outta left field.

On a human level, hopefully Carey gets whatever help he needs. He seems like a really good guy and I wish him nothing but the best.

From a team standpoint, we're f***ed.

It sounds like what he's dealing with is serious stuff.

Yes, on a team level, the most realistic hope for the season should be a good lottery pick in a great draft.
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J't'un gars d'chez nous
Jun 29, 2020
Man this is frustrating. First Drouin, now Price. Let's hope he can get a grip on his life, that should hopefully last longer than his career. So it's important he sorts out his troubles.

But from a Habs POV this sucks. Like what the heck do you do now? We are dangerously thin in the net past Price, this is no joke. Can we trade for Flower? LOL

All the early injuries and drama surrounding this team...feels like there will be too many distractions and they will severely underperform this year. Feels like that one year where we ended up drafting Galchenyuk.

Aw well. It is what it is.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2019
Damn hope he’ll be alright in the end.

From a hockey standpoint, Price and Allen had similar goal saved above expected last year (close to 0), and that was with Allen playing all the games in the condensed end of season stretch.

I’m more worried about Montembault at 2G that will probably cost us a few crucial points here and there.


Registered User
Feb 15, 2007
JLL Press Box
What a sorry ass bunch in here.

A player seeks help for a un-identified problem and all people here can do is speculate on the problem and shit on the team, before the season even starts. And then people wonder why people don't want to play for the Habs. The thread on the main board only has posts of people wishing CP well.


Registered User
May 12, 2019
Looks good for the Montreal Canadiens to have had 2 top players talk about having to take a break for the game because of mental health.....Great bargaining tool....

Well it could be both ways, either as you imply a) management and market are toxic or b) they skip personality analysis when recruiting players and take players with non hockey related issues.

That contract was doomed to be bad, but that's a new low. Hope he gets the help he needs but if this franchise has to go 5 more years with 10.5m dead cap, I think some Habs fans will also need help ...


Registered User
Aug 31, 2005
Man this is frustrating. First Drouin, now Price. Let's hope he can get a grip on his life, that should hopefully last longer than his career. So it's important he sorts out his troubles.

But from a Habs POV this sucks. Like what the heck do you do now? We are dangerously thin in the net past Price, this is no joke. Can we trade for Flower? LOL

All the early injuries and drama surrounding this team...feels like there will be too many distractions and they will severely underperform this year. Feels like that one year where we ended up drafting Galchenyuk.

Aw well. It is what it is.

Better to be open and proactive rather than suffering in silence. Many remain silent unfortunately.
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Registered User
Apr 23, 2012
Best wishes to Price, hopefully he takes the time he needs to get better.


Registered User
May 12, 2019
What a sorry ass bunch in here.

A player seeks help for a un-identified problem and all people here can do is speculate on the problem and shit on the team, before the season even starts. And then people wonder why people don't want to play for the Habs. The thread on the main board only has posts of people wishing CP well.

I think everybody is wishing him a good recovery. Seems the natural thing to do as a human being.

But how do you come on HF without talking about the impact on the team ?
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governed by the principle of calculated risk
Jul 4, 2002
The joke of a post if your reply. Where do I say that he had foreseen this? I'm saying that all those guys missing, it will be impossible to have a good read on his work and he'll be saved by it. Try to know how to learn before you judge a post.
There have been rumors swirling around Price's off ice conduct for years. As there have been about other sport and public figures. I suspect if there is any truth to these salacious rumors, it will have had an inevitable, detrimental effect on his on-ice performance. But of course, they are just rumors and it would be unfair and improper to draw any adverse conclusions at this time. Whatever Price's difficulties are, let us all hope that he is able to recover fully.
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Registered User
Mar 10, 2013
Watching Bergevin's press conference. Wow - he has no idea what to say. It's not an easy spot to be in, he can't really give any info but he's being asked many questions, but still


Registered User
Mar 30, 2018
Kudos to him for seeking help and wish him all the best. He’s a true gentleman of this game


This is fine
Nov 8, 2004

In any case, seeing these top-tier professional athletes take a step back to say they need to take care of themselves is very humbling and inspirational.
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95% Elliotte
Jul 3, 2002
Price used to party hard early in his career but turned things around when he met his wife Angela and had kids. Truly a remarkable transformation.

With the recent injuries I would guess addiction to pain killers is the issue here. Best of luck to him.

Hockey wise this secure our top10 pick in the upcoming draft. MB knew and that's why he included the top10 protection in the trade for Dvorak.
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