Phoenix LXXVI: Renaissance Men

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Registered User
Jan 26, 2005
But there are encouraging signs for Coyotes fans about the future of this franchise. According to a person who has seen the Renaissance Sports and Entertainment business plan, it appears the group’s sole focus is on turning the team around financially and keeping it in Glendale for the long term.

Renaissance Sports and Entertainment is the company formed by prospective buyers George Gosbee, Anthony LeBlanc and their two partners, Daryl Jones and Avik Dey (Ice Edge Holdings is defunct despite continued references to it in media accounts).

What the internet says about Renaissance Clowns:

The history of clowns is interesting, especially the clowns of the renaissance. There were some that held court to kings proudly and respectfully. Others seemed to be the poor tools of entertainment forroyalty simply because of their height, weight, or some unknown birth defect. Indeed, being a jester could be a wonderful life, or a day to day struggleof people laughing at you for features that you couldn't control. In those times,they thought you were cursed or had done something to deserve it.

There were also clowns of the stage. They led well paid lives acting out the plays of William Shakespeare as well as other playwrights. Being a clown was an interesting occupation either way, but it seem to be mostly fun and games. They could speak freely on the actions of a king and pretend that it was a joke. That was a privelege indeed. As long as the jesters or fools kept the king happy, they could feast with him, live in the castle, and there was even perform specially for the Pope.

Since fools were well loved by their masters, they might even recieve part of a King's estate if he died. Many kings left things to their beloved jesters in their wills. But being a jester wasn't always fun. Some of them were freaks or dwarves. These poor people were prisoners of kings and queens. They could only hope for a dead master that would leave something to them. Many just wished that their masters were dead.

Many fools were very good at storytelling or fortunetelling. They would go to nearby towns once a week and perform for crowds. They would sometimes put on entire plays. They had to work hard at memorizing the lines since they could perform as many characters in one play, switching rolls constantly.

Along with jesters, there were vice clowns. The vice clowns were first seen in the begining of the renaissance. At that time, many people were extremely serious about religion. The vice was dressed as a devil or demon and represented the Seven Deadly Sins. He was often seen telling heroes evil thoughts or making them disbelieve in themselves. Later on, he started to look rather like a jester. He was ususally an energetic baffoon with a wooden dagger.

And of course, there was always the mime. The mime first started in the renaissance and still continues today. They were mostly in Rome, but gradually spread throughout Europe and the rest of the world. Now they perform on the street or at circuses like most clowns.

During the Italian Renaissance, bands of roving theater troupes in Italy called the Commedia del Arté introduced several clown characters to an admiring public, among them Pierrot and Harleqin.

It was during the Renaissance that mankind discovered that we are not situated right at the center of the universe, and that we are not even situated anywhere near the center of the universe, and that, in fact, that we are lucky to be situated anywhere, including Birmingham. Clowns became popular again. The awareness that we are a completely irrelevant chance event which is likely to be as easily extinguished just as it began can be mollified by watching someone with huge red shoes squirting someone else with water.

It was also around this time that clowning technology began to improve. The discovery of the rotten tomato in the Dutch East Indies, for example, brought a new dimension to European clown shows. A new standard was also introduced for the definition of custard. Previously, the question of what constituted custard had been left up to local village leaders, and a number of clowns died as a result of pies filled with rocks.

Contrary to popular myth, the red nose was not an invention of the Renaissance. This was invented by the Victorians, because their massive sexual repressions caused them to invent stuff like that and then to deny that they invented it at all.




Daryl Jones ‏@HedgeyeDJ
Can someone @KCDPR please call me ? You are a PR, aren't you ? Rule 1 of being in PR: respond to the public.

KCD Public Relations ‏@KCDPR
@HedgeyeDJ Mr. Jones, we returned your call and you didn't answer. What exactly are you trying to accomplish w/ your snarky public comments?

Daryl Jones ‏@HedgeyeDJ
A certain San Diego based PR firm is about to get caught in the "trolley tracks". If you are over your skis, stay off the slopes.


12-08-2008 Hockey in The Desert (Phoenix franchise and finance/business matters)
02-04-2009 Hockey in the Desert II (Phoenix Coyotes franchise and business matters)

05-05-2009 Balsillie puts in $212.5 mil offer for the Coyotes
05-07-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix part II
05-18-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix part III
05-22-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix part IV
06-03-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix part V
06-09-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix Part VI
06-12-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix Part VII: I'm just waitin' on a judge
06-16-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix Part VIII: It's dead, Jim
06-24-2009 Balsillie/Phoenix Part IX: 'Dorf on Hockey
07-25-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part X: The Truth? You Can't Handle The Truth!
08-03-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XI: A Fistful of Dollars?
08-07-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XII: For a Few Dollars More
08-12-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XIII: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
08-21-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XIV: The Wrath of Baum
08-27-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XV - SITREP: SNAFU
09-02-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XVI: Barbarian at the Gate
09-08-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XVII: Wake Me Up When September Ends
09-10-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy/ownership Part XVIII: Is that a pale horse in the distance?
09-12-2009 Phoenix bankruptcy Part XIX: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Baum
09-21-2009 Phoenix Bankruptcy Part XX: There Will Be Baum
09-28-2009 Phoenix Bankruptcy Part XXI: 2009 -- A Sports Odyssey
10-26-2009 Phoenix Bankruptcy Part XXII: Long and winding road

11-24-2009 Keeping up with potential owners for NHL Phoenix Coyotes (UPD: Ice Edge signs LOI)
03-14-2010 Part II. Potential owners of NHL's Phoenix Coyotes
03-26-2010 Part III. Prospective Owners - Phoenix Coyotes (UPD Lease vote 4/13; IEH signs MOU)
04-10-2010 Part IV Phoenix Coyotes post bankrtuptcy; UPD COG approves Reinsdorf MOU, not IEH MOU
05-02-2010 Part V Phoenix Coyotes post bankruptcy UPD Reinsdorf out? IEH back in? else Winnipeg?
05-11-2010 Part VI Phoenix Coyotes post bankruptcy
05-23-2010 Part VII Phoenix Coyotes post bankrtuptcy
06-07-2010 Part VIII: Phoenix Coyotes Post-bankrtuptcy
06-22-2010 Part IX: Phoenix Coyotes Post-bankruptcy UPD: Pres Moss fired 6/30 with IEH input
07-26-2010 Part X: Phoenix Coyotes - Between Scylla and Charybdis
08-27-2010 Part XI: Phoenix Coyotes -- Greetings, Starfighter, You have been selected ...
09-16-2010 Part XII: Phx Coyotes - Still haven't found what I'm looking for
10-12-2010 Part XIII: Phoenix Coyotes - The Final Cut?
10-27-2010 Part XIV: Phoenix Coyotes - To Infinity And Beyond....
12-05-2010 Part XV: Phoenix - the battle of evermore
12-14-2010 Part XVI: Phoenix -- Money for Nothing
12-20-2010 Part XVII: Phoenix -- Thread Title Available For Lease
01-09-2011 Part XVIII: Phoenix -- Imminence Front
01-24-2011 Phoenix XIXth: Nervous Breakdown
02-02-2011 Phoenix XX: Two weeks
02-11-2011 Phoenix XXI: When will then be now?
02-22-2011 Phoenix XXII: It's Now or Never
02-28-2011 Phoenix XXIII - Bond: The Phoenix Project
03-03-2011 Phoenix XXIV: How many twists does the scriptwriter have left?
03-07-2011 Phoenix XXV: Anyone in the theatre seen a pale horse?
03-08-2011 Phoenix XXVI: Pain in the AZ
03-11-2011 Phoenix XXVII: Can we all get along?
03-16-2011 Phoenix XXVIII: Lawyers, Bonds and Money
03-20-2011 Phoenix XXIX: What's the next act? I'm tired of the dog & pony show
03-22-2011 Phoenix Part XXX Hulz, you gotta get a gimmick if you want to get ahead
03-27-2011 Phoenix Part XXXI: I feel I'm in a time loop
04-05-2011 Phoenix Part XXXII: Bridge over Troubled Goldwater
04-14-2011 Phoenix XXXIII: Sound of Silence
04-20-2011 Phoenix XXXIV: Project Mayhem
04-25-2011 Phoenix XXXV: Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave...
05-03-2011 Phoenix XXXVI - There's got to be a morning after
05-10-2011 Phoenix XXXVII - The Heat is On

Followed by the Interregnum between Kings Phoenix the XXXVII-th and Phoenix the XXXVIII-th:

The most interesting thing about King Charles, the first
Is that he was 5 foot 6 inches tall at the start of his reign
But only 4 foot 8 inches tall at the end of it because of
Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England Puritan
Born in 1599 and died in 1658 September

06-09-2011 ESPN's Burnside: Hulsizer submitted new deal; COG city manager dragging it out
06-20-2011 Coyotes related: Westgate faces foreclosure
06-21-2011 Phoenix, worst case scenario

Finally, the realm was restored ...

06-27-2011 Phoenix XXXVIII: Hulsizer Pulls Bid For Coyotes
08-16-2011 Phoenix XXXIX: You Never Give Me Your Money
10-18-2011 Phoenix XL: Rich Man's World
12-07-2011 Phoenix XLI: Bongo Fury
01-06-2012 Phoenix XLII: The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything
02-02-2012 Phoenix XLIII: How to Bake Cupcakes in Less Than Two Weeks
02-28-2012 Phoenix XLIV: Ignorance & Apathy (or I Doan't know & I Doan't Care)
03-28-2012 Phoenix XLV: You can't YANDLE the truth!
04-11-2012 Phoenix XLVI: (Tre)living on a prayer
04-21-2012 Phoenix XLVII: More Threads than Superbowls
05-01-2012 Phoenix XLVIII: Of Mice and Lieberman
05-08-2012 Phoenix XLIX: Smoke & Mirrors
05-21-2012 Phoenix L: AllByDesign?
05-30-2012 Phoenix LI: es, Damn Lies, and Arena Management Fees
06-06-2012 Phoenix LII: Goodnight, Sweet Lieberman
06-08-2012 Phoenix LIII: How the GWInch Stole Phoenix
06-12-2012 Phoenix LIV:E and Let Die
06-19-2012 Phoenix LV: is Has Left the Building
06-26-2012 Phoenix LVI: s is Still Dead (or Maybe Working at a 7-11 in Glendale)
07-04-2012 Phoenix LVII (or MDCCLXXVI): Declarations of (In)Dependence
07-13-2012 Phoenix LVIII; Will jobbing get jobbed?
07-30-2012 Phoenix LIX: The JIG is up?
08-18-2012 Phoenix LX: Pinocchio's Furniture
09-07-2012 Phoenix LXI; We agreed to pay HOW MUCH‽
09-26-2012 Phoenix LXII: Abandon Hope all Ye Who Enter Here
10-16-2012 Phoenix LXIII: Have Become, Comfortably Numb;
11-06-2012 Phoenix LXIV: Will You Still Need Me, Will You Still Read Me, on Thread LXIV?
11-21-2012 Phoenx LXV: The word is... give me a minute.... "Omnishambles"... "Omnishambles"
11-27-2012 Phoenix LXVI: Get Your Kicks On Thread LXVI
12-18-2012 Phoenix LXVII: Route66 - Aftermath
01-15-2013 Phoenix LXVIII - "Watch out for that Tree"
01-25-2013 Phoenix LXIX: Thread of LXIX
01-30-2013 Phoenix LXX: Should they stay or should they go now?
02-01-2013 Phoenix LXXI: Daydream Belever
02-12-2013 Phoenix LXXII: Send in the Clowns
03-14-2013 Phoenix LXXIII: "This Space Available"
04-04-2013 Phoenix LXXIV: Be Seeing You
04-22-2013 Phoenix LXXV: It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again
05-02-3013 Phoenix LXXVI: Renaissance Men

A couple whole bunch of Phoenix uThreads have popped up in the wake of the "To close, or not to close" mega-thread discussion:

03-16-2012 COG to spend more on Coyotes than public safety?
03-22-2012 Dreger (3/22): NHL to investigate "plan b" for Phoenix
03-23-2012 Sunnicks strikes again "will they stay or will they go now?"
03-28-2012 G&M: Architects of Glendale pro sports disaster won't be around for fallout
03-30-2012 Shoalts: Ice Edge talking about bringing (minor) hockey to the Job should Yotes leave
04-04-2012 Shoalts: Glendale Mayor Scruggs wants city's $$ back
04-05-2012 Coyotes CEO 'confident' team is staying in Glendale
04-05-2012 Puck Daddy: Coyotes battline relocation worries with public optimism
04-06-2012 A strong PHX team in the playoffs may bring a new owner.
04-10-2012 Father of PHX AGM Brad Treliving involved in keeping Coyotes in Glendale?
04-10-2012 PKP offer for Coyotes may be 230 million (mod: to QC w/relo $$)
04-10-2012 Beasley: Coyotes deal within a month
04-11-2012 Glendale, NHL trying to close Phoenix Coyotes deal with Jamison group
04-11-2012 Bettman: no timeline on Phoenix situation (AP)
04-13-2012 Adding up the Numbers in the Phoenix Jamison Bid
04-16-2012 COG's Lieberman calls for demonstration against Coyote deal
04-17-2012 COG - budget payment to Jamison group not to exceed $20m?
04-17-2012 GWI ready to scrutinize new deal
04-18-2012 Coyotes sale soon, five things to watch
04-21-2012 Jamison looking for more investors on Coyotes bid, could be 1-2 months away from deal
04-21-2012 Greg Jamison finally goes public with potential purchase of the Coyotes
04-24-2012 Glendale Busts its Budget; Pledges More Money for Yotes
04-27-2012 Coyotes working to convert bandwagon fans to full time fans
04-28-2-12 4/28: Coyote sale deal getting closer
04-30-2012 Phoenix Coyotes sale finalized May 8th? Hulsizer back in?
05-03-2012 Phoenix CEO/Pres Nealy - something could happen next week
05-04-2012 Feschuk: Phoenix Coyotes doing just fine, thanks
05-04-2012 If the yotes make the finals
05-04-2012 Former Coyotes owner Jerry Moyes assails NHL over Coyotes’ operations
05-07-2012 NHL to announce tentative deal re: sale to Jamison
05-08-2012 Sportsnet: COG promising $306mm over next 21 years
05-08-2012 Wall Street Journal: 'Glendale's Public Hockey Project' = Loss
05-17-2012 Phoenix saga: 5/22 end date
05-17-2012 Jamison signing preliminary sales docs with NHL 5/17 or 5/18
05-21-2012 Goldwater Inst. ready to sue Glendale over arena management deal
05-23-2012 COG council approves preliminary budget with $17m payment for arena management
05-25-2012 Preliminary draft of lease agreement for in hands of COG board
06-04-2012 Phoenix lease details
06-05-2012 Bettmans plan may unravel in Phoenix (vote coming 6/8)
06-06-2012 The angst of Phoenix -- from three major league teams to one (that use city name)
06-06-2012 Forbes: Jamison having trouble raising funds
06-07-2012 GWI letter to Glendale Mayor and Coucilmembers
06-07-2012 Arizona Free Enterprise Club opposes COG deal
06-07-2012 Goldwater Institute Files for Restraining Order
06-11-2012 Coyote name change on hold?
06-13-2012 13 June, Goldwater files suit
06-14-2012 Halverstadt on NHL Home Ice talking Coyotes
06-14-2012 Coyotes deadline "now"? NHL schedule releasing soon
06-15-2012 PBJ: CoG says they'll withstand GWI legal challenge
06-15-2012 AFEC considering ballot (referendum) and COG concil recall
06-18-2012 Phoenix Coyotes, NHL looking for legal counsel to represent team, arena
06-19-2012 Coyotes deal not immediately effective - Referendum to follow?
06-26-2012 COG + GWI agreement on non-emergency status
06-28-2012 Jones/Cobb v Glendale (Coyotes Court Case)
07-04-2012 Coyotes PAC formed
07-04-2012 COG city council candidates voice opposition to Coyotes deal
07-05-2012 Shoalts 7/5 update on Coyotes situation
07-09-2012 Coyotes lease referendum petition not submitted by 7/9
07-11-2012 Glendale rejects group's attempt to overturn sales-tax increase
07-12-2012 PBJ: Jamison group has funding for purchase of Coyotes
07-16-2012 2 COG referendum proponents gearing up for legal battle
07-26-2012 Jones & Cobb decide to NOT file lawsuit after their lease referendum rejected
07-26-2012 PBJ: 7/27 deadline for Coyotes sale?
07-28-2012 PBJ: 7/28: Jamison short $20mm?
07-31-2012 Glendale arena proposal scheduled to expire 7/31, extended another 31 days
08-01-2012 Mayoral candidates speaking out on Coyotes prospective owner
08-08-2012 PBJ: 8/8 Jamison group apparently now has the funds to buy Coyotes
08-10-2012 SBN's Five for Howling: Coyotes sale a done deal
08-16-2012 COG mayoral candidate: Rework proposed lease due to lockout
08-18-2012 CBA uncertainty delaying Coyotes sale?
08-24-2012 8/24: Appeals Court Orders Glendale Sales-Tax Measure to be put Back on Ballot
08-27-2012 8/27 COG extends lease (with NHL) again (pending sale to Jamison group)
08-29-2012 COG seeking change to negotiated proposed arena deal with Jamison
09-04-2012 ESPN Burnside has source that says Jamison's got funding, arena deal to be done
09-11-2012 PBJ: O’odham tribe now involved in Jamison's deal to buy team?
09-29-2012 Final details on Coyotes lease to be settled 10/3?
10-07-2012 Final vote on reworked lease coming 10/23?
10-08-2012 Deja vu, redux = COG talk about extending agreement with NHL another 30 days
11-01-2012 Dater: Phoenix reason for lockout
11-07-2012 Impact of Glendale election on fate of Phoenix Coyotes future
11-26-2012 COG to vote on revised lease 11/27
11-30-2012 Referendum starts process (against) Glendale arena deal with Jamison
12-21-2012 Jamison officially signs lease agreement
12-26-2012 Coyotes could break even, or even profit, if there are no games
12-27-2012 Shoalts: Jamison using US Green Cards to lure investors in Coyotes
01-06-2013 Sportsnet: Jamison group about to finalize Coyotes purchase
01-30-2013 Burnside, LeBrun: Sale of Coyotes to Jamison in Question
01-31-2012 NHL no longer denying relocation a possibility for the Coyotes?
02-01-2013 USA Today's Allen: NHL must continue committment to Phoenix
02-02-2013 Phoenix - Glendale vs Scottsdale
02-08-2013 Grant Woods leading (new) ownership group to (try to) buy Coyotes
02-12-2013 Hulsizer back to looking at buying Coyotes?
03-28-2013 Report: NHL may soon consider relocation for Coyotes; Ice Edge back in picture?
03-29-2013 Bettman: Hey COG, expect something in about a week
04-07-2013 Bettman: Interest in Phoenix franchise "higher than ever"
05-06-2013 Arizona Republic: True cost of running below what COG has paid
05-06-2013 COG Mayor: waiting on NHL to approve owner
05-11-2013 Californian Darin Pastor looking to finalize "premium" purchase of Coyotes

And, hey, why not, for completeness:

03-05-2010 NHL sues Jerry Moyes
Last edited:


RIP Barb
Nov 26, 2004
It's always surprising how quickly these topics go by when essentially nothing happens for weeks on end....

80:20 rule. I'd bet 20% of the guys account for 80% of those posts. They're just having a regular ol' party in here. ;)

Good Lord, there's been 198 previous threads dealing with the Coyotes' situation. :surrender

We're lucky to have kdb here. He can count in Roman numerals. :sarcasm:


Registered User
Jan 16, 2005
Moncton, NB
My. Gawd. The OP takes half a page. :facepalm:

Does that mean we're only half done!?! :cry:

"The NHL, owners of the Arizona Coyotes for the 8th straight year, may have a new potential buyer to keep the team in the valley. He may wear clown shoes, but he's planning to buy a home in the Phoenix area!"

I've got a good feeling about this guy...


Registered User
Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
Ownership absence will likely limit Phoenix Coyotes’ resources to re-sign Mike Smith

To quote:

"The cap floor is set at $44 million for next season. With only 12 NHL contracts currently on their books totaling approximately $39.6 million, the Coyotes have some spending to do.

How they allocate that money is up to them, according to NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly.

"Team management would have the ability to negotiate and make recommendations as to appropriate contract ‘term’ for league approval," Daly wrote in an e-mail. "So, I wouldn’t agree there are any real limitations on the club’s ability to re-sign Mike Smith, other than those that are related to the team’s overall budget — which is the same situation that most, if not all, clubs deal with on a regular basis.""


Marry! What cutpurse, pray tell, will step forward to stay this madness!

Fare thee well! ;)

Tommy Hawk

Registered User
May 27, 2006
Ownership absence will likely limit Phoenix Coyotes’ resources to re-sign Mike Smith

To quote:

"The cap floor is set at $44 million for next season. With only 12 NHL contracts currently on their books totaling approximately $39.6 million, the Coyotes have some spending to do.

How they allocate that money is up to them, according to NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly.

"Team management would have the ability to negotiate and make recommendations as to appropriate contract ‘term’ for league approval," Daly wrote in an e-mail. "So, I wouldn’t agree there are any real limitations on the club’s ability to re-sign Mike Smith, other than those that are related to the team’s overall budget — which is the same situation that most, if not all, clubs deal with on a regular basis.""


Marry! What cutpurse, pray tell, will step forward to stay this madness!

Fare thee well! ;)

Too bad that there will not be any "team management" to sign free agents until the NHL signs some team management.


Registered User
Jan 19, 2013
Outside GZ
Phoenix Coyotes would be prudent to keep coach as resourceful as Dave Tippett

"The expiration date on his contract should be a cattle prod for everyone.

“It’s no secret that my wish is to stay here and see this through,†Tippett said. “But I may not have that choice.â€

Tippett becomes a free agent on July 1. If there is no new infrastructure in place — i.e., a new owner to re-sign Don Maloney, who will then re-sign Tippett — the popular head coach will be free to go elsewhere. Given Tippett’s handiwork in Arizona, he would be a coveted prize for numerous clubs."


Perchance we may use the pillory on the lot of them at Westgate!

Fare thee well! ;)

CBJ goalie

Registered User
May 19, 2005
London, Ontario
Nothing new here, just thought I'd show the latest from Elliotte Friedman (whom I find very respectable and honest):

29. This is my guess with Phoenix: Sometime in the next week or so, the NHL is going to work out a "conditional deal" with one of the potential owners. The likely choice is George Gosbee, although Matt Hulsizer and Darin Pastor remain in the picture. But, it's all going to come down to the city of Glendale. The deal Greg Jamison couldn't close isn't available (20 years, $324 million), but is there something else available? That will determine the team's future.

30. If Gosbee does get the team and closes a deal to stay, the belief is Don Maloney and Dave Tippett will stay, too. If it's a different owner, or the team moves, or this takes too long, it's less certain


tony d

New poll series coming from me in June
Jun 23, 2007
Behind A Tree
Wish they would get this resolved. It's dragged on long enough. That said I think they're staying in Phoenix.
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