Phoenix LXXIX: This is The End, We Hope Not

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From the minutes...

"Ladies and gentlemen of the council, Mr. Mayor... I would like to read to you something that is making its way across the internet at a break neck speed. Something that will one day be seen in the same importance as the American Constitution. I would like to read what will here forth be known as "The List"".

I got goose bumps!


Formally a McRib
Apr 4, 2008
From the minutes...

"Ladies and gentlemen of the council, Mr. Mayor... I would like to read to you something that is making its way across the internet at a break neck speed. Something that will one day be seen in the same importance as the American Constitution. I would like to read what will here forth be known as "The List"".

I got goose bumps!

That sounds so eloquent.


What is the list?

A List of prediction provided by the most handsome of posters. It is remarkably accurate!!! :)

...and by accurate, he means not at all...:razz:

I don't know, Kevy... I was going to answer along the lines of "Similar to Santa's... equal in full of wishness and almost equally unattainable" :naughty:

Guys!!! :( Another poster is actually interested in "The List". That doesn't happen every day. Don't ruin it!!! ;)


Registered User
Jan 20, 2011
Keewatin, Ontario
Excellent. Now, are they aware that he's an Attorney, hyper-sensitive to things like plagiarism n' whatnot?... ask poor Slashers here about using material without permission and even with a "hat tip" in acknowledging source.... this speaker, the one who quoted CF; look like he's got any dough? Well dressed? What kinda watch? Rolex? :laugh:

Where's Mesa???


Unfamiliar Moderator
Jan 30, 2009
South of Heaven
I'm still confused as to whether or not something important is actually happening...

What all the hub-bub is about was whether or not there was going to be a last minute rescinding of the tentative budget (despite an extremely unfavorable timeline to do so). To me, and I only speak for myself, if that were to have occured (despite that timeline) it would have opened the door of speculation that the Council was going to find ways to extract more monies from the budget to allocate to a higher AMF than the $6.5M or even $8M.

It didn't happen. The changes that could be made from here on out are those lateral to what those allocations are marked, or less, per Sherry Schurhammer, Executive Director of Financial Services - Glendale. Everyone voted "Aye" except Sherwood and Alvarez (Yes, Norma!) voted "Nay" to adopting the Tentative Budget. Now before people get carried away... their Nay votes stem around allocations for Public Safety. IMO, Norma wants more, Sherwood wasn't happy about what took place at the April 26th meeting as to his reason for voting no.

You be the judge when the video/minutes are made available.
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