P.K. Subban Thread - Mk III - Unsigned Edition

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Aug 16, 2008
The City
That's exactly why I think Gorges is speaking on behalf of the locker room.

Your posts reek of bias. You're projecting what you want to believe into what is actually going on.

It doesn't matter what the players, gorges, subban or bergevin feel. They need to shut up and keep it out of the media. I'd be saying the same thing if Subban were talking to reporters the same way.

Lafleurs Guy

Jul 20, 2007
Maybe he told him directly already and he was disappointed with PK's answer?
He shouldn't have said anything to him directly. It's none of his business. And who cares if he was disappointed in the answer, that's not an excuse to go to the press. Stupid thing to do.


Registered User
May 2, 2010
He shouldn't have said anything to him directly. It's none of his business. And who cares if he was disappointed in the answer, that's not an excuse to go to the press. Stupid thing to do.

Perhaps Gorges' comments where lost in translation, I did not think they were that bad. All he essentially said is that there was no huge problems with bridge contracts, including the one he signed and 95% of other players sign.


Aug 16, 2008
The City
Perhaps Gorges' comments where lost in translation, I did not think they were that bad. All he essentially said is that there was no huge problems with bridge contracts, including the one he signed and 95% of other players sign.

Perhaps Gorges was being remotely controlled by an alien race bent on enslaving the human race. :dunce:

You're just speculating to make situation sound like what you WANT it to sound like.


Registered User
Oct 9, 2011
everyone can have a blog nowadays.

Thanks for addressing the content of my post. Everyone can post on HF too, and just like bloggers, I imagine most of us are in our parents' basements. The difference being that if you want anyone to read your blog (and people do read the blog in question) you have to put some thought into the content, whereas any idiot can share their brain farts here, as many so kindly do.

I take it you've read his analysis, and disagree with his opinion that a dominant defenseman in terms of puck possession in all situations is worth more than an undersized winger who played mostly in offensive situations (0:10/game on the penalty kill, 60% O-zone starts), who had an elite shooting percentage (18.9%, 5th among F's) but used his shot comparatively seldomly (only 180 in 78 games, not even among the top 100 in the NHL and less than such noted snipers as David Clarkson, Pascal Dupuis and Jason Chimera), and who signed an extension for a $ figure that most here would scoff at were it Subban.

Lafleurs Guy

Jul 20, 2007
Perhaps Gorges' comments where lost in translation, I did not think they were that bad. All he essentially said is that there was no huge problems with bridge contracts, including the one he signed and 95% of other players sign.
This is probably the most likely explanation. As I said earlier in the thread, I can't believe he'd say something like this.

What shocks me though is that some posters believe he said it and actually support that position.


Registered User
May 2, 2010
Your posts reek of bias. You're projecting what you want to believe into what is actually going on.

It doesn't matter what the players, gorges, subban or bergevin feel. They need to shut up and keep it out of the media. I'd be saying the same thing if Subban were talking to reporters the same way.

I might be biassed since I'm disappointed he could not find a way to come to terms with the Habs. I have no idea what the reason is and neither does anybody on here. Gorges coming out and saying a few words shows he's also disappointed. I agree this could be his own personal feeling right now but it could also reflect what others are thinking. You may think that this line of reasoning is biased, but I don't. If it turns out Gorges is not the only one feeling this way perhaps this explains why there's no deal yet. I'm getting ripped apart for being biased and the only bias I see is that not everyone agrees with me, including yourself. I actually like PK a lot. I've aid this many times.


Oct 27, 2006
Thanks for addressing the content of my post. Everyone can post on HF too, and just like bloggers, I imagine most of us are in our parents' basements. The difference being that if you want anyone to read your blog (and people do read the blog in question) you have to put some thought into the content, whereas any idiot can share their brain farts here, as many so kindly do.

I take it you've read his analysis, and disagree with his opinion that a dominant defenseman in terms of puck possession in all situations is worth more than an undersized winger who played mostly in offensive situations (0:10/game on the penalty kill, 60% O-zone starts), who had an elite shooting percentage (18.9%, 5th among F's) but used his shot comparatively seldomly (only 180 in 78 games, not even among the top 100 in the NHL and less than such noted snipers as David Clarkson, Pascal Dupuis and Jason Chimera), and who signed an extension for a $ figure that most here would scoff at were it Subban.

Nope, I just happen to think that the opinion doesnt have any more weith sinply cause the person decided to put his thoughts into a blog (instead of a forum for example).


Registered User
May 2, 2010
Perhaps Gorges was being remotely controlled by an alien race bent on enslaving the human race. :dunce:

You're just speculating to make situation sound like what you WANT it to sound like.

I'm not sure I understand. Did you read the article in La Presse? It's not that bad really.
Here's the text, I can help with the translation if needed.


Le Canadien se prépare à ouvrir sa saison régulière, ce soir au Centre Bell, contre les Maple Leafs de Toronto. Mais il devra le faire sans celui qui était le meilleur défenseur du club la saison dernière.

Non, P.K. Subban n'a toujours pas réglé sa dispute contractuelle avec le Canadien, près d'une semaine après le retour des joueurs au boulot. Ce soir, quand le Canadien disputera son premier match de la saison, Subban sera chez lui dans la région de Toronto, sans trop savoir quand aura lieu son premier match à lui.

Le problème, il est bien connu: le défenseur souhaite une entente à long terme, ce que lui refuse pour l'instant la direction montréalaise.

Don Meehan, son agent, estime qu'il y a toujours un écart entre les deux parties.

«Nous poursuivons les négociations, a expliqué M. Meehan à La Presse, hier, lors d'une entrevue téléphonique. Je ne veux pas commenter la nature de nos pourparlers. Tout ce que je peux dire, c'est que nous avons de la difficulté à trouver un terrain d'entente.»

Selon Meehan, Subban aimerait mieux être sur la glace du Centre Bell ce soir. «Dans un monde idéal, il serait là avec le reste de l'équipe... Ce qui se passe, ce n'est pas bon pour les deux parties. C'est un peu comme le lock-out qu'on vient de vivre; ce n'est bon pour personne.»

Un pari risqué

Pour Subban, le pari est assez gros. Risque-t-il de se mettre à dos ses coéquipiers du CH avec une trop longue absence?

«Je ne crois pas que ça va créer des frictions, a répondu l'entraîneur Michel Therrien, hier. On voudrait qu'il soit ici, on aimerait ça, mais il faut se concentrer sur les gars qui sont présents, un peu comme on le ferait dans le cas d'un joueur blessé. Je préfère laisser ça entre les mains de ceux qui s'occupent du dossier.»

Dans le vestiaire, par contre, l'absence de Subban fait jaser. Déjà que le défenseur indispose parfois certains collègues avec sa flamboyance et son côté verbomoteur, sa décision de rester à la maison en ce début de saison ne va certes pas l'aider à se faire de nouveaux amis.

Le défenseur Josh Gorges ne sait pas trop de quelle manière Subban sera reçu lorsqu'il aura enfin son nouveau contrat en poche.

«Je ne suis pas sûr, a-t-il dit. On verra. C'est dur à comprendre... Le but du hockey, c'est de gagner en équipe. Si on a du succès, c'est à cause de l'équipe.

«Je ne voudrais pas être dans cette position. C'est certain qu'un joueur essaie toujours d'avoir la meilleure entente possible. Un gars dans sa situation n'a pas beaucoup de droits quant à la négociation, alors il doit dire oui à un contrat de transition, en attendant de mériter le droit de négocier à la hausse par la suite. Je pense que 95 % des joueurs sont déjà passés par là.»

Gorges a lui aussi vécu une situation un brin similaire à l'été 2011. Il voulait un contrat à long terme, ce que la direction montréalaise d'alors lui refusait. Résultat? Gorges a dû dire oui, un peu à regret, à un contrat d'une seule saison, avant de finalement conclure une entente de six ans il y a un an.

«Je voulais un contrat à long terme moi aussi, mais avant ça, j'ai dû dire oui à une entente d'un an, parce qu'il fallait que je prouve que j'allais être prêt à faire tout ce qu'il fallait. Quand tu fais ce qu'on attend de toi, tu es éventuellement récompensé.»

En attendant de revoir Subban avec eux sur la glace, les joueurs du Canadien tentent d'amorcer leur saison sans trop penser à celui qui est absent. Ce n'est pas toujours facile; jeudi soir, lors du match intra-équipe, les partisans ont scandé le nom du grand absent à plusieurs reprises. Le feront-ils ce soir aussi?

Le capitaine Brian Gionta estime que le Canadien doit avancer malgré tout.

«Dans son cas, c'est une décision d'affaires, a-t-il expliqué. Quand il sera de retour, il redeviendra un des gars, tout simplement. Il n'y a personne qui va l'ignorer ou le bouder dans cette équipe.»


11 Stanley Cups
Jun 24, 2007
Thanks for addressing the content of my post. Everyone can post on HF too, and just like bloggers, I imagine most of us are in our parents' basements. The difference being that if you want anyone to read your blog (and people do read the blog in question) you have to put some thought into the content, whereas any idiot can share their brain farts here, as many so kindly do.

I take it you've read his analysis, and disagree with his opinion that a dominant defenseman in terms of puck possession in all situations is worth more than an undersized winger who played mostly in offensive situations (0:10/game on the penalty kill, 60% O-zone starts), who had an elite shooting percentage (18.9%, 5th among F's) but used his shot comparatively seldomly (only 180 in 78 games, not even among the top 100 in the NHL and less than such noted snipers as David Clarkson, Pascal Dupuis and Jason Chimera), and who signed an extension for a $ figure that most here would scoff at were it Subban.

The blogger assumed that Eberle's shooting pct will go down, while his ability to compensate and lift his shot total will not happen, and Subban will project to Shea Weber type ability.

Myself, being another guy typing on the internet can suppose some or all of those things won't happen. Or that Eberle is still on the same upward trajectory that he assumes Subban is and Eberle develops to another level.

The more things you assume the more you fail in projecting, especially in the situation where the person doing the projections WANTS IT TO HAPPEN.

As it is under current circumstances I do no believe the Edmonton Oilers would trade Eberle for Subban. But as I said if it happens I will admit I was wrong.


Speaking on behalf of the locker room... in the medias... sending a message to PK to be a good teammate ... how ironic.

Gorges is saying that he doesn' t know how PK is going to be welcomed back. But he says that it's the team that makes the player's success and not the opposite. The goal in hockey is to win as a team.

Gionta, the captain, is saying there won't be any problem at all.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2011
That's exactly why I think Gorges is speaking on behalf of the locker room.

I find it hilarious that you and some others are completely fine with Gorges calling out PK on his contract negotiations. You don't mess with players money.

Gorges yaps a lot and seems to get a pass for it.
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