October 25th CBA Deadline for 82 Game Season (CBA & Lockout Discussion) - Part XIV

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Jan 2, 2008
There's a good Thursday nighter in the NFL tomorrow and the World Series starts tonight.....NBA starts next week....

The sports world will go on....

Bob b smith

Registered User
Jan 14, 2007

1-If there's no deal on the 82 game framework, the Players will not try to get a deal better than the owner's last proposal (or equal to the Player's last proposals)... Bla, bla, bla, owners won't give them more later...bla, bla, bla. Don't waste your time writing and rewriting this. It's irrelevant and not going to happen... .

2-The Players will try to makeup the money from a combination of: 1-salary from other pro leagues, + 2-destroying the salary cap (remember they were making 70%something of HRR then), + 3-major litigation in US Courts to get damages, + 4-get a deal or not with the owners...


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Nov 24, 2010
If Fehr is telling them to hold out for a better offer, then how can anyone believe that this fight is about principles? If you are steadfast in principles and feel that what you have offered is more than fair, than the approach is that you don't accept a deal unless it's the deal you've put on the table. Essentially, fighting a principled fight would suggest that it's your offer that is take it or leave it.

If you're willing to wait it out for a better deal (which isn't necessarily characterized by getting exactly what you want), then that indicates that your principles can be compromised if the price seems good enough. I'll say it a million times over, this isn't a battle of principles for the players. It's a battle of egos all around - owners and players.


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Oct 5, 2009
Ottawa, ON
2-The Players will try to makeup the money of a combination of: 1-salary from other pro leagues, + 2-destroying the salary cap (remember they were making 70%something of HRR then), + 3-major litigation in US Courts to get damages, + 4-get a deal or not with the owners...

1) They can't get possibly get their salary back in other leagues
2) Owners aren't giving up the salary cap, not in a million years.
3) Litigation may/may not go anywhere. It didn't do much for NFL or NBA.

Only solution is #4 before more damage is done.


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Dec 4, 2003
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If Fehr's strategy hasn't been to just wait and see, what has his strategy been? He's anti-cap. What desire does he have to sign a deal involving a hard cap? It's Don Fehr we're talking about here. Why would he not just wait and see what happens? He doesn't care if hockey gets played. That's not what he's paid for.

He's said the whole time that he's not going to give anything up that the players already have. Contract terms, money, whatever. That's what he's done so far, by just waiting. He's going to keep waiting. There are no deadlines in this. It's sports, and especially the NHL. If the CBA expires, oh well. If games get cancelled, oh well.

Every work stoppage in the NHL has gone on longer than the previous one. That was with Goodenow. Now it's Fehr. January 2014, if we're lucky.


@Real_ESPNLeBrun: Bettman says 82-game season must start by Nov. 2. NHLPA leadership believes an 82-game season can start a bit later... Game of chicken


Begging for Bega
Aug 25, 2003
If Fehr's strategy hasn't been to just wait and see, what has his strategy been? He's anti-cap. What desire does he have to sign a deal involving a hard cap? It's Don Fehr we're talking about here. Why would he not just wait and see what happens? He doesn't care if hockey gets played. That's not what he's paid for.

He's said the whole time that he's not going to give anything up that the players already have. Contract terms, money, whatever. That's what he's done so far, by just waiting. He's going to keep waiting. There are no deadlines in this. It's sports, and especially the NHL. If the CBA expires, oh well. If games get cancelled, oh well.

Every work stoppage in the NHL has gone on longer than the previous one. That was with Goodenow. Now it's Fehr. January 2014, if we're lucky.

Doubt it. The longer this goes on, the more likely we get another Trevor Linden type situation happening.


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Nov 24, 2010
John Vogl ‏@BuffNewsVogl

Sabres Jason Pominville: "We feel comfortable with the proposal we made and we are going to stand behind it. It's up to them to make a move"

Which proposal?

How can you firmly stand behind the proposal when you put 3 on the table? How does that even make sense?

I Believe

Registered User
Mar 5, 2011
If the year ends up being lost, the only way I can see the players possibly recouping that money would be the removal of the hard cap. I just can't see that happening.


Registered User
Nov 24, 2010
@Real_ESPNLeBrun: Bettman says 82-game season must start by Nov. 2. NHLPA leadership believes an 82-game season can start a bit later... Game of chicken

So Fehr think the owners are bluffing and thinks he has more time to strike a deal? If the owners call his bluff and take the losses, it'll be interesting to see if Fehr does anything or if it truly does go to a stalemate.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
Unless there's some hail mairy 11th hour miracle tonight, all of November will get wiped out tomorrow. Do the players think this is a game? The games should be on the ice, not in the boardroom. They are soooooooooooo dumb!!!

It's not them, it's Fehr.

Billionaire owners tend to be eccentric, egotistical, vindictive ********. Jeremy Jacobs once wasted $25 million dollars on a 3rd liner to prove some insignificant point to Mike Ilitch. You're damned right if you think he'd scuttle a season over nothing to prove to Fehr nobody's going to push him around or show up late to a meeting where they're, from his perspective, begging him for money.

Paul Kelley knew this. You have drinks with the owners, slap their backs, show up at their kids' bar mitzvahs, tell them how nice their race horse looks and when it's time to bargain, their egos won't get in the way. Your two extra percentage points come a little bit easy because "Ahhh, Paul's tough but he's a good guy."

The players may or may not know this (I'm inclined to think, at most, 2 would understand the dynamics of a negotiation like this), but Donald Fehr HAS to know this through the course of his job. You can't play chicken with an SuV when you're driving a sports car.

"Wait and you'll get more later"...that's just...even if he's right (and he's not) it's horrible advice for everyone in the membership older than, say 25, who will lose, in raw dollars, through waiting, whatever they MIGHT gain through a percentage point or two.

Which leads me to believe the "long-term endgame" of his, that everyone's been worrying about, is destruction of the salary cap and he's slowly buttering up the players to let him try and fight that fight.
Mar 31, 2005
East Coast
Andy Strickland ‏@andystrickland
According to sources Don Fehr has convinced the players the longer they remain firm, the better the deal will be down the road #NHLPA


This is insane and irrational.

Ethnics and righteousness aside, the players will NEVER recover lost salary from missing a season just to get a potentially more favorable deal. It also lowers the mid-range growth prospects of the league. Triple whammy. How are players so blind/dumb/irrational?

Fehr kool-aid. Scary stuff.


Registered User
Jun 15, 2010
New Jersey
Hope the owners make them play 3 nights in a row, should that happen.

That's what it's gonna end up being if it doesn't start soon.

Lots of back to backs and the season possibly ending in late june early july..

gonna be a lot of wear and tear on players come next fall


@Real_ESPNLeBrun: Bettman says 82-game season must start by Nov. 2. NHLPA leadership believes an 82-game season can start a bit later... Game of chicken

Yeah piss off the guys that own the rinks
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