TSN: Nhl rule changes include elimination of shootout 'spin-o-rama'


Registered User
May 23, 2014

is this illegal now?
if so then new rule is stupid

Seeing as how the puck was always moving forward and never stopped (as it does with spin-o-ramas performed close to the net), I would think this move would still be allowed.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2003
Toronto, ON
Ties suck. With the way the league is now, with teams being so close, there would be just way too many ties. I don't like seeing 15-20 ties in a year from my team, sorry. I'd rather have a resolution to the game.


Registered User
Sep 11, 2012
If you want the shoot out gone, you have to find away to get all teams to play to win. Right now almost all teams play not to lose. By that I mean if the score is tied half way through the third, majority of teams sit back defensively. Instead of playing aggressive to try to win the game, they would rather get the guaranteed point and win it in overtime.

You'd have to change the entire point structure of the NHL. 3 points for a regulation win, 2 points for an overtime win, potentially no loser point and 3-3 after 5 minutes.

Take loser points out, as well as a point less for a OT win and watch teams floor the gas at the end of games.
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Registered User
Sep 17, 2006
Point of interest.

The "Savardian Spin-o-rama", which is a quick pivoting turn with the puck done in order to evade opponents, was coined by sportscaster Danny Gallivan and named after Serge Savard, and not Denis Savard (who was adept at the same manoeuvre) as is often thought.

The former Montreal star Dman was the first and originating source.

That's absolutely right, I remember Gallivan coining that phrase and it was Serge Savard but I think they also used it when Denis Savard did a similar move.


Feb 28, 2002
The shootout is a joke and circus event from the start, but removing the spin-a-rama move is a good thing as it makes a mockery of the sport.

Shootouts should only occur in All-star games and they should lengthen OT but reduce players on the ice over time.

Sometimes it's worth remembering that a circus and a hockey game are there for the same purpose: for entertainment...

Tyler Biggs*

Looks like Marchand will be getting the most penalty minutes in the league. Diving and embellishment is going to be called more often.

Tyler Biggs*

Not a fan of the shootout personally but I guess they need something because there MUST be a winner and loser.

Can we just get rid of the shoot out and loser pts. If you wanna see teams fight for wins and pts make a win 3pts, a tie 1pt, and absolutely ZERO for any type of loss. Introduce a 10 min OT 4 on 4, if the game remains tied then so be it. The current system is too skewed and awards teams for mediocrity. FIX THIS ASAP.

Tyler Biggs*

here's an idea. don't have a shootout. I don't get why the spin-o-rama is this big bad thing.

and here's another idea. instead of fining diving. just make it a 4 minute penalty + misconduct.

Because your suppose to have the puck go forward at all times on a penalty shot / shootout. Spin o rama when you watch carefully the puck actually goes backwards on a spin o rama. About time they don't allow it. Even better cancel all shootouts.


Feb 28, 2002
Because your suppose to have the puck go forward at all times on a penalty shot / shootout. Spin o rama when you watch carefully the puck actually goes backwards on a spin o rama. About time they don't allow it. Even better cancel all shootouts.

That forward motion rule is pretty arbitrary though. Who says they couldn't change the rules to allow a wraparound?


Global Moderator
Feb 27, 2002
Leafs Home Board
Sometimes it's worth remembering that a circus and a hockey game are there for the same purpose: for entertainment...

That's true but when I order my Center Ice package I kind of have my heart set on seeing some hockey and not a clown show. :wg:


Registered User
Nov 12, 2006
Huntsville Ontario
Solves everything. If a tie is really a bad thing, which I am not convinced that it is, just extend OT until someone finally scores. Sooner or later someone will crack as exhaustion gets to them. Works with baseball, why not here?

I totally agree with this, and I would bet if this was adopted less games would go to OT because playing to get the point wouldn't be there, also I remember hearing CBC broadcast that something like 70% of games that go to OT in the playoffs end in the first 5 minutes anyways(don't know how true that is) but if it's true then majority of games again would end before the current shootout would even happen.

Tyler Biggs*

Well, I guess they forgot to remove the instigator penalty. Shame.


Portage and Main
Feb 10, 2011
Winnipeg MB
They should've banned the spin-o-ramas where the player snow-jobs the goalie. IMO those violate the forward-progress rule.

Spin-o-ramas like the one Grabovski employed are amazing, and perfectly embody the spirit of the shootout.

I feel the NHL got this one way wrong. Disappointing.

But otherwise, I like the new rule changes. Still think the NHL should remove the trapezoid altogether. I don't agree that it took away from the offensive game. Especially considering the shift towards advanced stats, teams that employ the dump-and-chase method are becoming fewer and fewer.

And, taking into consideration that we also have the rules on icing the puck in place, goalies can't just wantonly fire the puck up-ice.

The few goalies that were talented enough to be effective at handling the puck that they could make really good plays, should be lauded and not shunned. One of the unsung talents that make Brodeur such a fantastic goalie.

Daisy Jane

everything is gonna be okay!
Jul 2, 2009
Ties suck. With the way the league is now, with teams being so close, there would be just way too many ties. I don't like seeing 15-20 ties in a year from my team, sorry. I'd rather have a resolution to the game.

right, because having several teams coast in on the power of the shootout is better (which would have been us) or on the flip side - MISS the playoffs because of the shootout? (which HAVE been us, and what happened to NJD).

the league has always been close, especially down to crunch time. an GM once told an analyst that 8 positions get shifted daily because of overtime points/shootout points and teams have missed out the playoffs because of it.

i'd rather the tie, than the shootout, personally, or eliminate the loser point, and if you tie, you get nothing.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2009
Because your suppose to have the puck go forward at all times on a penalty shot / shootout. Spin o rama when you watch carefully the puck actually goes backwards on a spin o rama. About time they don't allow it. Even better cancel all shootouts.

But don't some players move the puck backwards when stickhandling? I say leave it in. Players have figured out a way to beat the goalie by making a spin move and now it's illegal? Goalies should suck it up and figure out a way to stop the puck.


Registered User
Jan 15, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Besides the spin-o-rama shootout goal last season from Mason Raymond, the one where Paul MacLean was complaining about it after the game, how many other players used it in a shootout last season and if it was used how many times did it result in a goal?


Registered User
Oct 31, 2006
Well the shootout rules state the puck must be moving forward and a the spin-a-rama causes the puck to go backwards as the player spins. It should have been illegal from the start.

A player might as well skate in deke the goalie and when there is no room to shoot, circle the net and tuck it in the other side. Its the spin-a-rama only with the net in the middle. :)

Shootouts in hockey are the equivalent if they went to a slam dunk contest to decide NBA games that are tied.

Free throws in basketball?


Registered User
Jul 18, 2013
I wonder if they ever thought about having the opposing team have a player chasing on the shoot out? It would be more like a game situation and if you can do a spin-o-rama with a guy chasing you deserve the goal.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2008
Wow this kid, so glad he ended up being a bust. It's not illegal to do that but I doubt we'll see anybody doing that from now on.

It's a high risk no reward move - fan appeasement and nothing more. That said, hockey is entertainment and it was entertaining.

Tyler Biggs*

I've never understood the concept that allows the referee to say 'I was going to blow my whistle.' In every sport, players are told to 'play to the whistle' yet in the NHL, the ref can makes changes to the outcome simply because he was going to blow the whistle. That's stupid!


Registered User
Jun 26, 2006
Yeah, remove a fun little move from a gimmick. Considering how stupid the shootout is they should be encouraging players to at least get creative to make it more interesting.

Tyler Biggs*



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