New York Post publishes disgusting hit piece on Ovechkin and the Washington Capitals

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Registered User
Jan 1, 2015
Let’s call this exactly what it is, a hit piece aimed at diminishing everything Alex Ovechkin and Capitals have accomplished this year. The writer makes absurd suggestions, such as the reasoning for the Capitals making it to the finals was because they, “didn't have to go through Lundqvist”. He even includes a bizarre comment calling Ovechkin fat.

Continuing, the article claims the Golden Knights (or Golden Cinderellas as he calls them) were an easy match-up, and the result would have been different, "if the league’s best two regular-season teams, Nashville and Winnipeg, hadn’t been bracketed into a second-round match-up". He goes on to say the NHL somehow matched the Predators and the Jets
together to, "give lesser teams their best chance at winning."

How does trash like this get published by a so-called legitimate news organization?

Below is the article for those interested in archived format so they won't benefit from your click. (credit to DearDiary)

Stanley Cup win doesn’t erase Alex Ovechkin’s ledger of losing
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Leafs&Caps Since 1982™
Dec 26, 2017
East York, Ontario
I love that he feels so butthurt and had to delete his "Ovechkin Can Never Win the Cup" article that he probably wrote after Game 2 of the Jackets series. He is angry that he had to replace it with this one.

I also love that he needs to mention Henrik Lundqvist. I love that it bothers him that the King and Rangers never won the Cup yet a Russian he despises led the Caps to one.

But the main thing I love is that Brooks will always be a loser and Ovie a winner.
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Registered User
Oct 13, 2017
I didn't click the article because I'm not satisfying a douche with hits he doesn't deserve...

... But did anybody else love, "Ledger of losing" in the headline, as he says Lundqvist would've shut OV down? :laugh:
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Registered User
Aug 31, 2016
Isn't this the same guy that called Crosby a coach killer a few years back when Sullivan replaced Johnston?


Registered User
Jul 19, 2015
Larry Brooks was, is, and always will be a supreme tool and hack without a single independent thought in his head full of rocks. Literally every piece he has ever written is either derivative, simple fiction, or something one would hope is meant to be ignorant satire but is in fact his best attempt at contemplative insight on a sport that he clearly knows nothing about. I'm not even certain he's more informed than your average fan of the NYC teams and I'm certain from having read many posts from those fanbases on this site that they are far more passionate, informed, and professionally written than anything that fool Brooks has ever attempted. That he is syndicated in a major market and has been knob-bobbing the Rangers since forever and then during a bottom-out season suggests that the Capitals are lucky they didn't face Lundqvist is....well pathetic. The man's obsession with Ovechkin and the Capitals is proof of how pathetic his own life must be. Save your money read The Onion instead, the sports commentary is likely more accurate and certainly better written.


Aug 29, 2010
The NY Post isn't a legitimate news organization.

It kind is by default, its circulation is higher than respected organizations like the Washington Post. Which is why you see people like OP and posters here actually taking it seriously, even though its just routine clickbait by Brooks


Aug 29, 2010
Didn't click or read but here's my question. If Ovi is a loser to this guy even after winning the cup, what is Lundqvist?

Lundqvist isn't heralded as a generational talent, obviously the media and fan expectations for him would be far lower


Registered User
May 27, 2007
Let’s call this exactly what it is, a hit piece aimed at diminishing everything Alex Ovechkin and Capitals have accomplished this year. The writer makes absurd suggestions, such as the reasoning for the Capitals making it to the finals was because they, “didn't have to go through Lundqvist”. He even includes a bizarre comment calling Ovechkin fat.

Continuing, the article claims the Golden Knights (or Golden Cinderellas as he calls them) were an easy match-up, and the result would have been different, "if the league’s best two regular-season teams, Nashville and Winnipeg, hadn’t been bracketed into a second-round match-up". He goes on to say the NHL somehow matched the Predators and the Jets
together to, "give lesser teams their best chance at winning."

How does trash like this get published by a so-called legitimate news organization?

Below is the article for those interested in archived format. (credit to DearDiary)

Stanley Cup win doesn’t erase Alex Ovechkin’s ledger of losing
NY post..... this just once again prove that US media is garbage.

Spreading lies, hate and misinformation is their agenda , easy to see from my neck of the woods


Registered User
May 26, 2011
Lundqvist isn't heralded as a generational talent, obviously the media and fan expectations for him would be far lower
He is for goalies
Are the best of generation. Many have hank as best goalie of this era.


The Bergeron of HF
Feb 27, 2002
First reaction- probably that loser Larry Brooks

Sad thing is he might not even feel that way he’s writing for clicks
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