Music: Is OK Computer the most overrated album of all-time?

Langdon Alger

Registered User
Apr 19, 2006
I disagree, but that's okay.

Kid A is perfect front to back-- The only thing that docks marks off of it for me are that everything it does well, it lifts from other bands who did it better.

There are three songs I mostly dislike on OK Computer-- High and Dry, Electioneering, and Fitter Happier. The only three tracks that I find legitimately great are the first three, personally.

High and dry is on the bends :)

Fitter happier isn't really a song. I like it though. It's kind of funny.

My opinion of Kid A is everything in its right place is amazing, in limbo, morning bell, the national anthem and how to disappear are very good, optimistic is pretty good. Kid A and treefingers are boring as **** and motion picture soundtrack is decent.


Registered User
Apr 2, 2005
Vancouver, BC
High and dry is on the bends :)

Fitter happier isn't really a song. I like it though. It's kind of funny.

My opinion of Kid A is everything in its right place is amazing, in limbo, morning bell, the national anthem and how to disappear are very good, optimistic is pretty good. Kid A and treefingers are boring as **** and motion picture soundtrack is decent.
Whoops, I meant No Surprises.

I think Kid A is in the running for the best track on the album, personally.


Registered User
Apr 2, 2005
Vancouver, BC
I think of them like this:

Kid A - 4.5 (Brilliant)

1. Everything in its Right Place
2. Kid A
3. Idioteque
4. National Anthem
5. Motion Picture Soundtrack

6. Morning Bell
7. In Limbo
8. Treefingers
9. Optimistic
10. How to Disappear Completely

OK Computer - 3.0 (Very Good)

1. Airbag
2. Climbing Up the Walls
3. Paranoid Android
4. Subterranean Homesick Blues

5. Lucky
6. Karma Police
7. The Tourist

8. Exit Music
9. Fitter Happier

10. Let Down

11. No Surprises
12. Electioneering

You'll notice I slightly changed my mind from what I said earlier :laugh:
Last edited:


Family Friend
Apr 1, 2004
South Rectangle

Langdon Alger

Registered User
Apr 19, 2006
I think of them like this:

Kid A - 4.5 (Brilliant)

1. Everything in its Right Place
2. Kid A
3. Idioteque
4. National Anthem
5. Motion Picture Soundtrack

6. Morning Bell
7. In Limbo
8. Treefingers
9. Optimistic
10. How to Disappear Completely

OK Computer - 3.0 (Very Good)

1. Airbag
2. Climbing Up the Walls
3. Paranoid Android
4. Subterranean Homesick Blues

5. Lucky
6. Karma Police
7. The Tourist

8. Exit Music
9. Fitter Happier

10. Let Down

11. No Surprises
12. Electioneering

You'll notice I slightly changed my mind from what I said earlier :laugh:

Yeah, we definitely don't agree on all of these, although we do agree on some of the songs. I got into them around 1998 and listened to OK Computer and The Bends a lot during that time. I have actually never listened to Pablo Honey.

What got me into them was the fact they were a guitar driven band, but I liked that they sounded different than most stuff I was hearing on the radio. None of that dropped d stuff, which I like too, but I liked that radiohead had a different sound.

Kid A took me a bit to get into, but like I said, I liked some of the stuff on there, and I felt the same way with Amnesiac. Hail To The Thief really didn't do much for me other than 2+2=5, and that's when I stopped listening to them.

Chris Hagen*

I can agree with that to an extent since it has been called the Beatles' best so many times.

It's a solid album with some great songs, but it has some weak tracks as well. The Beatles have better albums.

But some real junk has been over-rated to hell and back, it's hard to call any of these "classics" the most over-rated in comparison to them.
OK Computer is a classic?

Exactly what I mean by overrated. It's a terrible album.

Chris Hagen*

I'm listening to it right now. It's so ****ing great. Of course, that's just my opinion.

Are you a radiohead fan?
The Bends and their new album are alright. OK Computer is trash. Anyone who says they like it or listen to it must just do so to seem edgy, hip, and cool. It's garbage.

Langdon Alger

Registered User
Apr 19, 2006
The Bends and their new album are alright. OK Computer is trash. Anyone who says they like it or listen to it must just do so to seem edgy, hip, and cool. It's garbage.

That's a mature way of looking at it.

Believe me, I don't think I'm any of those things. If you knew what kind of music I listen to, you'd know that. Hell, I like what if God was one of us by Joan Osbourne and the ****ing theme songs from Friends for Christ sakes. I am so not a music snob, I just like what I like. I saw Arcade Fire open for U2 about 10 years ago, and wanted to take a nap I was so bored.

It sounds to me that you only listened to OK computer because you heard good things about it, but when you heard it it wasn't what you expected. The same thing happened to me the first time I listened to dark side of the moon, but I realized it took multiple listens and now I can appreciate it.

Believe me, I'm not trying to change your opinion. If you don't like it that's cool, but don't assume everyone who does like it is just saying that to seem cool.

Chris Hagen*

I've listened to OK Computer many many times over the years. It is not good.

Arcade Fire is rad. And so is One Of Us by Joan Osbourne. Hell that song is so good I'm going to go listen to it now.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2013
it can't be overrated because I've never heard of it and if it was overrated even a non fan would have heard of it.


pastured mod
Jul 22, 2003
OK Computer is not the most overrated of all time. There's plenty of albums far more overrated. It's just overrated.


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