How many of you right handed player shoot left handed?


Registered User
Aug 30, 2011
Me. I am right-handed in everything but I bat left-handed in baseball and shoot lefty in hockey and golf.


Registered User
Jul 29, 2006
I think having your naturally stronger hand at the bottom of the stick is better for puck protection in a lot of ways. Its easier to beat a defender with one hand on your stick if you are able to use your dominant hand/arm to muscle your way around/gain position. .

The Underboss

Registered User
Dec 20, 2006
I'm right handed and play hockey and goalie lefty. I always found that weird. I tried going right handed, but just couldn't get accustomed to it.


Registered User
Mar 21, 2011
right handed naturally,

play hockey right handed, can swig a bat both ways but i am stronger swinging right, gold right handed and write with my right hand.

my brother is right handed but bats, plays hockey and golfs left. so i guess its what people get used to.


Registered User
Feb 20, 2010
Me. I am right-handed in everything but I bat left-handed in baseball and shoot lefty in hockey and golf.

At least this is consistent. Most of the guys I know
Shoot Left in Hockey
Bat Right in Baseball
Golf Right
and that I just find so weird. I am just so right biased that everything is right and shooting left feels incredibly weird. Not quite as weird as batting or golfing left but still, not something I could do.

I am old enough that straight sticks were still somewhat common in my extreme youth so I can see things being a lot less prejudiced in terms of what felt natural. It is entirely likely that my first stick had no curve. I don't have a recollection of whether my first stick was a hand me down from my older brother (who was not that into hockey) but I have heard the theory that kids in Canada may just adapt to whatever in placed in their hands when they are three or four years old so it is possible I just adapted to that.

I do have an opportunity to conduct experiments on my own children. The first semi pretend sticks i put in their hands had no curve. The older one got his first real stick at 4. He had seemed to bias right, but after watching him for a while trying to knock a whiffle ball around I concluded he is more a lefty. The younger one seems much more solidly a right shot but he is too young to tell.

Actually this would work out for me cause I wanted them to both be bone crushing defensemen so having one righty and one left y could be good.


Registered User
Mar 13, 2009
Me. I am right-handed in everything but I bat left-handed in baseball and shoot lefty in hockey and golf.

Add me into this category. When i was younger and playing baseball, I thought i was an abnormal because of this. But it just felt more comfortable this way.

Another thing, I feel i can shoot fine left and right-handed. But if you ask me to stick-handle with a RH stick, its putrid. But i've got a good back-hand with a LH stick.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2011
It's just a fact I've heard a few times but more Canadians shoot left handed then right handed, while more Americans shoot right handed than left handed. And it does make sense too if you look at the roster for the 2010 Olympics.

Siamese Dream

Registered User
Feb 5, 2011
United Britain of Great Kingdom
I write with my left hand, do everything else with my right. I throw with my right arm, and in every other hitting sport I am right handed (golf, cricket, baseball)

I learned to play hockey with a right handed stick, then I started playing in goal (left handed glove) and started to use a left handed player stick too, so I can play both :)


Registered User
Jan 3, 2012
Right handed shoot righty. When I first started I just went with whatever felt more natural, honestly don't think it matters as long as you feel comfortable and practice.

My friend played in a bunch of leagues shooting lefty as a right hander and his stickhandling isn't as good as mine...though his shot is just as good as mine if not a little better.


Registered User
Jun 9, 2010
i am ambidextrous and so i picked up each stick and liked the feel of righty more and it has been right ever since


Registered User
Oct 28, 2008
Ocean County
Right handed, only lefty in hockey. Its weird I can't golf for crap lefty but righty Im fine, and vice versa with hockey.


This has been an ongoing issue with me. I just started playing hockey a couple of months ago, and I can't figure out which stick I should be using for the LIFE of me. I'm heavily right side dominant. I write, bat, throw, and golf right handed. My dominant foot is my right as well. I naturally started playing hockey with a right handed shot, but quickly noticed the majority of my right handed buddies shoot lefty. I've asked them about it but they've all been playing for soo long that they can't really relate. I've also been taking a hockey course and my instructors are both right handed and shoot right. I've asked them about my dilemma and they just say "whichever way is more comfortable".

I totally get having your dominant hand at the top for puck control, but I don't understand how people shoot lefty when they're right hand dominant. My puck handling feels a bit stronger with a lefty stick, but my shot is basically NON EXISTENT. I workout heavy about 5/6 days a week, so my left hand isn't much weaker (although a bit) than my right. I feel 100X more comfortable and in control when I shoot right. So there seem to be obvious benefits to both.

Now I'm just babbling, but anybody feel free to chime in here. I've read numerous responses where coaches have insisted that their right handed players play lefty, and that in the long run it will pay off. I tried to play with a lefty stick one practice and it was embarrassing. Of course we were learning how to shoot that day...


Registered User
Aug 15, 2011
This has been an ongoing issue with me. I just started playing hockey a couple of months ago, and I can't figure out which stick I should be using for the LIFE of me. I'm heavily right side dominant. I write, bat, throw, and golf right handed. My dominant foot is my right as well. I naturally started playing hockey with a right handed shot, but quickly noticed the majority of my right handed buddies shoot lefty. I've asked them about it but they've all been playing for soo long that they can't really relate. I've also been taking a hockey course and my instructors are both right handed and shoot right. I've asked them about my dilemma and they just say "whichever way is more comfortable".

I totally get having your dominant hand at the top for puck control, but I don't understand how people shoot lefty when they're right hand dominant. My puck handling feels a bit stronger with a lefty stick, but my shot is basically NON EXISTENT. I workout heavy about 5/6 days a week, so my left hand isn't much weaker (although a bit) than my right. I feel 100X more comfortable and in control when I shoot right. So there seem to be obvious benefits to both.

Now I'm just babbling, but anybody feel free to chime in here. I've read numerous responses where coaches have insisted that their right handed players play lefty, and that in the long run it will pay off. I tried to play with a lefty stick one practice and it was embarrassing. Of course we were learning how to shoot that day...

Stick with a righty if that's what you are used too..Maybe in the past with heavy wood sticks having your dominate hand at the top was beneficial for poke checking but I am a righty who shoots right and have no problem controlling my stick with just my left ..I also like to think I can stick handle with the best of them


Registered User
Aug 9, 2011
I was just thinking about this the other day too. I'm not exactly a hockey player by any stretch, but I shoot right. I'm right handed. And I prefer to play LW. Most of the righties I know shoot left, but picking up a left facing stick just feels so strange to me. My girlfriend is a lefty and also shoots left.

I shoot right everywhere except in the video games... haha. In NHL I prefer a left handed player. But maybe that's just because since most players shoot left, that's what you get used to using.


Registered User
May 4, 2009
I write right handed, play guitar left handed(strumming with left hand),shoot right handed and every other sport right handed as well.

I don't think there is a logic of how it happens or that you're taught to do it one way. It just happens...that's the way you were born.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2012
I do everything right handed, but trying to play hockey as a righty just feels so wrong... like its going against nature :shakehead


Doing Nothing
Right hand dominant shooting lefty...

When I shoot it's primarily my top hand that does the work. Probably why I like snap/wrist shots so much. I lean into the puck and push slightly with my bottom hand while pulling back hard and controlling the open/close of the blade with my top hand.

Sometimes I get lazy with my bottom hand and it robs me of power/accuracy. With too stiff of a stick, I don't push hard enough with the bottom hand and the shot comes off weak, like it's sliding. If I focus on the bottom hand being strong in the push, the shots come off harder, especially with a stiffer stick.

My slapper sucks. I just don't use it. A buddy of mine is a righty and he has a great slapper, not so much the wrister. I think the slapper is a lot more dependent on the bottom hand than the wrister.

If I were to put useless numbers on it...

Wrist/snap shot is 80% top hand, 20% bottom
Slap shot is closer to 60% bottom hand, 40% top

You can train yourself to do whatever with either hand, but certainly it comes easier to learn things with your dominant hand.


lemon snow!
Jan 26, 2007
i'm all the way right and can't figure why you wouldn't want your power hand to be the low one for shooting power. clapper, wrister, snap shots all the power is generated from your lower (right) hand.

Your power comes from your legs and core, not your arms. If you are putting all of your arms into the shot, well, you are not using all of your potential energy. It's about using your bodies leverage, and your arms only deliver that energy to the stick, which delivers it to the puck. Your arms/hands/wrists just need to have enough power to properly transfer that energy.


Registered User
Nov 29, 2008
I'm a bit of an oddball but I see other's that are like me here....

Right handed


Can't even say why it all just naturally went that way for me.


lemon snow!
Jan 26, 2007
I'm a bit of an oddball but I see other's that are like me here....

Right handed


Can't even say why it all just naturally went that way for me.

It makes sense for most sports, especially golf. In golf, if you play opposite your dominant hand, you are actually utilizing your dominant hand, as the top hand is the one that does most of the work. Same with baseball.


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