TV: House of the Dragon on HBO (please use spoiler tags when necessary)


Registered User
Aug 7, 2005
I'm not saying there should not have been a scene, I am talking about how the scene was specifically handled. I do not think the gratuitous nature of that scene adds all that much to the story, and the way they handled that scene makes me much less likely to re-watch, which is unfortunate considering I have an interest in this show.

Also the catalyst for her going to war happens when Lucerys is killed, so the stillbirth serves as only a secondary factor, and comes across as more or less a footnote compared to the "major" death of the episode.
It does show how much of a tough badass she is and how strong her link is to her dragon.

Also leaves no doubt as to her mental strength. She wrapped up her still born and then immediately went to work. Barely a tear.

She is very lucky to have Daemon. Without him she would probably be already dead.


HFBoards Sponsor
Oct 7, 2013

Yeah, just finished the last episode.

My hot take is this...that was boring AF. You knew once we saw Vhagar that it was over. So with the storms and rain, you just knew his massive dragon would show up sometime and win that battle.

Nothing that really shocked me or really grabbed my attention, and that goes for the entire season. Plus, with the time jumps and the long, and rather boring scenes, I didn't feel connected to any of the characters.

There was no 'Ned Stark' or 'Red Wedding' moment, and so I'm rather surprised when I hear people speak so highly of the show.


Registered User
Dec 2, 2009
I do have to say that clearly Rhaenyra's faction is the far more competent and stable faction, though that doesn't mean things will necessarily go well for them as we have already seen. Both Rhaenyra and Daemon have intelligent well-adjusted children and surround themselves with people who will voice varying opinions and present options. The Hightower faction has a drunken fool and a psychopath for children and surround themselves with sycophants under the threat of punishment.
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Oct 7, 2013
Saw absolutely nothing wrong with that scene. It was meant to be very powerful and it delivered (no pun intended)
Delivered what?

It added absolutely nothing to the story. Nothing.

I'd rather see her cook Kings Landing or see her jump on her dragon to avenge her son than watch 5 minutes of her screaming in pain over an unborn son we have zero attachment to.
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Feb 27, 2002
After sleeping on it, I still feel like the stillborn scene was terribly gratuitous and did not serve the story well enough for it to be necessary.

Overall, a decent season that petered off a bit in the last two episodes.
The whole thing with the stillborn scene was a metaphor. That’s why they had multiple things going on at once.

les Habs

Registered User
Sep 21, 2005
Of late I‘ve been in this habit of waiting for a season to end, even a series at times, before watching it. So this wasn’t much different waiting until two days ago to start this one. Just finished it tonight and I was pleasantly surprised. I was a bit concerned it wouldn’t live up to GOT, but if it’s not on the level it’s not that far off. I think I was more worried about the cast than anything though I have pretty much no complaints there.

Not sure if it was just me, but in the first half of the season or so it sort of seemed unsure who was the ”good“ side and who was the “bad”. It’s not entirely true either side is, but it’s clear how it’s being cast now.

I like how they have again used the devices of paternity and marriage as it creates so many different directions they can take things.

One thing that thus far seems to be missing, apart from maybe the final minutes of the finale, are the sudden swerves by way of the death of a character you didn’t expect to go.

Curious where things go from here. Hopefully Christan dies a slow and painful death at the hands of Daemon.

The Crypto Guy

Registered User
Jun 26, 2017
Of late I‘ve been in this habit of waiting for a season to end, even a series at times, before watching it. So this wasn’t much different waiting until two days ago to start this one. Just finished it tonight and I was pleasantly surprised. I was a bit concerned it wouldn’t live up to GOT, but if it’s not on the level it’s not that far off. I think I was more worried about the cast than anything though I have pretty much no complaints there.

Not sure if it was just me, but in the first half of the season or so it sort of seemed unsure who was the ”good“ side and who was the “bad”. It’s not entirely true either side is, but it’s clear how it’s being cast now.

I like how they have again used the devices of paternity and marriage as it creates so many different directions they can take things.

One thing that thus far seems to be missing, apart from maybe the final minutes of the finale, are the sudden swerves by way of the death of a character you didn’t expect to go.

Curious where things go from here. Hopefully Christan dies a slow and painful death at the hands of Daemon.
Yup, we had many discussion on that as the season went on. We were trying to figure out who they were making good and bad, I loved how it wasn't obvious.

The Crypto Guy

Registered User
Jun 26, 2017
BTW, a week old question but, did Queen Alicent poison the King? I'm very inclined to believe she did.

Earlier in the episode they showed her giving the handmaiden a drink after her son raped the girl, claiming it was to prevent a pregnancy. But why would she want her to stay alive and possible tell people? And didn't one of the other girls ask her what happened and she basically said she is no longer with them? And why show that scene unless it was to foreshadow her doing the same thing later on, to her husband the King. Especially after he went against what the Hightowers wanted to happen with the Velaryon's property.

She also seemed to look guilty afterwards. Maybe i'm reading to much into it and he just happened to die right after she gave him the "medicine" :dunno:
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Registered User
May 4, 2022
I also felt the stillbirth scene was gratuitous, along with the other childbirth scenes this season. I understand why they would want to do it, to show female empowerment etc...but honestly I could do without it being so graphic.

Made me miss all the gratuitous boobs and dicks in GoT

I also liked how they differentiated the book from the show. It shows that history is not necessarily so black and white as the books will tell you, and there are probably a lot of misunderstandings and other factors that led to events that happened.

And also, is the actor who plays Aemond related to Jay Leno? That's a huge chin.
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Arthur Morgan

Registered User
Jul 6, 2016
I cant stand the kid with the eye patch, the actor's performance was fine but why the hell did they cast a 25 year old to play as a 16 year old.
he was the only one that looks out of place after they grew up


HFBoards Sponsor
Feb 10, 2007
Bismarck, ND
BTW, a week old question but, did Queen Alicent poison the King? I'm very inclined to believe she did.

Earlier in the episode they showed her giving the handmaiden a drink after her son raped the girl, claiming it was to prevent a pregnancy. But why would she want her to stay alive and possible tell people? And didn't one of the other girls ask her what happened and she basically said she is no longer with them? And why show that scene unless it was to foreshadow her doing the same thing later on, to her husband the King. Especially after he went against what the Hightowers wanted to happen with the Velaryon's property.

She also seemed to look guilty afterwards. Maybe i'm reading to much into it and he just happened to die right after she gave him the "medicine" :dunno:
I don't think she poisoned him, mainly because I don't think it would benefit the Hightowers for him to die when they could basically rule in his stead while he's drugged up on milk of the poppy. His death was just going to trigger the succession, and until Alicent took leave of her senses and believed the ramblings of a drugged up and dying man they still thought it would be Rhaenyra, which would have meant they would have had to move against her without the flimsy cover of Viserys suddenly reversing course after like 15-20 years of backing Rhaenyra.


Registered User
Apr 15, 2004
Something about the 'style' of this last episode I didn't like: seemed like there were lots of dramatic closeups, slowmo and shaky cam. Great season 1 overall, can't wait for season 2.
I thought so too. Something about the directing felt a little underwhelming and some scenes seemed to drag a bit too much. At the 40-45 minute mark or so I was getting anxious that the episode was about to end and we hadn't had any really striking scenes yet. It ended in a high note of course.


Registered User
Apr 27, 2010
BTW, a week old question but, did Queen Alicent poison the King? I'm very inclined to believe she did.

Earlier in the episode they showed her giving the handmaiden a drink after her son raped the girl, claiming it was to prevent a pregnancy. But why would she want her to stay alive and possible tell people? And didn't one of the other girls ask her what happened and she basically said she is no longer with them? And why show that scene unless it was to foreshadow her doing the same thing later on, to her husband the King. Especially after he went against what the Hightowers wanted to happen with the Velaryon's property.

She also seemed to look guilty afterwards. Maybe i'm reading to much into it and he just happened to die right after she gave him the "medicine" :dunno:

They don't gain anything from it. They were ruling in his place anyway and the best case scenario would be for him to linger on, still deteriorating, while they consolidated power. Alicent gave the serving girl moon tea to prevent/end a pregnancy. I believe the show is attempting to paint Alicent in a sympathetic light.


Registered User
Aug 7, 2005
BTW, a week old question but, did Queen Alicent poison the King? I'm very inclined to believe she did.

Earlier in the episode they showed her giving the handmaiden a drink after her son raped the girl, claiming it was to prevent a pregnancy. But why would she want her to stay alive and possible tell people? And didn't one of the other girls ask her what happened and she basically said she is no longer with them? And why show that scene unless it was to foreshadow her doing the same thing later on, to her husband the King. Especially after he went against what the Hightowers wanted to happen with the Velaryon's property.

She also seemed to look guilty afterwards. Maybe i'm reading to much into it and he just happened to die right after she gave him the "medicine" :dunno:
It's possible someone else poisoned the drink without her knowledge.

The first time the drink was given to the princess the Doc mentioned how there would be dire consequences if not brewed correctly so he did it himself.


Registered User
Feb 28, 2002
Mojo Dojo Casa House
Naw, not the Starks, the Tulley's. And you will get to meet them all.

Oh that's right. I heard about it during The John Campea show and the comment by a viewer was about both houses.

“Then as now, the riverlords were a fractious, quarrelsome lot. Kermit Tully, Lord of Riverrun, was their liege lord, and nominally commander of their host…but it must be remembered that his lordship was but nineteen years of age, and “green as summer grass,” as the northmen might say. His brother Oscar, who had slain three men during the Muddy Mess and been knighted on the battlefield afterward, was still greener, and cursed with the sort of prickly pride so common in second sons.”

Siamese Dream

Registered User
Feb 5, 2011
United Britain of Great Kingdom
It's possible someone else poisoned the drink without her knowledge.

The first time the drink was given to the princess the Doc mentioned how there would be dire consequences if not brewed correctly so he did it himself.

I don't think an incorrectly brewed moon tea can cause death but it can apparently cause major fertility problems in the future. In the main book series it is heavily implied that Catelyn's father made Lysa take it after she slept with Littlefinger as a girl and that's probably why the only child she was able to have was sickly Robin Arryn. So maybe those are the consequences the Maester was referring to.


Oct 12, 2009
Tully's. I didn't think it would make it from from book to show but Grover Tully was name dropped as Lord
Condal is one of the biggest ASOIF nerds out there. In example, he considers the CK2 GoT mod to be the most faithful renditions of the series. He wasn't not going to have the Muppet Tully's in the series.


Oct 12, 2009
I don't think they could have done the battle above Storms End any better. Also, kudos to Condal and co. for finally showing us it. I think it lived up to it's name.

But yeah, Vhagar is Granny dementia. She has PTSD from committing one too many war crimes in Dorne, and getting one too many a Dornish spear thrown at her from seemingly out of no where

Arrax: Breaths fire in Vhagar's face

Vhagar: *Flashbacks of personal Vietnam intensify*. "The cliffs, they're in the cliffs. The cliffs are alive!"

For those of you that don't know.

During Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaeny's invasion of Westeros, Rhaeny's was flew to Dorne to seek their subjugation. Rhaeny's found Dorne essentially empty of men and women of fighting age. But she did find the Princess Meria Martell on her seat. Meria was a very old, very blind, very obese, sickly woman. But she was the ruler of Dorne none the less.

Rhaeny's told her to submit. Meria said no, knowing full well that the Targ's would come back with their dragons. When Rhaeny's eventually said as such, Meria repeated House Martell's words and two went their separate ways.

Aegon and Rhaeny's did eventually come back and captured everything of importance. But like their initial visit, there was not a person of fighting age or caliber to be found. Meria too by this point had gone into hiding. Believing they had just conquered Dorne, Aegon left the kingdom in the hands of Lord Jon Rosby and others.

Once Aegon and his dragon's left, the Dornish hosts came seemingly out of no where. They ambushed the lords and knights who occupied their holdings, brutally torturing them until none had escaped a hellish death.

Eventually, word got back to Aegon. Aegon and Rhaeny's flew Balerion and Meraxes down to Dorne and burned everything in sight. When Rhaeny's reached the castle of Hellholt, she and Meraxes were set upon by the Dornish garrison and their Scorpions (Giant ballista's). Meraxes took a bolt to the eye and crashed upon the castle, killing Rhaenys in the process.

Aegon and Visenya spent the next few years committing innumerable atrocious in Dorne. Despite quite literally burning all of Dorne, and butchering countless civilians and soldiers, the Dornish never submitted despite losing their homes, economy, castles, food, everything.

Aegon and Visenya played tit-for-tat with the Dornish, putting bounties on various Dornish lords heads. While some were killed, most of the assassins never made it back. Countering this, the Dornish put bounties on Aegon and Visenya. On one occasion, Aegon was attacked by assassins in Kings Landing. It was only because Visenya was with Aegon at the time that he ended up living. This event led to the creation of the Kings Guard.

TLDR; Vhagar spent many years burning and butchering, while receiving many Dornish spears that seemed to come out of no where.

Dorne, despite being burnt to ash, would not be brought into the fold for another 183 years, well after the last dragon had died.

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Siamese Dream

Registered User
Feb 5, 2011
United Britain of Great Kingdom
I don't think they could have done the battle above Storms End any better. Also, kudos to Condal and co. for finally showing us it. I think it lived up to it's name.

But yeah, Vhagar is Granny dementia. She has PTSD from committing one too many war crimes in Dorne, and getting one too many a Dornish spear thrown at her from seemingly out of no where

Arrax: Breaths fire in Vhagar's face

Vhagar: *Flashbacks of personal Vietnam intensify*. "The cliffs, they're in the cliffs. The cliffs are alive!"

A commenter on Alt Shift X livestream said Vhagar is a level 100 pokemon and Aemond doesn't have enough gym badges :laugh:

Vhagar is basically Ash's Charizard in the anime series :laugh:


Registered User
Jul 18, 2014
Book reader musings about season 2:

Jace's trip to Winterfell, off-screen like the book or do we get some serious character development and Cregan Stark cast and introduced as a mentor? I'd love to see it but how do you put a character with that gravitas on the shelf for essentially two seasons afterwards.

When do Blood and Cheese strike?

Battle of Rook's Rest as an "Oh shit" cinematic moment early in the season, battle of the gullet at the end?


Oct 12, 2009
Book reader musings about season 2:

Jace's trip to Winterfell, off-screen like the book or do we get some serious character development and Cregan Stark cast and introduced as a mentor? I'd love to see it but how do you put a character with that gravitas on the shelf for essentially two seasons afterwards.

When do Blood and Cheese strike?

Battle of Rook's Rest as an "Oh shit" cinematic moment early in the season, battle of the gullet at the end?
Guaranteed that The first episode is spent on developing Helena and her kids. Lots of innocent lovey, dovie, Helena and kids moments. End of the episode ends with Blood and Cheese sending Daemons regards.

Queue thousands of hours of cringe youtubers fake reacting to it.


Registered User
Jul 18, 2014
Guaranteed that The first episode is spent on developing Helena and her kids. Lots of innocent lovey, dovie, Helena and kids moments. End of the episode ends with Blood and Cheese sending Daemons regards.

Queue thousands of hours of cringe youtubers fake reacting to it.
Agreed. Then I think Rooks Rest sometime early in the first half to really up the ante on finding dragon seed. Ep 9 gets the Gullet, 10 the fall Kings Landing, execution of Otto etc.

Season 3 is simply War Crimes of Westeros, Ep 9 as Gods Eye, 10 as Storming of the Dragon Pit+ 2nd Tumbleton[
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Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
I cant stand the kid with the eye patch, the actor's performance was fine but why the hell did they cast a 25 year old to play as a 16 year old.
he was the only one that looks out of place after they grew up
This puzzled me, too. Since their fight in the cave, Aemond looked like he aged a dozen years and Lucerys only a couple. My guess is that they wanted to cast an adult as Aemond so they wouldn't have to re-cast him down the road and wanted Lucerys to look like no match for him in maturity, but it was hard to believe that they were the same two characters. If they were set on that actor for Aemond, and I don't mind if they were, they could've gotten an older one for Lucerys who still looked boyish and scrawny, IMO.


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