HFWF: The Reboot XI - The Return

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M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008


Real Life Parallel: Tommaso Ciampa
Finisher: Running Knee, Double underhook facebuster
Signature Moves: Big boot, Sitout Rear Mat Slam, Rebound Powerbomb, Running powerbomb backbreaker, Missile Dropkick, Slingshot elbow drop
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: 2x HFWF Tag Team Champion

Real Life Parallel: Rey Mysterio
Finisher: Big Splash
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: None

Heel/Face: Heel
Business manager of Disclose

Real Life Parallel: Velveteen Dream
Finisher: Pumphandle Slam, Scissors Kick
Signature Moves: Diving Elbow Drop, Double Axehandle, Death Valley Driver, Leg drop bulldog, Superkick, Spinebuster, Diving Leg Drop, Atomic Drop
Heel/Face: Tweener
Title History: None


Real Life Parallel: Mustafa Ali
Finisher: 450 Splash
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: None

Real Life Parallel: It's literally Cesaro
Finisher: Neutralizer, Giant Swing
Signature Moves: Gutwrench suplex, Pop Up European uppercut, Springboard European Uppercut, Powerbomb, Double foot stomp
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: None


Real Life Parallel: AEW Chris Jericho
Finisher: Codebreaker, Spear, Figure Four Leg Lock
Signature Moves: Double axehandle, Splash, Delayed Vertical Suplex, Chop Block, Reverse Suplex, Full Nelson Suplex, Flapjack, Springboard moonsault on the floor
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: 3x HFWF World Champion
Other Accomplishments: First ever competitor to do double duty at Night to Remember


Real Life Parallel: MJF
Finisher: Olympic Slam, Skull Crushing Finale
Signature Moves: Corner Splash, Drive by kick, Rebound back suplex, Atomic Drop, Draping swinging neckbreaker, German Suplex
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: 1x HFWF Tag Team Champion

Finisher: Shatter Machine
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: None


Real Life Parallel: Andrade 'Cien' Almas
Finisher: Impaler DDT, Destino
Signature Moves: Gory Special, Reverse tornado DDT, Corkscrew Plancha, Springboard moonsault into a standing moonsault, Discus back elbow, Spinning inverted facelock elbow drop, double foot stomp from various positions, Pumphandle Driver
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: 1x HFWF All Class Champion
Other Accomplishments: 1x King of Wrestling Winner, First ever HFWF KOW G1 Climax Tournament Winner


Real Life Parallel: Luke Harper
Finisher: Discus Clothesline
Signature Moves: Running big boot, Swinging Side Slam, Torture Rack, Sidewalk Slam, Michinoku Driver
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: 2x HFWF Tag Team Champion

Real Life Parallel: Kenny Omega
Finisher: One Winged Angel, D-Driver (Double Overhook Piledriver)
Signature Moves: Running Turnbuckle Death Valley Driver, Dr. Wily Bomb, Snap Dragon Suplex, Rack Bomb, Tornado DDT, Hangman's Neckbreaker, Double Wrist Lock Headbutt, Fireball
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: 1x HFWF Champion, First and only HFWF Money in the Bank


Real Life Parallel: John Cena
Finisher: FU, Crucifix Powerbomb, STF
Signature Moves: Shoulder tackle, spin out powerbomb, float over facebuster, DDT, Diving leg drop to bent over opponent
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: None


Real Life Parallel: Dolph Ziggler
Finisher: Jumping STO
Signature Moves: Jumping DDT, Superkick, X-Factor, Fameasser, Swinging neckbreaker, Diving elbow drop
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: 1x HFWF Tag Team Champion


Real Life Parallel: Daniel Bryan
Finisher: V-Trigger, Macho Man Elbow Drop, Lebell Lock
Signature Moves: Gutwrench Suplex, Wheelbarrow Suplex, Stomps to the Head/Chest with Wrist Control, Rainmaker, Crossface Chicken Wing, Surfboard Stretch, Tiger Suplex
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: 1x HFWF World Champion, 1x HFWF All Class Champion, 2x HFWF Tag Team Champion, 1x HFWF Television Champion
Other Accomplishments: First ever Grand Slam Champion


Real Life Parallel: Jey Uso
Finisher: Pop Up Uppercut
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: None

Real Life Parallel: The Giant
Finisher: Chokeslam
Signature Moves: Alley Oop, Swinging Side Slam, Military Press Slam, Spear
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: None


Real Life Parallel: WALTER
Finisher: Running Powerslam, Big Chop
Signature Move: Scoop Slam with immediate Elbow Drop, Knee Drop, Chop, Big Boot, Headbutt
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: 1x HFWF Tag Team Champion

Real Life Parallel: AJ Styles
Finisher: Kakko Clash, Shooting Star Press
Signature Moves: X-Factor, Neckbreaker, Theatrical Elbow Drop, Rack Bomb, Powerbomb, Pelee Kick, Suplex neckbreaker, Springboard missile dropkick, Disaster Kick, Fireman's carry facebuster
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: None

Finisher: Swivel Gun Stun, Diving neckbreaker
Heel/Face: Face


Real Life Parallel: Lance Storm
Finisher: Single Leg Boston Crab
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: None


Real Life Parallel: Paul Heyman
Finisher: Hiding behind The Penguins Wrecking Crew
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: None

Real Life Parallel: Jon Moxley
Finisher: Chaos Trigger DDT (Double underhook DDT)
Signature Moves: Repeated powerbombs, STF, Springboard moonsault, Enziguri, Bulldog, Northern Lights Suplex, Angel's Wings, Widow's Peak, Flash Kick
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: 1x HFWF World Champion, 2x Tag Team Champion, 1x HFWF Canadian / United States Champion

Finisher: Chokeslam
Heel/Face: Face


Real Life Parallel: Finn Balor
Finisher: Coup De Grace, Elevated Inverted DDT, Sharpshooter
Signature Moves: Spinebuster, Reverse Suplex, Backbreaker, High knee strike, Northern Lights Throw, Draping Swinging Neckbreaker, Flying Clothesline, Shotgun dropkick, Rolling Thunder, Tope
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: 3x HFWF World Champion, 1x HFWF Canadian / United States Champion
Other Accomplishments: CEO & Founder of HFWF


Real Life Parallel: Seth Rollins
Finisher: Curb Stomp, Phoenix Splash, Springboard Forearm
Signature Moves: Buckle Bomb, Back Suplex into Reverse Neckbreaker, Bicycle Knee, Superkick to Gut, Reverse Rana, Superkick, Falcon Arrow, Small Package Fisherman's Suplex
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: 1x HFWF World Champion


Real Life Parallel: Jay White
Finisher: Bladerunner
Signature Moves: Electric Chair Drop, Electric Chair Facebuster, Suplex into Facebuster, Boston Crab, Crossface
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: None


Real Life Parallel: The Rock
Finisher: Rock Bottom, Omni Elbow
Signature Moves: DDT, Spinebuster, Flying Clothesline, Sharpshooter, Muscle Buster
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: 2x HFWF Tag Team Champion, 1x HFWF Television Champion


Real Life Parallel: Johnny Gargano
Finisher: Springboard DDT, Backstabber, 450 Leg Drop
Signature Moves: High kick, Blockbuster, Crossface Chicken Wing, Shining Wizard, Jumping Neckbreaker
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: 2x HFWF Tag Team Champion


Real Life Parallel: The Fiend
Finisher: Sam's Revenge (Sister Abigail), Helluva Kick, Burning Hammer
Signature Moves: Alabama Slam, Over the shoulder back to belly piledriver, Tree of Woe, Tilt-a-Whirl Slam
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: 1x HFWF All Class Champion
Other Accomplishments: First ever HFWF All Class Champion


Real Life Parallel: Tommy Dreamer
Finisher: Jumping Piledriver
Signature Moves: Short punches, Elbow Drop, Spike DDT
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: 1x HFWF Tag Team Champion

Real Life Parallel: Kevin Owens
Finisher: Popup (Sitdown) Powerbomb, Frog Splash
Signature Moves: Cannonball, Running dropkick to seated opponent, Superkick, Fireman's Carry Facebuster, Standing moonsault, Fall Away Slam, Avalanche Fisherman's Suplex, Package Piledriver
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: None

Finisher: Shatter Machine
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: None


Real Life Parallel: Adam Cole (baybay)
Finisher: Superkick, Brainbuster
Signature Moves: Gotch Piledriver, Super hurricanrana, Reverse Rana, Fireman's Carry Neckbreaker, Straight Jacket German Suplex
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: 2x HFWF Tag Team Champion


Real Life Parallel: Kyle O'Reilly / Tyler Breeze
Finisher: Unprettier, Claymore Kick, Heel Hook
Signature Moves: Fireman's Carry Gutbuster, Release Suplex into Backbreaker, Double underhook suplex, Diving knee drop, Rebounding clothesline, European Uppercut, Double knee attack in corner
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: 2x HFWF Tag Team Champion


Real Life Parallel: Eric Bugenhagen
Finisher: Facebuster (from Suplex Position)
Signature Moves: Running knee attack
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: None


Real Life Parallel: Jimmy Uso
Finisher: Bicycle Kick
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: None


Real Life Parallel: Randy Orton
Finisher: Cutter (GSC), Running punt kick
Signature Moves: Thesz Press, Diving Crossbody, Dropkick, Reverse headlock backbreaker, Exploder Suplex, Superplex, Draping DDT
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: 1x HFWF World Champion
Other Accomplishments: 1x HFWF Singles Kings of Wrestling Tournament Winner

Real Life Parallel: Monkey
Finisher: Throwing pieces of banana, looking at KIRK
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: None


Real Life Parallel: Brock Lesnar
Finisher: F5, Muscle Buster, Grapevine Dragon Sleeper
Signature Moves: German Suplex, Belly-to-belly side suplex, Over the shoulder single leg Boston Crab, Powerslam, Gutbuster, Shoulder breaker, Spear
Heel/Face: Heel
Title History: None


Real Life Parallel: Christian
Finisher: Diving Splash, Running Knee Strike
Signature Moves: Unprettier, diving front dropkick, Flapjack, Gutbuster on top rope from suplex position, Inverted facelock backbreaker into neckbreaker
Heel/Face: Face
Title History: 1x HFWF Tag Champion



HFWF Championship -
Mitchy (18th Champion)
HFWF All Class Championship - Fro (3rd Champion)
HFWF Tag Team Championships - SeidoN & Serac (20th champion)



(defenses: 14, successful: 13) [03/20/19 - 08/08/19, 141 days]
ColePens (defenses: 4, successful: 3) [08/08/19 - 02/29/20, 205 days]
MCG (defenses: 3, successful: 2) [02/29/20 - 05/02/20, 63 days]
Legendary AC (defenses: 1, successful: 0) [05/02/20 - 05/07/20, 5 days]
The Gongshow (defenses: 2, successful: 1) [05/07/20 - 08/20/20, - 05/01/21, 106 days]
Mitchy (defenses: 0, successful: 0) [05/01/21 - ]

Virtanen & Pinkfloyd
(defenses: 2, successful: 1) [03/02/19 - 03/28/19, 26 days]
BonMorrison & Paris in Flames (defenses: 3, successful: 2) [03/28/19 - 06/20/19, 84 days]
SeidoN & Serac (defenses: 2, successful: 1) [06/20/19 - 10/26/19, 128 days]
BonMorrison & Paris in Flames (defenses: 1, successful: 0) [10/26/19 - 01/04/20, 70 days]
Falco Lombardi & Cor (defenses: 2, successful: 1) [01/04/20 - 05/02/20, 119 days]
Dr Pepper & Jbell (defenses: 3, successful: 2) [05/02/20 - 08/20/20, 05/01/21 - 05/27/21, 137 days]
SeidoN & Serac (defenses: 0, successful: 0) [05/27/21 - ]

(defenses: 2, successful: 1) [06/29/19 - 10/26/19, 119 days]
Disclose (defenses: 4, successful: 3) [10/26/19 - 05/02/20, 189 days]
Fro (defenses: 2, successful: 2) [05/02/20 - 08/20/20, 05/01/21 - ]

(defenses: 3, successful: 2)
Snap the Turtle (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
GUADALUPE (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
KIRK (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
Snap the Turtle (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
Fro’s corpse


HFWF World Championship (Pre-Revival)
CrimsonSkorpion (defenses: 1, successful 0)
StraightEdge (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
ColePens (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
StraightEdge (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
ColePens (defenses: 2, successful: 1)
CPrice (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
CrimsonSkorpion (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
CrimsonSkorpion (defenses: 6, successful: 5)
El Dandy (defenses: 3, successful: 3)
Kurt Angle (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
CPrice (defenses: 4, successful: 3)
End of Line (defenses: 3, successful: 3)
Vacant / Inactive
Revival Begins

HFWF Tag Team Championship (Pre-Revival)

Modo & Fro (defenses: 1, successful 0)
Marf & iRep (defenses: 1, successful 0)
OmniSens & Legendary AC (defenses: 3, successful 2)
The World's Greatest Tag Team (defenses: 1, successful 0)
OmniSens & Legendary AC (defenses 1, successful 0)
Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins (defenses: 1, successful: 1)
Syn Shadow & Big Fat Cat (defenses: 2, successful: 2)
iRep & Marf (defenses: 4, successful: 3)
The World's Greatest Tag Team (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
iRep & Marf (defenses: 3, successful: 2)
Fro & Gustav White (defenses: 3, successful: 2)
The Russell Brothers (defenses: 2, successful: 1)
The Brethren (defenses: 2, successful: 2)
Vacant / Inactive
Revival Begins

HFWF Television Championship (Retired)
OmniSens (defenses: 1, successful 0)
End of Line (defenses: 2, successful 1)
Fro (defenses: 10, successful 9)
Fro (defenses: 10, successful 9)
RockLobster (defenses: 9, successful: 8)
Dolph Ziggler (defenses: 2, successful: 1)
Tyler Breeze (defenses: 4, successful: 3)
Marf (defenses: 3, successful: 2)
Presumido (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
Marf (defenses: 4, successful: 3)
Vacant / Inactive

HFWF Canadian / United States Championship (Retired)

Jussi (defenses: 1, successful 0)
BigFatCat (defenses: 1, successful 0)
NYGRYK (defenses: 3, successful 3)
Chet Donnelly (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
CPrice (defenses: 1, successful: 0)
Legendary AC (defenses: 1, successful: 1)
Vacant / Inactive



The Outcasts
Mitchy, Serac & SeidoN
Tag Team Finisher: Double Superkick, Fireman's Carry + Knee Drop combo
Previous Members: Natey

Disclose, Brudda & Catrina

The Best Friend Experience
Cor & Falco Lombardi
Tag Team Finisher: Skull Crushing Finale + Jumping Fameasser Combo

MCG, Legendary AC, Cor & Falco Lombardi

The Wrecking Crew
UnrealMachine, Scandale du Jour & KIRK

The Blueprint
Fro, Gustav White, Jbell & Dr Pepper
Tag Team Finisher: Powerbomb + Top rope leg drop combo (Warning Bell)

Pinkfloyd & Virtanen18
Tag Team Finisher: Doomsday Device + Blockbuster Combo


Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows
Tag Team Finisher: Magic Killer

The Revival
Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder
Tag Team Finisher: Shatter Machine


Penguins Wrecking Crew

ColePens, Scandale du Jour, UnrealMachine & KIRK
01/03/19 - 05/07/20

The Machine
The Gongshow, El Dandy, UnrealMachine, Scandale du Jour
Previous Members: ColePens, KIRK
10/26/19 - 05/07/20

God's Gift to Wrestling
BonMorrison & Paris in Flames
01/03/19 - 05/20/21


HFWF TV - 1 hour, Thursday nights

HFWF Apocalypse - Saturday, May 1, 2021 (Toronto)
HFWF Payback
HFWF Kings of Wrestling
HFWF Limitless
HFWF Night to Remember
HFWF Redemption


Event History

HFWF Limitless I - Saturday, March 2, 2019
- Virtanen & Pinkfloyd def. BonMorrison & Paris in Flames to win the HFWF Tag Titles @ 22:00.
- Jbell def. OmniSens @ 16:00.
- Cor def. Kimi @ 8:00.
- Fro def. The Gongshow to win the HFWF Title @ 28:00.
- The Outcasts (SeidoN, Mitchy, Serac & Natey) def. ColePens, Disclose, PeterSidorkeiwicz & Scandale du Jour in WarGames @ 46:00.

HFWF Limitless II - Saturday, February 29, 2020
- MCG def. Legendary AC, ColePens (c) & Mitchy to become NEW HFWF World Champion @ 25:00.
- Falco Lombardi & Cor (c) def. BonMorrison & Paris in Flames to retain the HFWF Tag Titles @ 33:00.
- Disclose (c) def. PeterSidorkiewicz by a score of 1-0 in a 30-minute Ironman match to retain the HFWF All Class Title.
- The Blueprint (Fro, Dr Pepper & Jbell) def. The Machine (Scandale du Jour, UnrealMachine & The Gongshow) and SeidoN, Serac & Emperoreddy in WarGames @ 49:00.


HFWF NIGHT TO REMEMBER IV - Saturday, April 27, 2019
- CorTil (Cor & Chytil) def. FTR (Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder) and Teamwork (Virtanen & Pinkfloyd) @ 12:00.
- UnrealMachine & Scandale du Jour def. Disclose & PeterSidorkiewicz @ 11:00.
- The Gongshow def. ColePens @ 18:00.
- Jbell def. Dr Pepper @ 6:00.
- BonMorrison & Paris in Flames (c) def. Natey & Serac to retain the tag titles @ 24:00.
- Phobia Catalyst def. OmniSens @ 5:00.
- MCG def. Mitchy @ 31:00.
- Fro (c) def. SeidoN to retain the HFWF Title @ 26:00.

HFWF NIGHT TO REMEMBER V - Saturday, May 2, 2020
- El Dandy def. ColePens @ 29:00.
- End of Line def. The Gongshow @ 13:00.
- Bell Pepper (Dr Pepper & Jbell) def. The Best Friend Experience (Falco & Cor) (c), God's Gift to Wrestling (Bon & Paris) and PeterSidorkiewicz & Emperoreddy in a TLC match to become NEW Tag Team Champions @ 19:00.
- Fro def. Disclose (c) to become NEW All Class Champion @ 51:00.
- The Outcasts (Mitchy, SeidoN & Serac) def. The Penguins Wrecking Crew (ColePens, Scandale du Jour & UnrealMachine) @ 28:00.
- Legendary AC def. MCG (c) to become NEW HFWF World Champion @ 4:00.


HFWF PAYBACK I - Saturday, June 29, 2019
- PeterSidorkiewicz def. Phobia Catalyst, UnrealMachine, Scandale du Jour, Dr Pepper, Jbell, Cor & Falco Lombardi in a Ladder match to become Inaugural HFWF All Class Champion @ 38:00.
- Fro def. Kenny Omega @ 36:00.
- ColePens def. Disclose in an Unsanctioned match @ 27:00.
- The Outcasts def. Mount Rushmore in a 4-on-4 elimination tag team match @ 43:00.
--Order of elimination: Natey via countout (1:00), SeidoN via pin (2:00), BonMorrison via pin (16:00), Serac via pin (22:00), Paris in Flames via pin (22:00), The Gongshow via pin (31:00), MCG via pin (43:00).


HFWF APOCALYPSE I - Saturday, September 7, 2019
- Dr Pepper & Jbell def. BonMorrison & Paris in Flames and UnrealMachine & Scandale du Jour to become number one contenders to the tag team championships @ 24:00.
- PeterSidorkiewicz (c) def. Cor to retain the All Class Championship @ 19:00.
- Emperoreddy def. Falco Lombardi in a No Holds Barred match @ 29:00.
- ColePens (c) def. The Gongshow & Mitchy to retain the HFWF World Championship @ 30:00.
- OmniSsens def. Phobia Catalyst in a Last Man Standing match @ 32:00.

HFWF APOCALYPSE II - Saturday, May 1, 2021
- UnrealMachine def. Disclose in an Unsanctioned match @ 31:00.
- Serac def. Falco Lombardi (w/Cor) @ 12:00.
- Dr Pepper & Jbell (c) def. Emperoreddy and BonMorrison & Paris in Flames to retain the HFWF Tag Titles @ 17:00.
- Fro (c) def. SeidoN to retain the HFWF All Class Title @ 23:00.
- Scandale du Jour def. ColePens in a Steel Cage match @ 17:00.
- Mitchy def. Legendary AC & The Gongshow (c) to become NEW HFWF World champion @ 24:00.


HFWF KINGS OF WRESTLING I - Saturday, October 26, 2019
- Disclose def. PeterSidorkiewicz (c) & Emperoreddy to become new HFWF All Class Champion @ 15:00.
- BonMorrison & Paris in Flames def. UnrealMachine & Scandale du Jour to win the Kings of Wrestling Tag Team Tournament @ 22:00.
- The Gongshow def. Phobia Catalyst to win the Kings of Wrestling Singles Tournament @ 8:00.
- BonMorrison & Paris in Flames def. SeidoN & Serac (c) and Dr Pepper & Jbell to become new HFWF Tag Team Champions @ 25:00.
- ColePens (c) def. Mitchy to retain the HFWF World Championship @ 31:00.

HFWF KINGS OF WRESTLING II - Saturday, July 11, 2019
- Dr Pepper & Jbell (c) def. Scott Dawson & Dash Wilder to retain the HFWF Tag Championships @ 15:00.
- Fro (c) def. SeidoN & Mitchy to retain the HFWF All Class Championship @ 24:00.
- Legendary AC def. El Dandy in a Steel Cage match @ 27:00.
- The Gongshow (c) def. PeterSidorkiewicz, Serac & End of Line to retain the HFWF World Championship @ 16:00.
- Disclose def. UnrealMachine to win the 2020 KOW G1 Climax tournament @ 41:00.


HFWF REDEMPTION I - Saturday, January 4, 2020
- Falco Lombardi & Cor def. BonMorrison & Paris in Flames (c), SeidoN & Serac and Dr Pepper & Jbell in a Ladder match to become new HFWF Tag Team Champions @ 28:00.
- Disclose (c) def. PeterSidorkiewicz & Emperoreddy in an elimination match, last eliminating PeterSidorkiewicz to retain the HFWF All Class Championship @ 28:00.
- Legendary AC def. The Gongshow in a No Disqualification, No Countout match via referee stoppage @ 20:00.
- ColePens (c) def. Fro to retain the HFWF World Championship @ 32:00.
- Mitchy def. MCG in a Hell in a Cell match @ 44:00.



[For other shows, check the OP in the link below!]

HFWF Weekly 85 (August 20, 2020): HFWF: The Reboot X
- Dr Pepper & Jbell def. ColePens & Disclose
- SeidoN def. Serac
- Mitchy def. Scandale du Jour

HFWF APOCALYPSE (May 1, 2021): HFWF: The Reboot XI - The Return
- UnrealMachine def. Disclose in an Unsanctioned match
- Serac def. Falco Lombardi
- Dr Pepper & Jbell (c) def. Emperoreddy and BonMorrison & Paris in Flames
- Fro (c) def. SeidoN
- Scandale du Jour def. ColePens in a Steel Cage match
- Mitchy def. Legendary AC & The Gongshow (c) to become NEW champion

HFWF WEEKLY 86 (May 6, 2021): HFWF: The Reboot XI - The Return
- Emperoreddy def. Dr Pepper
- UnrealMachine def. Brudda
- BonMorrison & Paris in Flames def. Johnny Boots & Johnny Tights

HFWF WEEKLY 87 (May 13, 2021): HFWF: The Reboot XI - The Return
- Emperoreddy def. Kakko
- Disclose def. Chris Cuttahhh
- Falco Lombardi & Cor def. Mitchy & SeidoN

HFWF WEEKLY 88 (May 20, 2021): HFWF: The Reboot XI - The Return
- Scandale du Jour def. Disclose
- Claudio & Emperoreddy def. Jbell & Dr Pepper
- SeidoN & Serac def. BonMorrison & Paris in Flames

HFWF WEEKLY 89 (May 27, 2021): HFWF: The Reboot XI - The Return
- SeidoN & Serac def. Dr Pepper & Jbell (c) to become NEW HFWF Tag champs
- Claudio def. Fro via DQ
- Mitchy (c) def. Disclose to retain
Last edited:

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008

THE HFWF SCEANCE (in progress)

music to set the mood

(The Machine are all in a dark room with candles lit; a candle for each of the fallen HFWF wrestlers)

Dandy is pleading with the other Machine members: "I'm telling you guys, I'm seeing our dead peers. It's crazy. They're posting in the thread like nothing happened and are all going about their daily routine as if they were alive.

@Cor is riding a tricycle in loop. @Serac is playing Welcome To The Jungle on his air guitar. @Dr Pepper still looks like he hasn't showered in months. @KIRK ? It's the worst with him he's still talking to @ColePens as if Cole can hear him and he's still using jifs"

(@UnrealMachine begins to visibly vibrate at Dandy for calling a gif a jif, but @Scandale du Jour calms him down.)

@Scandale du Jour talks and begins to share his paranormal experiences:"I've been experiencing weird things, too. In my mirrors. I've been seeing ghostly apparitions in my mirrors."

(The door to the room opens and a shadow appears, and everybody freaks out thinking it's a ghost. It's @PeterSidorkiewicz . Peter takes a seat at the table and he is given the dirtiest of looks because he's surrounded by guys who would normally be his enemy.)

"Death is big in Mexican culture, and I'm here to try and contact @Disclose and @Brudda . And I guess @Emperoreddy too." Peter says

Dandy is suspect of Peter, but Dandy continues to speak: "Seeing as I now have the gift, I should lead this seance. Everybody let's join hands to combine our energy."

(Dandy goes to grab Unreal's hand, but Unreal resists it at first. Dandy insists and takes Unreal's hand, so Unreal then grips Dandy's hand so hard Dandy screams in pain and let's go. Dandy continues: )

"If anybody who died in the HFWF plane crash can hear me, pls answer me.

Are you there, @KIRK ? It's me: Dandy. @KIRK where are you? Is hot where you are?

@KIRK speak to us. Can you hear us? @KIRK please respond. Let us know you are here.

(@PeterSidorkiewicz chimes in)
@Disclose ? Can you hear me? It's me, Peter! If you can, pls respond by posting a gif of La Parka dancing.

(he then pulls out a Ouija board)
@Emperoreddy if you are here, can you spell out a few words for us on this Ouija board to let us know?

to be continued....

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
We can confirm that we have spotted a wild GUADALUPE clinging to life and holding onto a flaperon from the plane. THERE IS HOPE AFTER ALL! Unfortunately, she is dangerously close to the North Sentinel island and the people of the island have spears ready and aimed for her. It’s not a hard target to miss. We’ll look for others.

He’s classless for dying while champ anyways. ****ing @Fro

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
We can confirm that we just witnessed the death of @Cor. It was stunning. The Sentinelese threw spears at GUADALUPE, but they all just bounced off her. They got some wicked air time and pierced Cor to death. @Disclose pushed @KIRK out of the way at the last moment, as KIRK was distracted while beating Cor with a coconut.

- MCG is reportedly in exclusive talks to bring @Cor into a tournament that would see him come back from “the other side” if he won. They’re still trying to figure out the logistics of having dead people who crossed over wrestle, and if they have non-compete clauses.


you dumb idiot. come here! did you see that??? we can survive! we do this! Lupita deflects the spears, like the pig you said she is!
KIRK: we cant stay behind her forever. you IDIOT. what if they surround us??!!

*Disclose puts his hand in the water and pulls out a Hagfish, (actually its an eel) and stars rubbing it over his body. using the slime as lubrifiant*
We're going in old man!

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
We can confirm @Falco Lombardi did 36 flip bumps after the crash landing but he survived! However, he’s stuck in a tree on the North Sentinel island. We also spotted @Mitchy, @SeidoN & @Serac hitting on a mermaid, who looked scared of Serac’s air guitar. One of them may die if the mermaid makes her bird call.

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
@Emperoreddy is in hell, and apparently, Lucifer locked him into a non-compete clause. MCG reportedly invited Lucifer to HFWF Weekly to fight on national TV, knowing Lucifer wouldn’t actually show up and give HFWF, a competing brand, publicity. God has reportedly allowed @Cor to work the “Fight for Your Life” tournament to attempt a comeback to earth.

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
Can confirm @Brudda has somehow returned from the dead and is trying to kill @Disclose for not taking care of someone named “Stash.” GUADALUPE is trying to help Disclose, but a random turtle has appeared.

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
@Mitchy, @SeidoN & @Serac have been pit against each other for the mermaid’s affection, and this time they’re trying to kill each other. There’s nothing friendly about this one, folks.

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
I’m not sure how things work in mermaid world, but @Serac beat @SeidoN over the head with the detached arm of Herman SheamusFan. @Mitchy was scared and backed off. Serac and the mermaid are arguing; mermaid refuses to allow Serac to call her “Cathy.”

WrestleVotes @WrestleVotes
Exclusive word: rumour is @Emperoreddy ’s Ghost vs. Lil’ Connor. If Emp wins, he can join the “Fight for Your Life” tournament.

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
There is a spear stuck in GUADALUPE’s ass. She collapsed and is crushing @Disclose. @KIRK is trying to roll her off.

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
@Falco Lombardi just jumped out of a tree and delivered a super duper Fameasser to a North Sentinelese islander. Bold move, cotton.



Yo KIRK this ****ing hurts pass me the hagfish!
You ****ing Idiot... this hurts. you need to pee.
Pee with me KIRK. We're going deeper...old man. we're not safe here.

HFWF Youtube Exclusive:

Almost the entire HFWF roster is shown on a plane carrying them to their next destination. Several of the superstars are woken up after they hear screaming from the rest of the roster. Mitchy is among those woken from their slumber and he goes too see what's happening.

Mitchy: What the **** is going on?

@SeidoN is seen rushing into the picture looking extremely distressed

SeidoN: It's looking real bad, Mitch. The plane is losing control and they say they can't get it back on track. I-I think this is it for us, man. I think this is the end.

Mitchy can't believe it at first and suddenly he bursts into tears

Mitchy: I can't die now! I was in line for a world title run. I was finally gonna see my dreams come true! This can't be real! NANCYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!

Mitchy balls up in one of the seats and cries his heart out

Meanwhile, SeidoN sees Mitchy is in shambles and tries looking for @Serac instead. He finally finds him in a private cabin. He seems to be gleefully video-chatting with someone on his phone, completely unaware of the impending doom around him.

Serac: No, you're the cutest muffin in the world! Ok, love you too! Oh wait, do you wanna hear my cover of Old Town Road on my guitar?! No? Do you really gotta go? Ok, next time I guess. BYEEEEEEE, my little guitar pick! Love you!

SeidoN is seen standing there with his mouth wide open, unable to comprehend what just happened.

Serac takes of his airpods and sees SeidoN standing there, still in disbelief.

Serac: Oh, hey there bud. Didn't see you standing there. What's up?

SeidoN: You really have no idea what's going on? Are you ****ing with me? What the hell were you doing all this time?

Serac: Oh, I was facetiming Cathy. Do you know she calls me carrot now? Isn't that so cute?!

SeidoN: We're about to die, mfer! This plane is going down! Are you actually ****ing serious right now?

Serac finally starts recognize the severity of what's happening

Serac: Oh, dear. Ooooh, dear. Oh my, that isn't good. No, not good at all. Well, at least we have each other, right? Where's Mitchy?

The pair run to find Mitchy, who's now rolling on the floor, still crying like a baby

Mitchy: This isn't fair! I'm not ready to die! I wanna live!!!

SeidoN: Hey Mitch, I know this sucks, but you don't want to go down like this, man. Come on, get up. If this is the end, at least we have each other by our side. Outcasts to the end, remember?

Mitchy is moved by Seidon and finds some composure and grabs Seidon's hand and gets up.

Mitchy: Damn right. Outcasts forever.

Seidon: Outcasts forever.

Serac: Outcasts forever.

They make the Outcasts hand gesture and seem to await their doom.

Serac: It's been an honour, lads.

Serac suddenly bursts out his air guitar and starts yelling the lyrics of My Heart Will Go On and I Will Always Love You at the top of his lungs

Mitchy and SeidoN share a look, thinking Serac has outdone himself. They shrug their shoulders and say **** it and join Serac, air guitaring and singing their hearts out

Several members of the roster take attention to the Outcasts' powerful and emotional performance and are brought to tears themselves

One particular member is blown away by their performance. @KIRK can be seen wiping tears from his eyes, reminiscing his times with the Outcasts. The good and the bad. His memorable time with Mitchy at the hospital being his fondest memory.

KIRK: That's my boy, Mitchy. Well done, son! You might not have ever won a championship in HF, but you'll always be a champion in my heart!

Guadalupe and @Disclose comfort KIRK as he makes walrus noises. Some of the HFWF roster come together to hold hands seeing the Outcasts performance as the plane is fatally close to crashing.

The others are in a state of fullblown panic, including @Emperoreddy, who says **** IT and ejects himself from the damn plane!


The screaming reaches its peak as a loud thud is heard and the footage abruptly goes to static.

The End


The camera suddenly turns back on and we see the Outcasts on an island, scanning their new environment.

Serac: Oh, uh, this guy isn't moving. I think he's- oh hey, I think the camera is still rolling.

SeidoN: Forget that. Let's go, Serac. The people here don't look friendly. We gotta out of here.

Serac: Rest in peace, camera man.

Serac is about to leave, but he spots something in the waters. Something that he can't take his eyes off of.

Serac: Woah, this can't be real. No ****ing way. GUYS!

The footage truly comes to an end now.

This footage was retrieved by local coastguards

I am going to wreck the ghost of Lil’ Conner.

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
It has been 8 hours. It is chaos here. There’s no sign of @Disclose and @KIRK and GUADALUPE seems to have gained at least 500 pounds. She’s looking like a puffer fish.

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
@Falco Lombardi competed in a 3-on-1 handicap match against a few North Sentinelese people. It was looking bleak for him, but @SeidoN saved Falco with the leg of Herman SheamusFan. So... yeah. Herman’s dead.

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
The HFWF talent that have survived so far have gathered on a secluded, small island. Confirmed deaths are @Cor, @Brudda, Herman SheamusFan and @Fro. I honestly have no idea how GUADALUPE is still alive.

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
Oh yeah, @jbell886 is dead too. I saw @Mitchy and @SeidoN playing volleyball with his head. Also, @Serac is still arguing with the mermaid, and the mermaid actually whacked Serac upside the head with her... err, fin? Tail?

Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
We’ll have to ask @El Dandy on the ouija board because we’re confident that’s your big ass head that they’re playing volleyball with.

Outcasts finally get their moment over the Blueprint

Dave Meltzer @davemeltzerWON
As reported, but since you’re distraught I’ll say it again: MCG is trying to negotiate with the heavens above to get back the lost souls for a “Fight for Your Life” tournament. Their spirits would appear on the abandoned island where the matches would take place. Lucifer on the other hand put a non-compete on @Emperoreddy, who needs to fight Lil’ Connor for a chance to take part in the tournament.

luchalibreonlonline @luchalibre
authorities have found the black box! they're playing it right now. we might find out what caused the plane to crash.
*press play*

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on

*authorities look at each other confused*
This cant be it.... this plane was full of tough mother ****ers.

Lets get @ColePens thoughts on @KIRK being trapped on a deserted island

- holds microphone to @UnrealMachine ’s stomach -

No response. Guess he never loved KIRK after all.

Exclusive drone footage is showing all the stranded HFWF talent gather around the body of GUADALUPE. @Disclose and @KIRK have begun their emergence. @Serac has been brought to land on the back of the mermaid, with Herman’s nose in his mouth. It’s being said the pilot of the flight is ALIVE and will reveal himself. The talent have no idea who it is, but will soon find out. We’ll have more as it becomes available.

- We can confirm that @Paris in Flames was a part of the casualties on the flight as he was nowhere to be seen on the island thus far.

Some speculation is that @BonMorrison paid the maintenance guys of the plane to tamper with it and cause the crash, knowing Paris was too fragile to survive.

We also can confirm @Falco Lombardi escaped the North Sentinel island with just cuts from spears after floating away on Herman SheamusFan’s torso.


we need to get out of here or they'll never find us @KIRK.
KIRK: they asked for a Flare signal! Theyre coming!
good. lets go...
*KIRK pulls out Flare Gun*
wait what are you doing?? dont do it inside Guadalu--!!!


@BonMorrison is shown in rehab for his soft drug issues. It’s him one-on-one with a counsellor, but Bon is not taking it seriously and is smoking weed in the office.

Suddenly, the lights flicker and the computer starts making weird noises.

It plays music by itself, first with a street band singing lyrics saying “Welcome to Paris” repeatedly, followed by EDM music that makes BonMorrison finally crack and cry in the arms of the counsellor.

The counsellor is befuddled and scared. Bon looks up into the mirror on the wall, and the ghost of @Paris in Flames is shown! Bon shrieks and cries some more. The counsellor looks back in the mirror and sees nothing.


Everyone gathers around the body of GUADALUPE patiently waiting for the reveal of the pilot that caused this.

@Falco Lombardi takes charge for a roll call to make sure everyone is present. @Disclose looks disgusting as he’s trying to pull @KIRK out. KIRK gets out, but throws a fit because GUADALUPE’S intestine ate his shoe. He kicks GUADALUPE, calling her a fat pig and starts beating her with his other shoe as Disclose calms him down.

@SeidoN, @Serac & his mermaid friend, @Mitchy, @KIRK, @Disclose, GUADALUPE are present. Falco salutes the dead body of his friend, @Cor and then looks to the sea as the waves start spelling out “**** EM” surely a message from @Emperoreddy in hell. The clouds take shape of all the titles in HFWF, a reminder from @Fro that he’s still the best - even in death. Falco asks if this confirms that @jbell886 is dead, but his monstrous head rolls into the gathering, and he’s somehow still alive. Jbell suggests putting his head on the torso of Herman that Falco used to float over to the island on, but it’s revealed that GUADALUPE is eating the body.

Falco yells out for the pilot to show himself. No response. Disclose says the pilot is dead and soon they’ll all be dead too, but KIRK tells them to look at GUADALUPE and realize that they can feast on her and survive for at least a year. Disclose almost punches KIRK, but suddenly realizes someone off in the distance using a piece of the plane debris to float over to land, using another, small piece to paddle towards the island.

The figure gets closer...

And closer...

And closer...

The figure reveals himself.


The crowd of talent are shocked as he reveals himself. He stays far away from land, but enough to communicate. Disclose starts talking in a weird language, unknown to anyone else, and Stash starts responding. They communicate with each other as everyone is confused.

KIRK jumps into the water and says he’s going to kill Stash, but KIRK can’t swim and starts to drown, but Serac’s mermaid friend saves KIRK but puts him back on the island.


Stash rants in monkey language, and then starts shooting flares at the people on the island, missing everyone, but burning GUADALUPE’S FOOT OFF! Stash throws coconuts on the island instead and hits Serac in the head. The mermaid checks on him, and in his delirious stage, calls her Cathy, causing the mermaid to slap Serac and embrace Mitchy!

Stash flips off everyone on the island.

Suddenly, a HELICOPTER descends down and throws a ladder down for Stash to climb up on. Everyone wants the helicopter to save them, but the camera shows that it’s a RUSSIAN MILITARY HELICOPTER! Stash enters the helicopter, and footage from inside shows him communicating with the Russians in Russian. They put a hat on Stash that says “Russian spy” and fly away, leaving the HFWF talent still stranded.


After everyone is still in shock and it looks like there’s going to be a riot on the island, a drone flies over with a championship belt.


To be continued...

UPDATE: The Sentinels have spotted a shiny gold thing drop from the sky! They are leaving their island for the first time ever with spears!


He is currently using GUADALUPE’S charred foot to protect himself from the other talents!

UPDATE: @SeidoN ROLLS UP @KIRK BUT @jbell886 ’s DETACHED HEAD LAUNCHES HIMSELF AT SEIDON TO BREAK IT UP! Everyone is fighting and throwing coconuts at each other, allowing KIRK TO USE GUADALUPE’S ASS AS A TRAMPOLINE TO HIDE OUT ON TOP OF A TREE! KIRK cuts promos on everyone down below as he clutches the 24/7 Internet Lightweight Heavyweight Championship to his chest.

UPDATE: it is now nighttime. The Senintels have not made arrival to land yet as the HFWF talent are still unsuspecting. People are gathering around the tree and eating coconuts, rubbing it in @KIRK ’s face that he can’t eat up there. KIRK rubs it in @Mitchy ’s face that he won a championship before Mitchy did.

A helicopter suddenly is heard and is shining a light on the island. It’s revealed to be a @ColePens Enterprise helicopter! KIRK is elated, and the other HFWF talent are ready to be saved.

But WAIT! The helicopter is over the tree... AND A LADDER IS THROWN DOWN FOR KIRK ONLY! KIRK is so happy as the other talent below are pissed and throwing coconuts at the helicopter.

KIRK shouts at everyone down below, insulting everyone: @Disclose, Mitchy, @Serac, @SeidoN, the mermaid, GUADALUPE, @Falco Lombardi, @Cor ’s dead body, and @jbell886 ’s head! KIRK grabs onto the ladder with one hand, using the other hand to hold the championship belt, when suddenly, @Scandale du Jour POKES HIS HEAD OUT FROM THE OPENING!

“HELLO, KIRK” shouts Scandale, as @Clare2904 is revealed to be the helicopter pilot! SCANDALE PUSHES KIRK OFF THE LADDER AND DOWN TO THE SAND BELOW! THE HELICOPTER FLIES AWAY, and KIRK stares at everyone else on the island realizing the grave mistake he’s made...

To be continued...


everyones is surrounding KIRK's tree and the 24/7ILWHW belt as spears are flying.
Disclose: dammit you idiot. we were supposed to be discrete here and wait for help. first you blow up Guadalupe and now you pick up gold as our life in danger....

*disclose looks at his KOW briefcase*
no. not worth it. we'll get out of here dude. no more distractions!

*Snap the turtle appears and starts chewing down the tree*
Disclose: we're going down KIRK. how fast can you run????

@BonMorrison ’s dream state:

After a long, emotional session in rehab today, Bon finally gets some rest and relaxation. He slumps on the bed and ponders how he could have been on the plane if he weren’t in rehab, and how he could have died. He corrects himself, saying he wouldn’t have told the maintenance guys to do the thing he said to do if he were though... Bon snaps out of it, saying to himself that he’s a kind, generous, innocent soul and his soft drug use is not the cause for the deaths of all those people. He’s not a psycho killer.

Bon lays back to go to sleep, but sees the shadow of a person in the moonlight by the window. He thinks to himself, “did I forget to deflate the doll?”

He gets up and turns on the lights, and @Paris in Flames GHOST IS THERE!

“Hello, Bon!” Paris belts out as Bon screams! Paris charges and starts hitting Bon with an airplane engine propellor. Bon is cowering in the corner, yelling “I DON’T WANT IT!” repeatedly.

Suddenly, Bon is awaken from a deep sleep by rehab counsellors. Bon sits up, breathing heavily, crying, sweating after the night terror. The counsellors tell Bon he was screaming in his sleep and was talking about a doll that he called “#TheGirl”. They tell him he was also hitting himself, and that he needs to be moved over so he’s under their watchful eye at all times.

Someone walks in with a straight jacket for Bon. Bon stares at the jacket and is refusing. He looks up to see PARIS IN FLAMES is the one holding it. Bon screams again and starts crying, as the counsellors look at the man holding the straight jacket, who’s really an older lady. Bon hides under his blankets as the counsellors call for security to get the straight jacket on him.

One of the counsellors mutters, “soft drugs my ass” to close the scene.


@KIRK is pleading with everyone on the island, begging them to show him mercy. He says he’s just an advocate. He can’t swim. He’s in the middle of nowhere with people who don’t like him and he doesn’t like himself. He was insane a fat pig’s ass because @Disclose is a pig himself. KIRK says he never meant what he said to @Mitchy and offers him the title as his first reign in the HFWF.

Everyone starts surrounding KIRK and he’s begging. He creates a diversion, saying GUADALUPE is trying to eat the mermaid! @Mitchy and @Serac run and attack GUADALUPE to save the mermaid. Mitchy and Serac start arguing over the mermaid and push each other. @SeidoN has to separate them, and suddenly...

@Falco Lombardi rolls @jbell886 ’s giant head like a bowling ball to take out The Outcasts and the mermaid! Disclose superkicks Falco and then tries to pin KIRK, but KIRK kicked out. KIRK throws a shoe at Disclose, who catches it, and KIRK then throws a coconut at Disclose’s head!


Disclose trips KIRK, and they roll around on the sand now!


Everyone on the island is shocked. The turtle takes the belt in his mouth and crawls inside GUADALUPE’s ass to avoid everyone else. No one else wants to go in there, so the turtle is safe for now.

Everyone on the island tries to figure out a way to get the turtle out.

Everyone looks down at JBELL’S giant head just rolling around.

Jbell lets out an “aw man...” as the scene fades.

To be continued...

- KIRK defeated Disclose to retain the title
- Snap the Turtle defeated KIRK to win the 24/7 Internet Lightweight Heavyweight Title

For those keeping track: a turtle has a title reign before @Mitchy does.

Just because I have some of you dead, one of you in hell, most of you stranded on an abandoned island near the Sentinelese, air dropped you a brand new championship, have a floating talking head, have turtles winning belts, have Russian spy monkeys shooting flares and coconuts at people and burning someone’s foot off, having two of my top talents fighting over the love of a mermaid while using someone else’s body for food & flotation devices, or using a pig’s body for shelter (this one is on Disclose) or have one of my talents on drugs seeing the ghost of his partner who perished because he may or may not have tampered with the plane while on drugs has NOTHING TO DO WITH MY MENTAL STATE, OK


Update: @Scandale du Jour stole the @ColePens Enterprise Private Jet and threw @PeterSidorkiewicz & @Dr Pepper out of the back and onto the abandoned island with the rest.

Scandale says only The Machine gets to live together at HFWF HQ and threw coconuts and bananas out of the back of the helicopter onto the island. The rest watched on as Scandale flew away.

Dr Pepper, upon seeing @jbell886 ’s detached head, got sad at the loss of his partner.

“No, I’m alive, buddy!” Says Jbell. Dr Pepper smiles and picks Jbell’s detached head up and hugs it tight.

To be continued...


The Outcasts are seen entering a hospital ward, concerned looks on their faces. Nurse Nancy sees them enter and heads over to meet them.

Mitchy: "Any changes?"

Nancy: "No sorry, the doctors are trying their best but theres been no improvement"

SeidoN: "Do they know what brought it on?"

Nancy: "They aren't sure yet, but they think it must have been some kind of extreme emotional distress"

Serac: "Maybe it was the Emmy thing? He took it pretty hard. I didn't expect this though."

Mitchy: "We're by no means his biggest fans, but I hate to see him like this"

The Outcasts enter the hospital room where MCG is writhing on a bed, fidgeting uncontrollably.

MCG: "AnD ThEn ThE MeRmAiD WoN ThE TiTlE aNd MiTcHy WeNt CrAzY aNd ThReW aLl ThE fOoD iNtO tHe Sea"

SeidoN: "Jesus. What the hell is happening to him"

Nancy: "He seems to be suffering paranoid delusions. Something about a plane crash and desert island. The worst part is they're hooking him up to an experimental machine to actually SEE his visions, and broadcast them live on TV."

SeidoN: "Who the hell would want to watch that?"

Nancy: "Actually it seems to be doing good numbers."

SeidoN thinks he sees a hint of a smile cross MCG's face as Nancy talks.




UPDATE: @Scandale du Jour landed the helicopter but as soon as he got out, he was met by a smelly @ColePens who met him on the helipad and beat his ass.

After a long fight on top of HFWF HQ, Scandale tried escaping but realized ColePens had locked the door from inside so they couldn’t re-enter the building. Scandale begged off for his life, apologizing for the Skechers, the beating, betraying his trust...


ColePens takes Scandale to the edge of building, and ColePens yells, “AIM FOR THE BUSHES, *****!”

COLEPENS THROWS SCANDALE DU JOUR OFF THE ROOF! ColePens laughs and flies his helicopter away.


To be continued...

UPDATE: @M.C.G. 31 is in his office talking about how the budget worked itself out to someone on the phone and is happy with the way things played out. He says he wishes @Fro and @Emperoreddy could have stuck it out, but it wasn’t meant to be. He gloats about not having to pay anyone as long as they’re on that deserted island.

@Scandale du Jour limps into MCG’s office, bloodied, battered and bruised, somehow surviving his fall. MCG asks what happened and Scandale recaps it for him but caps it off by saying he aimed for the bushes.

MCG asks if Scandale is okay. Scandale says he probably broke his arm and a few other things but he’ll survive. MCG gets stern and tells Scandale that a machine is only as strong as its weakest part.

MCG puts his arm on Scandale’s shoulder and takes in the view from the window with him, telling Scandale they’ll have to send him away for a bit if he thinks his injuries are that bad. Scandale is pleading, tell MCG that he swears he’s okay and he’ll be fine. MCG shakes his head and says Scandale is lying now.

MCG doesn’t like liars.

Scandale pleads with MCG to not hurt him and that he swears he’ll do anything. MCG laughs and tells Scandale he won’t do anything to him.

@UnrealMachine appears behind Scandale, cracking his knuckles. Scandale looks near tears, but Unreal throws Scandale through the window. Scandale yells out mid-fall, “tell @Clare2904 I love her!” and then a loud bang is heard! Scandale’s fall ends by landing on top of a car below.
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Reactions: Serac and Mitchy

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008

- @The Catalyst
- @El Dandy
- @UnrealMachine
- Cathy Kelley
- Scarlett Bordeaux


- @Falco Lombardi
- @Serac
- @Mitchy
- @SeidoN
- @Dr Pepper
- @PeterSidorkiewicz
- @jbell886 (but he's just a head, his body was lost)
- @ColePens
- @Scandale du Jour 's Zombie Clone
- Snap the Turtle
- Mermaid that Serac, Mitchy & SeidoN keep fighting over


- Stash the Monkey


- @Fro (via plane crash)
- @Cor (via spears bouncing off GUADALUPE'S ass and into his body, after being beaten with a coconut by KIRK)
- @Brudda (via plane crash, came back from the dead to beat Disclose a little bit)
- Herman SheamusFan (via plane crash; body being eaten and used as flotation device)
- @Paris in Flames (via plane crash, currently haunting and possibly beating BonMorrison)
- @Scandale du Jour (thrown off roof by ColePens, then thrown out of a window by UnrealMachine)
- @The Gongshow (savagely beaten over the head with a PlayStation after beating UnrealMachine in a game of NHL 10-0)
- @BonMorrison (slammer his own head repeatedly in the door handle at rehab while in a straight jacket and hallucinating Paris in Flames’ spirit)
- @Emperoreddy (came back to earth but immediately died upon arrival on the deserted island with a spear through the torso)
Last edited:

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
UPDATE: The sun is rising on the deserted island as the roster took shifts sleeping to make sure no one tried anything funny. The looming danger of the Sentinelese people has not dawned on them as a possibility yet.

Everyone has made a fire and some are sitting around it while others are swimming. @Falco Lombardi really wants that 24/7 Internet Lightweight Heavyweight Title. @PeterSidorkiewicz is confused as hell at what happened - one moment he was asleep in the lounge at HFWF HQ, next moment he's being thrown out of a helicopter and landed on what he thought was a trampoline, but was really just GUADALUPE.

@KIRK is in a corner rambling before going down and looking up GUADALUPE'S ass, calling for the stupid turtle to come out for the rematch. @Mitchy, @SeidoN, @Falco Lombardi, @PeterSidorkiewicz and @Disclose gather around GUADALUPE'S ass as KIRK is yelling in it. KIRK realizes he's being watched and asks anyone if they have a problem with what he's doing?

They decide to come up with a plan to get the turtle out of there. Falco turns and he looks over at @Dr Pepper sleeping with @jbell886 's head against his chest off in the distance.

The group slowly sneaks over towards the sleeping pair, and before Jbell can open his eyes and realize what's happening, Mitchy grabs Jbell's big ass head and covers his mouth to muffle the noises. Dr Pepper is clearly a heavy sleeper and is snoring over any muffles. They carry Jbell's head over and line it up. Jbell is begging, telling them he's not prepared and he doesn't want to get lost in the upside down. Mitchy bowls Jbell's head right into GUADALUPE'S ass! After several moments of waiting...

Snap the Turtle pokes his head out to roll Jbell's head out of his hiding spot, but Disclose takes the turtle and holds him up, the belt still wrapped around the shell. Snap the Turtle spits in Disclose's face. Disclose drops the turtle. SeidoN pounces for a pin, but Falco pushes him off. Peter then pushes Falco off. Everyone starts fighting on the island, and Peter uses Herman SheamusFan's leg as a weapon. @Serac wants to join in, but the mermaid pulls him back and lectures him, telling him that HE has to sit through HER musical performance now as she repeatedly flaps her fin/tail into the water as Serac cringes.

Snap the Turtle is getting away and looks to crawl into GUADALUPE'S ass again, but GUADALUPE moves her leg just slightly and GUADALUPE IS PINNING SNAP... and she counts her own fall! GUADALUPE is the champion!


KIRK grabs the title and begins climbing up the tree to protect himself and get away from everyone else again, as they all stop fighting as he rubs it in everyone's faces!

To be continued...

- GUADALUPE pins Snap the Turtle to become 24/7 Internet Lightweight Heavyweight Champion
- KIRK pins GUADALUPE to become 24/7 Internet Lightweight Heavyweight Champion
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Reactions: Mitchy and Serac

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008

We somehow get footage of @Emperoreddy at the dinner table in hell. It's very red and hot, and Emperoreddy is sweating but keeping a straight face. Lucifer puts slop on Emp's plate and tells him to eat up in his cubby. Emp huffs and puffs and crosses his arms and yells "f*** THAT." Lucifer gets in Emperoreddy's face and tells him to go f*** himself. Emperoreddy grabs Lucifer's pitchfork and tells Lucifer to bend over. Lucifer tries slapping Emperoreddy, but Emperoreddy blocks and Emperoreddy FU's Lucifer through the dinner table!

Emperoreddy smiles, and suddenly, he's lifted up and breaks through the ground. He bypasses earth and is caught in an in between place.

A loud voice blares over him, telling Emperoreddy that he did well down there -- but now, as agreed upon, Emperoreddy must go one-on-one with Lil' Connor. Lil' Connor descends down with a halo on top to meet Emperoreddy. The two stare each other down in the in between...

To be continued...

- Emperoreddy advances from hell and is now in the "in between" to face Lil' Connor.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
UPDATE: The sun is rising on the deserted island as the roster took shifts sleeping to make sure no one tried anything funny. The looming danger of the Sentinelese people has not dawned on them as a possibility yet.

Everyone has made a fire and some are sitting around it while others are swimming. @Falco Lombardi really wants that 24/7 Internet Lightweight Heavyweight Title. @PeterSidorkiewicz is confused as hell at what happened - one moment he was asleep in the lounge at HFWF HQ, next moment he's being thrown out of a helicopter and landed on what he thought was a trampoline, but was really just GUADALUPE.

@KIRK is in a corner rambling before going down and looking up GUADALUPE'S ass, calling for the stupid turtle to come out for the rematch. @Mitchy, @SeidoN, @Falco Lombardi, @PeterSidorkiewicz and @Disclose gather around GUADALUPE'S ass as KIRK is yelling in it. KIRK realizes he's being watched and asks anyone if they have a problem with what he's doing?

They decide to come up with a plan to get the turtle out of there. Falco turns and he looks over at @Dr Pepper sleeping with @jbell886 's head against his chest off in the distance.

The group slowly sneaks over towards the sleeping pair, and before Jbell can open his eyes and realize what's happening, Mitchy grabs Jbell's big ass head and covers his mouth to muffle the noises. Dr Pepper is clearly a heavy sleeper and is snoring over any muffles. They carry Jbell's head over and line it up. Jbell is begging, telling them he's not prepared and he doesn't want to get lost in the upside down. Mitchy bowls Jbell's head right into GUADALUPE'S ass! After several moments of waiting...

Snap the Turtle pokes his head out to roll Jbell's head out of his hiding spot, but Disclose takes the turtle and holds him up, the belt still wrapped around the shell. Snap the Turtle spits in Disclose's face. Disclose drops the turtle. SeidoN pounces for a pin, but Falco pushes him off. Peter then pushes Falco off. Everyone starts fighting on the island, and Peter uses Herman SheamusFan's leg as a weapon. @Serac wants to join in, but the mermaid pulls him back and lectures him, telling him that HE has to sit through HER musical performance now as she repeatedly flaps her fin/tail into the water as Serac cringes.

Snap the Turtle is getting away and looks to crawl into GUADALUPE'S ass again, but GUADALUPE moves her leg just slightly and GUADALUPE IS PINNING SNAP... and she counts her own fall! GUADALUPE is the champion!


KIRK grabs the title and begins climbing up the tree to protect himself and get away from everyone else again, as they all stop fighting as he rubs it in everyone's faces!

To be continued...

- GUADALUPE pins Snap the Turtle to become 24/7 Internet Lightweight Heavyweight Champion
- KIRK pins GUADALUPE to become 24/7 Internet Lightweight Heavyweight Champion

Booker T. Huffman (@BookerT5x)
KIRK is the two time . . . two time . . . 24/7 Internet Lightweight Heavyweight Champion.

Vince Russo (@THEVinceRusso)

Jim Cornette (@TheJimCornette)
I can't wait until KIRK is dead so I can piss on his grave.

@ColePens . . . where are you and the helicopter? Get me the **** out of here. #TwentyFourSevenChamp

(@Scandale du Jour . . . Zombie Frenchy forgot to lock the other thread)

Scandale du Jour

Mar 11, 2002
Asbestos, Qc
Booker T. Huffman (@BookerT5x)
KIRK is the two time . . . two time . . . 24/7 Internet Lightweight Heavyweight Champion.

Vince Russo (@THEVinceRusso)

Jim Cornette (@TheJimCornette)
I can't wait until KIRK is dead so I can piss on his grave.

@ColePens . . . where are you and the helicopter? Get me the **** out of here. #TwentyFourSevenChamp

(@Scandale du Jour . . . Zombie Frenchy forgot to lock the other thread)

Zombie Frenchy @Scandale du Jour
My mystical zombie powers are limited to #HFPens. Cannot lock thread here.
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The Burdened

Registered User
May 1, 2017
Ghost of Johnnie Cochran (@CochranFirm)


I contest that HFWF Superstar Snap was NEVER pinned by Guadalupe because it is IMPOSSIBLE for his shoulders to be pinned down.

Ladies and gentle of the supposed jury, Snap is a Turtle. And turtles have SHELLS. How does a turtle that's on his back have his shoulders pinned down when his body is in a shell?



Guadalupe never pinned Snap because his shoulders were never even down for a 1-count, let alone a 3-count.

Therefore, @KIRK should have to forfeit his illegally obtained title and Snap The Turtle should be reinstated as 24/7 Light-Heavyweight Champion.

If the shell fits you must acquit

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
Coast Guard @CoastGuardOfTheWorld
Uhhh.... someone tell the HFWF talent on the island that the Sentinelese people are approaching, sound and look aggressive and have spears. It won't be us, though. We're getting the f*** outta here, fam.

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
UPDATE: @KIRK is in the tree and looking down at everyone. @Serac uses GUADALUPE as a trampoline but KIRK punches him out of mid-air. @SeidoN does the same, but KIRK throws his shoe at him. KIRK talks down to everyone again, not having learned his lesson from the last time around.

KIRK is holding the title up above his head, verbally eviscerating everyone down below, when suddenly, A SPEAR SAILS THROUGH THE AIR AND KNOCKS THE TITLE OUT OF HIS HAND AND TO THE SAND BELOW! Another spear flies and KIRK'S CALF IS PIERCED BY THE SPEAR!

The Sentinelese people -- about a dozen of them, remain a bit back from the shore as the HFWF talent now all stand as a united front. KIRK falls out of the tree, holding his calf as @Falco Lombardi pulls the spear out. Falco rips KIRK's shirt off and wraps it around the calf (SURVIVAL TACTICS) to stop the bleeding and tells KIRK they'll find a way to make sure it doesn't get infected.

@Falco Lombardi, @Serac, @SeidoN, @Mitchy, the mermaid, @Disclose, @PeterSidorkiewicz, @Dr Pepper, @jbell886 's head and GUADALUPE (who has to crawl to the shoreline) all stand as a united front as the Sentinelese people wield their spears to show them off. Falco has one of their spears, and holds it up in response.

In the background, Snap the Turtle crawls on top of KIRK's calf... and he's definitely on there for longer than 3 seconds! Snap is the new champion! Snap takes the title in his mouth and crawls back into GUADALUPE'S ass before KIRK could crawl over to stop him!

To be continued...

- The Sentinelese have arrived
- KIRK gets a spear through his calf due to the Sentinelese people
- Snap the Turtle defeats KIRK to become 24/7 Internet Lightweight Heavyweight champion
- There's a battle brewing...

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008

@BonMorrison is shown rocking back and forth like Lisa Simpson when she lost her mind. Bon looks in rough shape, repeatedly muttering “in flames” as he continues being haunted by @Paris in Flames. The counsellors are observing him and wonder if he’s a risk to light the place on fire.

Bon suddenly stops rocking and looks ahead as if he sees someone, even though he’s in a room by himself.

We get a look from Bon’s POV, and see Paris in Flames standing ahead of Bon. “Hello, friend,” says Paris, as Bon repeatedly mutters “THE GIRL.” Bon gets up and is running around the room as Paris’ spirit looks confused as f***, and then finally jumps Bon. The counsellors observing him look up from their notes and see Bon repeatedly ramming his head into the door handle, the only part that’s not padded in the room. From Bon’s POV, it is Paris doing this to him.

The counsellors rush out to get into the room and open the door, but it’s too late.

They open up and BonMorrison has bashed his skull in on the door handle. His face is unrecognizable at this point. They check for a pulse, but Bon is gone. The counsellors leave, and Paris spirit is shown in the observation room with a smile on his face. “See you soon,” says Paris.

To be continued...

- BonMorrison dies by bashing his head into the door handle / hallucinating seeing Paris in Flames.
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