Healthy Snacks - Suggestions

Captain Bowie

Registered User
Jan 18, 2012
Obviously white sugar doesn't have any nutritious value, but lets not pretend honey or pure maple syrup are loaded with nutritional benefit. Most people need to eliminate white sugar from their diet entirely, and even with honey or syrup use moderately at best.

Exactly. That seems like the point that is being made here.

If you need something to use as a sweetener, which happens occasionally even when eating healthy (baking, ect..), you are way better off with these over plain sugar.

M.C.G. 31

Damn, he brave!
Oct 6, 2008
Wife said she was going to make these banana pancakes. My first reaction was "lol that sound disgustig."

2 eggs
1 banana (ripe)

Mash ripe banana well, add in whisk eggs.
Warm non stick or cast iron pan to medium, spray with oil. Cook silver dollar size pancakes 30 seconds on each side and serve.
(We use a small amount of maple syrup or agave on our pancakes).

248 calories
14g protein

Gotta say, they were actually pretty good. We don't have syrup/honey/butter to add... but first few we made were just as a test to see if it'd be worth making a big batch of. And must say, would definitely be worth it. Just need to make a fruit salsa of sorts to top them with to give them a little moisture and sweetness. Texture was like a normal pancake, just with a load of banana flavor added to it.

I made these last summer (not sure why I stopped) but they're ****ing delicious.

Now I think I'm going to make a few after the gym today.


Chief Justice of the HFNYR Court
Jul 12, 2004
I can't help but keep things simple, I'm a man of routine. Protein shakes and greek yogurt with granola and fruit are my go-to in-betweens.

For the sweet tooth, Artic Zero ice cream. An entire pint under 200 calories, yes please.


Registered User
Oct 22, 2014
Speaking of nutrition, has anyone seen what Matthew McConaghey has done to his body, for his latest role? I mean, the guy went full on Deniro/Raging Bull with a great body to begin with.

I wonder if he can recover from this, he look just awful. Kudos to him I guess for going all out, but wow. Long way from surfer dude.


Registered User
Dec 19, 2006
London, Ont.
Lately I felt like I was getting too much sugar by eating yogurt, granola, and banana/blueberries/etc first thing in the morning, so I started eating 2 boiled eggs or peanut butter on whole grain bread and saving the yogurt+ until mid morning.

Not sure how healthy some of the snacks we get are, as we are just starting to learn more about healthy foods, but here are some we munch out on.

We eat a 100cal fudgcicle every night for our main snack and usually have something like:

Apples and peanut butter
Grapes, and blueberries.
or a handful of these:

I love salted peanuts, and beef jerky, but afraid to eat it because i will eat too much of it and overload on salt.


Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
I can't help but keep things simple, I'm a man of routine. Protein shakes and greek yogurt with granola and fruit are my go-to in-betweens.

For the sweet tooth, Artic Zero ice cream. An entire pint under 200 calories, yes please.

Take a peek at the islandic yogourt. Skyr.

Much better, in every way.


Vejmelka for Vezina
Dec 27, 2009
Moncton, NB
What's the lowdown on sardines? I bought same canned ones as convenient add for lunch, but haven't eaten them yet.


Chief Justice of the HFNYR Court
Jul 12, 2004
I eat almond butter because I've been taught it has a much better profile, but peanut butter's taste/consistency is way better.

Jim Bob

Feb 27, 2002
Rochester, NY
I eat almond butter because I've been taught it has a much better profile, but peanut butter's taste/consistency is way better.

It all depends on what kind of peanut butter you are talking about.

If it's natural PB, I don't find it too much different from natural almond butter.

Now if it is the sugar added "normal" PB, that is a different story.

I try and limit sugar intake, so that's why I avoid regular PB outside of my one "vice night" a week where I eat whatever I want.


Dec 10, 2011
Citizen of the world
Almond butter has less protein, less saturated fats and costs way less.

If you want to pay more for a bit more fiber, and micronutrient along with worst taste, all the better.

Eggs, PB and Skyr is my holy trifecta.


Registered User
Jun 14, 2011
Quick question, as Google really didn't provide much..

Why do most coffee products at places like Starbucks and Dunkin have so much sugar? A simple latte has 18 grams of sugar. I thought that was literally just espresso and milk and foam, how is there that much sugar in it?

Is there anything besides black coffee or espresso that I can order that won't be loaded with sugar or tons of sweetener?

Kitten Mittons

Registered User
Nov 18, 2007
I'd say stick to capuccinos and if you're watching calories, maybe w/ almond milk instead. Or just drink black coffee with some cream.

Lattes technically shouldn't have added sugar but it wouldn't surprise me if Starbucks adds sugar. They sweeten everything. That's why people go there.


Registered User
Jun 14, 2011
I'd say stick to capuccinos and if you're watching calories, maybe w/ almond milk instead. Or just drink black coffee with some cream.

Lattes technically shouldn't have added sugar but it wouldn't surprise me if Starbucks adds sugar. They sweeten everything. That's why people go there.

Thanks, that's what I figured. Would be nice to have something other than the usual stuff but I understand you basically can't without added sugar :laugh:

Captain Bowie

Registered User
Jan 18, 2012
Lately I've been focusing on having small lunches, rather then leftovers of the large, fairly full-fat meal I made for dinner the night before, trying to piece together healthy options to fill up on good stuff. Most of which end up being a few different snacks put together. I've done a flew slices of deli ham or turkey and a bit of cheddar and mustard, plain yogurt with some trail mix, plain yogurt with berries, cucumber/carrot/celery with hummus/tzatziki/peanut butter, ect....

MSLs absurd thighs

Formerly Tough Au Lit
Feb 4, 2013
Oatmeal and Berries, Nuts/Seeds butter with 2 toasts, Protein balls (made with chocolate whey, honey, oats and natural peanut butter), A handful of almonds with a fruit (apple, banana are good choices) are my most common meals. Toasts with banana on it too depending on if I miss calories.


Registered User
Nov 17, 2017
I keep a can of unsalted almonds on my desk, along with cans of tuna, kashii granola bars, and I bring a cooler with hard boiled eggs, whey powder, and leftovers from whatever clean meal I cooked the day before. Apples ,celery, carrots and the occasional protein bar as well.


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