Habs draft Logan Mailloux - Part 3 (MOD post#1)

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Not woke

Registered User
Mar 21, 2017
The "underdeveloped 17 year-old peanut brain who doesn't understand the consequences of his actions" theory that has been put forth makes no sense to me. All adolescents, as all children, and even animals, respond to rules if the consequences are clear and if the punishments are unambiguously imposed.

This doesn't mean people won't break the rules, because they do so even if the punishment is death, but the idea, in principle, is to establish a clear set of consequences for certain behaviour to discourage people from doing that behaviour in the future, even if they have underdeveloped peanut brains. People as a whole respond well to rules, laws and consequences, even if they don't fully understand them or even agree with those rules. I don't really care if a teenager understands the stupidity of their actions, although that is an added bonus, I only care that they don't do that stupid immoral thing.

That is the main reason people have an issue with this pick. It sends an ambiguous message to the future Logan Mailloux's and therefore does not advance the interest of minimizing the chances of this outcome.
Here, here..


Registered User
Apr 9, 2013
...these ideas are not at all incompatible.
They really are, though.

If you truly think the crime is "benign" then there should be no basis for holding the player back in getting on with his life and pursuing his career.

Bullying any organization trying to help the player advance towards his ultimate professional goal is really just undermining the player. It makes him a sacrificial pawn in for people and groups who are looking to avenge for other social injustices he was not involved with.

Lafleurs Guy

Jul 20, 2007

Inside the teenage brain
Adolescence is a time of significant growth and development inside the teenage brain.
The main change is that unused connections in the thinking and processing part of your child’s brain (called the grey matter) are ‘pruned’ away. At the same time, other connections are strengthened. This is the brain’s way of becoming more efficient, based on the ‘use it or lose it’ principle.
This pruning process begins in the back of the brain. The front part of the brain, the prefrontal cortex, is remodelled last. The prefrontal cortex is the decision-making part of the brain, responsible for your child’s ability to plan and think about the consequences of actions, solve problems and control impulses. Changes in this part of the brain continue into early adulthood.
Because the prefrontal cortex is still developing, teenagers might rely on a part of the brain called the amygdala to make decisions and solve problems more than adults do. The amygdala is associated with emotions, impulses, aggression and instinctive behaviour.


I think a lot of ppl have forgotten how stupid they were as teens, and how many risks they took.
Who cares?

Nobody has forgotten. But it's not an excuse. He knew what he was doing was wrong and did it anyway.
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Aug 21, 2015
They really are, though.

If you truly think the crime is "benign" then there should be no basis for holding the player back in getting on with his life and pursuing his career.

Bullying any organization trying to help the player advance towards his ultimate professional goal is really just undermining the player. It makes him a sacrificial pawn in for people and groups who are looking to avenge for other social injustices he was not involved with.
I wish Mailloux all the best, I hope he has a long healthy life, emancipates himself and all.

I hope the habs learn that they make millions by selling stardom and are accountable for who they market.

Making an example out of Mailloux if unfortunate timing for the guy, but is long overdue in this industry. Other entertainment companies are going through similar change and adapting. I work in video games - tons of abusive assholes in power being called out (many I know, I’m an old white male Director myself). They can keep working, they are not allowed to be the face of these companies anymore though, so there goes their “stardom”. It comes with. It’s the difference between having a job and being a star for them now. Professional opportunities and all.

My father is a retired union lawyer. He is also a die-hard feminist that had to defend workers with questionable behaviour who were fired. He always made the point even assholes must be allowed to have jobs, I get it. Mailloux will make money chasing a piece of rubber. If he wants to be a star and make millions at it, it comes with the accountability.

The org? They see 6’5” and don’t give a rats ass. They completely forgot they serve no purpose in life but to provide stars to cheer for.

Edit (reading the letter) this:
“1. Over the course of the next few months, we will develop in conjunction with local experts, a comprehensive plan to raise awareness and educate young men and young women about this serious issue. We will use our platform and our resources to turn a decision that hurt many people into one that brings meaningful and impactful change.”

Would not be a conversation without the reaction. So at least there’s that.
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