Don Cherry/Sidney Crosby

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Apoplectic Habs Fan

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Aug 17, 2002
Gurj said:
He's obligated to play (if he was not hurt - which it seems to be now.... :shakehead ) - Hockey is a game which has given him everything he has to date, plus what it will bring him - 2 cross-country flights is not much to give back.

When did Crosby become obligated to play at this game? Would you be happier if he just said he was fatigued, is that a good enough excuse? Pretty legit as well.

Anyhow, if Crosby becomes as great as he is expected to become, he will give hockey back what it currently needs 10 fold. Hockey desparetely needs another Gretzky or Lemieux, and hopefully one day he can achieve that. And fact is, that is the pressure this kid has already being forced to deal with already. At this point Hockey has given him less than what it has taken. Promoters using your name everywhere to make them money, leagues and tourney's pimping him out. Yes it will be advantageous for him in the future but it has come with a major cost as well.

BCCHL inactive

SwisshockeyAcademy said:
I tend to be a guy who worries more about my teammates more than anything else. I cannot say for sure but isn't it possible that being there for them was more important than a CHL prospects game to Crosby? He may have been getting treatment on the days he would be flying for hours on end . I do not think he would skip the game if he was 100%. I am am willing to bet he is still not.

If he wasn't 100%, he wouldn't have scored 8 points in the Rimouski games that sandwiched the Prospects Game.

I am not usually one to hammer a guy who prioritizes his best interests over anything else, but why couldn't Crosby just say that he didn't feel the Prospects Game was in his best interests instead of claiming injury and fatigue?

Vlad The Impaler

Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Gurj said:
He's obligated to play

Get off your high horse. He's not obligated to play in any way.

Gurj said:
Hockey is a game which has given him everything he has to date,

Which is?

He's playing amateur hockey. You've got this whole thing backward, dude. Right now, Crosby is giving a lot more to the CHL than he gets. He's bringing a ton of money and not seeing any of it. Crosby's team schedule has been optimised for as many people as possible to see him. Ironically, this is in part the reason he is banged up right now. That's what's really sad. This is in fact the whole reason this thing has gone out of proportion, with the Giant owner trying to sell a game with this kid and whining when he didn't show up.

Gurj said:
plus what it will bring him - 2 cross-country flights is not much to give back.

What it will bring him, and for how long, remains to be seen. And when that happens, he'll be under contract and legally as well as morally obligated to play, when he is able to.

For now, the unwritten rules as far as I know is to give as much as you can to your team and your teammates.

This game has nothing to do with real hockey. Absolutely nothing. It is just a showcase where a couple of prospects try to impress scouts and sell themselves. It's about the most selfish hockey game you will ever see as far as the object of the game is.

They take hotshot kids, put them into two piles and throw them in a 60 minute hockey game. Then they all go their separate ways. About the only person on the planet who actually cares about the final score is dinosaur Cherry. Nobody of sound mind gives a ****.

I think if Crosby was banged up, then it was acceptable for him to do whatever he wants. Heck, even if he was in top shape, that's his prerogative to show up or not. What disappoints me is that he didn't make the decision a little sooner to let fans know. I suspect it just came to a point where he was too banged up and had to take the decision late. If not, that shows a lack of courtesy, which is certainly not a good thing. But it certainly does not qualify as a failure to meet any "obligations".

There are CHLers who have no professional aspirations WHATSOEVER. There are guys who, even at that level, play this purely for fun. It would be entirely within Crosby's rights to not go to this game just because he doesn't give a **** and say so out loud. It would be his right to declare that he doesn't want to be drafted and that the NHL sucks. It would be his right to say this game is a monumental loss of time and he'd rather stay home and score some chick. It would be his right to say he wants to become a taxi driver when he finishes a long career in the Q.

He could do all these things and not fail to meet ANY obligations.

Vlad The Impaler

Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Van said:
I am not usually one to hammer a guy who prioritizes his best interests over anything else, but why couldn't Crosby just say that he didn't feel the Prospects Game was in his best interests instead of claiming injury and fatigue?

But that's the problem. Why wouldn't this game be in his best interests?

It was in his best interests to attend, unless I am missing something. How can anyone rational not see that anybody interested in making a career out of this will attend if they can?

It's so ****ing obvious, it's almost comical. Especially with the lack of CBA. There is a slight but still very real possibility Crosby will loophole himself out of the draft and become a free agent.

His performances right now are not only vital to get a 1st overall spot and a maximum rookie bonus. There is a slight possibility he could score big time pro money right from the get go. His agent has certainly acknowledged it is on their mind. Crosby is certainly aware of it. So every solid showcase can improve his stock not only as a draftee but as a potential free agent.

You think he missed that game, and in the process created all that talk by mouthbreathers just for fun?

Yeah, right.

No matter how you cut it, not attending this game is definitly NOT a good thing. Unless you think his whole crew and himself are braindead, tell me how the **** am I supposed to believe they thought it just wouldn't be in his best interests?

It raises question about his durability.

It is a missed opportunity to impress the whole scouting community.

It pisses off people.

It allows the usual braindead scrutinizing fans to hit on young guys like they do all the time and gossip.

It's not good, no matter how you cut it.


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Mar 16, 2002
Hopefully Crosby, for his own sake, ignores every piece of garbage that falls out of Cherry's mouth.

Jason MacIsaac

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Jan 13, 2004
Halifax, NS
Seachd said:
Hopefully Crosby, for his own sake, ignores every piece of garbage that falls out of Cherry's mouth.
Crosby's durability is in doubt. I think that is a little harsh, he has had more attention in every game then any other prospect before him. He has players like Cabana and players at the WJC takeing shots at him to make a name for themselves. Any normal prospect would have these durability issues. I think not having to go on that flight to Vancouver, play in a head hunting game, then fly back to the East to play a game helped quite a bit. The kid is tired, give him an extra 2 days off.


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Oct 30, 2002
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One of the previous posters hit it right on the head...if Crosby was a Kingston boy, Cherry would have backed his decision! Cherry talks out of both sides of his mouth...


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Jun 19, 2003
I have no problem with what Cherry said. He's certainly entitled to his opinions. I also have no problem with what Crosby did, unless it's proven that he was misrepresenting his reasons for missing the game. I don't know Crosby personally but I do know people who know him and all I have heard from them and all I've ever heard or read anywhere else, before this Top Prospects incident, is that he has a character which is above reproach. The fact that he might have put his Rimouski team ahead of the ineterests of the Top Prospects game is not necessarily a strike against him, in my book.

That said, I personally feel every player picked for the Top Prospects game has an obligation to attend. It's not an obligation that's written down anywhere but I think if you're playing in the CHL, your failure to attend this game should be a last resort. Sidney Crosby has not done anything in his young career to make me "not" give him the benefit of the doubt, in this case.

It's also possible that he screwed up and could have and should have attended the Top Prospects game. If that's the case, then he screwed up - and 17 year olds have been known to screw up once or twice and it's not the end of the world.

Eddie Vedder

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Sep 8, 2003
take it from someone with a strained lower back right now, 2 6 hours flights accross the country would be murder. i wouldnt be able to walk after.

that being said, i havent stopped playing but im not doing anything silly.

Crosby wants to make sure rimouski wins, which is a lot more noble then trying to raise his own stock in an allstar game. im disappointed he didnt play but if he says he was hurt, he was hurt. anyone claiming otherwise is just talking out of their butt.


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Mar 27, 2002
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Sammy said:
Wow. So I take it you agreed he lied?
BTW, if thats his excuse, hopefully he doesnt play in the west as a pro, he might only play arounf 50% of the time.
I think common sense tells one that he really didnt feel like going & he saw no real upside to attending. Now I have my views on that, but anyway you slice it, if thats the reason, he lied .

What you failed to take into account, is that the Prospects game meant absolutely nothing as far as the standings go, whereas Rimouski is battling for a division lead. I think he should be commended for sticking with his team, instead of possibly missing time with his club to play in some out-of-league competition (a.k.a Mario Lemieux).


Vlad The Impaler said:
But that's the problem. Why wouldn't this game be in his best interests?

It was in his best interests to attend, unless I am missing something. How can anyone rational not see that anybody interested in making a career out of this will attend if they can?

It's so ****ing obvious, it's almost comical. Especially with the lack of CBA. There is a slight but still very real possibility Crosby will loophole himself out of the draft and become a free agent.

His performances right now are not only vital to get a 1st overall spot and a maximum rookie bonus. There is a slight possibility he could score big time pro money right from the get go. His agent has certainly acknowledged it is on their mind. Crosby is certainly aware of it. So every solid showcase can improve his stock not only as a draftee but as a potential free agent.

You think he missed that game, and in the process created all that talk by mouthbreathers just for fun?

Yeah, right.

No matter how you cut it, not attending this game is definitly NOT a good thing. Unless you think his whole crew and himself are braindead, tell me how the **** am I supposed to believe they thought it just wouldn't be in his best interests?

It raises question about his durability.

It is a missed opportunity to impress the whole scouting community.

It pisses off people.

It allows the usual braindead scrutinizing fans to hit on young guys like they do all the time and gossip.

It's not good, no matter how you cut it.
I disagree with you Vlad. Obviously its all guess work but I think his handlers saw absolutly no upside in playing this game, whether healthy or not, & thats why he didnt play. The game could not improve on his #1 status that he is gauranteed, but could (not would) only raise questions.

Jason MacIsaac

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Jan 13, 2004
Halifax, NS
Unbiased Canadian said:
Everyone has a right to voice their opinion on Crosby, Don Cherry included.

I for one agree with what he has to say. Most of the time I hate Cherry, but this time I got his back.
Don Cherry is a jackass. He also said Perry will be the best NHL'er out of the players on the Team Canada WJC team. How biased can he be. He also takes credit for Mississauga when it was clear he made an ass of himself trying to build that team. Not untill they got rid of him did they start to become good. Anything Crosby says about a prospect I rip up and throw in the garbage.

Vlad The Impaler

Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Sammy said:
I disagree with you Vlad. Obviously its all guess work but I think his handlers saw absolutly no upside in playing this game, whether healthy or not, & thats why he didnt play. The game could not improve on his #1 status that he is gauranteed, but could (not would) only raise questions.

That strikes me as highly doubtful. He'd have to be handled by absolute morons for this to be the case. They've already salivated openly at the prospect he might escape the draft and hit free agency.

The game and his presence could IMO improve his status under that context at the very least.

As for his status under the draft, the game might not have improved it, but it carried little risks of losing ground. He was not going to fall to #2 because of that game. The worse thing he could do for his draft status was in fact not to attend. And even that will not be enough to kick him out of #1 spot unless Jack Johnson is as good as some people make him sound (highly doubtful).

This whole thing sounds like Ovechkin's "faked" injury at the WJC. It's just an example of how scrutinity can go absolutely overboard.

I do think Crosby has been overrated by many but he remains a character kid according to everything I have read and heard about him. He's showed up everywhere he's played. The kid has the right attitude on the ice.

He just doesn't strike me as the kind of softie who would be protected by his agent and piss off a lot of people by not attending just because the game can't improve his draft status. Even less when the worse thing he can do to his draft status is to not attend and when there is more at stake than draft status but also a potential free agent status for which all bets are off if he reaches it.

Just my opinion, but I'd be more inclined to see the possibility if I could see what he had to gain by not attending. I don't see anything at all. All I see is that he is worse off for not attending. I fail to see how his agent could come to a different opinion. But I am willing to listen :D

Psycho Papa Joe

Porkchop Hoser
Feb 27, 2002
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theo_60 said:
Now I know Crosby missed out on the Russia/Canada Challenge and the Top Prospects game, but would Don Cherry shut up already. I just watched Sportsnet and heard him say on the fan590 how he wasnt impressed with Crosby missing the Top Prospects game. Well hello Mr. Perfect, were you not the one who was too good to come to Saskatoon for the exact same event?

That's what I thought Don, SHUT UP!
I agree with Cherry on a certain level. The game needs it's brightest star in order to help create interest and fans. Not having him, may hurt the games marketability. IMO Crosby owes something to the CHL for helping him to develop into the hockey player he is today and the #1 undrafted prospect in the world. Crosby and his people are coming off a somewhat selfish from where I stand.


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Feb 21, 2003
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We have been through the decision so many times now that I am tempted to start agreeing with the pro-Crosby crown that the criticism is starting to sound vindictive. Time to move on....

As to Cherry, you can love him or hate him but his JOB is to say things that are controversial so that people will listen, call in, get excited, post, or in some other way get into the game and listen/watch not only him but the TV networks and others who feed off him. But...does anyone REALLY care what he thinks about Crosby or anyone else????

Jason MacIsaac

Registered User
Jan 13, 2004
Halifax, NS
Psycho Joe said:
I agree with Cherry on a certain level. The game needs it's brightest star in order to help create interest and fans. Not having him, may hurt the games marketability. IMO Crosby owes something to the CHL for helping him to develop into the hockey player he is today and the #1 undrafted prospect in the world. Crosby and his people are coming off a somewhat selfish from where I stand.
It isn't as if there really is a new market of people to adress in Canada. If the game was in the USA somewhere then maybe this could be the case. I think the publicity he caused by not playing is greater then any had he showed up so in a way interest and fans awareness went up.


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Mar 27, 2002
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Psycho Joe said:
IMO Crosby owes something to the CHL for helping him to develop into the hockey player he is today and the #1 undrafted prospect in the world. Crosby and his people are coming off a somewhat selfish from where I stand.

Doesn't he also owe something to his team? Whatever happened to being a team player? To me, it seems more unselfish of Crosby to stay in Rimouski and get healthy, so he can help out his team. Especially considering the fact that he was probably looking forward to playing at the prospects game all season.


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Jan 1, 2004
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Didn`t the Q teams that were to play Rimouski over the World Juniors all reschedule their games (since Crosby packs every arena he goes to) so now Crosby has the most hectic schedule from now to the end of the season of any player in the CHL? If this is true you really can`t blame the guy for missing the top prospect`s game.

Vlad The Impaler

Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Chelios said:
Didn`t the Q teams that were to play Rimouski over the World Juniors all reschedule their games (since Crosby packs every arena he goes to) so now Crosby has the most hectic schedule from now to the end of the season of any player in the CHL? If this is true you really can`t blame the guy for missing the top prospect`s game.

The schedule was indeed built so that Crosby misses as little Q time as possible while playing for team Canada. It is 100% true. The kid is money everywhere they play.


lalalaprise -twitter
Feb 28, 2002
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Vlad The Impaler said:
The schedule was indeed built so that Crosby misses as little Q time as possible while playing for team Canada. It is 100% true. The kid is money everywhere they play.

This was brought about because teams complained about getting a RIM game during the World Juniors.

From DEC 12 to JAN 6 Rimouski only played 4 games, all at home.


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Dec 13, 2002
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Honestly, i can't understand why you are battling to decided if the game was important or not for him. In both case, the choice was still ok imo...

Crosby have play a very good game just before the chl-game, yes. Could he was exhausted and little hurt still, suffering little pain in his back like he said? Yes.

Crosby play another very good game just after the chl-game, yes. Doesnt that mean he wasn't suffering a little pain that a week-end break bring down a bit? No.

All in all, the decision was a good thing for his team (as his points production shows) They are battling for the best position they can get comes playoffs time and the battle is between a good bunch of teams.

Situation 1: The game was important. Well, his team first.
Situation 2: The game was useless for him. Thanks god he makes his team more important to him than this game.

Imo, he could have play this game, this is evidence. But the point is: been able to play a game doesnt mean you lie, you can also be suffering from little injuries.


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Sep 27, 2002
MrMastodonFarm said:
Don Cherry and Brendan Shanahan are two amazing hypocrites. Both will preach till there heads turn read about more offence but lamblast a guy for being creative.

Wasn't it Shanny boy who got upset after Crosby's lacrosse goal saying he would never be dumb enough to try to do that in the NHL. Yet a couple weeks ago when he was doing his sermon on the mound he said the NHL should crack down on obstruction so guys like Crosby can flaunt their skill.

I don't think it's hypocritical at all.

I thought the lacrosse goal was fun to watch, but that's not creativity; that's showboating. There is a difference. The play itself was completely impractical. Crosby went out of his way to impress the crowd; that he actually scored on the play was a bonus.

That said, I have nothing against the kid. But you can't blame Shanahan or Cherry for their reactions.
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Feb 2, 2004
Vlad The Impaler said:
It's so ****ing obvious, it's almost comical. Especially with the lack of CBA. There is a slight but still very real possibility Crosby will loophole himself out of the draft and become a free agent.


What BS that is.

If Crosby can somehow get to be a free agent without playing one year on the professional level, what is to stop all of the other players from doing so?

That would ruin the concept of the draft and would hurt hockey more then this stupid lockout.

Pat Brisson (Crosby’s agent) had a quote in my local paper relating to Don Cherry “He’s more an entertainer and a clown then someone whose opinion I would respect â€

This coming from the PR mouthpiece of Crosby who is only in it for the $(future Goodenow)

Don Cherry is harmless and has a HELL of a lot more respect and experience then Pat ever will.

I can’t wait to hear Cherry if there is no draft this year and Crosby wants to leave his junior team.
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