Do the Canucks Make the Playoffs - Place your bets and lets see!


Registered User
Mar 14, 2018
You have to think it's slim odds they pull it off. But in this age of covid I think it's more likely to see teams crumble than usual. Sort of like when you play Mario Kart and are in last place, but you win in the home stretch because the 5 cars ahead of you all get in a pile up.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2006
No. 2022 will be the year where we will be relevant again. JR and his GM will make changes in the offseason, and the team will make playoffs next year. Truth is, the 72 year old cannot afford to wait. dont mind getting a pick in the 10-15 range to select from a decent pool of RHDs in the top end.


Registered User
Feb 20, 2015
I dunno, I’m looking at the way they’ve been playing and thinking this is more than just a result of a coaching change where they would regress back to being mediocre. As JR said in different words: subtracting two good players can lead to a team crashing and adding two can make them soar. I don’t think this team is very far away….
Just thinking that adding a couple of replacement caliber players like Sutter and Highmore would make this team more whole. A 4th line of Sutter between Motte and Highmore allows Dickinson to move to the wing. All of a sudden this looks like a solid forward group.
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Registered User
Aug 11, 2015
I will go with yes not because I am super confident in them but because the whole western conference is pretty bad this year. I expect the Blues (one of the worst teams analytically) and Ducks to come back to earth. And I think one or both of the Jets and Oilers will just explode down the stretch making major changes.
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Registered User
Oct 12, 2011
No. It's not like we've dominated the games we've won

2 of them were shootout wins.

1 of them was a nailbiter to the last minute vs a very depleted contender.

1 of them was the best comeback we've made in literally 5 years.

Only one win out of the 5 was a convincing victory.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy with the teams performance and the wins, and I'm even more happy for how happy and energized the players look. But I don't think this means we're going to play at a 105 - 110 point pace the rest of the season which is probably required to be in striking distance of the playoffs. And I think it's important that we sell at the deadline.
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Registered User
May 31, 2018
I'm not ruling them out anymore, look they're going to lose eventually but I like Boudreaus philosophy if they win the week of games they gain points. I feel they could be fighting for a wildcard spot if they keep this style of play up and Demko stays healthy.


21-12-05 it's finally over.
Dec 22, 2006
No but we'll have fun at least watching hockey until the end of the year.

Maybe some kind of covid playoffs happen again and we do but otherwise no.


Registered User
Jul 11, 2014
In any normal division in hockey, the Canucks would be dead and buried by now despite their recent hot streak.....but this is the Pacific Division we're talking about here....hardly a murderer's row of teams.

I figured it might take at least until January for the Canucks to climb back to within four points of a wildcard.....but here they are more than a week before Christmas and they're back in in it, at least on paper.

Demko could be the make it or break it guy in terms of a playoff spot.....he gives the team at least a shot at wining every single night. If I was a betting man, I'd say they just squeeze in. But a lot will depend on injuries and depth.


Registered User
Jan 15, 2020
in da hood
I think the Canucks have the same chance as playoffs as that of Gabby not using a swear word for the entire duration of the teams christmas party...

Just don't see it happening.
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Registered User
Sep 5, 2015
Of course they make the playoffs.
I said they would at the beginning of the year.


Registered User
May 24, 2011
Vancouver - Mt. Pleasant
If they can get 66 points in the next 50 games, they have decent shot at making the play-offs. So that would be a 30-15-6 record. That's a .660 P%, which over a whole 82 game season, is very difficult to maintain, but a lot of teams have good stretches like that through the course of the season. Through about 30 games, there are 7 teams playing above that .660 clip. Canucks have to have their good stretch in the 2nd half of the season. I think they will at least take a good run at it.


Registered User
Jun 24, 2021
As the roster is currently constructed, unlikely.

I think their odds vastly improve if Rutherford is able to make a move or two to solidify the defense though.


Registered User
Apr 19, 2015
As long as the Coilers miss the playoffs I'll be happy enough.

I can be pretty negative at times but I always have faith in the boys. I think we'll get in
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