Daily Check In - Part Duex


Chief Justice of the HFNYR Court
Jul 12, 2004
Fell off the gym wagon for four (!) months. Amazingly, gained only five pounds. Composition and strength are totally shot though :laugh:


Registered User
Jul 9, 2012
Pittsburgh, USA
Feeling much better today. Pistol Squat is almost back to my max from the beginning of the year. Other lifts were strong as well. We'll see if I have enough to bike and rock climb after work. Sadly, it's getting quite hot outside so maybe an easier ride.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
Forgot about this thread, haven't been playing around on HFB much lately in the off-season.

Anyway, nothing major lately aside from lifts going up or hanging around the same. No injuries to report and all workouts are feeling great. Bulgarian Squats to the floor are up to 70x6 , RDL 265-275 for 8-10 (love that stretch!), and BB rows (with hooks to save my tendons which are an ongoing issue) are up to 255x12. All up from weeks prior, and up A LOT from months prior. Just keeping it going!

The best news is that I finally hit 315 on flat bench, after reaching 300 in Jan. and having problems increasing rep volume with heavier-than-I'm-used-to weight. 280x2 was my best recent set, and I almost didn't get it. Back around March my friend planned to visit me this weekend in August, and we planned to attempt a 315 bench. He only got 295 (he had a larger gap to clear to 315, so his progress was still great), and I had to push him to try it. He didn't want to go much past 275 but I could tell he had it in him and talked him into it. I love getting people past their mental limits!

With the recent tough luck for multi-rep sets, I wasn't going to even bother with 300 until the last minute. With him there, I figured it was the best time to try since I usually lift solo. I smoked it so hard I almost threw the barbell into his face. I didn't believe him at first when he said he didn't touch it. After that, 315 was in my sights and I nailed that as well. I won't do 1RM work for a while again, but hopefully that helps me mentally for the coming weeks!


Registered User
Apr 9, 2007
Someone broke into my car and stole my gym bag last night. My gym clothes, shoes, lifting belt and headphones are gone. :(


Registered User
Apr 9, 2007
Officially a new years resolutioner. Last year was a bad year in the gym for me, so I'm resolved to getting back in and being more consistent. Gotta get back in the habit of eating big and lifting heavy.

Today was deadlifts and I left the gym feeling better than I have in a long time. Did way better than I had expected to, 295 for a fairly easy rep, which surprised me since I'm down about 20lbs from the last time I tested my maxes and hadn't deadlifted much since probably May, and my last tested max was 340. Went better than my bench day yesterday. We'll see how squats feel on Saturday, because I have a feeling I'm going to need a few days off after that deadlift session.

Goals for the year are basically just to undo the damage done this year. Get back to 150-160lbs bodyweight, 205lb bench, 285lb Squat, 350lb Deadlift. Pretty confident I can do it.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
Been a while since I popped into this thread. Let's make sure nobody is falling off the wagon as the months start to pass in the new year.

A couple months ago a gym buddy of mine was saying how he wanted to do some sled pulls together sometime. My routine + hockey allowed for zero variation so it never really worked out. One Saturday he arrived while I was halfway done, so I decided to skip the rest of my routine and go work in w/him to do rack pulls. I'd always done them from below the knee to help my deadlift, but he was doing them about 6-8" above the knee. I hadn't done any sort of rack pull in over a decade thanks to injury, a lack of proper-height racks at the new gym I joined, more injuries, and other focus. So I worked in and we both got up to a 765 single, then as good as 585x10 on the way down from that. This work led to us making a Saturday plan to lift, and I've been leading our efforts to drop the rack height each week. As of last week we're now pulling FROM the knee, which is hitting our hamstrings much more (a focus of both of ours). As well, I hit 765 while he missed 4 attempts. After 2 failed attempts I suggested to cut his losses or take a LONG rest before a 3rd, but he tried to push too much and just missed. He'll probably get it this week though, he's a beast. I suppose I am too, as he's got 50lbs. on me.

So anyway, after those rack pulls last week, we FINALLY moved onto using the sled! I'd never done sled pulls before so I wasn't sure how humbled I'd be. Surprisingly I almost ran with him until we hit 15 plates (plus a 2.5, which I added so he could hit a PR!). That was a 707lb. load on rubber-coated flooring. We used a battle rope to pull hand over hand, and our distance was about 20 feet per pull. Did 7 sets of that starting with 3 plates and adding a pair up to 15.

I tell ya, that was freakin brutal after the rack work. I had him so amped that he added 2 more plates on top of that and made yet another PR. I was sticking more to a pulling movement w/my back using my legs for support, he was getting his entire body into it and using his legs to help push. I need to work on that fluid movement to get as much assistance as I can, although the way I was doing it did indeed burn up my legs a bit and my calves FOR SURE.

What I love is that this has been on Saturday, and my leg day after my weekly hockey game*s* is Friday or bust. So I go in with weakened hammies and need them for this strongman and powerlifting style workout. Ha!

Here's a pic of the sled:


Also started reading up a lot on Vince Gironda for my bodybuilding purposes. Began w/doing Gironda/sternum pullups which I'd known about forever, since my tendinitis keeps bothering me during traditional pullups or chins. With these, it's almost unbothered. So, I began with them, love em, and read more about VG. I found about his style of dips, a wide, palms OUT grip, chin tucked, feet forward and body in a "V" shape. WOW do those hit your pecs in a different way than traditional dips. I was doing dips w/70lbs. strapped on at the end of my workout, and have done them with 100+ strapped on in the past. Still, bodyweight Gironda dips are H-A-R-D! They eliminate your triceps as much as possible (as least when you have the palms-out grip, though you can do palms-in but I find it hits your triceps a bit more) and put all the stress onto your pecs. The idea behind it is to impact the low/outer pec line, and that's what I want out of it. I can't be certain but I swear, when pumped, I see a huge difference already considering I've only been doing them for 3 weeks.

Continuing on with the Gironda methods and theories, in reading up about this stuff I also found his thoughts on ab training. He was an advocate of the stomach vacuum, with which many of you may be familiar in regards to posing. Here, he recommended a set of timed-reps, holding the vacuum and contracting the tranverse abdominis. I started with 10-second holds for 5 reps per set, 5 sets total. It was tough mentally, tough to sort out your breathing, and tough to really hold true. I did that 2-3x per week and quickly got up to 10 reps for 5 sets, and now 20-seconds for 5 sets. I've read his suggestion was 10-second reps, 10 reps, 10 sets per session. I've also read other suggestions from folks who carry on the Gironda training methods/gym, that 20-second reps and beyond (up to 60-second reps - YIKES) are the aim. Whatever the case, I'll just try to improve. I haven't done a single crunch or anything in 3 weeks, and again I can't be certain but I SWEAR I can already see a visible difference in my serratus...even when not pumped. I'm not shredded by any sense, but am pretty lean in my good areas. Abs are not one of em. So to see a difference here, already, is quite inspiring. I just hope it continues; once I shed some fat it should all look better than ever.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2012
Pittsburgh, USA
Wow, impressive feats!

I'm still plugging away as usual. The biggest change recently has been going from Pistol Squats to Skater Squats. Similar to the feeling of Bulgarian Split Squats, which I can't do because of groin issues, the Skater Squats feel like a much more balanced squat in terms of hip/glute recruitment. I got to a point with the PS where I wasn't happy with my form and it was also causing too much internal pressure, as if every attempt felt like I was making out (think holding your breath and pushing out against your abs). Anyways, the SS feels so much better right now and I wish I had started them earlier.

An Unnamed Single Leg Gem of an Exercise | T Nation

Also are doing some simple plyometrics. Just jump squats and alternating lunge jumps. Hoping/expecting them to help my sprints on the bike. We'll see. Either way, they are simple to incorporate and seem to be a great bang-for-your buck exercise. You'll know that you did them the following day.
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Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
Wow, impressive feats!

I'm still plugging away as usual. The biggest change recently has been going from Pistol Squats to Skater Squats. Similar to the feeling of Bulgarian Split Squats, which I can't do because of groin issues, the Skater Squats feel like a much more balanced squat in terms of hip/glute recruitment. I got to a point with the PS where I wasn't happy with my form and it was also causing too much internal pressure, as if every attempt felt like I was making out (think holding your breath and pushing out against your abs). Anyways, the SS feels so much better right now and I wish I had started them earlier.

An Unnamed Single Leg Gem of an Exercise | T Nation

Also are doing some simple plyometrics. Just jump squats and alternating lunge jumps. Hoping/expecting them to help my sprints on the bike. We'll see. Either way, they are simple to incorporate and seem to be a great bang-for-your buck exercise. You'll know that you did them the following day.

I'm sure I've seen those in the past but never really paid attention to them. What I find funny is my usual pre-hockey warmup includes a couple sets of 8-10 of those in full gear before I hit the ice, to loosen up and warm up my legs!


Jan 12, 2011
Hell of a day of training for still being in February. :yo:

40 minute swim
4h 15m ride
20 minute run

Samuel Culper III

Mr. Woodhull...
Jan 15, 2007
I can’t believe I’ve never ventured to this part of the boards before. I live in the gym. I’m currently considering whether or not to re-enlist (just under 2 years remaining on my contract) and have enrolled in NASM certification using my TA. If I don’t stay in I’ll let my wife be the main bread winner and just try to make a living training.

I had probably been barely reaching maintenance calories/running a deficit pretty consistently the last few years. My lifts were all solid but I didn’t look as strong as I am. My buddy finally convinced me to eat a surplus starting on 1 Jan and the progress has been great. I hate being over 10% BF but I’ve put on several pounds and the muscles look fuller. Lifts are going up as well.

PR’d back squat this week at 445lb and it went up really nice. I’m 5’9 193. Was about 182 before the new year. Powerlifting meet coming up March 17. I did this meet last year as well and placed 4th. Placing was determined by total/body weight. I competed at 180 and put up 1145. I’ll compete at 195ish this year and I’m hoping to best 1250. If I have a good day I’ll break 1k on squat/deadlift so 1275+ isn’t out of the question.
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Cynical Wild fan
Jul 28, 2015
I finally visited this forum yesterday. I've been trying to improve my body and build muscle. I'm 6'0", 151 lbs, and have been a long-distance runner for the last 15 years. So, I'm a beanpole. However, over the last year I've been working on building all-around body strength and mass. I go to my apartment complex's gym daily to run and work on legs, shoulders, and arms (each done on a separate day). (The gym is small and the types of lifts I can do are limited but I make it work.) I have also been doing abs, pull-ups, and dips a few times a week for about a 15 months now.

My strength has been improving and my muscles are more well-defined. [My body is super leaned out and ripped (I guess?).] However, I'm not "bulking up." I don't want to look massive; just more well-built. I likely need to eat more but just feel really guilty about eating so much food. Did anyone else struggle with this? I also want to eat healthy and don't want a "dirty bulk."

Samuel Culper III

Mr. Woodhull...
Jan 15, 2007
I finally visited this forum yesterday. I've been trying to improve my body and build muscle. I'm 6'0", 151 lbs, and have been a long-distance runner for the last 15 years. So, I'm a beanpole. However, over the last year I've been working on building all-around body strength and mass. I go to my apartment complex's gym daily to run and work on legs, shoulders, and arms (each done on a separate day). (The gym is small and the types of lifts I can do are limited but I make it work.) I have also been doing abs, pull-ups, and dips a few times a week for about a 15 months now.

My strength has been improving and my muscles are more well-defined. [My body is super leaned out and ripped (I guess?).] However, I'm not "bulking up." I don't want to look massive; just more well-built. I likely need to eat more but just feel really guilty about eating so much food. Did anyone else struggle with this? I also want to eat healthy and don't want a "dirty bulk."

I am a human garbage disposal so eating more was never a problem for me. Over the years I refined my shopping to ensure that 90% of what I keep in the house is healthy and learned how my body reacts to certain foods. I don’t eat a lot of bread, even fresh whole grain, healthy bread because it bloats me up. It’s not unhealthy, I just learned that my body doesn’t process wheat very well. I also get like 50% of my calories from protein and 25/25 from carbs/fats. If you eat a relatively high protein diet (40/30/30 is a more normal breakdown) and learn to keep junk out of your house, it’s easy to clean bulk. I never feel bad about adding an extra egg to my breakfast or grabbing a protein bar or some rolled up cold cuts if I’m hungry.
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Cynical Wild fan
Jul 28, 2015
I am a human garbage disposal so eating more was never a problem for me. Over the years I refined my shopping to ensure that 90% of what I keep in the house is healthy and learned how my body reacts to certain foods. I don’t eat a lot of bread, even fresh whole grain, healthy bread because it bloats me up. It’s not unhealthy, I just learned that my body doesn’t process wheat very well. I also get like 50% of my calories from protein and 25/25 from carbs/fats. If you eat a relatively high protein diet (40/30/30 is a more normal breakdown) and learn to keep junk out of your house, it’s easy to clean bulk. I never feel bad about adding an extra egg to my breakfast or grabbing a protein bar or some rolled up cold cuts if I’m hungry.
I don't eat unhealthy to say the least. My worst offenses are fruit snacks (Welch's) and chocolate chip granola bars. Though, I should swap those with more fruit and protein bars (as far as which protein bar, I'm not sure). For breakfast, I used to eat cereal but have changed to an oatmeal mix (oats, sweetener, cinnamon, walnuts, raisins, and milk). I do also drink whey protein shakes (with milk) after lifting and eat light Greek yogurt with some raisins, bananas, and granola a few times a week.

I'll track my calories the next few days and see where I'm ending up. Apparently, I should be getting 3000 calories for maintaining.

Samuel Culper III

Mr. Woodhull...
Jan 15, 2007
After a 445 PR on back squat a few days ago I hit three doubles at 425 today. I’m sure I will PR again soon, probably a few times. I’ve definitely broken a plateau with legs. I did just buy an Inzer lever belt which had me pretty pumped. I can still go a hole tighter as well when it breaks in a little bit.

I’m considering starting to pull my deads with squat stance but it feels so awkward. I hate sumo pulls and don’t do it at all. I feel like with the squat stance (slightly wider than traditional with arms just inside knees) I can leverage more power out of my quads but my cues are all messed up and it just doesn’t feel right. I’ll keep practicing to see if I can make it work but I’ll probably just return to pulling traditional.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
After a 445 PR on back squat a few days ago I hit three doubles at 425 today. I’m sure I will PR again soon, probably a few times. I’ve definitely broken a plateau with legs. I did just buy an Inzer lever belt which had me pretty pumped. I can still go a hole tighter as well when it breaks in a little bit.

I’m considering starting to pull my deads with squat stance but it feels so awkward. I hate sumo pulls and don’t do it at all. I feel like with the squat stance (slightly wider than traditional with arms just inside knees) I can leverage more power out of my quads but my cues are all messed up and it just doesn’t feel right. I’ll keep practicing to see if I can make it work but I’ll probably just return to pulling traditional.

I've got the 10mm lever belt - you're gonna love it!


RIP Fugu Buffaloed & parabola
Mar 27, 2008
Welcome aboard. This forum isn't as active as it was in the past, but there are some regulars here who still contribute. @ColePens hasn't been seen training hard in quite some time...

This board was murdered by the migration. I completely forgot about it. :laugh: And how dare you. I'm still going strong. As we say - lifestyle change. It's impossible to fall off the wagon now. I'm committed for life.

But i'll meet you at Butterjoint for a burger any evening. :yo:

Samuel Culper III

Mr. Woodhull...
Jan 15, 2007
I’m finding myself struggling with my deads lately. I’m still hitting 505-515 on my max effort days, but I’ve had a heck of a time hitting 515 and about 4 months ago I was hitting 535-545 with regularity. I’m not sure where I’m leaking power right now or if it’s just a bit of a mental thing but I want to hit a good 540 pull just to reaffirm I’ve still got it locked in when push comes to shove.

Ultimately I would like to get into some competitions beyond my local, casual stuff and I really want to get my dead over 600 and my squat over 500. Squat is progressing nicely but dead is stalled out. I think those would be solid starting points for my weight class for some amateur competitions.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2012
Pittsburgh, USA
This board was murdered by the migration. I completely forgot about it. :laugh: And how dare you. I'm still going strong. As we say - lifestyle change. It's impossible to fall off the wagon now. I'm committed for life.

But i'll meet you at Butterjoint for a burger any evening. :yo:

Do they have veggie burgers?


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