COVID-19 Megathread (Please limit all COVID discussion to this thread)

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Hey! You suck!
Jan 20, 2014
Shelbyville, TN
But you're not counting the protests by those wanting to open earlier. That's interesting.
The scale is considerably different. I mean the largest of the Covid protests were what? A couple of hundred people at best? And that might be generous.

Not to mention anything caused by those has already cycled through the system.
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iNsErT bAnNeR jOkE hErE
Mar 4, 2013
La la land
The scale is considerably different. I mean the largest of the Covid protests were what? A couple of hundred people at best? And that might be generous.

Not to mention anything caused by those has already cycled through the system.
I think it generally takes 14 days to be sure. Seems like the inital
‘Open up’ rallies or whatever would have been spiking last week maybe? Agrees those crowd sizes didnt hold a candle to what we’ve been seeing this past week. Truly historic and in the context of the pandemic probably a second wave accelerant.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2007
And Nashville won’t enter phase 3. While there isn’t any problem with hospitals (except they’re losing money and laying off nurses) dictator John Cooper is using increases numbers of covid as an example to put his foot on the neck of businesses. More testing = more cases. Did you notice the health dept told everyone who participated in protests to go get tested? Thereby increasing the numbers to warrant shutdowns.
So so political....


iNsErT bAnNeR jOkE hErE
Mar 4, 2013
La la land
So oddly inflammatory and, well, unbounded by any logic to think a political leader benefits in any way by limiting business. Just clearly detached from common sense really.

and if you were in a public space and didnt keep to the social distancing - yes. Should get tested. We. Still. Don’t. Have. A. Vaccine.
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Registered User
Aug 5, 2007
We.May. Never. Have. A. Vaccine.

Increased numbers of positive tests aren’t the main barometer. WHICH IS WHAT COOPER IS USING.

Even predsv82 agrees
Agree that at this point increased cases is at least in part due to increased testing and hospitalization and ICU cases is the most important number to watch. All the protests are almost certainly going to increase the number of cases everywhere but if the hospitalization numbers dont spike then that's a pretty good (although unscientific) study of what mass gatherings, outdoors, in warm weather does to COVID.

And you don’t live in Nashville and see the impact. I imagine you have a job. An awful lot of people are hurting financially.

And if you don’t think politicians have an agenda, LOL.
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Eudora Wannabe
Jun 18, 2005
Hermitage TN
Well, they do have agendas but I don't think widespread financial ruin would be a logical one.

I agree that the numbers to follow now are deaths, ICU cases and hospitalizations. Warm weather should make the numbers fall faster, if it acts like a normal flu. Problem of course is what happens in the fall when we all think we're done with the danger. I don't think it'll be like in 1918 when the Spanish flu had a resurgence. We are aware of flu trends at this point, they most likely were not.

We'll get a vaccine. Most vaccines take over a year to develop, though, so it will take awhile. I would take one for this.


RIP Steve
Jan 18, 2014
Fall Branch, Tn.
Of course there will be a vaccine, maybe have to tweak it each year like flu but given the $$$$$ to make with worldwide demand. Lots of companies want a bite into that juicy apple.
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iNsErT bAnNeR jOkE hErE
Mar 4, 2013
La la land
We.May. Never. Have. A. Vaccine.

Increased numbers of positive tests aren’t the main barometer. WHICH IS WHAT COOPER IS USING.

Even predsv82 agrees
Agree that at this point increased cases is at least in part due to increased testing and hospitalization and ICU cases is the most important number to watch. All the protests are almost certainly going to increase the number of cases everywhere but if the hospitalization numbers dont spike then that's a pretty good (although unscientific) study of what mass gatherings, outdoors, in warm weather does to COVID.

And you don’t live in Nashville and see the impact. I imagine you have a job. An awful lot of people are hurting financially.

And if you don’t think politicians have an agenda, LOL.

all politicians have agendas. No politicians’ agenda includes policies that would drive down taxable revenue, which is what you were saying while calling a duly elected politician a dictator.

no company has yet said a vaccine is impossible. Many are reporting really promising initial results
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RIP Steve
Jan 18, 2014
Fall Branch, Tn.
As-of 6/8/20



Registered User
Mar 19, 2012
So, did anyone see the report today that basically says that asymptomatic Coronavirus carriers spreading the virus to others is "very rare"?

Realizing you have to take any report now days with a grain of salt, because it really seems like no one really knows what the heck they are talking about on anything regarding this virus.

BUT- if that it true (and all recent numbers certainly point in that direction) then it is just another piece of evidence that shutting down the country for months was a colossal mistake.

No need for healthy people with no symptoms to wear masks and certainly no reason for any of the remaining restrictions on the economy/business/sports. It is time for sports WITH FANS.

Also means that all these fear headlines about increases in cases alone should not be causing anyone to panic or make dumb public policy decisions

If true, then its pretty simple- if you are actually sick with symptoms- THEN you need to stay home- away from people.

Otherwise it is time to get back to normal and try to start repairing our broken economy.


iNsErT bAnNeR jOkE hErE
Mar 4, 2013
La la land
So, did anyone see the report today that basically says that asymptomatic Coronavirus carriers spreading the virus to others is "very rare"?

Realizing you have to take any report now days with a grain of salt, because it really seems like no one really knows what the heck they are talking about on anything regarding this virus.

BUT- if that it true (and all recent numbers certainly point in that direction) then it is just another piece of evidence that shutting down the country for months was a colossal mistake.

No need for healthy people with no symptoms to wear masks and certainly no reason for any of the remaining restrictions on the economy/business/sports. It is time for sports WITH FANS.

Also means that all these fear headlines about increases in cases alone should not be causing anyone to panic or make dumb public policy decisions

If true, then its pretty simple- if you are actually sick with symptoms- THEN you need to stay home- away from people.

Otherwise it is time to get back to normal and try to start repairing our broken economy.
Man, if its true that will be great news! If we are able to get back to something more normal it will do us all a load of good. I’ve heard about this report, but haven’t seen it yet.


Trade Saros
Aug 13, 2007
So, did anyone see the report today that basically says that asymptomatic Coronavirus carriers spreading the virus to others is "very rare"?

Realizing you have to take any report now days with a grain of salt, because it really seems like no one really knows what the heck they are talking about on anything regarding this virus.

BUT- if that it true (and all recent numbers certainly point in that direction) then it is just another piece of evidence that shutting down the country for months was a colossal mistake.

No need for healthy people with no symptoms to wear masks and certainly no reason for any of the remaining restrictions on the economy/business/sports. It is time for sports WITH FANS.

Also means that all these fear headlines about increases in cases alone should not be causing anyone to panic or make dumb public policy decisions

If true, then its pretty simple- if you are actually sick with symptoms- THEN you need to stay home- away from people.

Otherwise it is time to get back to normal and try to start repairing our broken economy.

Nvm. Not worth the headache.

Edit... did you even read the article? It said pretty much the opposite of the conclusions you drew
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Registered User
Mar 19, 2012
Nvm. Not worth the headache.

Edit... did you even read the article? It said pretty much the opposite of the conclusions you drew

Yes of course I read it- as I stated, you have to treat anything regarding this virus with a huge grain of salt. Plenty of people are dismissing everything in this report because it comes from WHO.

And some of the findings in that report are completely contradictory.

Pretty much everyone, including Fauci, has been dead wrong at one point or another so who knows if anything in that report is correct- anyone who tells you they know anything for certain is lying.

But the part about the asymptomatic spread seems to follow the overall trend of positivity we have been seeing lately. So for me, I am treating it with guarded optimism.

But taking this report out of the discussion altogether, I still stand by my comments on the Country continuing forward with more aggressive opening up, including sports with fans.
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Registered User
Mar 7, 2019
There are definitely some pieces of evidence that seem to disagree with each other but that is par for the course for scientific studies. Still I don't think the overall crux of the issue is necessarily contradictory. Essentially they are saying the the risk of spread from people who never show any symptoms whatsoever is close to zero and that that group of people accounts for ~20% of cases. That is definitely positive news that a good chunk of people can get it and essentially not be at any risk of spreading it. The issue is that you can still have presymptomatic spread that can account for somewhere between 40-60% of transmissions. This presymptomatic spread is functionally the same thing as asymptomatic spread because you can spread the virus while having no idea that you have it.

As far as the anyone saying that they know anything for certain is lying I doubt that the epidemiologists would disagree with you. The nature of scientific research is that you test to see whether your assumptions are true and then readjust when they are proven wrong. We know substantially more now about the virus then we did in March so its not surprising that things will change regarding what experts think about the virus and what best practices are.

Porter Stoutheart

We Got Wood
Jun 14, 2017
So, did anyone see the report today that basically says that asymptomatic Coronavirus carriers spreading the virus to others is "very rare"?

Realizing you have to take any report now days with a grain of salt, because it really seems like no one really knows what the heck they are talking about on anything regarding this virus.

BUT- if that it true (and all recent numbers certainly point in that direction) then it is just another piece of evidence that shutting down the country for months was a colossal mistake.

No need for healthy people with no symptoms to wear masks and certainly no reason for any of the remaining restrictions on the economy/business/sports. It is time for sports WITH FANS.

Also means that all these fear headlines about increases in cases alone should not be causing anyone to panic or make dumb public policy decisions

If true, then its pretty simple- if you are actually sick with symptoms- THEN you need to stay home- away from people.

Otherwise it is time to get back to normal and try to start repairing our broken economy.
I don't see how anybody could say that. Whether the article said what you thought it did, or the complete opposite, or was entirely self-contradictory... if we had a definitive answer one way or the other today in June 2020, it still doesn't help us decide what to do in March 2020.

Shutting down can't possibly be categorized as a colossal mistake simply because the data we had at the time (or lack thereof) made the case on its own. I don't think anybody greenlighted a shutdown just for fun or without serious sober consideration to the ramifications. And yet in the face of the uncertainty - everything we knew, thought we knew, didn't know - at the time, the decision was made. It's impossible to categorize it as a mistake using only the benefit of hindsight and new data that wasn't available at the time.
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Registered User
Aug 5, 2007
Yes of course I read it- as I stated, you have to treat anything regarding this virus with a huge grain of salt. Plenty of people are dismissing everything in this report because it comes from WHO.

And some of the findings in that report are completely contradictory.

Pretty much everyone, including Fauci, has been dead wrong at one point or another so who knows if anything in that report is correct- anyone who tells you they know anything for certain is lying.

But the part about the asymptomatic spread seems to follow the overall trend of positivity we have been seeing lately. So for me, I am treating it with guarded optimism.

But taking this report out of the discussion altogether, I still stand by my comments on the Country continuing forward with more aggressive opening up, including sports with fans.

Yes and the asymptomatic aspect has been reported elsewhere where they have done extensive contact tracing, like in Japan.
Also, a lot of reporting out of Europe about kids and they are reopening schools, etc.

And in Nashville, the “rolling average “ of active cases went in two weeks from 87 to 98.......... and so nashville is stuck in phase 2. Different restaurants and gyms that were planning on reopening at 75% capacity in phase 3 wont do so now, and so are not opening. They would lose money. Ridiculous. The metro health dept director even said hospitals or icus have no problems.


iNsErT bAnNeR jOkE hErE
Mar 4, 2013
La la land
I want some of these brighter side findings to be totally true and stand up to testing, peer review, clinical study and all the rest of it. New viruses suck because its literally starting from square zero on whats true
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Registered User
Mar 7, 2019
What a failure of scientific communication and it is undoubtedly going to lead to more confusion and people doubting what the epidemiologists are saying. I get that the definitions of asymptomatic and presymptomatic may make sense for people within the field itself, but when having public press conferences all the confusion could be avoided by using more clear terminology.
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