Bluth Discussion Thread PT 7: Advance 1/18 @ 11PM CST

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x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011

Around late July/Early August I was in 3 GM leagues. In every league i noticed the same thing. Everyone trades away nearly half their team. I was completely guilty of this as well. Oddly enough, i seemed to be the only one who thinks picks and prospects have little value in this game mode when you consider we'll only most likely be playing 4-6 seasons for NHL 13 and even Elite Prospects start out in the 60's.

I became weary that in about a month when the winners and the losers start to become more separated that people wouldn't want to stick with a losing team and they'll end up quitting. This isn't including the people who chose the Blue Jackets, Islanders, Coyotes etc...teams that you have to know a rebuild is necessary before you pick them. These people will probably stay regardless. But the guys who chose the average/good teams who trade away large chunks of their roster and either...

a) aren't very good at the game and get frustrated

b) simply get bored with the game mode and stop playing/quit

...well these guy's teams will have to be replaced. Are people really going to want to join a Connected league in December when they chose a team and the roster isn't even recognizable? When all the players they associate a team with are gone? When a team has gone from a Playoff Contender to a team in Rebuild? Everyone might as well be doing random rosters if thats the case. I've also seen A LOT of really bad/lopsided trades (again, guilty myself) that while seemingly fine to the GM's currently involved, might not be ok and might even be terrible for the next GM to pick up the team.

When i created this league almost 2 months ago, i had all of these things in mind. Now, 2 months removed from then, i've seen a lot, if not most of these HF Boards GM Leagues either terribly inactive or completely shut down. I wanted to make a league that was immune to these processes. That offered a realistic experience for everyone. That kept things fresh for all 30 GMs involved through offering challenges and consistency day in and day out.

Drop outs are inevitable. These leagues probably wont be as fun for the people who are in the bottom 10 and realize they'll be stuck there 30 games into the season. My goal with limiting trades is that so when people do drop out (which will happen) the new people who join will still have a team they are semi-familiar with instead of a fantasy roster with NHL jerseys. If people dont drop out and decide to stick it out, they'll be rewarded with higher draft picks (obviously) but they'll also be rewarded with time to see their high draft picks become useful NHL players due to the amount of games i'll be simming. This means that there is usually a constant influx/outflux of GMs to this league. Which in turn means that anyone on my reserve list is nearly guranteed a team in a very short period of time. I only want the most active GMs in my league of course so i'm constantly weeding out inactive GMs.

If you're an aspiring member to The Bluth Company, this is my league. Welcome to it. Below are the rules that separate The Bluth Company from the rest...


-Game Schedule: 2 weeks=3 real days schedule, games will be played for 4 weeks, 6 real days, and then i will sim the 3rd 2 week, 3 real day period. This means that roughly 1/3rd of our season will be involuntarily simmed. This will be done so we can fit in a few more seasons and hopefully play about 7-9 seasons instead of 4-6. It has become a great blend of being both a talented player, and intelligent GM. With this extra seasons that are now allowed, growing your prospects for the future is now equally as important as utilizing your current players to their full potential.

Playing Your Opponent's CPU: In the Bluth Company we have a 3 day sim period that covers 2 weeks of NHL Games. GMs have 2 days to schedule their games. On the 3rd day, ONLY if you have made a honest effort to schedule a game with your opponent, either through HF Boards messaging or Xbox, can you then play your opponent's computer.

Messaging your opponents: Message your opponents! Its an almost statistical certainty that if you message all of your opponents you will get all or most of your games in that block and it is a Requirment for League Participation

2) When you message your opponents, all you need to do is the following...

-Go to the 1st page of either this thread or the Trade/Lineup thread
-Click the HF Username of your opponent, its a hyperlink to their PM Box
-Send them a message that looks like this...

Hey man i have you on my schedule this period. I'm available (Central Time)..
Today: 2:30-11pm
Wednesday: 9pm-11pm
Thursday: 11am-2pm, 8pm-11pm

Let me know which time works best for you

This is a league requirement. GMs not doing this will be subjected to other, active, GMs playing their team's CPU and/or be removed from the league due to inactivity. This is a League Rule because i automatically sim 1/3rd of the season already. That is the amount of games i've decided is the appropriate blend of actual skill at the game vs skill of managing your team. When you dont play your games, and force me to sim them, you're adding to the amount of simmed games per season, which disrupts the "Balance" of Play Skill vs GM skill.

DNF vs CPU: From now on, your DNF vs CPU is never allowed to be higher than 0%. If this happens, you'll be given 1 warning. After that warning, i'll kick you from the league again, resetting your DNF vs CPU back to 0%. If it goes above 0% again, you lose the privilege to play CPU games for the rest of the season. If your DNF vs CPU goes above 0% at any point after that, you'll lose the ability to play CPU games for as long as your in The Bluth Company.

-No trade can involve more than 4 Roster Players (combined from both teams)
-No trade can involve more than 6 total pieces (combined from both teams)

-GMs are allowed Two Trades Per Season. The specific Injury, Offseason, Regular Season, and Deadline moves have all been removed. Yes, even the Injury Trade. These two trades can be used at any time from Day 1 of the Offseason until the Trade Deadline.

This is the rule that both directly and indirectly separates this league from the rest. Trades are supposed to be a big deal. A trade is the literal removal of assets from your team in place of other assets in order to make the team better. Its not something that real GMs take lightly. The success of their team and their jobs depend on how well their decisions pan out. One of the major reasons so many other leagues unfortunately dont work out is because people get so excited about making trades that they forget their team needs, how close their team is to a cup, how these deals will impact their present and future. This isn't the case in The Bluth Company because of the above mentioned rules. GMs will have had two seasons to shape their team, to manage their cap, and plan for a Cup run or Rebuild.

Tanking: Any GM caught "Tanking" or trying to lose games on purpose, will be removed from the league, no questions asked.
Additional Bluth Company Rules: Effective Immediately

1) PLAYSTYLE: What is and Whats Not Allowed

Anything and everything is allowed in the Bluth Company. Shortside dekes, backhand-forehands on the breakaway, rebound goals, tying people up on faceoffs, wrist shots from the slot, etc...Its ALL 100% OK with me as Commissioner of The Bluth Company.

What is NOT ok with me is Excessive Use of anything mentioned above or anything not mentioned above. This league is about having fun. There aren't leaderboards, no Cash Prizes, no special recognition. Hell, even when you win the Stanley Cup the only thing you get are moderate bragging rights between 29 other people and one special post from the Commish congratulating you. This league is about having fun and doing any one sort of tactic over and over and over again takes away the fun from your opponent. If you're confused about this, just keep the word "Diversity" in your mind. Mix your playstyle up. Nobody should be scoring all of their goals from doing the same thing over and over again. Nobody should be attempting to be doing the same thing over and over again (even if it doesn't result in a goal). If you've scored two breakaway goals doing the same move, try something else next time you get on a breakaway. If you've scored a few goals from wristers in the slot already, mix it up and work in some one-timers and rebounds. DIVERSITY people!

I want GMs to enjoy playing their games. This league should be about having fun, not putting up as many goals as you can. NHL 13 has a lot of flaws so lets not make those flaws worse than they already are by playing like some top 100 VS player schmuck. Mix things up, try something new, have fun! Its a videogame afterall.

Backup Goalie Rule:

Effective immediately, All teams are required to start their backup goalie atleast 10 Games in the regular season. EA didn't take goalie fatigue into the equation and as it is now, its extremely easy to have your goalie start 82 games without consequence. Goalies can be put in during double advances or be used in actual games.

Failure to do this will cost a GM a 2nd round pick in the next draft.

Franchise Player Rule:

In my first two seasons of Bluth i was eager to have an active and fun league. My eagerness made me be a little too flexible with who was traded. There were over 20 big name players traded in two seasons. This is NOT realistic. In the NHL, GMs try and build a core of players that can win them games and championships. They dont just swap out star players every year and hope that it works. This is what i want the Franchise Player Rule to accomplish. It will force GMs to establish a core of players and use them for many seasons.

-Each team will have 3 Franchise Players and 1 Franchise Prospect
(if you feel you truly dont have 3 players and 1 prospect worthy of the tag then speak to me)

-No player/prospect on this list can be traded for 3 seasons
(any ammendments to a GM's list must be approved by myself)

*The ONLY Exceptions...

1) If a Franchise player is 37 years or older.
2) If a Franchise player is a pending UFA, not an RFA however

Flipping Players:

Any player acquired via trade can not be traded for 3 seasons AFTER they are acquired.

(Only exception to this rule is if they are a pending UFA, not RFA)

This rule, like the Franchise player rule, is meant to give teams an identity. Its also meant to force GMs to make smarter trades. No GM flips players from year to year. This rule is meant to simulate that.

The Bluth Company (360) GM League Discussion/Signup PT 1
The Bluth COmpany (360) GM League Discussion/Signup PT 2
The Bluth Company (360) GM League Discussion/Signup PT 3
The Bluth COmpany (360) GM League Discussion/Signup PT 4
The Bluth Company (360) GM League Discussion/Signup Pt 5

All Trade/Lineup Discussion will be done in the Universal Trade/Lineup Thread PT 1
Universal Trade/Lineup Thread PT 2
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x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011

- Rangers-Jack de la Hoya--->Gamertag: Jhoya82
- Penguins-matt1396--->Gamertag: brown man power
- Flyers-Gary83--->Gamertag: Gary Garoo (???)
- Devils-Hughjazzdog--->Gamertag: bunz mctoot 3DG
- Islanders-cbenini87>Gamertag: TheRealCBenini
================================================== ====================================
- Bruins-TheFadedLine--->Gamertag: Twenty8savesL8r
- Senators-HaliMooseHeads--> Gamertag: Vnecker
- Sabres-Stockey--->Gamertag: Stockey10
- Maple Leafs-gunnerdom--->Gamertag: ejaculine78
- Canadiens-CHamps--->Gamertag: oftoronto
================================================== ====================================
- Panthers-jsolari11--->Gamertag: JSolari11
- Capitals-Evolu7ion--->Gamertag:iiEleva7e
- Lightning-dbridge92--->Gamertag: Bicktacular
- Jets-The Lund--->Gamertag: xX B I G Lund
- Hurricanes- 4EDM14OIL93 --->Gamertag: XxFALLEN13xX
================================================== ====================================

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x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011

- Blues-stevezz-Gamertag:stevezz09
- Predators-xvx santillo--->Gamertag: xvx Santillo
- Red Wings-jesusprice89--->Gamertag: antttt89
- Blackhawks-xX Hot Fuss--->Gamertag xX BO0TY Sweat
- Blue Jackets-Slightlystewpid420-->Gamertag: sensiXsensei420
================================================== ====================================
- Canucks-Millw00d--->Gamertag: millw00d80 (O's are zeros)
- Flames-jeffbokan--->Gamertag: Rainbow something...
- Avalanche-Avsfan89--->Gamertag: AdamRadical
- Wild-dunner--->Gamertag: GunnerDunner
- Oilers-Nick1219--->Gamertag: Nick1219
================================================== ====================================
- Coyotes-ArGarBarGar--->Gamertag: ArGarBarGar
- Sharks-TheFadedLine--->Gamertag:Twenty8savesL8r
- Kings-SubdrewgANS--->Gamertag: SubdrewgANS
- Dallas-Harold Druken--->Gamertag: Harold Druken
- Ducks-HabsIslesFan--->Gamertag: MacMillanKen88
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x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011

Stanley Cup: :jets
President's Trophy: :sabres
Clarence S. Compbell: :wings
Prince of Wales:TBD :jets

Art Ross: Alexander Ovechkin
Hart Memorial: Alexander Ovechkin
Norris: Erik Johnson
Lady Byng: Matt Duchene
Calder: Brandon Saad
Conne Smythe: Marcus Johansson

Vezina: Ryan freaking Miller
Jennings: Kari Lehtonen

Masterton: Erik Karlsson
Selke: Jonathan Toews
Ted Lindsay: Alexander Ovechkin
Maurice Richard: Alexander Ovechkin


Stanley Cup: :canes
President's Trophy: :wings
Clarence S. Compbell: :wings
Prince of Wales: :canes

Art Ross: Alexander Ovechkin
Hart Memorial: Alexander Ovechkin
Norris: Kyle Quincy
Lady Byng: Alexander Ovechkin
Calder: Jacob Markstrom
Conne Smythe: Jordan Staal
Vezina: Jacob Markstrom
Jennings: Jacob Markstrom

Masterton: Trevor Daley
Selke: Jonathan Toews
Ted Lindsay: Alexander Ovechkin
Maurice Richard: Alexander Ovechkin


Stanley Cup: :caps
President's Trophy: :bolts
Clarence S. Compbell: :hawks
Prince of Wales: :caps

Art Ross: Alexander Ovechkin
Hart Memorial: Alexander Ovechkin
Norris: Jamie McBain
Lady Byng: Steven Stamkos
Calder: Jonathan Huberdeau
Conne Smythe: Evander Kane
Vezina: Tomas Vokoun
Jennings: Henrik Lundqvist

Masterton: Robyn Regehr
Selke: Jonathan Toews
Ted Lindsay: Alexander Ovechkin
Maurice Richard: Alexander Ovechkin


1. Washington Capitals
2. Chicago Blackhawks
3. New York Rangers
4. St. Louis Blues
5. Tampa Bay Lightning
6. Ottawa Senators
7. Calgary Flames
8. Colorado Avalanche
9. Vancouver Canucks
10. Carolina Hurricanes
11. Phoenix Coyotes
12. Minnesota Wild
13. Florida Panthers
14. Detroit Red Wings
15. Philadelphia Flyers
16. New York Islanders
17. Montreal Canadiens
18. Dallas Stars
19. Buffalo Sabres
20. New Jersey Devils
21. Anaheim Ducks
22. Nashville Predators
23. Los Angeles Kings
24. Columbus Blue Jackets
25. Edmonton Oilers
26. San Jose Sharks
27. Boston Bruins
28. Pittsburgh Penguins
29. Toronto Maple Leafs
30. Winnipeg Jets​
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x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
I'm starting to notice that each "Discussion Thread" seems to have one or two major topics that are the most heavily discussed. If this thread does focus on anything, i'd like it to be this...


It seems like every post is one of the following...

-GM X did this to me! Isn't this banned?
-I outshot my opponent and lost again! This game hates me!

...enough already. You guys are making these discussion threads a drag to read through. I dont even get excited coming to MY OWN threads anymore because theres just so much negativity. Its not all of you but it is most of you. This game isn't perfect. I get it, you get it, we all get it. But lets squeeze as much enjoyment out of it as possible. Isn't that better than coming to a forum and *****ing, hoping that someone will quote your post and be like "Yeah! I agree with this guy!"?

I'm not going to ban complaining or anything like that but you guys need to knock it off. As far as what is and what is not allowed, this is the last time i'm saying anything about it. Next time anyone brings it up and asks another completely unneccesary question i'm only going to respond with "Read the Rules in Post #1 of this thread". I dont want to deal with these discussion anymore. I've made it totally clear and yet you guys keep muddying everything up.

So, in summary:

-Stop Complaining so much about every little thing
-If you're confused about a rule, read Post #1. I've explained it dozens of times and no GM in my league is new enough to deserve further explanation.


Niko Hovinen has more shutouts in 13 GP then I have gotten in a season and a half with Bryzgalov.


Jack de la Hoya

Registered User
Jun 30, 2011
-If you're confused about a rule, read Post #1. I've explained it dozens of times and no GM in my league is new enough to deserve further explanation.

Perhaps add a section on gameplay rules to the OP--in language that is as clear as the trading rules, the back-up goalie, etc.? For any new GM that comes in, they would have no way of knowing what a "Stockey" or "Price" goal are, after all, nor would they know that they are banned (in excess).

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
Updated Section of Rules...

1) PLAYSTYLE: What is and Whats Not Allowed

Anything and everything is allowed in the Bluth Company. Shortside dekes, backhand-forehands on the breakaway, rebound goals, tying people up on faceoffs, wrist shots from the slot, etc...Its ALL 100% OK with me as Commissioner of The Bluth Company.

What is NOT ok with me is Excessive Use of anything mentioned above or anything not mentioned above. This league is about having fun. There aren't leaderboards, no Cash Prizes, no special recognition. Hell, even when you win the Stanley Cup the only thing you get are moderate bragging rights between 29 other people and one special post from the Commish congratulating you. This league is about having fun and doing any one sort of tactic over and over and over again takes away the fun from your opponent. If you're confused about this, just keep the word "Diversity" in your mind. Mix your playstyle up. Nobody should be scoring all of their goals from doing the same thing over and over again. Nobody should be attempting to be doing the same thing over and over again (even if it doesn't result in a goal). If you've scored two breakaway goals doing the same move, try something else next time you get on a breakaway. If you've scored a few goals from wristers in the slot already, mix it up and work in some one-timers and rebounds. DIVERSITY people!

I want GMs to enjoy playing their games. This league should be about having fun, not putting up as many goals as you can. NHL 13 has a lot of flaws so lets not make those flaws worse than they already are by playing like some top 100 VS player schmuck. Mix things up, try something new, have fun! Its a videogame afterall.

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
How's everyone doing with their backup goalie rule by the way? I think Simpson has 5 or 6 games played for me so far.

Also thinking the punishment for this is going to be giving up your 2nd round pick, or being banned from Free Agency for that season.


Let's Go Pens!
Dec 4, 2007
Abington, PA
yikes.. banned from free agency? thats a little harsh I think.. maybe if you NEVER play your back up.. but if someone plays their starter for 73 games instead of 72.. meaning the backups only started 9 times.. i think maybe that should be giving up a 3rd round pick or something less severe..


Bluth Lockout 2015
Nov 28, 2010
How's everyone doing with their backup goalie rule by the way? I think Simpson has 5 or 6 games played for me so far.

Also thinking the punishment for this is going to be giving up your 2nd round pick, or being banned from Free Agency for that season.

Riku Helenius has been better than Anders Lindback, so I've already gotten like 15 games in with my backup (including 7 shutouts somehow).

Jack de la Hoya

Registered User
Jun 30, 2011
How's everyone doing with their backup goalie rule by the way? I think Simpson has 5 or 6 games played for me so far.

Also thinking the punishment for this is going to be giving up your 2nd round pick, or being banned from Free Agency for that season.

How would the draft pick punishment work, exactly? Trade it to the worst team in the league for a 7th? Its not like we can skip the pick.

To be honest, the pick doesn't seem like much a punishment to me. If I'm nearing the end of the season, and seeding or something is at stake, which is more valuable, playing Lundquist the extra 10 games, or a mid-2nd or 3rd who will likely never play in this league? EDIT: To be clear, I'm suggesting that the punishment needs to be harsh enough to force compliance, not that the rule is a bad one.

(Not that I can think of a better punishment at the moment. No ideas.)

Anyway, I think Missiasen has started 4 games. I plan to play him again today against the Sharks. I generally use him against the Western Conference in road games. Gotta keep my home-town fans happy, after all. :laugh:

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
10 games isn't too much to ask. Its simple following of directions and being an active GM in this league. Besides, if i go with giving up a pick, who gets the pick? The Commissioner?

Start your backup goalie 10 times. His W-L record must add up to 10 games. 10 games played with a W-L record of 5-4 or 4-3 =/= 10 games played and violates the rule.


How would the draft pick punishment work, exactly? Trade it to the worst team in the league for a 7th? Its not like we can skip the pick.

To be honest, the pick doesn't seem like much a punishment to me. If I'm nearing the end of the season, and seeding or something is at stake, which is more valuable, playing Lundquist the extra 10 games, or a mid-2nd or 3rd who will likely never play in this league?

(Not that I can think of a better punishment at the moment. No ideas.)

Yeah. I'm just not convinced a draft pick is that great of a compensation for the trade off. I think it should be a 1st. But I'm also not sure what other options could be out there for punishment.

Jack de la Hoya

Registered User
Jun 30, 2011
10 games isn't too much to ask. Its simple following of directions and being an active GM in this league. Besides, if i go with giving up a pick, who gets the pick? The Commissioner?

Start your backup goalie 10 times. His W-L record must add up to 10 games. 10 games played with a W-L record of 5-4 or 4-3 =/= 10 games played and violates the rule.


Why would that be fair?

Give it to the worst team in the league. Or, if there are multiple teams not in compliance with the rule (which I fully endorse), spread them out across the worst teams in the league.

In terms of meeting the requirement, I think that it should be both the W/L decisions and a certain threshold for minutes played. Otherwise, you can simply start your back-up, get a few early goals, then switch him for the starter.

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
No they only get the Win/Loss if they play the full game i believe. I think draft picks are the wrong way to go. If the future drafts are going to have an insane lack of depth as this past draft did then losing a 2nd round pick at the price of having 10 more wins a season is nothing IMO.

The best punishment is restriction from Free Agency.

Jack de la Hoya

Registered User
Jun 30, 2011
No they only get the Win/Loss if they play the full game i believe. I think draft picks are the wrong way to go. If the future drafts are going to have an insane lack of depth as this past draft did then losing a 2nd round pick at the price of having 10 more wins a season is nothing IMO.

The best punishment is restriction from Free Agency.

I think it goes by goalie of record--because if you split the game between two goalies, someone has to get the decision, right? That's why I suggested both a minimum number of decisions (10) and minutes played (~600)

Anyway, that seems fair. I might even go both--forfeit a 2nd and a bar on free agency activity in July (when the choicest pieces sign).


Registered User
Oct 15, 2012
Yea guys, lets give hot fuss a break,

I mean, we can just leave it to him to whine/complain about things, think about it, if things aren’t going your way just suck it up, and then , down the road once he decides whether or not its relevant (to him) only then will things be changed. Also I mean your playing in the best league ever created run by an absolute genious, don’t question his judgement, I mean the intent is to make a league intended for the benefiet of one. Power trips and complaining aside im sure there are no other controversys


coming from the sister league and observing the last few weeks of discussion here, seems to be a bit of dictatorship ruling going on.
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What do we want!? Unfair!
Sep 8, 2008
Yea guys, lets give hot fuss a break,

I mean, we can just leave it to him to whine/complain about things, think about if things aren’t going your way just suck it up, and then , down the road once he decides whether or not its relevant (to him) only then will things be changed. Also I mean your playing in the best league ever created run by an absolute genious, don’t question his judgement, I mean the intent is to make a league intended for the benefiet of one. Power trips and complaining aside im sure there are no other controversy's

Who are you?


Let's Go Pens!
Dec 4, 2007
Abington, PA
10 games isn't too much to ask. Its simple following of directions and being an active GM in this league. Besides, if i go with giving up a pick, who gets the pick? The Commissioner?

Start your backup goalie 10 times. His W-L record must add up to 10 games. 10 games played with a W-L record of 5-4 or 4-3 =/= 10 games played and violates the rule.

I think it should be the Starters W-L Record needs to be no more than 72
Some teams may have more than 1 back up they will have start. Especially one back up gets injured.

No they only get the Win/Loss if they play the full game i believe. I think draft picks are the wrong way to go. If the future drafts are going to have an insane lack of depth as this past draft did then losing a 2nd round pick at the price of having 10 more wins a season is nothing IMO.

The best punishment is restriction from Free Agency.

If the game is like the NHL IRL it should work like this.

Say I started Quick in a game.. he lets in 2 softies on the first 2 shots, I immediately switch him out for my back up, and I come back to win the game 4-3.. My backup goaltender would get that win, not Quick.

However if I start my backup and the same senario happens and then I put Quick in and lose 3-2 (without tying the game at any point) then my backup gets that loss.

THEN if I start Quick, go down 2-0, put in my back-up and tie it at 2-2, but then eventually lose 5-3 then the backup gets that loss.


What do we want!? Unfair!
Sep 8, 2008
No they only get the Win/Loss if they play the full game i believe. I think draft picks are the wrong way to go. If the future drafts are going to have an insane lack of depth as this past draft did then losing a 2nd round pick at the price of having 10 more wins a season is nothing IMO.

The best punishment is restriction from Free Agency.

They get the win loss depending on if they were playing while the game winning goal was scored, for or against.

Jack de la Hoya

Registered User
Jun 30, 2011
I think it should be the Starters W-L Record needs to be no more than 72
Some teams may have more than 1 back up they will have start. Especially one back up gets injured.

If the game is like the NHL IRL it should work like this...

Agreed on both points. Obviously people should be free to use more than one backup. It just seems easier to calculate the minutes of two backup goalies than the starter.

Basically, at least 10 decisions and 600 minutes played have to be distributed among one or more goalies other than your starter. That's the thrust of the rule, right? It should cover all but the most complicated work-arounds.

x Tame Impala

HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 24, 2011
Yea guys, lets give hot fuss a break,

I mean, we can just leave it to him to whine/complain about things, think about it, if things aren’t going your way just suck it up, and then , down the road once he decides whether or not its relevant (to him) only then will things be changed. Also I mean your playing in the best league ever created run by an absolute genious, don’t question his judgement, I mean the intent is to make a league intended for the benefiet of one. Power trips and complaining aside im sure there are no other controversys


coming from the sister league and observing the last few weeks of discussion here, seems to be a bit of dictatorship ruling going on.

My thoughts exactly.
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