WJC: Big story about to drop -Kadri/Nino

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Anton Babchuk

Registered User
Nov 3, 2005
But we can try, and that's the important part. Effort. However, it's clear that some people, even on this board, are more than happy to hear, or see something like that happen in games.
Happy to hear or see it? No. We just don't see the need to get up in arms over Kadri getting his feelings hurt by something mean that was said during a hockey game.

If you can't see why an offensive comment should be viewed differently depending on the context of whether it was said during a hockey game, then there's nothing really to say. The "workplace" argument is total garbage. I don't expect to get bodychecked or face-washed at work, either. And if I were to get into a violent fist fight with a co-worker, I could very well expect assualt charges. Yet NHLers do it and all they get is a five minute penalty! Outrage!


Registered User
Jan 8, 2005
No Man's Land
How did this thread turn into a pissing contest between Leaf and Oiler fans? All this speculation will probably turn into nothing and won't even be that big of a deal....Relax people..


Me too and I'm sure it's the case with most Leaf fans as well. Threads like this make me like him even more.

I am far from a Leafs fans and I am starting to like him more already.:laugh:


Registered User
Sep 22, 2009
The Pale Blue Dot
It's amazing how we're still talking about Kadri when we could be talking about all those classless ******** on team Sweden. :sarcasm:

Heh, it's amusing how that particular incident wasn't dragged out for days. I mean, considering how many posts there have been about Kadri (as well as the press picking up on his non-handshaking scandal), you'd think that there would have been some major outcry about how classless Team Sweden was after that game. Or, you know, maybe people realised then that it was a relatively minor incident (and then conveniently forgot when Kadri was involved in something similar).


Registered User
Apr 16, 2007
Ottawa, Ontario
Kadri is quickly becoming my favourite Leaf prospect of all time. :laugh:

Me too and I'm sure it's the case with most Leaf fans as well. Threads like this make me like him even more.

I dont have a hate on for Kadri. I think he has done some immature things this tournament, but hes a kid.

If people hating on one of your prospects is enough to make you love him so much, it reaffirms two things:

There is nothing to cheer for in Toronto, and hasnt been for a long time.

Your prospect pool has been sad for years.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2003
I find it hilarious that some people in here are so very against a racist comment but have no issue with a death threat (throat slashing).

Assuming there was a racist comment, which we do not know there was, it is probably as innocent as the death threat. Doesnt make either right, but both are just "trash talk". Off colour? Yep. Malicious? Doubtful.

I said it before, I don't defend his actions, however, many people here have said that they do defend someone being racist in hockey (again, if Nino didn't say anything racist, then this doesn't apply to him).


Registered User
Apr 14, 2009
This will blow over and they'll shake hands when they are linemates in Toronto next year anyway. Not too worried.

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