Barracuda News & Discussion VII


ungainly and rambling
Jul 18, 2012
San Jose

Just replays of all the goals last night. Tucson's play by play guy is... something.

Stuff happened so quick at the end of the game, Tucson scored four goals in the last six minutes of the third. Most of the game wasn't that lopsided, but the last half of that third period was brutal.

Last game tonight. Let's finally put this team out of its misery.


ungainly and rambling
Jul 18, 2012
San Jose

Carriere going to be starting in net, making his AHL debut.

Bystedt with Todd and Carroll ought to be interesting.
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ungainly and rambling
Jul 18, 2012
San Jose
Had barely even sat down and Tucson has made it 1-0. 24 seconds in. Hebig is credited for it, but Kinal might've just kicked it in.

(Edit: Been changed to John Leonard's goal, so yes it must've just gone in off Kinal)

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ungainly and rambling
Jul 18, 2012
San Jose
Nollenberger just randomly dropping the tidbit that Ethan Frisch signed a 2-year AHL deal this past offseason, so he's under contract next season. Last game of the year and this is the first I'm hearing of this.

Awesome news to hear, let's go.

As I'm typing that, Gannon Laroque also scores his first AHL goal to make it 2-1 Cuda. Two first goals for guys who have had injury troubles all year.

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ungainly and rambling
Jul 18, 2012
San Jose
End of the first, 2-1 Cuda. Hard to judge Carriere in net yet, as Tucson only managed to get two shots on goal.

McCartney tries to go after Vincent after the buzzer, Vincent's been getting under the skin of the Roadrunners so far tonight.


ungainly and rambling
Jul 18, 2012
San Jose
Bystedt! 3-1 Cuda

Joe Carroll steals it and just slides it to a wide open Bystedt for a one-timer.

That's your score after two periods. Hesitate to say this, but while Tucson has brought the physicality, the rest of their execution has been lacking so far.

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ungainly and rambling
Jul 18, 2012
San Jose
Pft. Misplay by Bucheler, and the puck goes behind him to Kelemin, who pots one on a breakaway. That was a rough mistake. Bucheler hasn't made many of those. 3-2 Cuda.

And, shortly after that they tie it on the power play. I shouldn't have said anything.

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ungainly and rambling
Jul 18, 2012
San Jose
And a third Barracuda player with his first AHL goal tonight. This time it's Mason Klee, with a point shot that just finds its way through. So we've got a tie game with about half of the third period still to go. 4-4.

This game is still a bit of a powder keg, somehow. Hunter Drew keeps trying to find a fight partner, which is such an odd thing to be doing with the score tied in the third.

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ungainly and rambling
Jul 18, 2012
San Jose
I guess we'll wait and see if anything happens with the staff in the coming days, but that was a fun way to end the season, even including that stupid collapse at the start of the third. For anyone unaware by now, the Barracuda went to overtime 16 times over the course of the season. We did win one shootout, but this is the first time we won in the overtime period. The other 14 resulted in losses.

Bystedt finishes the season with 7 points in 8 games, and it's a shame that's all the games he gets. I liked the way he looked today. Yesterday less so.

It's a weird contradiction. I'm enthused about many of the guys we've got returning next season, though we won't really know what this team will look like until we know what the Sharks' plan is. At the same time though, I've been following this team all nine years and this might've been my least favorite season watching the team. And that includes that one year we ended the season by losing 15 straight.

Lot of reasons. Being let down by higher expectations, our demoralizing knack for suddenly giving up multiple goals in a short span of time (see: both games this weekend), no real reward for doing well down here, and- this is more of a personal one- I felt like the team lacked personality, and lost a bit of the entertainment factor.

Anyway. I could write a lot on this team and the guys on it, but even this post is already long-winded. Go Cuda.


ungainly and rambling
Jul 18, 2012
San Jose

Why'd he bring up the assistants' contracts expiring in that previous interview then? Ugh.

“Not too dissimilar from up here, we have to get harder to play against. We gotta get more speed down there and more size, more hardness down there.

The defense and the PK need to be fixed. Those are the two areas that killed us. This is a bit of a canned answer from Grier, but I still feel like saying it. Defense needs to be better, not hardness or whatever. That's why I thought they might look at moving on from Mass.

If the coaching staff is coming back, they're coming back. That wouldn't have been what I'd have gone with, but no use moaning about it for months.
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