Around the League 4 - y u do dis ekano?

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Don't Tread On Me
Mar 5, 2007
Speaking of **** that bothers me about the boards, what sort of joke is it that people are all on Gary Roberts' nuts about being able to make hockey players lose weight? It makes no sense. I know a lot of these guys aren't workout animals, but they're already at a pretty healthy weight. I don't think it's impressive that working out with Gary Roberts makes you lose weight. In fact, it sounds a damn sight like the opposite of what I want my strength training coach to make me do. #gains

well sure, unless you need to lose weight. :amazed:


just cause you have muscle doesnt mean you dont have fluffy stuff covering it. you can lose weight while building muscle at the same time. i was already in what most would consider good shape when I deployed. in almost 5 months im down 20 lbs, but ive gained probably 10 lbs of muscle, so im looking at probably closer to 30 lbs lost if i weren't to have added muscle. so although im gaining muscle weight, im still losing weight overall. its about body composition

and by the way, lifting weights is actually a really good way to lose weight if you do it right. many people thing of slow, heavy weight lifting when they hear the term "strength coach" or "gym session" or anythign like that. but if you take a high rep/low weight weight lift, or a high intensity interval training workout (HIIT), or just, work any type of cardio into any gym session, you can easily lose weight. and im sure there is a nutritionist attached to Gary's hip. or at least his payroll lol. or, well, maybe Gary himself is moonlighting as a nutritionist as well. actually thats most likely the scenario. but either way, thats a big part of it as well. probably more important actually.

point being: dont take the fact that he is "training with a strength" coach and be some sort of confused/disappointed that he isnt GAINING weight. especially when he needs to be losing it lol

and yes i know the pic is photoshopped.....but come on....:laugh:
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What the Faulk

You'll know when you go
May 30, 2005
North Carolina
well sure, unless you need to lose weight. :amazed:


just cause you have muscle doesnt mean you dont have fluffy stuff covering it. you can lose weight while building muscle at the same time. i was already in what most would consider good shape when I deployed. in almost 5 months im down 20 lbs, but ive gained probably 10 lbs of muscle, so im looking at probably closer to 30 lbs lost if i weren't to have added muscle. so although im gaining muscle weight, im still losing weight overall. its about body composition

and by the way, lifting weights is actually a really good way to lose weight if you do it right. many people thing of slow, heavy weight lifting when they hear the term "strength coach" or "gym session" or anythign like that. but if you take a high rep/low weight weight lift, or a high intensity interval training workout (HIIT), or just, work any type of cardio into any gym session, you can easily lose weight. and im sure there is a nutritionist attached to Gary's hip. or at least his payroll lol. or, well, maybe Gary himself is moonlighting as a nutritionist as well. actually thats most likely the scenario. but either way, thats a big part of it as well. probably more important actually.

point being: dont take the fact that he is "training with a strength" coach and be some sort of confused/disappointed that he isnt GAINING weight. especially when he needs to be losing it lol

and yes i know the pic is photoshopped.....but come on....:laugh:

Your first paragraph isn't really true except for the untrained who have little muscle or lots of fat. Athletes typically don't fall into that category, though if we're naming names, there's nothing wrong with Kessel; I'd think more along the lines of Jamie McBain, but even he's perfectly fine compared to most people. Athletes also aren't putting on 10 pounds of lean muscle in an off-season. Every time you hear something like that, double it and probably double the time frame, or accept that it isn't all pure muscle, because that's likely the case. The human body is capable of a lot of things, but packing on lean muscle as fast as it packs on fat isn't one of them. This entire paragraph is just physiology.

Addressing your point Vagrant, it's possible to lose weight and still retain a lot of muscle.

Bulking typically means prioritizing size over strength. These are the people who lift crazy amounts of sets for hours a day. Yeah, they're going to get stronger, but they're also going to get huge. But because they have to do so many reps, they can't lift as heavy weight. So it is a refocus in body composition, but since we're talking about athletes, it's unlikely that were talking fat -> muscle. We're talking about losing that extra, "useless", bulky muscle and getting stronger, which serves two obvious purposes: 1) strength, 2) lose weight = less weight to move, which likely increases speed.

It's a fallacy to think that more muscle always means stronger.

Also, kinda unrelated, but this video is sort of interesting. Squat competition between different weightlifting types.
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Caniac turned Jerkiac
Jan 8, 2015
Wow no posts about hockey today on the Hurricane's forum. Sad, saddd day.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo with our ultra thin RW depth when do you think we will be offering Chad Larose a PTO to claim his spot again on the top line with Eric Staal?


Registered User
Jul 5, 2011
Wow no posts about hockey today on the Hurricane's forum. Sad, saddd day.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo with our ultra thin RW depth when do you think we will be offering Chad Larose a PTO to claim his spot again on the top line with Eric Staal?

Dec 30, 2013
Wow no posts about hockey today on the Hurricane's forum. Sad, saddd day.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo with our ultra thin RW depth when do you think we will be offering Chad Larose a PTO to claim his spot again on the top line with Eric Staal?

If that does happen I claim GDT rights to his first game back


Caniac turned Jerkiac
Jan 8, 2015
Updated depth chart with the inevitable Chad Larose signing.

Larose and E. Staal are definitely gonna rekindle that magic from the 08-09 season when Larose put up 19 goals. ;) Larose can now feed pucks to Skinner too with his career high 17 assists ;)

Skinner - E. Staal - Larose
Gerbe - J. Staal - Lindholm
McGinn?- Rask - Nestrasil
Malone - McClement - Nash?



Caniac turned Jerkiac
Jan 8, 2015
This is random as heck, and it just randomly popped into my head. But any long time Hurricane's fans remember the BBC line? Battaglia, Brind'Amour, and Cole line? What a great line. And they always played this awesome song for them too at the ESA Center.

"To the BBC! YEAH! YEAH! BBC 1! BBC2! BBC3! BBC4! BB5! BBC6! BBC7! BBC Heaven!"

Gosh I miss this nostalgia from my childhood.

#Throw Back Thursday #TBT


cajun filet
Jul 12, 2013
Charlotte, NC
This is random as heck, and it just randomly popped into my head. But any long time Hurricane's fans remember the BBC line? Battaglia, Brind'Amour, and Cole line? What a great line. And they always played this awesome song for them too at the ESA Center.

"To the BBC! YEAH! YEAH! BBC 1! BBC2! BBC3! BBC4! BB5! BBC6! BBC7! BBC Heaven!"

Gosh I miss this nostalgia from my childhood.

#Throw Back Thursday #TBT


Discipline Daddy

Brentcent Van Burns
Nov 27, 2009
Raleigh, NC
So PK Subban just donated $10,000,000 to a children's hospital in Montreal. Say what you will about the man on the ice, but I think he's done plenty to cement the notion that he is a great human being. I know some might say that $10M is a pittance of his $72M deal, but with taxes, training, agent fee, and escrow factored in it is more significant. In any event, he's donating a massive sum of money completely optionally. I find this incredibly inspirational. :handclap:


What the Faulk

You'll know when you go
May 30, 2005
North Carolina
I know some might say that $10M is a pittance of his $72M deal, but with taxes, training, agent fee, and escrow factored in it is more significant

I'd like to know who would say this and smack them across the face. That's like someone who makes 50k pledging 7k to a charity.

Boom Boom Apathy

I am the Professor. Deal with it!
Sep 6, 2006
I like Subban on the ice. Yeah, I know he rubs some people the wrong way, but I love his passion and intensity. I worry that he can keep it up for a long time though as he goes 100mph all the time. A gesture like this makes me like him even more.

I'd like to know who would say this and smack them across the face. That's like someone who makes 50k pledging 7k to a charity.

I'm not downplaying Subban's donation, but that's not really a fair comparison. A person making 50K likely has very little disposable income (depending on their situation/location, etc..), especially if they have a family. So giving 7K means they go without something that would many would deem to be a necessity. Subban is set for life with, or without this $10M. I also assume PK is making quite a bit of money on endorsements as well (Hyundai, Gaterade, etc..).

I'm by no means downplaying the significance of this though. It is a fantastic gesture and no matter how much money he has, the amount he is donating is not insignificant.

What the Faulk

You'll know when you go
May 30, 2005
North Carolina
I used 50k precisely because it isn't necessarily the case that they have very little disposable income. How many people make 43k or less and survive just fine, if not comfortably in some situations? A lot, including almost every teacher you've ever met. Give those people a raise to 50k and most of them probably still aren't writing checks to charities for 14% of their gross income.

Boom Boom Apathy

I am the Professor. Deal with it!
Sep 6, 2006
I used 50k precisely because it isn't necessarily the case that they have very little disposable income. How many people make 43k or less and survive just fine, if not comfortably in some situations? A lot, including almost every teacher you've ever met. Give those people a raise to 50k and most of them probably still aren't writing checks to charities for 14% of their gross income.

Are you really trying to debate that a person making probably $100M is making the same sacrifice by giving up 14% of their gross income as a person making $50K? It's really not the same at all and not a good comparison. First, for those following, I am NOT at all suggesting that what Subban did wasn't a big deal because of how much he makes, this is just a discussion about WTF's comparison.

Now, I realize that you and I are probably in different stages of our lives, but I know 3 Wake County teachers personally who have all been teaching for 5 years or less (so they don't make a lot). Two of them have families and their spouses that have supplemental income so they aren't living off of minimum teachers salary. The 3rd is single, but he has a side job (financial advisor) because he says he doesn't make enough teaching but loves it. So my experience is that teachers don't have a lot of disposable income and aren't surviving just fine. That said, I'm sure it depends on where one lives (cost of living) and what their family situation is. If a person is single, lives in a low cost area, and lives a simple life, then yes, they have disposable income.

But that's neither here nor there. Subban can live his life in the lap of luxury with or without this $10M. Honestly, he could probably retire today and live in luxury. Do you think a person making $50K can say the same? No, they can't, especially in this day and age when retirement plans have gone by the wayside. Here's how you need to look at it.

Everybody has basic living expenses no matter what their income level, for example: Food, clothing, Transportation, Medical, Housing, etc... For a person making 50K, those could take up 50-60% of their income. On top of that, most of those people then have to save for retirement. That leave much less disposable income. Now take Subban who makes millions. His food, clothing, medical transportation and housing are a minor portion of his total income and thus has much more disposable income to do with what he likes.

I fully realize that no two situations are the same. There are those that can live just fine on a small salary in certain situations, but I disagree with equating their situation with someone who is in the salary stratosphere.

Carolinas Identity*

I'm a bad troll...
Jun 18, 2011
Calgary, AB
Subban did an interview once and someone asked him why he is so effective at screening goalies and he said it was because he farts on them.

Stuff like that is gold and awesome :laugh:

What the Faulk

You'll know when you go
May 30, 2005
North Carolina
Subban has basic living expenses that are probably astronomically higher than we think. Hes probably not living in a 200k house driving a 30k car. Could he afford to live more simply? Of course, just as much as any of us could eat Ramen for every meal.

Obviously this comparison isn't meant to be 1:1 with every dollar accounted for, it was merely an analogy for those who think this isn't a big deal.

As for our teachers, my ex girlfriend bought a house this year. She teaches in WCPSS and certainly doesn't even make 43k and survives just fine. Why? Because she is smart with her money. Give her 50k and she wouldn't know what to do with it.


Registered User
May 13, 2007
Subban has basic living expenses that are probably astronomically higher than we think. Hes probably not living in a 200k house driving a 30k car. Could he afford to live more simply? Of course, just as much as any of us could eat Ramen for every meal.

Obviously this comparison isn't meant to be 1:1 with every dollar accounted for, it was merely an analogy for those who think this isn't a big deal.

As for our teachers, my ex girlfriend bought a house this year. She teaches in WCPSS and certainly doesn't even make 43k and survives just fine. Why? Because she is smart with her money. Give her 50k and she wouldn't know what to do with it.

There are infinitely more people who are dumb with their money than there are smart.

What the Faulk

You'll know when you go
May 30, 2005
North Carolina
I don't disagree with that, and many of those are athletes who think the money will keep flowing forever. In the majority of cases, it doesn't, and a surprising amount of them go broke quickly after retirement.

Boom Boom Apathy

I am the Professor. Deal with it!
Sep 6, 2006
Subban has basic living expenses that are probably astronomically higher than we think. Hes probably not living in a 200k house driving a 30k car. Could he afford to live more simply?
That's true, but even with that, it still a much less % of his total income. Not even close, unless he is just plain dumb with his money, which I doubt he is based on this gesture alone.

Obviously this comparison isn't meant to be 1:1 with every dollar accounted for, it was merely an analogy for those who think this isn't a big deal.

Ok, the way it came across (to me at least) was a 1:1 comparison, but I understand what you are saying. I still think it's a poor analogy (thus the whole discussion).

As for our teachers, my ex girlfriend bought a house this year. She teaches in WCPSS and certainly doesn't even make 43k and survives just fine. Why? Because she is smart with her money. Give her 50k and she wouldn't know what to do with it.

Again, as I stated, all situations are different and it's not just being smart (or dumb) with your money. How far a low salary will go will depend on gobs of factors. How much do you have in student loans, do you have any chronic health issues, do you have kids or dependents, where are you living, how far do you have to commute, do you have to help take care of aging parents, etc....etc....

My point is just simply that a person with a low salary is making a much bigger sacrifice by giving up the same % to charity than a person who makes > $100M. It's not even close.

I do agree with you that what Subban did IS a big deal (as I said early on).

Boom Boom Apathy

I am the Professor. Deal with it!
Sep 6, 2006
There are infinitely more people who are dumb with their money than there are smart.

I don't disagree with that, and many of those are athletes who think the money will keep flowing forever. In the majority of cases, it doesn't, and a surprising amount of them go broke quickly after retirement.

Very true. Some of these athletes get taken advantage of by friends and family (and sometimes agents), many times getting suckered into poor business dealings. It always boggles my mind how someone can make 10s (or 100s) of millions and be broke in a few years, but it happens.

I guess some of it is one's upbringing. My parents were lower middle class/poor so we grew up frugal. A lot of that has rubbed off on me. Even though I don't need to live like that as much as my parents did, but since it was instilled in me at an early age, it stuck.

The Stranger

Registered User
May 4, 2014
Anyone know what the highest marginal tax rate is in Montreal when you combine federal and provincial taxes?

This is a real nice gets $10MM (guessing spread over a few years) and Subban probably only loses half of that at most.
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