Friedman: Anthony Mantha wants to stay a Red Wing


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Jun 22, 2014
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19. This got lost in everything else, but it should be noted that Anthony Mantha made it clear he wants to be a Red Wing.
“Hopefully, I can stay here for a long time,” he told Detroit reporters. “That’s what I want. I want to change this team around.”
He needs an extension, and thinks discussions would be “complicated” because he’s only played 43 games. Teams need good players, and a guy who gets four points against Tampa Bay certainly qualifies.


Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.
Aug 30, 2011
Undisclosed research facility
All of these saucy comments but good for him and Wings fans. For one, he knows Detroit is a historic franchise with a good fan base and a ton of great players in it's history. For two, you want players who see the team in the shape it is in, and doesn't run for the money.

They want to stay and help fix things. Larkin is in this boat too. He may dive and stuff but these guys are important to the culture of the team as they start bringing in new faces and kids.

This is the leadership group. These guys will set the tone and the way people talk and act in the room. It's a great sign for the rebuild IMO.


Registered User
Dec 13, 2009
IMO he’s one of the more interesting players.

He can’t seem to stay healthy but he’s played at a ~75pt pace this season and a ~PPG pace his last 60 or so games including last season.

Dominated the World Championships last season and isn’t scared to play a physical game as well. Was seen as a very high ceiling prospect after scoring 81goals in 81 games his last junior season.

If he can ever stay healthy, how good will he be when Detroit actually ices NHL quality talent?
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Feb 12, 2019
"I think I've always showed my commitment, my appreciation and my desire to play on Long Island," Tavares told Sportsnet 590. "I would love for that to continue for the long haul. I think you look at some of the greatest players in the game have been able to spend their entire career somewhere. I hope I'm in that same position."

Nemesis Prime

Registered User
Jun 29, 2010
London, ON
"I think I've always showed my commitment, my appreciation and my desire to play on Long Island," Tavares told Sportsnet 590. "I would love for that to continue for the long haul. I think you look at some of the greatest players in the game have been able to spend their entire career somewhere. I hope I'm in that same position."
Y'all really need to let that go.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jan 22, 2007
Good for him. Refreshing to see a kid who wants to remain loyal to the team that drafted him, even though they're struggling.


Think Happy Thoughts
Oct 25, 2018
I don't follow Detroit enough to know how good Mantha really is. But he seems like a 1st line quality winger.

I honestly don't understand why this doesn't happen more often. Young player wanting to commit to a rebuilding team, I mean. It seems to me like some people would prefer to be a big part of a struggling group, rather than a small piece of a goliath.

First officer on the Enterprise, or captain of the Aries? Some people would do anything to be part of a winner, like Riker. But some people would rather be in a bigger role, even if it's with a lesser team.

John Eichel da GOAT

Registered User
Oct 7, 2008
Said the right thing, but be careful what you wish for. You can waste a good 3-5 of your prime years committing to a rebuild.


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