Am I the only person who thinks NHL16 sucks?


Registered User
Dec 16, 2011
I just wanted to ventilate and say F EA for ruining my playoff experience by having my goalies (Elliott and Jones respectively) put up ~ .850% goaltending and the scores being run up to ridiculous numbers as I march on through to the finals. This is a playoffs' thing too as my goaltenders are just fine during the regular season but once the playoffs start all of a sudden every game ends 6-5, 7-4 etc. This has happened before too.

Immersion breaking. At least for me.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2013
I'm hoping EASHL improves in a substantial way for '17. It's far too dumbed down from the normal game, and host advantages (which intensify based on distance) make games far too unfair. Since players on my EASHL team are located in MB and rural SK, with bandwidth dl speeds that max out at 20 and 10 mb/s (usually clocking in at 5 mb/s), respectively, we rarely pull host.
Aug 6, 2012
The game sucks but the people are even worse. Its refreshing to play someone who realizes this is hockey and not a figure-eight skating competition.


Win it for Ben!
Apr 9, 2010
Online H2H is an absolute waste of time.

Play EASHL, then play H2H and it's like night and day. The built in momentum shift and the horrid AI consistently determine the outcome of every game no matter how you play. And it's ridiculous, because defending in this game is incredibly easy when you're in control of the defender--as long as the computer decides whether your player is worthy of controlling the puck.

All of my H2H battles are 2:1 possession battles in my favor where my opponent uses their possession time circling around in the offensive zone looking for a cross-crease pass creating turnover after turnover. Literally. That's like 90% of my opponents.

Personally I'll attempt the cross-crease but generally the AI collapse to the front of the net making it a waste of time. So I rely on high percentage shots which a)randomly miss the net, b)are blocked by a teammate, c)are blocked by an opponent, d)hit the post and carom off it even harder than the initial shot or e)are stopped in highlight-reel fashion multiple times a game.

I don't even mind losing, it's the fact that I have absolutely no control over it which makes it so frustrating. I'm sorry, the constant 1-0 outcomes are just too much excitement to handle, EA.


Registered User
Jun 4, 2013
Nashville, TN
Online H2H is an absolute waste of time.

Play EASHL, then play H2H and it's like night and day. The built in momentum shift and the horrid AI consistently determine the outcome of every game no matter how you play. And it's ridiculous, because defending in this game is incredibly easy when you're in control of the defender--as long as the computer decides whether your player is worthy of controlling the puck.

All of my H2H battles are 2:1 possession battles in my favor where my opponent uses their possession time circling around in the offensive zone looking for a cross-crease pass creating turnover after turnover. Literally. That's like 90% of my opponents.

Personally I'll attempt the cross-crease but generally the AI collapse to the front of the net making it a waste of time. So I rely on high percentage shots which a)randomly miss the net, b)are blocked by a teammate, c)are blocked by an opponent, d)hit the post and carom off it even harder than the initial shot or e)are stopped in highlight-reel fashion multiple times a game.

I don't even mind losing, it's the fact that I have absolutely no control over it which makes it so frustrating. I'm sorry, the constant 1-0 outcomes are just too much excitement to handle, EA.

I say this time and time again to my buddys that you are playing two games, one against your opponent and the second is against all the ******** that happens during the game. I have never been so frustrated playing a game in my life

Nicky Santoro

Registered User
May 23, 2012
i've played over 1,000 games of nhl16, and i still can't get myself to like it. The menus are on delay and slow. i hate it. i used to think nhl 13 and 14 had slow menus? man, that was so fast compared to this crap. i only play OFFLINE, so i know it's better than online, but i don't know why, i just don't enjoy it like past games. I feel the skaters are not smooth at all. they skate weird compared to 13 and 14. those games just felt real. Even guys like Sid in past games felt like i was really SID. in this game, all players look alike and i can barely tell it's sid that just scored. also, both sid and ovy look nothing like themselves. these are 2 faces of nhl and they can't even get it right. oh, and the gameplay is the same repetitive thing over and over again. it gets boring fast. i'm trying so hard to like it, but having a hard time. i'm still hopeful i will learn to accept it. hard to let go cause i love hockey.

I hope they fix a lot of things for NHL 17..

Spotty 2 Hotty

Special teams, special plays, special players
Feb 28, 2008
I think it's terrible, but I still play it. It probably doesn't bug me as much as it should since I'm a Stars fan and am used to terrible goaltending, lack of defense, and being hemmed in my own zone for much of the 3rd while my opposition comes back from a 5-1 deficit, lol. :P

member 96824

Nope it's trash, and I've never ever been one to slam EA.

I understood was one of those things where the first game on a new platform typically sucks because it's built from scratch. '16 though? terribad. Absolutely awful, a real dog **** use of $60.

The gameplay is terrible, the graphics are bad, the controls are clunky, you can't even get a ****ing menu to react to your controller, GM mode is a joke, online play is less than underwhelming. Just an overall poor poor effort.

Nicky Santoro

Registered User
May 23, 2012
The gameplay is terrible, the graphics are bad, the controls are clunky, you can't even get a ****ing menu

100% right. Menus are on delay. u have to wait 3 seconds before pressing something or you have to press like 4 times before it works. it's very slow. skating backwards is ok, but when you skate with the puck, players are very clunky and awkward looking. It feels like they're skating on their ankles. the game feels heavy. The flow of the game and the feel of the game is crap. I put in nhl 13 last night for the fun and although of course the graphics weren't as good, nor the arena or fans, it did feel great and was really fun. The skating was much better and the feel of the game was so much more fun than 16. And the menus were a treat to use compared to now. So much faster. In fact, i really am considering putting this game away and going back to 13 or 14.


Registered User
Jul 5, 2012
I agree, this game is terrible. I use to excel at defense in the old games, now it's like why even bother? Guys fly down the wing, go into the corner, and there's nothing you can do to counter, I feel. Kids score the same cross ice goal, despite my best effort to cover the middle and crease area. Passing is horrendous as well as the barely existent puck pickups. Sure, in past gen, maybe the passing was too magnetic, but my guys shouldn't be fluffing up passes that I can actually make in real life, and I am a average beer league player. Every game mode is unplayable. EASHL is the only mode I've stuck with this year. I've been playing versus mainly recently, since my teammates have become disinterested with playing club, and HUT is just stupid at this point of the year with not much differentiation between teams, and garbage gameplay.


All Hail Cale
Nov 27, 2012
Hamburg, Germany
Am I the only person who actually enjoys the game? Yeah it has it's flaws but I still have fun playing it. Could be a bit harder in Be a GM. I easily got my 70 bucks out of it.


Jul 5, 2013
Am I the only person who actually enjoys the game? Yeah it has it's flaws but I still have fun playing it. Could be a bit harder in Be a GM. I easily got my 70 bucks out of it.
hard to see how. i mean, i've played 16 for ~2 hours, but got probably a thousand hours on a "customised" nhl 14 that i still play. it's all too clunky, be a gm offers nothing but endless boredom when you compare it to FIFA. EA's player ratings, "new" ideas, gameplay has suffered more and more between 14 and 16. it ain't much of a gap, yeah. ramjagsingh should be fired asap, or they could just give a brutal gap between games to actually work on building a GREAT, not lackluster game.


All Hail Cale
Nov 27, 2012
Hamburg, Germany
I spent around 200-300 hours in NHL 16 I would say. Which is pretty much for me. I think the series made a step forward since the last gen consoles. But it is about personal preference. What do you mean by "customised"? Rosters, Sounds, Sliders?

Coastal Kev

There will be "I told you so's" Bet on it
Feb 16, 2013
The Low Country, SC
The easy solution for EA is simple, create a yearly subscription of $65 dollars. Now they wouldn't have to break the game down every year for NEW FEATURES to make people buy.

Now they can simply work on perfecting the game instead of trying to reinvent it every year. All they end up doing is destroying their product.


Registered User
Nov 8, 2008
I got my $60 worth of entertainment out of NHL 16.

Did it have flaws? YES.

Did I find ways to tweak the sliders to minimize those flaws while still playing a competitive game? Yes.


Registered User
Sep 19, 2006
Phew I just played about 20 games with EA access and I hated it and I thought I had just gotten terrible. Bad passing. No shots getting through. Only crap goals. Bad game.
Aug 6, 2012
Just blows my mind how inconsistent the AI are in this game. For one team they will be absolutely godly and the other they will be totally useless. I don't get it.
Aug 6, 2012
People are rewarded for not using their right stick. Creativity just isn't rewarded. Plus the computers have an ability to nudge you off the puck from anywhere... even if you have them beat wide. So tired of people relying on computers, play the puck for once.

Drugs Delaney

Peace be with you.
Jan 31, 2013
I'm just curious. Now that this game is nearing its end, if you could put a number to it, how many times have you had to restart this game because of crashes of some sort? Mine has to be in the 600's easily. It's been a bad year. Looking forward to moving on to 17.


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