All Purpose Coronavirus Discussion Part V - Janitor in a Drum

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Registered User
Jun 9, 2010
Richmond BC, Canada
The navy captain did undermine his chain of command.

He skipped over his immediate supervisor on the ship, a rear admiral, & instead fired off an email to 20-30 different people via unsecured email, creating a huge leak & security risk. And then when it indeed leaked, it created unnecessary panic with crew member families, etc.

Military leaders are supposed to stay calm in crisis & follow very strict chains of command. This captain did the opposite. The military has regimented rules for a reason; you can’t compare it with the civilian world.

we might not agree very often, but on this we do..

the military only works if the chain of command is beleived in and followed...
if those in it start saying to hell with the chain, then the whole thing is broken..


May 22, 2008


Dude, wtf.


Edit this was supposed to be an article not a soundbite but oh well.

It doesn't have end-to-end encryption and instead uses something called transport encryption. It doesn't pass the most basic sniff test when a company tries to claim end to end with that methodology.

I'm going to tag @Beef Invictus here because this is the hellscape he's entering and because he's one of the few who will get this part, but I'll try to make it readable and use some visual examples. A Zoom meeting uses one AES key of 128 Bits in ECB for everyone. Here's the classic illustration of why ECB is not the way to go.


In short, it was built without a clue. I don't know who their software engineers are/were, but they don't understand crypto. ECB has reasonable uses, like when you're encrypting randomness of length equal to the block length of the block cipher. But not this. This is day one stuff.

Here's an article written by a friend much smarter than myself in which he tries to make it digestible for people outside the industry:

Does Zoom use end-to-end encryption?

With that being said, it's fine for average people to use casually. Don't use it for sensitive information.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2018
I believe, the first mistake was, granting shore leave/ liberty in vietnam. In the midst of a pandemic, in asia. That is upto the discretion of the captain.But i'm sure it could be blamed on others if you wish.


On early summer vacay
May 27, 2010
I'm going to continue to bang my head against the wall the rest of the day with regards to this loan program. At least our bank that we've been talking to for the last week got us the information they 100% need as opposed to what the last week has been "we might need."

Mnuchin goes on TV yesterday and says that people can go to any bank and get a loan. Now all of the banks are saying that you need to have a banking relationship with them. Maybe even as far as a checking account, business credit card, AND a loan with some of them. If you don't have those then you're shit out of luck.

Meanwhile the banks managed to get the interest rate to go from 0.5% (announced Wednesday) to 1% yesterday and will get anywhere between 1% to 5% "commission" on every single loan from the government just for taking the loan in general.

Yay big banks! Boo small people!
And there you have it.....fractional reserve banking. Just pile on debt. In Germany instead because they think as a society and don't have a regressive tax system like we do...the Gov't is paying the businesses direct to maintain their employees (I forget the name of the program they have) because they believe there is more damage done to letting people go than keeping them on the payroll. Instead, we always have to give money to banks first so they can lend and continue to keep people in debt. As far as big corps that are getting bailout money....they don't keep cash reserves because they always gotta speculate, inflate their own stocks and pay their CEO's exorbitant amounts in bonuses..which include golden parachutes even if they screw up. Small business instead can't keep cash least not in any significant amount...they have to operate on thin margins. Once again...big fish eat little fish.

My question though...the loans supposedly have a tax credit for small businesses if they continue to pay their is not like the direct cash to companies ...cutting out the banking middle man that Germany applies...but it is something. Are you exercising that option for your employees?


Registered User
Sep 22, 2017
Rochester NY
My favorite soul singer, the incomparable Bill Withers, has passed away. :(

I don't know many Bill Withers songs but Lovely Day is everything I love about 70's soul and one of the first songs I put on my Spotify Chillax playlist. I wish I had the lungpower to hold those long notes when I sing along!
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Sep 13, 2017
Boy am I glad there’s a polio vaccine

Me too, but SARS-CoV-2, and the response to it, is now taking a bite out of the polio eradication program.

‘We have no choice.’ Pandemic forces polio eradication group to halt campaigns

"The COVID-19 pandemic is imperiling the worldwide, 3-decade drive to wipe out polio. In an unprecedented move, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) has recommended suspending polio vaccination campaigns to help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus."

"On 24 March, GPEI’s leadership called on all countries to postpone until at least the second half of this year both mass campaigns to boost immunity to the polio virus and the targeted campaigns underway in Africa to stop outbreaks sparked by the live virus vaccine itself."

The implications are “huge,” says Kim Thompson, president of Kid Risk Inc., one of three modeling groups GPEI has charged with analyzing the possible impacts of the pause. More children will be paralyzed by both the wild and vaccine-derived viruses, and the virus will likely reinvade countries that are now polio-free, GPEI concedes. And polio is only one of several diseases for which mass vaccination efforts will be suspended.

“We are caught between two terrible situations,” says GPEI head Michel Zaffran of the World Health Organization (WHO). Going door to door delivering drops of oral polio vaccine (OPV) would put both communities and health workers at risk of infection with the novel coronavirus. Halting polio campaigns will enable GPEI to free up its extensive resources, including surveillance systems and tens of thousands of frontline health workers, to aid in the COVID-19 fight, he says.

“We have no choice,” Zaffran says. “We did not want to have the program be responsible for worsening the situation with COVID-19.”

Sure wish the "law" of unintended consequences could be suspended during the pandemic, but that's not very likely.
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Hollywood Cannon

I'm Away From My Desk
Jul 17, 2007
South Jersey
And there you have it.....fractional reserve banking. Just pile on debt. In Germany instead because they think as a society and don't have a regressive tax system like we do...the Gov't is paying the businesses direct to maintain their employees (I forget the name of the program they have) because they believe there is more damage done to letting people go than keeping them on the payroll. Instead, we always have to give money to banks first so they can lend and continue to keep people in debt. As far as big corps that are getting bailout money....they don't keep cash reserves because they always gotta speculate, inflate their own stocks and pay their CEO's exorbitant amounts in bonuses..which include golden parachutes even if they screw up. Small business instead can't keep cash least not in any significant amount...they have to operate on thin margins. Once again...big fish eat little fish.

My question though...the loans supposedly have a tax credit for small businesses if they continue to pay their is not like the direct cash to companies ...cutting out the banking middle man that Germany applies...but it is something. Are you exercising that option for your employees?

So the three main things to help small businesses are A) Paycheck Protection Program Loans/Grants, B) Employer side payroll tax deferrals, and C) the tax credit that you referred to.

They’re all great on their face as I’ve mentioned but then when you dig deeper, you can’t defer your payroll tax if you have any part of a loan forgiven. You also don’t get the tax credit if you take a loan.


On early summer vacay
May 27, 2010
So the three main things to help small businesses are A) Paycheck Protection Program Loans/Grants, B) Employer side payroll tax deferrals, and C) the tax credit that you referred to.

They’re all great on their face as I’ve mentioned but then when you dig deeper, you can’t defer your payroll tax if you have any part of a loan forgiven. You also don’t get the tax credit if you take a loan.
What a joke!
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Blood Rival to a Briere Simp
Mar 2, 2017
This is how Trudeau is speaking to us Canadians:

“Government alone cannot win this fight.

We all have to answer the Call of Duty,” “Listening to public health rules is your duty. Staying home is your way to serve. So be smart about what you do, about the choices you make.

Meanwhile, DT tweets earlier today:

"Massive amounts of medical supplies, even hospitals and medical centers, are being delivered directly to states and hospitals by the Federal Government. Some have insatiable appetites & are never satisfied (politics?). Remember, we are a backup for them. The complainers should have been stocked up and ready long before this crisis hit. Other states are thrilled with the job we have done. Sending many Ventilators today, with thousands being built. 51 large cargo planes coming in with medical supplies. Prefer sending directly to hospitals."
Elect a clown
Expect a circus:rolleyes:


Blood Rival to a Briere Simp
Mar 2, 2017
Trump fired our Pandemic response team in 2018, then ignored the WHO for 2 months while golfing, holding rallies, calling it a hoax, and selling supplies to China.

He 100% made the situation FAR worse. We cant just hand waive away their mistakes.

The virus would definitely be here, but had we started reacting in January instead of March, we would be in MUCH better shape.

Hell they arent event responding adequately still now with their handling of supplies and letting select states ignore the CDC guidelines, among other issues.
To be fair as I understand it the Pandemic response team has been a mess for the last 20 years. It's been scrapped and restarted by both the Obama and Bush administrations.

I think the big difference is that the outright hostility towards 'Science' in this admin would have always led it to be neglected. The one good thing to come out of this is there will be a 'Pandemic Response Team' that is well funded and trusted from here on out.


Blood Rival to a Briere Simp
Mar 2, 2017
So did anyone actually read about this or did we just stop at the headline?


Navy relieves captain who raised alarm about COVID-19 on ship
There's going to be facts we never know like if he sent multiple secure requests and was denied and then in desperation sent the unsecured message for the safety of his crew. If his first request was the unsecured one then yeah he should be reassigned.

BTW here's an article from Stars and Stripes of the crew cheering him and chanting his name as he left the ship.

'Captain Crozier! Captain Crozier!': Videos show sailors sending off ousted USS Roosevelt commander with cheers
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“20 years away”
Aug 18, 2011
It's all hypothetical to guess what a different President would have done in the current situation, so there is no way to definitively say what the outcome would be.

However, we can look at comparables in other countries in the world right now.

Is there any country with more resources doing worse in terms of infection rate than the United States right now? Heck, with half of our resources or better doing worse?
The problem is right now in the middle of a pandemic everybody wants to blame the President, the Democrats, the Republicans, instead of shutting the f*** up and helping out your family, neighbors, and community, the time wasted on making this thing political is time that could have helped someone, I'm so sick of oh Trump did this, the Dems did that, no one and I repeat no one was prepared for this I don't give a f*** what President was in office, the saddest part is the same people worrying about the politcs of this are the same people who aren't going to actual take the time to reset their lives after this is over and shuffle their priorities, it will be back to the status quo


On early summer vacay
May 27, 2010
My company just announced a 10% salary reduction for people at my level, so I'd say the answer is a definitive 'yes'.

This flu needs to go away.
I hear we are just about a month off was supposed to just go away in April...their models had bad is now May approximately 1:03pm EST.
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