Proposal: All Bruins trade rumors/proposals: 16/17 Part VI

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Registered User
Jan 8, 2007
Is Krejci overpaid, yes somewhat, but vastly? No.

And he's far from the only guy in the league overpaid by a million to a million and a half.

You say vastly like Krejci should be making 2 or 3 million per at this point.

Fair enough, vastly may be strong. I just can't get over how unnoticeable he is for long stretches.

That being said, I wouldn't want to deal him unless we got an equal impact player coming back. Obviously the NMC makes this all a non-issue anyway.

Ice Nine

Registered User
Dec 11, 2014
Parts Unknown

I don't even know what the hell to ask for anymore.

I absolutely hate the idea of missing the playoffs with this core yet again. It just seems that if measures are taken to avoid that, it will likely be too little/too late.

So sell? But what does the team really have to sell? Either a McQuaid or a Kevan Miller perhaps? Dominic Moore or Ryan Spooner or Joe Morrow? I don't even know what you'd get for these guys right now. Considering our prospect pool, I'm not exactly salivating over the idea of acquiring more "futures". Doesn't seem like Sweeney is keen on using that currency for "presents" any time soon.

Disenfranchised with the franchise right now. That hurts me to say.

MMB, this post expresses my sentiments perfectly. Right from the frustrated "what the hell to ask for" opening to the ideas you're tossing around for trades, to feeling disenfranchised with the franchise.

In truth, you put that last line far better than I ever could, but it expresses my feelings perfectly, as I said.

Ice Nine

Registered User
Dec 11, 2014
Parts Unknown
All the deal Krejci talk continues to amaze me.

The B's like him (they essentially chose him over Kessel).

He likes the B's and the area.

He has an NMC and I don't see him waiving it.

Things can change, but at this time, I don't think 46 is going anywhere. If people wanted him dealt, the time to do it would have been before his current deal kicked in.

Could argue they chose him over Seguin too.

Ice Nine

Registered User
Dec 11, 2014
Parts Unknown
Not sure why anyone is bothering to talk about Krejci. He's not really our problem and he's NEVER going to waive his NMC.

So, we should really not take up another page of this thread, nay, another post, pretending he'll ever be traded.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2009
They need to clean house, I wouldn't exactly call it "sell".

But so close to the playoffs it's more likely they spend a prospect on some stempniak which will be dumb but they'll do it anyway.


*** 15 ***
Jun 11, 2003
N.Windham, CT
Not sure why anyone is bothering to talk about Krejci. He's not really our problem and he's NEVER going to waive his NMC.

So, we should really not take up another page of this thread, nay, another post, pretending he'll ever be traded.

People want to trade him and ignore the what it is. If you see Krejci, just move on...

He's said I'm playing out my deal in Boston and then going back to Europe. The ol "maybe he'll waive it," doesn't apply here.

Ice Nine

Registered User
Dec 11, 2014
Parts Unknown
If you have to make that argument that it was one or the other you can't come to the conclusion that the choice was wrong without MASSIVE hindsight bias

This is not true, and I've filled entire threads with posts arguing otherwise in the past. But I'm not interested in opening that can of worms these days. Reasonable people can disagree on the proposition. Will leave it at that.


BJ Elitist/Hipster
Mar 3, 2008
Does that help them win now? Like it or not, they are still trying to win in the 63/46/37/33/40/42 era.

This team is still better with a round peg/square hole Spooner than it is without him but having a prospect or two who likely won't help for several years.

Does it help them win this year? Absolutely not and that's the point. Does it provide them assets they can potentially move in the off season to address the holes in another way? Absolutely. You either move picks/prospects in trades in the off season to address team needs or you do it through free agency. But Spooner is very likely to be exposed to Vegas and if he is we get nothing in return because IMO he's the player that'll get scooped from the B's. Move him now and work with those assets in the off season. Trading Spooner doesn't mean the B's are going into a full rebuild. It's not like he's a piece of the core. His role will always be complementary third liner. Being a playmaker he's best suited as a centre. I like Spooner so don't think I'm saying get ride of him just to get ride of him.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2011
You'd be fine giving up a 1st and probably a good prospect to just get in? Then what? Make Jacobs a little money. They don't have the horses. They need more than just one player. Look at the price they paid last year. Almost half the draft to just get in and didn't make it. If they don't watch it, they can ruin their cap hit even more. The should make moves for next year, not this year.
I literally said in my post if the price wasn't too much. I'd be totally fine with a first and a prospect, depending on who the prospect was. No one too good though. Only reason is I think Shatty could be a fit for the team beyond this year. But in general I do agree with you the buyer mindset isn't the right plan but I'm just saying I feel as though this is the direction the team will go because the Jacobs seem to only care about making the playoffs.


Registered User
Jul 17, 2007
Boston/Ann Arbor
Although Spooner has underperformed this year, but he may be the best candidate to package and get an impact player in return. Any news about Spoons on the market?


Registered User
Apr 12, 2007
While I agree it's unlikely, let's not forget Seidenberg had
a nmc and said while he liked Boston he wouldn't want to be somewhere where he wasn't wanted. Nashville definitely seems to want a center and while I'm guessing Krejci wouldn't waive and that the B's, foolishly, may not looking to move him it is an enticing thought. Nashville killed the 2016 draft...Fabbro and Samuel Girard with two first picks, then grabbed overager Rem Pitlick (2 goals tonight for Minnesota), then managed to get Francois Allard with their third round pick...who I loved as an early second and nabbed BUs Patrick Harper in the fifth...who is small but extremely fast and averaging a point per game as a freshmen.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2004
Medfield, MA

Not exactly.

This idea that he's here until he says otherwise is flat out false. His NMC becomes a modified NTC in 2 years, meaning he'll have to submit a list of HALF the teams in the league he'd accept a trade to. So even if he doesn't want to leave won't have a choice.

Fwiw, I'm a big Krejci fan, and I still think he can be a terrific player with the right wingers but I also see a player who's not comfortable with the new style they're trying to play. Sweeney is trying to turn this into in a fast team with lots of movement, stretch passing and Marchand/Pastrnak types slashing and dashing. It's working for some players but that's not DK46. He's a slow it down type. He's a guy who wants to cycle. So unless he changes or they build a line around his style and let that line play differently than everyone else I think he will become someone they look to phase out.

I don't think that phasing out is going to happen this year, but I wouldn't be surprised if Krejci gets moved right before that limited NTC is set to kick in, when Krejci still has the full NMC in effect. That way, he can have total control over where he goes.

I think there are two other factors in play here as well...

1) They want to make the playoffs this year and he's an important part of that hope.

2) I think they want guys ready to step into the spot he vacates. Personally, I'm not sure we have anyone in the system with that kind of upside, but Kirk thinks they're banking on JFK being that guy. If that's the case, you figure JFK gets 3rd line duty next year and the following season is when they start to think about moving Krejci, with JFK knocking on the door and Krejci about to lose control over where he plays.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2004
Medfield, MA
IMO, they're going to be buyers.

Or maybe it's more accurate to say that if the deadline were today, I think they'd be buyers. A lot can happen between now and March 1st but if they are then where they are now, they buy.

The more interesting question to me is, what kind of buyers? Is Sweeney going to shop in the bargain bin like he did last year? They say a leopard doesn't change it's spots. That may be who he is. And honestly, I'm on record as saying I don't think they need a major changes to get into the playoffs, I think they need tweaks. They have some good parts and some talent but the pieces don't fit together well. So from that perspective, I can understand a moderate approach.

The problem is this: If he does exactly what he did last year, and fails AGAIN, he is going to look like a complete buffoon.

So what then? Go big?

To go big he'll have to give up the one thing he's got going for him, quality futures. That might save the playoffs and make the media guys happy but the hardcore fans are going to be pissed.
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Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Does it help them win this year? Absolutely not and that's the point. Does it provide them assets they can potentially move in the off season to address the holes in another way? Absolutely. You either move picks/prospects in trades in the off season to address team needs or you do it through free agency. But Spooner is very likely to be exposed to Vegas and if he is we get nothing in return because IMO he's the player that'll get scooped from the B's. Move him now and work with those assets in the off season. Trading Spooner doesn't mean the B's are going into a full rebuild. It's not like he's a piece of the core. His role will always be complementary third liner. Being a playmaker he's best suited as a centre. I like Spooner so don't think I'm saying get ride of him just to get ride of him.

In theory, your right.

But the whole "make a deal to make another deal" stuff doesn't seem to work very well in a league where making even one deal seems to be a hard thing to do.

So say they move Spooner for a pick and prospect. Then they can't make the 2nd deal to bring in immediate help. Now your core group is one year older, and the current team has been weakened.

And with the way the roster shapes up today, not a chance Spooner gets exposed to LV. So you think they'll expose Spooner to protect Nash or Schaller instead? From an asset management standpoint I can't see them doing it, even if they aren't enamored with Spooner.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
IMO, they're going to be buyers.

Or maybe it's more accurate to say that if the deadline were today, I think they'd be buyers. A lot can happen between now and March 1st but if they are then where they are now, they buy.

The more interesting question to me is, what kind of buyers? Is Sweeney going to shop in the bargain bin like he did last year? They say a leopard doesn't change it's spots. That may be who he is. And honestly, I'm on record as saying I don't think they need a major changes to get into the playoffs, I think they need tweaks. They have some good parts and some talent but the pieces don't fit together well. So from that perspective, I can understand a moderate approach.

The problem is this: If he does exactly what he did last year, and fails AGAIN, he is going to look like a complete buffoon.

So what then? Go big?

To go big he'll have to give up the one thing he's got going for him, quality futures. That might save the playoffs and make the media guys happy but the hardcore fans are going to be pissed.

I hope they aren't buyers, but your probably spot on.

The only thing that might change that is they have a stretch coming up of something like 5 games in 18 days. They could very well be close to the Eastern basement by they time the deadline is here, especially considering they have to do the Disney death march coming out of their by-week.

I'll say this. If they are going to be buyers, they MUST fix the back-up goaltending situation. To go out and spend assets on D and F (likely bargain bin acquisitions similar to last season), and not address the back-up goaltender position will make Sweeney look like a total buffoon, because this team isn't making the playoffs if it's not fixed.

Ice Nine

Registered User
Dec 11, 2014
Parts Unknown
Not exactly.

This idea that he's here until he says otherwise is flat out false. His NMC becomes a modified NTC in 2 years, meaning he'll have to submit a list of HALF the teams in the league he'd accept a trade to. So even if he doesn't want to leave won't have a choice.

Fwiw, I'm a big Krejci fan, and I still think he can be a terrific player with the right wingers but I also see a player who's not comfortable with the new style they're trying to play. Sweeney is trying to turn this into in a fast team with lots of movement, stretch passing and Marchand/Pastrnak types slashing and dashing. It's working for some players but that's not DK46. He's a slow it down type. He's a guy who wants to cycle. So unless he changes or they build a line around his style and let that line play differently than everyone else I think he will become someone they look to phase out.

I don't think that phasing out is going to happen this year, but I wouldn't be surprised if Krejci gets moved right before that limited NTC is set to kick in, when Krejci still has the full NMC in effect. That way, he can have total control over where he goes.

I think there are two other factors in play here as well...

1) They want to make the playoffs this year and he's an important part of that hope.

2) I think they want guys ready to step into the spot he vacates. Personally, I'm not sure we have anyone in the system with that kind of upside, but Kirk thinks they're banking on JFK being that guy. If that's the case, you figure JFK gets 3rd line duty next year and the following season is when they start to think about moving Krejci, with JFK knocking on the door and Krejci about to lose control over where he plays.

You're right about the NMC/NTC. I forgot about that. But I think it's still pointless to discuss Krejci trades right now, given his indication he's not interested in moving. Until he expresses otherwise, I think a Krejci trade is just not happening for at least another year (if you're right about an early move for greater control) or possibly two if he decides to play out his NMC protection (by then, he's not going to be very easy to move, even with a NTC being 32-33 years old with a 7.25m cap hit.

I respect Kirk's take on these things, but I just don't see JFK being a credible replacement for Krejci at this stage; always booked him as a third line C. Hope they have a Plan B.
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Ice Nine

Registered User
Dec 11, 2014
Parts Unknown
IMO, they're going to be buyers.

Or maybe it's more accurate to say that if the deadline were today, I think they'd be buyers. A lot can happen between now and March 1st but if they are then where they are now, they buy.

The more interesting question to me is, what kind of buyers? Is Sweeney going to shop in the bargain bin like he did last year? They say a leopard doesn't change it's spots. That may be who he is. And honestly, I'm on record as saying I don't think they need a major changes to get into the playoffs, I think they need tweaks. They have some good parts and some talent but the pieces don't fit together well. So from that perspective, I can understand a moderate approach.

The problem is this: If he does exactly what he did last year, and fails AGAIN, he is going to look like a complete buffoon.

So what then? Go big?

To go big he'll have to give up the one thing he's got going for him, quality futures. That might save the playoffs and make the media guys happy but the hardcore fans are going to be pissed.

I agree, I think they'll be buyers; I hope, though, he tries to make a more significant move than adding a couple journeymen and crossing his fingers.

Coach Parker

Stanley Cup Champion
Jun 22, 2008
Vancouver, B.C.

I don't even know what the hell to ask for anymore.

I absolutely hate the idea of missing the playoffs with this core yet again. It just seems that if measures are taken to avoid that, it will likely be too little/too late.

So sell? But what does the team really have to sell? Either a McQuaid or a Kevan Miller perhaps? Dominic Moore or Ryan Spooner or Joe Morrow? I don't even know what you'd get for these guys right now. Considering our prospect pool, I'm not exactly salivating over the idea of acquiring more "futures". Doesn't seem like Sweeney is keen on using that currency for "presents" any time soon.

Disenfranchised with the franchise right now. That hurts me to say.

Hate to say it, but I'm with you. Stopped watching the games until a meaningful addition or move is made.

Besides, updates and conversations here is time better spent than watching a Bruins game.


HFBoards Sponsor
Nov 26, 2011
North Andover, MA
Didn't we list all the guys making around Krejci's salary earlier in the thread and realize that Krejci was at least middle of the pack on that list? Krejci had his second highest scoring year ever last year. Weird how moving from Eriksson and Pasta to Backes and Spooner/Schaller/Vatrano has resulted in fewer points. I really don't understand it. I can't think of any reason he would have fewer points. Jesus Christ.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
Didn't we list all the guys making around Krejci's salary earlier in the thread and realize that Krejci was at least middle of the pack on that list? Krejci had his second highest scoring year ever last year. Weird how moving from Eriksson and Pasta to Backes and Spooner/Schaller/Vatrano has resulted in fewer points. I really don't understand it. I can't think of any reason he would have fewer points. Jesus Christ.

It's easy to explain really.

He had an abnormally hot start. 15 points in his 1st nine games. Before reverting back to his more normal pace.

Then flip that to this year, when he had pretty much the opposite start coming off hip surgery, with only 5 points in his first 13 games. Now his pace is down a bit don't get me wrong, but not a significant number. An there are a multitude of factors causing it.

He's a 60 point, 2nd line C who can play a sound 2-way game, but has games where he is disinterested. That's what he is. He's still a very good player. We've probably seen his best days already gone by.

Playmaker makes a good point about how he likes to slow things down and work the cycle vs. making things happen off the rush with speed, and how the Bruins have changed that up a bit.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2006
Victoria BC
Although Spooner has underperformed this year, but he may be the best candidate to package and get an impact player in return. Any news about Spoons on the market?

I`m not sure there`s even going to be an "impact player" moved at the deadline. That said, while I think there would be teams interested in Spoons, no way do I think he`s valued nearly as highly as he is here
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