53rd Obsequious Banter Thread - If You Have Ghost, You Have Everything

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Former Flyers fan
Sep 28, 2014
today was my cheat day,

was at chickies and petes

got snow crabs 18 bucks, plus crab fries. and lots of beer sam's summer ale.

Cant go wrong with any of that..although when I go to Chickies I usually do Mussels Marinara


Former Flyers Fan
Jun 2, 2013
I know you guys love your beer, but I'm pretty glad I don't drink. I would never try to preach to people and convince others to stop or anything like that, but to me it's just better not too. Cheaper, healthier, and if you never start you can't have trouble stopping if you ever decide to.

It's not even like I can't because of any health reasons or as if I ever had bad experience related to it in the past. I was just never motivated to start it, which a lot of people find weird but oh well.

I'm also weird in that I dont love pizza or pasta. I'm not a picky eater and I'll eat it if it's there, but I never crave it like many do. Which is even more strange considering all of my known heritage, on both my mom and dads side of the family, is Italian. Losing weight for me was the perfect storm of ease, no bad habits, almost no cravings for unhealthy things, early 20's, male, etc... Which is why I feel strange about getting praise from friends and family, I don't feel like I really worked that hard to earn it. I got lucky.


Registered User
Feb 29, 2012
South Jersey NJ
Cant go wrong with any of that..although when I go to Chickies I usually do Mussels Marinara

I know you guys love your beer, but I'm pretty glad I don't drink. I would never try to preach to people and convince others to stop or anything like that, but to me it's just better not too. Cheaper, healthier, and if you never start you can't have trouble stopping if you ever decide to.

It's not even like I can't because of any health reasons or as if I ever had bad experience related to it in the past. I was just never motivated to start it, which a lot of people find weird but oh well.

I'm also weird in that I dont love pizza or pasta. I'm not a picky eater and I'll eat it if it's there, but I never crave it like many do. Which is even more strange considering all of my known heritage, on both my mom and dads side of the family, is Italian. Losing weight for me was the perfect storm of ease, no bad habits, almost no cravings for unhealthy things, early 20's, male, etc... Which is why I feel strange about getting praise from friends and family, I don't feel like I really worked that hard to earn it. I got lucky.

I just did my first night workout in a long time. I'm usually a 7am guy when I go. But our planet fitness in hammonton was closed for improvements and opened at 9pm.

So I had my chickie's and petes for lunch, but the workout i just put in I burned it off.

I also tried the cardio choice on the treadmil with a incline of 8 on the machine, i tried it for 20 minutes, i burned about the same calories then on the fat burn choice for 40 min lol.

I use the below before the workout I'd embed but don't know how I'll have to ask beef, he's gonna show me 1 of these days or list instructions.



striker I actually have cut back on beer big time. Since 2008 when I got my CDL A I have to be real careful when I drink. I usually have a beer or 2 on the weekends, sometimes i'll go 3 weeks in between to.

also in general i use to drink soda, i went to diet last few years, but for about 6 weeks, i been drinking nothing but water and ice tea. I think I'm down to like a diet dr pepper once a week if that.

this is great you can get at shop rite arizona RX Stress ice tea great stuff.



You have no marbles
Jul 28, 2004
when you say cardio, what exactly do you do. when I get on the treadmil at the gym ill hit fat burn for an hour and then usually burn around 400 calories.

should I be running more. or should i skip the treadmil and just ride the bike they have their.

I never used Fat Burn i would just choose manual and adjust it myself throughout the workout.

When i first started, i would use the treadmill, then when i built up a little bit of endurance i began to max out the include and go like a 3.5 mph pace. I would do it in intervals, back and forth between max inclince and a lower include. This is where i really built up my mental decision to keep trying to lose weight. The max include really made you look for motivation to keep pushing through it. Finding my own inspiration really helped me push through tough days.

As i started feeling more comfortable doing Cardio i looked for how to burn more calories in a quicker period of time...so i looked at the Elliptical. I feel like that is where i really started losing weight. I can't remember where i started, but when i really hit my stride i began 4 days a week spending about 30-60 minutes at like a 7 mph pace with a intensity of like a 12.

When i go now im doing around a 14 intensity around 9 mph and typically for about 45 minutes. I always do my cardio at the start of the work out. When i was really dedicated to losing weight i was going two days a week on weekends and would do over an hour total.

On the elliptical now Most workouts ill burn around 700 Calories after Cool Downs. Some times i challange myself to keep going after a cool down and set it for like 5 more minutes. So i would set it for like 30 initially then up it manaully as i started approaching the end.
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Registered User
Feb 29, 2012
South Jersey NJ
deal of the day, while I was out shopping for food, shop rite has the arizona gallon ice tea's on sale 1.99 great price.

I got green tea ginsing tea and the RX Stress great if you never tried.


Registered User
Feb 8, 2016
Hampstead, MD
deal of the day, while I was out shopping for food, shop rite has the arizona gallon ice tea's on sale 1.99 great price.

I got green tea ginsing tea and the RX Stress great if you never tried.

I used to drink a ton of Turkey Hill Iced Tea, from back before high school all the way thru to college. Then I got a kidney stone my sophomore year, and the doctor said it was because I drank a lot of iced tea. He explained that tea contains high levels of oxalate, which is the primary building block of most kidney stones. He also said that once you've had one, you are at a much higher risk of having another one. Long story short, I don't really drink iced tea anymore.

Just a cautionary tale about iced tea lol.


Registered User
Feb 29, 2012
South Jersey NJ
I used to drink a ton of Turkey Hill Iced Tea, from back before high school all the way thru to college. Then I got a kidney stone my sophomore year, and the doctor said it was because I drank a lot of iced tea. He explained that tea contains high levels of oxalate, which is the primary building block of most kidney stones. He also said that once you've had one, you are at a much higher risk of having another one. Long story short, I don't really drink iced tea anymore.

Just a cautionary tale about iced tea lol.


you are right but this article is great. it also suggest water / lemons can aid in stopping kidney stones from growing. but the main thing is moderation, that is key.


Registered User
Jul 10, 2015
The show preacher isn't too bad, though I've missed the first 15 mins or so, I've enjoyed it thus far. Though I feel like I've missed some important stuff lol.

When I was ginger I used to put the Lipton ice tea in the large Hawaiian punch contsiners and drink like one of those a day (about 8 scoops worth) is it less likely for a child to get them? Glad I cut that and soda out, even though my sugar intake isn't great (cutting that back as well)


Former Flyers fan
Sep 28, 2014
I know you guys love your beer, but I'm pretty glad I don't drink. I would never try to preach to people and convince others to stop or anything like that, but to me it's just better not too. Cheaper, healthier, and if you never start you can't have trouble stopping if you ever decide to.

It's not even like I can't because of any health reasons or as if I ever had bad experience related to it in the past. I was just never motivated to start it, which a lot of people find weird but oh well.

I'm also weird in that I dont love pizza or pasta. I'm not a picky eater and I'll eat it if it's there, but I never crave it like many do. Which is even more strange considering all of my known heritage, on both my mom and dads side of the family, is Italian. Losing weight for me was the perfect storm of ease, no bad habits, almost no cravings for unhealthy things, early 20's, male, etc... Which is why I feel strange about getting praise from friends and family, I don't feel like I really worked that hard to earn it. I got lucky.

No beer or pizza? No cravings? Early 20s? Sounds like you need to live a little ;-)
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