2018 Management Discussion, Pt. II

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It's a wolf v2.0
Jul 29, 2003
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Burn baby burn!

I have to admit that I'm going to quite enjoy watching this management team consume each other.

Yep, I just want the season to start already so we can see the predictable happen and watch it all burn down. The sooner it happens the sooner we can get someone competent in charge to build a proper team around our young guys... or at least to the extent they can with the contracts Jimbo has saddled the team with. It would nice to be able to feel good about being a Canuck fan again.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2005
Please learn about PR before commenting. The narrow myopia seen in your posts tells me you don't know enough about it to comment with any certainty. You've admitted to not knowing much about it, but are commenting as if you do. If you did, you would know that a big rule of PR is to 'get out in front of the story'. Aquilini hasn't done this. It's an error.

Do you work in PR for a living? If not, please don't pretend to be an expert and comment. I know that in your mind you are like an expert at everything, but like I told you many times, you're living in your own head. Considering that you think the owners of a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars should hold a press conference to address an average bob who went on social media complaining about a product he bought, you clearly know very little.


Check dein Limit
Apr 30, 2010
Canuck Nation
They are saying they are going to be younger then buying spray on hair and a base model miata with 300k on it.
Although to be fair a used Miata is one of the most underrated performance vehicles money can buy.

But not if you're racing Ferraris or Lambos or anything, you know, really worth paying serious money for.

Bleach Clean

Registered User
Aug 9, 2006
Do you work in PR for a living? If not, please don't pretend to be an expert and comment. I know that in your mind you are like an expert at everything, but like I told you many times, you're living in your own head. Considering that you think the owners of a business worth hundreds of millions of dollars should hold a press conference to address an average bob who went on social media complaining about a product he bought, you clearly know very little.

I'm going to break down for you why your post simply serves to reinforce your initial myopic and thin view of the subject matter:

1. You question me, not what I have put forth. I would hope by now that you would understand that this is an illogical way to approach an argument. Every time.

2. Even if I convey to you that my prior work and my current business involves PR, it would change nothing for you.

3. Conveying a simple tenet of PR is in no way conveying expertise. I never claimed to be an expert.

4. I'm talking to (I thought) someone who is not versed in PR methodology. So I'm showing you what I know, and still you ignore it.

5. You're default is to say that I know very little, but how can you judge that if you know nothing at all?

It's not just me that is saying that Aquilini should hold a press conference, the media has been all over him for not doing so. He's clearly working outside his normal practice. Usually, he's in front of the cameras with a new GM/President. This time, he's nowhere to be found.

The brand looks very poor right now. Aqua even sent out tweets to try and assuage some of those concerns, but it's not enough. People are speculating, wildly, and most of the derision is focused straight at Aquilini. A Vancouver icon (like him or not) and team president just left the organization that he was leading. If you think that doesn't warrant a dialogue with the owner that hired him, well, it's wrong, but it would be fitting.

As an aside, check out this quote from Lisa Alloca (Red Javelin Comm.). She sometimes writes for Forbes magazine:

Talented People Working Together - Red Javelin Communications

Be Proactive, Be Transparent, Be Accountable
In today’s real-time world of social media, and with critics everywhere, reputation management matters more than ever and it can be lost in an instant. The tenets of any crisis communication are to be proactive, be transparent, and be accountable. When put into action it looks like this: acknowledge the incident, accept responsibility, and apologize.

People like Kuzma are still wondering what his tweets mean. Is that transparency? Is that being accountable? No, obviously not. Hence, the problem. Aquilini is hiding when he should be setting a direction with a call to action.
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Sep 29, 2017
Montreal, QC
Is someone actually questioning that aquilini should be at a conference answering questions about linden being fired and not Travis f***ing Green? Yikes.


Go ahead foot
Jun 28, 2002
Make my day.
One of the problems with social media statements at times like this, though it extends to newspaper ads etc, is they usual inflame the situation. Teams usually resort to them when they perceive their brand is hurting and the fans can smell the choas, and teams just confirm the it by denying it. We'll run teams don't put out these kind of statements, we'll run teams don't have to deny they have internal issues because they don't. They make you look desperate, they draw ridicule, if people thought you were distinctional before now they know it. If the fans are unhappy then they arent buying into empty spin, that just pisses any fans off.

It is mine thing to be brutally honest, fans will respect they even if they don't like it, empty BS is going down hard.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2005
I'm going to break down for you why your post simply serves to reinforce your initial myopic and thin view of the subject matter:

You ignored my question. I admitted to not knowing much about PR and you took that as I shouldn't comment. So my question to you is do you work in PR for a living, if no, maybet you shouldn't comment either with such certainty. I think it's fair given your comments. Just taking a page out of your playbook. Answer the question.
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Bleach Clean

Registered User
Aug 9, 2006
You ignored my question. I admitted to not knowing much about PR and you took that as I shouldn't comment. So my question to you is do you work in PR for a living, if no, maybet you shouldn't comment either with such certainty. I think it's fair given your comments. Just taking a page out of your playbook. Answer the question.

My book? When have I posed a question to you regarding your work references?

Do you know that ad hominem is a fallacious argumentative approach? Your question is irrelevant. (Even though I did answer it if you read closely)

Do you have anything whatsoever to combat/critique what I have put forth as my evidence regarding what should be done here? Anything at all? If you don't, then that should prove that you wish to carry a thin and myopic view of the topic regardless of the evidence presented to you. (What you incorrectly and ironically accuse others of doing with their posts)
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Proper Villain
Jun 26, 2003
Regardless of the semantics/logistics/etc of Linden's ousting there's really only one thing that matters: The failed "rebuild on the fly" crew is firmly in the drivers seat (and ownership is on board with fringe playoff contention versus a long-term vision to win a Stanley Cup). We're all screwed because if there's one thing the people in charge (i.e. Benning crew) have proven it's that they're terrible at evaluating NHL talent and have no business attempting to build a pro-level roster.

They've achieved a passing grade at the amateur and draft level, but are abject failures at trades, contracts, and anything to do with NHL hockey operations. How the Aquilinis could look at this current management group and consider them qualified to "rebuild on the fly" is absolutely mystifying.

These are the guys who attempted to contend for the post-season since being hired, but have manufactured some of the worst season-long records in franchise history. I don't doubt "the potato" could seriously have garnered a better NHL record over the past three seasons. The only reason they've had any success is because they've accidentally accumulated a few top-ten draft picks (two of which they arguably messed up).
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May 19, 2011
Regardless of the semantics/logistics/etc of Linden's ousting there's really only one thing that matters: The failed "rebuild on the fly" crew is firmly in the drivers seat (and ownership is on board with fringe playoff contention versus a long-term vision to win a Stanley Cup). We're all screwed because if there's one thing the people in charge (i.e. Benning crew) have proven it's that they're terrible at evaluating NHL talent and have no business attempting to build a pro-level roster.

They've achieved a passing grade at the amateur and draft level, but are abject failures at trades, contracts, and anything to do with NHL hockey operations. How the Aquilinis could look at this current management group and consider them qualified to "rebuild on the fly" is absolutely mystifying.

These are the guys who attempted to contend for the post-season since being hired, but have manufactured some of the worst season-long records in franchise history. I don't doubt "the potato" could seriously have garnered a better NHL record over the past three seasons. The only reason they've had any success is because they've accidentally accumulated a few top-ten draft picks (two of which they arguably messed up).

Oh that's OK, Linden's ass out flying is the first of the many necessary steps for this team to not be a pile of horse excrement.

Look at this way, with each passing moment, with each shit trade, with every colossal failure, with one after another person fired, Dim Jim and Aquaman are merely borrowing more time from the future to cover their asses for a brief moment. The more excuses they have now, the less they will have down the line. It's kinda like when an airship drops what's assumed as dead weight in order to avoid getting Hindenburged. Soon enough there will be nothing to drop but the ship itself.

This confirms my suspicion from way back when some who praised the three morons for their work and how they are set on a target. I said just you wait, when the chips are down, these f***ers will EAT each other. Basic biological instinct of self preservation at all costs will prevail.

In any case, no need to get too focused on these idiots. Just do what I do - grab some popcorn and coke, find a nice front row seat, and watch gleefully as Dim Jim shoots himself in the foot then cut off said foot to stop the bleeding.
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Megaterio Llamas

el rey del mambo
Oct 29, 2011
North Shore
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May 19, 2011
Botch is correct. The plan has remained constant all along. Make the playoffs every year. This franchise has the same outlook as the New York Yankees ie never plan beyond next year. Minus the on field success of course. I guess Linden couldn't take the hit to his image any longer and walked away.

Dim Jim and Aquaman both got the foresight of a blind monkey who just drank a gallon of mercury.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
I am not so appalled by Simmons not naming sources, but rather how Pratt tries to take this story and present it as gospel without and research or evidence. So, yes crap journalism.
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Catamarca Livin

Registered User
Jul 29, 2010
I am not so appalled by Simmons not naming sources, but rather how Pratt tries to take this story and present it as gospel without and research or evidence. So, yes crap journalism.
Pratt comes off poorly. He can not look at Benning the same way knowing he accepted a clause where he talks directly to ownership. Question would anyone reject this clause from the owner of their business? If the owner asks you to report to them you report to them because they have that right. To say no is to say you do not want to work for them. I would not give up my job to try and help someone else above me. Would anyone?

Fire Benning

diaper filled piss baby
Oct 2, 2016
It’s incredible how fast Linden managed to restore his reputation in a week with all these leaks to his media buddies. There’s still a large portion of fans who are willing to believe anything that paints him in a positive way.

Fire Benning

diaper filled piss baby
Oct 2, 2016
I am not so appalled by Simmons not naming sources, but rather how Pratt tries to take this story and present it as gospel without and research or evidence. So, yes crap journalism.

Pratt is a complete buffoon and he knows absolutely jackshit about hockey.


Check dein Limit
Apr 30, 2010
Canuck Nation
Oh boy :help:

EDIT: Basically, theres no chance anyone with any competence comes to this organization, till Benning & Weisbrod are gone. I didnt say Aquilini, cause he's not selling the team.

lol @ the #Canucks mutiny being powered by Ram Trucks.

However this shakes out, whatever the "plan" was or is, Linden clearly lost an internal power struggle with Benning and/or Weisbrod. We may never know what really happened.

Hopefully it's one step closer to the Aquamen getting rid of Benning, Weisbrod and all their buddies and family members so that actual professionals can be hired to run the team again.
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Proper Villain
Jun 26, 2003
It’s incredible how fast Linden managed to restore his reputation in a week with all these leaks to his media buddies. There’s still a large portion of fans who are willing to believe anything that paints him in a positive way.

Linden's certainly a member of the idiot gallery that's ruined/ruining the Canucks. He's made a ton of mistakes (i.e. taking the job, hiring Benning and Weisbrod, completely misunderstanding the state of the team and how to run a franchise, etc). But he was shrewd enough to read the market; where broad consensus is starting to hate how things were being run. Pretty much nobody buys into the "rebuild on the fly" anymore and fans broadly demand a true rebuild. Linden's a fair-weather guy so obviously he gets blown in the direction of the majority. I don't believe for the second his turn into a "true rebuild" acolyte 18 months ago (according to Botch) was anything except an attempt to save his reputation. He read fan/media perception and made the change, and it cost him his job. But at least he comes out smelling like roses.

That doesn't particularly matter since we're now left with a bunch of other idiots running the franchise into the ground. The one good thing that's going to come from this debacle is that the idiots no longer have Linden's legacy PR shield to hide behind. The best thing that's happening is that the market is/will turn on them en masse.

So yes, Linden should never have been arrogant enough to take a job he was completely unqualified for and try to fake it. But thankfully he's now turning his PR and reputation around Vancouver against the remaining management. Whether it's out of spite, or general good will for the Canucks, he will have done us a great service turning the media and broader fan base against the idiocy currently occupying the front office.


May 19, 2011
lol @ the #Canucks mutiny being powered by Ram Trucks.

However this shakes out, whatever the "plan" was or is, Linden clearly lost an internal power struggle with Benning and/or Weisbrod. We may never know what really happened.

Hopefully it's one step closer to the Aquamen getting rid of Benning, Weisbrod and all their buddies and family members so that actual professionals can be hired to run the team again.

Here's an internal video footage of Benning after being appointed as Aquaman's go-to guy (may contain dramatization):

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