GDT: 10/3 6pm Sharks @ Ducks - Final Preseason Game

weastern bias

worst team in the league
Feb 3, 2012

Definitely a head shot, unfortunately.

As Torres is not a repeat offender, five games?

You can't even see Silferberg's shoulder from this angle

What I can't tell is if Raffi hits his shoulder and bumps through to his head (like the Stoll hit), if Silferberg is turning into the hit, or if he just hits him in the head

This angle and clip has done nothing to clarify


Registered User
Nov 19, 2006
Napa Valley, CA
I can't see a hit to the head at all. watched the clip and paused several times. Looks like Silverberg saw him and pulled up at the last second to brace and it was shoulder to shoulder. Head movement seems to be from the hit. That said, during the broadcast, the radio announcers didn't debate the call.

Where Torres made his mistake was coming from the side and skating by the other defender so the puck carrier couldnt see him coming. Its a dangerous play and not one someone with Torres reputation will get away with. They will call everything close on him which is a problem if you are killing 5 minute penalties every 5 games he plays.

I don't have a clue if he is suspended or not without definitive evidence of a head shot. I would hope the League says there was no definitive video evidence and the defender was uninjured and just get on with the season. But given the predisposition against Torres, I'm going to say he still gets 5 games.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2012
I just don't know what's going through his head there. Would be really nice to have the hockey playing Torres throughout the regular season.


Sep 1, 2011
East-west hits seem like a bad idea in general. Your target and trajectory counts for a lot and the timing has to pinpoint to get a perfectly clean hit.

Led Zappa

Tomorrow Today
Jan 8, 2007
Silicon Valley
Yeah, while I don't see a head shot he's been playing dangerously since day 1. I hope it's due to him trying to prove he still deserves ice time. He needs to tone it down.

weastern bias

worst team in the league
Feb 3, 2012
I predict this year Raffi Torres suspensions will be the new John Scott suspensions

They'll come on hilariously borderline plays, or on sillily by the book calls that will leave the opposing fans crying, the main board wailing, and most of us just kind of shrugging

"Oh well, he's suspended again. I guess now we'll have to trot out a depth player who actually has both knees."

It makes perfect sense that any team could lose Scott for a solid few games and be fine, but I remember when losing Raffi just MURDERED our forward depth

Raffi is going to get suspended this year, and probably multiple times; we're just lucky to finally have some depth to compensate

This first suspension will be a good test, also, welcome to the lineup Mike Brown


Sep 1, 2011
The thing is that Scott only earned like one of his suspensions and Jackman was being equally dickish. Scott's reputation is entirely and supremely overblown. Torres, not so much.

weastern bias

worst team in the league
Feb 3, 2012
The thing is that Scott only earned like one of his suspensions

If we're talking strictly about his tenure as a Shark, I'd argue Raffi has deserved LESS than one of his suspensions

Unless I'm forgetting something, this is his second as a Shark

1. Stoll

Undeserved, not to mention basically illegal

There is no precedent to suspend a player for a variable number of games, and they haven't done it since

2. Silferberg

Also believe it's undeserved, but it's gonna happen

Am I missing one?

I know Torres has a bad reputation that he definitely earned, but I haven't seen him throw a truly suspendable hit since Hossa, and I thought even that one was overblown, again due to reputation


Registered User
Oct 11, 2008
San Jose, CA
The thing I don't like about the hit was it looked like an intent to injure. He comes off the bench and just levels the guy while the play was actually away. Hit to the head or not, if rather not see that kind of play and I can understand why ducks fans are upset. Kinda worried about what might happen in the home opener now.

weastern bias

worst team in the league
Feb 3, 2012
Ok he was not coming off the bench but the puck was not at the guys feet. It looked like intent to injure and I just saw the vedio again.

It's hard to decipher the actual timing because the genius who made this gif slows it down just prior to contact, but

Silferberg is in the act of passing the puck off as Torres is engaging the hit, these actions come immediately one after the other

Silferberg IS eligible to be checked in this timeframe

He takes three strong strides to set up for the hit, and then glides an equal distance into the hit, so I'd argue this wasn't even charging

But it was Torres; San Jose #13, 5 minute major and a game misconduct

Repeat offender even though he's not, suspended for x+1 games


Registered User
Oct 11, 2008
San Jose, CA

It's hard to decipher the actual timing because the genius who made this gif slows it down just prior to contact, but

Silferberg is in the act of passing the puck off as Torres is engaging the hit, these actions come immediately one after the other

Silferberg IS eligible to be checked in this timeframe

He takes three strong strides to set up for the hit, and then glides an equal distance into the hit, so I'd argue this wasn't even charging

But it was Torres; San Jose #13, 5 minute major and a game misconduct

Repeat offender even though he's not, suspended for x+1 games

Well when it's slowed down like that it looks like a clean hit but it is Torres, the guy who gets suspended for the rest of the postseason because of another clean hit.

weastern bias

worst team in the league
Feb 3, 2012
Well when it's slowed down like that it looks like a clean hit but it is Torres, the guy who gets suspended for the rest of the postseason because of another clean hit.

I agree with this, though I think the slow-mo view actually does us all a disservice in judging the legality of the hit

You know who never got to see the hit in Slow-mo? Raffi Torres


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
South Bay

It's hard to decipher the actual timing because the genius who made this gif slows it down just prior to contact...

I think this video has been the most helpful in determining if this was a headshot. With the video slowed down you can see the force was initially shoulder on shoulder, with minimal (if any) contact to the head on follow through. Also even with the slowing of the video the puck had only just left Silferburgs stick before the hit. Raffi doesn't leave his feet or raise his elbow. By all accounts Silf isn't injured. If Raffi gets a suspension on this its 100% reputation.


Shark fan in hiding
Aug 11, 2009
I agree with this, though I think the slow-mo view actually does us all a disservice in judging the legality of the hit

You know who never got to see the hit in Slow-mo? Raffi Torres

He is going to see it lots between now and when ever the hearing is.


Outro: Divina Comedia
Dec 21, 2009
Bay Area
I honestly have no idea how Raffi is getting the benefit of the doubt with so many of you. I didn't see the hit, but if neutral people say it was bad, I believe them.

Quid Pro Clowe

Registered User
Dec 28, 2008
Torres will get the book because he's Torres, and a shark or two will be injured by dirty hits that get nothing. Par the course.

This hit got 0 games, which gave Hannan a concussion and he missed about 2 weeks.


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