Windsor Spitfires 2019 Offseason Thread

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member 71782

Some good observations but there will never be any fun on this board if we don't disagree about somethings. :)
Not agreeing with the comments about Staios - Start of the year some posters were on him for "rushing the puck up ice and getting caught too much". Well he has definitely improved that, smarter hockey. Then posters say we like Henault because he carries the puck more and is more offensive style. So which is it? You want your D to carry the puck up more or be stay at home? Can't have it both ways and call a guy out for either/or. Both Staios and Henault are still learning and I see improvement in both. Are they top 2 D, probably not but can't see giving up on either at this point.

Don't agree about Garagan - same issue with him as Sirman last year. Spits needed somewhere to hang a jersey. Never expected much and we got what we expected. He filled a roll. Campbell a similar reason but there was more upside with his play.

Not Seeing Incze back. Him being an OA and the need for quality OA's in other positions just means he fails in the numbers game. Piiroinen will likely be back and him going into his 2nd year will be the tell on him for sure.

Boka and Purboo coming takes 2 OA spots off the hop so I will not be surprised if one or both get moved at some point. Boka being the more likely target.

Angle has returned to his old form - I commented early in the year he was a "spark" for the Spits. After he got hurt that tailed off but he returned to form in the playoffs. I can see him having a real breakout year next year.

Coaching - I'm guessing of course but I could see anyone of the 3 coaches being changed up either moving on/ stepping down or ask to step away. Not going to be shocked at anything including all 3 returning.

Lots to discuss over the next few months - not wanting to wish the summer away but it is nice to have something to look forward to in the fall.

If we all agreed on everything there would be no point of any discussion.

Staois and Henault

A few differences between the two that I feel mean the difference between keeping one over the other. They do have some similarities to their games, both have some offensive instincts, both skate reasonably well and both are capable of getting pucks to the net. All good things in my book.

The differences are I feel Henault brings a bit more defensively, a bit more responsible that way and less likely to get caught up ice. Staois I see as getting beat more often at the blueline then he appears to give up on the play more often when he does get beat. Both will rush the puck up ice but I see Henault more likely to get back into the play when he does if it turns back the other way. Staois, and maybe it's just my impression but he seems to be a bit more emotional but distant with his team mates. If he gets beat and it costs a goal he has a look that seems to be why did the goaltender give that up and there seems to be little communication between him and the goaltender, good or bad. Could be me reading the expression wrong but that's how it comes across a lot of times. Almost looks like assigning blame at times and no personal accountability.

Both have improved this season but where as Henault as taken a big step IMO Staois has been more incremental progression. This could be because Staois was a #1 pick that I would expect more from Staois. It's easy to say with Henault he is what he is if he doesn't take a big step in development being a lower round pick but it's hard to accept it is what it is when talking about a first rounder. Looking at them both as middle pairing D down the road with Robinson knocking on the door probably by mid season next year if one had to be moved which would it be? IMO Staois who has a few more faults to his game and has not progressed as much in his personal game to go along with the higher expectations placed on a first round pick or Henault who has taken a bigger jump in progression, seems to be a bit more accountable and is probably exceeding expectations after last season and being a later round pick.

Going forward, late next season and beyond we'll have Staois, Henault, Ladd and Robinson all middle pairing D looking for ice time with some more deserving then others as well as anyone else who is drafted or steps up from the prospect pool. Nothing wrong with having solid D depth even if that means the bottom four should all be middle pairing but without taking a bigger step I can see Staois dropping down the depth chart with all of Henault, Ladd and Robinson passing him moving forward. We need to pairing D and those currently here don't appear at this time to fit the bill. Things can change of course but I don't see Staois being happy if the rest pass him and even they aren't top pairing potential.


I know he was simply a warm body who was old enough to have some experience to go over the boards a couple of shifts a game but there should have been other options. The kid Sarnia picked up for a fourth and a conditional fourth I believe and the kid Flint picked up from London for a sixth I believe. While I for one didn't want to see Rychel moving out any picks he already had I also said if he could move picks out he acquired in deals for a younger player that needed a change of scenery it would make sense. Now neither of those two were going to be stars they were both 01s I believe, both bg bodies and both had the potential to return whatever they cost to acquire if they didn't make enough of an impression to make the roster again next year. Garagan was a cheaper deal but there was no upside to the deal. HYe will likely be waived through the league with no takers whereas the other two, who played decent in their games against Windsor at least had youth and some upside on their side and for the cost of swapping out the MacDougall picks basically they could have added two more 01s and saw what they had possibly for the future. It's a rebuild, go younger not older.


I had no issue with Campbell for the most part. He was a freebie and there no other waived OAs that became available. He was very similar to Boka in that he was responsible defensively and could play up and down the line up if needed. The concern going forward in terms of comparing Campbell and Boka is Campbell is a very similar player and was available for nothing, what's Boka's value in a deal going forward? He is a bit better, brings a bit more but there really isn't a significant difference between the two and while Boka will likely return something in a deal I have a feeling it won't be much, mid to later round pick with how the value of picks is changing.


the only reason for him to return is if they move on from Piiroinen and bring in a raw 16 year old. Outside of that he came in and did a decent job some nights while others not so much. He's an average goaltender most nights who can really shine when he's on his game and everything is going right. Windsor should be able to recoup the pick they gave up or close to it. I agree Piiroinen will likely be back unless they have something unexpected up their sleeve through a deal/FA etc in which case yes, it's time to give him the reigns and go from their. He's not a bad goaltender but when he's off his game he's not good. The team in front and how they played certainly was a factor and with a year under his bely hopefully he is more prepared as to what he can expect going forward.

Boka and Purboo

They said in the article they want to be back and I can see them being back, at least until the deadline but they both need to be prepared for everything from a diminished role in the line up to moving up when called upon. They have to become secondary players who can play a support role, Campbell/Garagan/Allen come to mind. If that's not going to go over well then move on from them as soon as possible. In all fairness to Boka a lot of the frustration towards him is a direct result of how he was used and he shouldn't be held to account for Letowski's decisions. no one is going to tell their coach they don't want the extra minutes and if they did I certainly wouldn't want them on my team. Purboo I think will have higher expectations for icetime and that could be an issue as we saw when his ice time changed along with his linemates.


The article makes me nervous. I can see all three being back when the reality is none should be. Too much of Rychel taking the blame and not enough to say there will be discussions to examine what happened and how it's going to be fixed. Now of course he's not going to come out in an interview and say the coaches were this or that and discussions will be made to review their futures but something that says what we tried to do and what we had in terms of personnel not coming together will be reviewed by all so we can make the needed improvements to move forward. It's right of Rychel to take responsibility for his part, good on him but he also needs to show this was a team effort and everything that needs to be fixed will be reviewed so that a better product can be on the ice next year. Letowski seemed to hold Rychel to account as much as anything.

There will definitely be lots to discuss and like everything that happens with the team it will be discussed and debated beyond recognition. Nice to be part of a passionate fanbase just hope it's kept passionate and realistic and doesn't turn personal between some. I really enjoy the lively discussions many have on here, just the cheap shots at times get frustrating and the topic itself loses relevance when it happens.

OHL 17

Registered User
Nov 8, 2018
Windsor, On
How can anyone be fooled by the Wr bs. He is in charge of this team and he made the decisions to allow the coaching staff to:
play players in improper positions, overplay their favorites, put players on the powerplay that don't belong, players taking important draws that never win them, improperly use the goaltenders (2 years in a row), have a powerplay for a year and a half near the very bottom of the OHL, not hold older players responsible for including younger players in functions, for not using systems that would be successful, adapting systems on the fly, poor matching of lines, poor use of players ice time (over used/ under used), discouraging players with disparaging comments, lack of player development, players out of shape.........the list could go on and on

There are no words to cover up this mess in the leadership of The Spits! If WR is trying to save money by not doing what is right, be honest and say that (I can't afford to fire the coaches, he is related, he is my buddy, whatever). Get back to running the team the way it should be. This is the worst display of management since the McKale days. To allow this to continue is highly insulting to STM! There are no excuses anymore period.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2016
Rock & Hardplace
If we all agreed on everything there would be no point of any discussion.

Staois and Henault

A few differences between the two that I feel mean the difference between keeping one over the other. They do have some similarities to their games, both have some offensive instincts, both skate reasonably well and both are capable of getting pucks to the net. All good things in my book.

The differences are I feel Henault brings a bit more defensively, a bit more responsible that way and less likely to get caught up ice. Staois I see as getting beat more often at the blueline then he appears to give up on the play more often when he does get beat. Both will rush the puck up ice but I see Henault more likely to get back into the play when he does if it turns back the other way. Staois, and maybe it's just my impression but he seems to be a bit more emotional but distant with his team mates. If he gets beat and it costs a goal he has a look that seems to be why did the goaltender give that up and there seems to be little communication between him and the goaltender, good or bad. Could be me reading the expression wrong but that's how it comes across a lot of times. Almost looks like assigning blame at times and no personal accountability.

Both have improved this season but where as Henault as taken a big step IMO Staois has been more incremental progression. This could be because Staois was a #1 pick that I would expect more from Staois. It's easy to say with Henault he is what he is if he doesn't take a big step in development being a lower round pick but it's hard to accept it is what it is when talking about a first rounder. Looking at them both as middle pairing D down the road with Robinson knocking on the door probably by mid season next year if one had to be moved which would it be? IMO Staois who has a few more faults to his game and has not progressed as much in his personal game to go along with the higher expectations placed on a first round pick or Henault who has taken a bigger jump in progression, seems to be a bit more accountable and is probably exceeding expectations after last season and being a later round pick.

Going forward, late next season and beyond we'll have Staois, Henault, Ladd and Robinson all middle pairing D looking for ice time with some more deserving then others as well as anyone else who is drafted or steps up from the prospect pool. Nothing wrong with having solid D depth even if that means the bottom four should all be middle pairing but without taking a bigger step I can see Staois dropping down the depth chart with all of Henault, Ladd and Robinson passing him moving forward. We need to pairing D and those currently here don't appear at this time to fit the bill. Things can change of course but I don't see Staois being happy if the rest pass him and even they aren't top pairing potential.


I know he was simply a warm body who was old enough to have some experience to go over the boards a couple of shifts a game but there should have been other options. The kid Sarnia picked up for a fourth and a conditional fourth I believe and the kid Flint picked up from London for a sixth I believe. While I for one didn't want to see Rychel moving out any picks he already had I also said if he could move picks out he acquired in deals for a younger player that needed a change of scenery it would make sense. Now neither of those two were going to be stars they were both 01s I believe, both bg bodies and both had the potential to return whatever they cost to acquire if they didn't make enough of an impression to make the roster again next year. Garagan was a cheaper deal but there was no upside to the deal. HYe will likely be waived through the league with no takers whereas the other two, who played decent in their games against Windsor at least had youth and some upside on their side and for the cost of swapping out the MacDougall picks basically they could have added two more 01s and saw what they had possibly for the future. It's a rebuild, go younger not older.


I had no issue with Campbell for the most part. He was a freebie and there no other waived OAs that became available. He was very similar to Boka in that he was responsible defensively and could play up and down the line up if needed. The concern going forward in terms of comparing Campbell and Boka is Campbell is a very similar player and was available for nothing, what's Boka's value in a deal going forward? He is a bit better, brings a bit more but there really isn't a significant difference between the two and while Boka will likely return something in a deal I have a feeling it won't be much, mid to later round pick with how the value of picks is changing.


the only reason for him to return is if they move on from Piiroinen and bring in a raw 16 year old. Outside of that he came in and did a decent job some nights while others not so much. He's an average goaltender most nights who can really shine when he's on his game and everything is going right. Windsor should be able to recoup the pick they gave up or close to it. I agree Piiroinen will likely be back unless they have something unexpected up their sleeve through a deal/FA etc in which case yes, it's time to give him the reigns and go from their. He's not a bad goaltender but when he's off his game he's not good. The team in front and how they played certainly was a factor and with a year under his bely hopefully he is more prepared as to what he can expect going forward.

Boka and Purboo

They said in the article they want to be back and I can see them being back, at least until the deadline but they both need to be prepared for everything from a diminished role in the line up to moving up when called upon. They have to become secondary players who can play a support role, Campbell/Garagan/Allen come to mind. If that's not going to go over well then move on from them as soon as possible. In all fairness to Boka a lot of the frustration towards him is a direct result of how he was used and he shouldn't be held to account for Letowski's decisions. no one is going to tell their coach they don't want the extra minutes and if they did I certainly wouldn't want them on my team. Purboo I think will have higher expectations for icetime and that could be an issue as we saw when his ice time changed along with his linemates.


The article makes me nervous. I can see all three being back when the reality is none should be. Too much of Rychel taking the blame and not enough to say there will be discussions to examine what happened and how it's going to be fixed. Now of course he's not going to come out in an interview and say the coaches were this or that and discussions will be made to review their futures but something that says what we tried to do and what we had in terms of personnel not coming together will be reviewed by all so we can make the needed improvements to move forward. It's right of Rychel to take responsibility for his part, good on him but he also needs to show this was a team effort and everything that needs to be fixed will be reviewed so that a better product can be on the ice next year. Letowski seemed to hold Rychel to account as much as anything.

There will definitely be lots to discuss and like everything that happens with the team it will be discussed and debated beyond recognition. Nice to be part of a passionate fanbase just hope it's kept passionate and realistic and doesn't turn personal between some. I really enjoy the lively discussions many have on here, just the cheap shots at times get frustrating and the topic itself loses relevance when it happens.
If Staios, Henault, D"Amico, Ladd, Frasca and Angle could get a camp invite this fall I think it would do them some good. Need to see how the Pros play/work/live. I am saying this with the assumption that none will be drafted - maybe Ladd and Angle will be but it would be the lower rounds.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2016
Rock & Hardplace
Let the offseason begin.
If and it’s a big if, Letowski and company are let go as they should be I doubt we see anything for a few days and even then it could depend on who Rychel has in mind or how certain things play out over the coming weeks. I don’t think we see any movement until Rychel has wrapped up another coach and again, that’s only if they do decide to move on from him.
With only Allen and Campbell definitely gone and Garagan likely gone unless Rychel hits the reset button there are a number of players who should be worried about their positions going forward.
Potential OAs
Incze – Unless they are going to keep him as a mentor for a 16 year old should be moved simply to avoid using an OA spot on a goaltender who isn’t going to play every night if Piiroinen is back.
Stevenson – He doesn’t bring enough to the table. Keeping him is like bringing in Allen this year. They need more from an OA D and if they decide to keep Corcoran all year as well as the rest of the D there is no room for an OA on the back end.
Garagan – He should never have been brought in and there likely is a very limited if any market for him. I would imagine he will be released.
Boka – Going forward if they can add some solid young talent his only role on this team becomes 4th line and PK as well as available to move up and down the line up if they are sort handed. If that’s not acceptable move on and quite honestly I think by the deadline he should be moved anyways. He’s a heart and soul kind of player but at the same time he has a limited skill set that, being used the way he has been doesn’t help this team going forward. It’s on Letowski and company for using him that way but going forward it would be on Rychel if he keeps him around and allows Letowski or another coach to use him like that in the future.
Purboo – Like Boka he has a limited skill set although a much larger one then Boka. As the league gets faster his skating keeps hurting him. His lack of physical play, that he initiates is also a detriment. He can take the physical play and can score in just the right situations but he’s not an offensive catalyst who can carry the puck into the zone and make others better. He tends to be the one that others make better. If he’s back a third line role that creates scoring depth as well as a spot on special teams, 2nd PK and 2nd PP unit depending on other PP options. I would not put him in the top 6 and would actually prefer him on the fourth line with Boka for similar reason as Boka. In the end though by the deadline I would imagine he is moved depending on how the team is doing.
Douglas – Needs to improve his conditioning in the offseason. He also needs to be more consistent even though he was one of the most consistent players this year it wasn’t all for the right reasons. Hopefully he spends a lot of time in Dallas during the offseason getting in shape and getting better in his all around game. He is capable of playing 2nd line but has to improve his overall game.
Angle – Pleasantly surprised with the improvement. With a better year now behind him I would hope he takes that as a big confidence boost and continues to improve. He has more to give and with any luck and improvements throughout the organization hopefully he can realize how much more he can bring.
Playfair – Yes he was out for a while but he was still somewhat disappointing. At the start of the season I had him over Angle but outside of a couple of glimpses here and there he really didn’t do a whole lot. Next year if there’s an influx of talent he’s a 3rd/4th line player at best if he can hold a spot at all. While I would keep him over Boka it’s only because he’s a year younger.
D’Amico – He showed a lot of progression then fell off a cliff in terms of production. He’s still got a couple of years left but going forward he has to get back on track or get passed byt younger players coming in. Depending on who comes in 2nd/3rd line next year.
Frasca – He started off decent but as his ice time dried up so did his production. I can see him starting on the 3rd line next season playing regularly and what he does with regular ice time will determine where he ends up in the line up.
Cuylle – As a 16 year old he did extremely well proving he can score at this level. He needs to improve the defensive side of his game but that will come with experience. Him and Foudy should be 1st line starting from the beginning of the season.
Foudy – Like Cuylle he did extremely well showing he can play at this level. Needs to increase his strength and at times his awareness with and without the puck but that will come with experience.
McDonald - :Like Frasca he started off decent with limited ice time and as things started to improve his ice time dried up and his production fell off a bit. He needs a regular role, 2nd/3rd line next year depending on who they bring in will determine where he ends up. He’s capable of playing a 2nd line role but if they can add a solid contributor he could very easily fit on the 3rd line and still contribute.
Corcoran – He was forced into a role he wasn’t suited for with more ice time then he could handle. He has his moments as a solid two way D but he also has his moments with too many turnovers and things not going in the right direction. Unless they draft a kid who can step in as a #1 right off the bat or have someone in the system who will come in and take on that role he will be the default #1 next year again.
Staois – I think he will become the odd man out next year. He can skate and he can shoot once in a while but he lacks a high level of hockey sense and tends to give up too many turnovers as well as gives up on plays. He will never be more than a middle pairing D and Windsor already has 3 or 4 of them who can do the job as well as him.
Ladd – I see him as being very similar to Corcoran, a solid two way D that can play on the middle pairing.
Henault – He’s similar to Ladd, a bit more offence to his game or at least a bit more willing to rush the puck. I think Ladd has more upside overall while Henault has more offensive potential. Start the season on the second pair with Ladd but depending on who comes in and how Robinson progresses he could drop down the line up.
Robinson – He’s still very raw but you can see his confidence growing every time he was out there. It would have been nice to see how far he could have come with more opportunity. I can see him on the third pairing to start the season but if he can improve in a way similar to Henault did from year one to year two I can see him moving up the line up. Needs to get stronger and become more aware of what’s happening around him but that should come with experience.
Piiroinen – I’m not opposed to keeping him and can understand moving on from him. He showed early he could play i this league but he also struggled for an extremely long stretch as well. Some of that is on him and some on how Letowski used him. If there are better options at other positions in the import draft to take a second import I have no problem moving on from him other than there is no plan in place for a starter outside of keeping Incze. On the other hand if they keep him and he starts to struggle and they are looking to develop a younger goaltender to take over when he graduates it becomes a major problem next season. Tough choice to make but if there is no other real options in the second round of the import draft I would go with taking the chance that he can get things going in the right direction.
Line Up
Cuylle – Foudy - ???
Douglas – Angle - ???
D’Amico – Frasca – McDonald
Playfair – Boka – Purboo
??? – Corcoran
Henault – Ladd
Robinson - ???
This is assuming all of Garagan/Stevenson/Incze do not return but everyone else who is eligible is here to start the year.
None of Playfair/Boka/Purboo would be happy on the 4th line but for Windsor that becomes a solid 4th line with players that can move up and down the line up as needed and would likely see much more minutes than a typical 4th line thus allowing a bit more managed minutes for everyone else since there would still be a fair number of younger kids in the top of the line up. They would also play solid minutes in special teams, all three on the PK and Purboo on the PP.
Rychel would need to hit on his first two picks in the priority selection as well as his first in the import draft. He then needs to get a couple of his unsigned prospects into the line up as well as find some depth that can rotate in and out as needed.
Many will disagree, no problem and I can understand a lot of the reasons but going forward the youth has to be the priority and if Boka/Purboo/Playfair are going to be here next year they have to accept new roles within the roster. If Boka and Purboo particularly were to be moved I would rather see those spots go to prospects/younger players than bring in another warm body OA who will play on the 4th line/bottom pairing like Campbell and Allen did. Boka and Purboo are not top tier OAs next year and if Rychel were looking to replace them with cheaper options there would be a step down in talent. If he is going to add a higher end OA or two that will cost more than he gets from moving them. Move them and run with no OAs or keep them if he insists on having OAs but they need to drop way down the line up if they are going to be kept.
I forgot to mention that Pirroinen would have to be released before the import draft in order to make a second pick. They can't review what is left then release Pirroinen in order to make a pick. Their intentions have to be filed before the draft. Having said that I see it as highly unlikely they will be releasing him and making a second pick. Need to give him a chance and show others you don't give up on them too early.

OHL 17

Registered User
Nov 8, 2018
Windsor, On
If Staios, Henault, D"Amico, Ladd, Frasca and Angle could get a camp invite this fall I think it would do them some good. Need to see how the Pros play/work/live. I am saying this with the assumption that none will be drafted - maybe Ladd and Angle will be but it would be the lower rounds.

I would agree with you the experience would wake them up to the reality of playing NHL hockey. Inconsistency throughout the Spitfire team is a deterrent for NHL teams to draft their players.


Registered User
Apr 15, 2012
South Detroit
I forgot to mention that Pirroinen would have to be released before the import draft in order to make a second pick. They can't review what is left then release Pirroinen in order to make a pick. Their intentions have to be filed before the draft. Having said that I see it as highly unlikely they will be releasing him and making a second pick. Need to give him a chance and show others you don't give up on them too early.
Then again depending on the draft on APRIL 6th and the camp for draftees shortly thereafter he might just decide to stay home. He didn’t really get much experience here unless you consider opening the bench door experience..


Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
Cool story.

So, when IS the State of the Spitfires?

no idea why there is one this year.
Team was worse than last year.
Too close to the drafts.
Guess it is just a PR move by the spitfires.
However the fans have already spoken by the attendance in the last few games of the year and playoffs.


Registered User
Jan 13, 2016
Rock & Hardplace
Then again depending on the draft on APRIL 6th and the camp for draftees shortly thereafter he might just decide to stay home. He didn’t really get much experience here unless you consider opening the bench door experience..
True - but as it stands right now I don't see this in the cards. I mean Warren changed his mind 2 days before the Import draft last year so anything is possible.......


Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
I don't know. I'm literally trying to find out the actual date, but keep getting annoying, pointless rhetoric. Somene posted the date before.

I am sure it will be in the star very soon.
any PR is good PR for Windsor I guess.
Though fans r seeing thru this.

OHL 17

Registered User
Nov 8, 2018
Windsor, On
I am sure it will be in the star very soon.
any PR is good PR for Windsor I guess.
Though fans r seeing thru this.

I think this is a waste of time for the STM. No one should entertain this charade, and attend. Let WR arrive to an empty venue. The STM's want action, not cheap cover up for an inferior product. He could announce 5 Russians coming, but with poor leadership, nothing changes!

Without making the necessary changes in management, then next year will be even more disappointing.
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Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
I think this is a waste of time for the STM. No one should entertain this charade, and attend. Let WR arrive to an empty venue. The STM's want action, not cheap cover up for an inferior product. He could announce 5 Russians coming, but with poor leadership, nothing changes!

Without making the necessary changes in management, then next year will be even more disappointing.

could happen.
hope it doesn't. Change is needed and needed NOW!


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
bp on hfboards
I think this is a waste of time for the STM. No one should entertain this charade, and attend. Let WR arrive to an empty venue. The STM's want action, not cheap cover up for an inferior product. He could announce 5 Russians coming, but with poor leadership, nothing changes!

Without making the necessary changes in management, then next year will be even more disappointing.

It's fine that Rychel wants to put it on himself and rightfully so. The bigger question is what he's going to do about it to ensure it doesn't happen again. Doubling down on either this group or the coaching staff could have dramatic repercussions in the future.


Registered User
Nov 29, 2015
It's fine that Rychel wants to put it on himself and rightfully so. The bigger question is what he's going to do about it to ensure it doesn't happen again. Doubling down on either this group or the coaching staff could have dramatic repercussions in the future.

it has to be a MUST this does not happen again next year!!!!!!!!!!


Registered User
Sep 5, 2011
Ontario Hockey League – Official Site of the Ontario Hockey League

Seeing as the Spits draft 6th and then 41st.

WR doesnt have much wiggle room in missing with those 2 picks.

For us to even get out of the 1st rd next season along wiht those 2 picks , the Spits need that Russian and a couple of those flyers to come.

Needs all returning players to do offseason conditioning and be ready and willing to get better.

We still have a tender prob. imo.that will have to be addressed.

My take is that TL will return next season.Rychel is taking the heat for this years cluster puck.

Stay tuned..............:popcorn:


Registered User
Oct 29, 2015
IMO, if the Spits are going to make a coaching, TL needs to be fired before the draft. If they are planning on hiring a new coach, they can't have TL running the prospects camp. That would be a disaster. All the new players come in and get welcomed by a coach that is fired a month later makes no sense. I would rather have Rychel running the ice for camp if the new coach isn't on board.
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