Paul Steigerwald's contract

Ugene Magic

Oct 17, 2008
I would have taken a Mears-Bourque/Errey combo. Hell...Even a Mears-Edzo combo.

That was a sad day when Steve went to the NHL Network.

This place is all about the young guys these days.:laugh:

"Paul Styeon my eye and venom in my earsgerwald"

We are talking RSN/FSN/KBL here.

Cheap ********.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2011
does anyone know when it expires and/or if they would even consider bringing Mike Lange back on tv?

I know I'm going to get flack for this, but I like him - and Errey. I know they're far from the best... but there's a few specific things I like. One is that they don't usually diss other players when they do something very good that leads to a chance/goal/etc. And two is that they'll actually talk about some of the players on the other team. Not a ton, but just enough to let you know that there's good players over there.

I remember watching a Sens/Pens game once 3-4 years ago, and due to Center Ice, had to watch the Sens feed. Crosby and Malkin each were having a good night, and all you'd hear is how they "only got that chance because the Ottawa player tripped or whatnot". Not that Crosby deaked him out of his skates. I mean at least give some credit... there's no shame in getting owned by very good players.

Not saying they're the best... but I enjoy them, and miss it when I'm forced to watch other feeds (at least 1/3rd of the games).

Shady Machine

Registered User
Aug 6, 2010
Steiggy found a way to hate on Despres and pump Scuderi's tires constantly. It happened far too often to not be personal or team driven.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2011
I don't quite understand the obsession some have with the play by play announcing. It doesn't bother me one way or another. I don't particularly understand the, "he's a homer" comment when talking about a local sports announcer. No ****ing **** he's a homer. He's employed by the team. If you think our duo is a bunch of homers, you should listen to the **** that comes out of the mouths of other local announcers around the league. It's just as bad, if not worse in most cases.

There's a difference though between favoring your own team, and then just making **** up so your own team doesn't look as silly. See my post above for this. The homer part I can handle and deal with for about 1/3rd of the games I watch (and that's not counting CBC/TSN/NBC games). I'm not a huge fan of it... but I understand it. But I feel that Steigy and Errey while still being homers at least give credit where credit is due, and will actually inform the audience about some of the top players on the other team. Many won't say much of anything about the other team at all unless they absolutely have to.


Sullivan gots to go!
Oct 1, 2003
Montreal, QC
The true greats of the play-by-play business aren't homers. They give the entire scope of what's happening to enlighten fans and to make them smarter for listening to them.

Fans of one team don't generally know a lot about the opponents. It's the announcer's job to enlighten folks listening/watching about some the players to watch out for, some of the intricacies about the opposition, etc.

It's funny, Mike Lange has been called one of the biggest homers in pro sports over the years, but those people only know him for his goal calls. If you LISTEN to Lange, he will go on and on about the opponents all the time, and he'll give you a lot of info that a casual fan may not know. Listen to Vin Scully in baseball. He knows everything about every player, for either team. Dick Irvin used to be like that, too (former Habs radio PbP man). Doc Emrick, as annoying as his voice can be, is also like that. When he was the Devils' broadcaster, he spoke highly of their opponents all the time.

I don't know. Maybe it's just me but I thoroughly enjoy listening to classy broadcasts...and classy broadcasters.

Mike Lange is just that. Dumb & Dumber on TV certainly are not.


Clearly it's Lovejoy
Jan 25, 2012
Lange is one of the best in the business. His announcing is keeping radio broadcasting relevant, which is a pretty remarkable feat in today's media market.


Registered User
Sep 5, 2008
The best local play-by-play guys I've ever heard, in any sport, were Doc, and Sam Rosen and JD when they worked for the Devils and Rangers respectively.

member 51464

I'd pay a lot to get a feed with just on ice mics and no PBP or commentary but that goes for any game feed.

Absolutely. I'd pay real good money for that.
What kind of audio set-up do you guys have? If I set my surround sound for movie mode, all the broadcasting is coming out of the center and the crowd and ice noise is coming from everything else. I go into options and disable my center and suddenly all I hear is everything but the announcers. It isn't perfect since the game isn't mic'd up exactly for on-ice sounds, but might be worth experimenting with!


Sep 17, 2014
What kind of audio set-up do you guys have? If I set my surround sound for movie mode, all the broadcasting is coming out of the center and the crowd and ice noise is coming from everything else. I go into options and disable my center and suddenly all I hear is everything but the announcers. It isn't perfect since the game isn't mic'd up exactly for on-ice sounds, but might be worth experimenting with!

Awesome tip! So simple and... free!

Thanks brah.

Honour Over Glory

Fire Sully
Jan 30, 2012
I have never been a Doc fan.

Doc is annoying, I hope he sticks to NBC or wherever.

I honestly don't even care about Steigy and Errey as a duo, they're idiots, but they're idiots we're used to now. I feel like if there was a better replacement that would help make the games more enjoyable pbp wise, they'd do it by now.


Nerf Herder
Jul 5, 2009
You should look into building a system piecemeal over time :) Even just a 2.1 to start would be solid. Just don't get a HTIB.

I don't care nearly enough to put money into it. For one thing, I live in a tiny apartment. For another, I use my TV for about an hour a week outside of Pens games. If I want good sound for what I actually do, I'll buy better headphones for my computer. A good sound system for my tv will be something I look into when I have a house.


Registered User
Apr 20, 2006
I don't care nearly enough to put money into it. For one thing, I live in a tiny apartment. For another, I use my TV for about an hour a week outside of Pens games. If I want good sound for what I actually do, I'll buy better headphones for my computer. A good sound system for my tv will be something I look into when I have a house.

Yeah...when I had an apt I used a soundbar that came with a sub. It wasn't great, but it did the job. I've read that they're a lot better than they used to be and they're pretty affordable..

member 51464

I don't care nearly enough to put money into it. For one thing, I live in a tiny apartment. For another, I use my TV for about an hour a week outside of Pens games. If I want good sound for what I actually do, I'll buy better headphones for my computer. A good sound system for my tv will be something I look into when I have a house.



ti kallisti
May 31, 2004
Me, Ogre? I recommend buying an old 70s-era Pioneer stereo receiver. Maybe something like an SX-1050 at 120W per channel. Hook that ******* up to a couple of period speakers (why not go for the matching HPM-100s?) and top 'er off with a glorious turntable. Blast that ****er on 10 until the neighbors hate you. Turn the loudness switch off and mind the EQ and tone controls -- they make a difference.

I don't really know what to tell you about Penguins games, though. Route it through the AUX via a switchbox? I dunno. Who cares... blast some 60/70s rock at ear-splitting volumes and forget about the game.

Here to help.


ti kallisti
May 31, 2004


In all seriousness, I used pretty much that exact rig years ago (NOT in the 70s.. smartasses) to watch nearly all of the Pens games and movies, TV series, etc. I liked it a hell of a lot more than surround systems... which have always given me problems. No matter how much fine-tuning I do, I feel like the dialogue is damn near non existent and all of the action scenes blow you out of your chair. A simple two speaker, 70s stereo receiver (with two awesome speakers, given) sounded much, much more balanced and fuller to my ears. Maybe surround stuff has gotten better the last five years or so. Couldn't tell ya. I haven't kept up much with modern audio because I have that beast.

And again... it doubled (and still does) as my record playing rig. Luckily I had only one nearby neighbor and she was in her 70s and deaf. No ****. I was helping her with some yardwork once and asked her if my music ever bugged her and she said "Oh no, dearie... I like what you play." Blew my damned mind.



Nerf Herder
Jul 5, 2009
record playing rig.



ti kallisti
May 31, 2004
I know... it's hipster as all get-out.

In my defense, I started collecting many years ago (also quite the hipster thing to say). After my father gave me that very receiver plus a pile of vinyl. It wasn't that long ago you could go to thrift stores and dig up 10-20 amazing records at a time for a song. Now anyone who has some Beatles record that looks like it's been drug down a dirt road wants 20 bucks for it.


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